name: Magic Nix Cache branding: icon: "box" color: "purple" description: "Free, no-configuration Nix cache. Cut CI time by 50% or more by caching to GitHub Actions' cache." inputs: use-gha-cache: description: | Whether to upload build results to the Github Actions cache. Set to "no-preference" or null to have the GitHub Actions cache turn on if it is available, and FlakeHub Cache is not available (default). Set to "enabled" or true to explicitly request the GitHub Actions Cache. Set to "disabled" or false to explicitly disable the GitHub Actions Cache. default: null required: false listen: description: The host and port to listen on. default: upstream-cache: description: Your preferred upstream cache. Store paths in this store will not be cached in GitHub Actions' cache. default: diagnostic-endpoint: description: "Diagnostic endpoint url where diagnostics and performance data is sent. To disable set this to an empty string." default: "-" use-flakehub: description: | Whether to upload build results to FlakeHub Cache. Set to "no-preference" or null to have FlakeHub Cache turn on opportunistically (default). Set to "enabled" or true to explicitly request FlakeHub Cache. Set to "disabled" or false to explicitly disable FlakeHub Cache. default: null required: false flakehub-cache-server: description: "The FlakeHub binary cache server." default: "" flakehub-api-server: description: "The FlakeHub API server." default: "" flakehub-flake-name: description: "The name of your flake on FlakeHub. The empty string will autodetect your FlakeHub flake." default: "" required: false startup-notification-port: description: "The port magic-nix-cache uses for daemon startup notification." default: 41239 diff-store: description: "Whether or not to diff the store before and after Magic Nix Cache runs" default: false required: false source-binary: description: Run a version of the cache binary from somewhere already on disk. Conflicts with all other `source-*` options. required: false source-branch: description: The branch of `magic-nix-cache` to use. Conflicts with all other `source-*` options. required: false source-pr: description: The PR of `magic-nix-cache` to use. Conflicts with all other `source-*` options. required: false source-revision: description: The revision of `nix-magic-nix-cache` to use. Conflicts with all other `source-*` options. required: false source-tag: description: The tag of `magic-nix-cache` to use. Conflicts with all other `source-*` options. required: false source-url: description: A URL pointing to a `magic-nix-cache` binary. Overrides all other `source-*` options. required: false _internal-strict-mode: description: Whether to fail when any errors are thrown. Used only to test the Action; do not set this in your own workflows. required: false default: false runs: using: "node20" main: "./dist/index.js" post: "./dist/index.js"