// Main import * as fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import * as os from 'node:os'; import * as path from 'node:path'; import { spawn } from 'node:child_process'; import { createWriteStream, openSync, writeSync, close } from 'node:fs'; import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises'; import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import { Tail } from 'tail'; import got from "got"; const ENV_CACHE_DAEMONDIR = 'MAGIC_NIX_CACHE_DAEMONDIR'; function getCacherUrl() : string { const runnerArch = process.env.RUNNER_ARCH; const runnerOs = process.env.RUNNER_OS; const binarySuffix = `${runnerArch}-${runnerOs}`; const urlPrefix = `https://install.determinate.systems/magic-nix-cache`; if (core.getInput('source-url')) { return core.getInput('source-url'); } if (core.getInput('source-tag')) { return `${urlPrefix}/tag/${core.getInput('source-tag')}/${binarySuffix}`; } if (core.getInput('source-pr')) { return `${urlPrefix}/pr/${core.getInput('source-pr')}/${binarySuffix}`; } if (core.getInput('source-branch')) { return `${urlPrefix}/branch/${core.getInput('source-branch')}/${binarySuffix}`; } if (core.getInput('source-revision')) { return `${urlPrefix}/rev/${core.getInput('source-revision')}/${binarySuffix}`; } return `${urlPrefix}/latest/${binarySuffix}`; } async function fetchAutoCacher(destination: string) { const stream = createWriteStream(destination, { encoding: "binary", mode: 0o755, }); const binary_url = getCacherUrl(); core.debug(`Fetching the Magic Nix Cache from ${binary_url}`); return pipeline( got.stream(binary_url), stream ); } async function setUpAutoCache() { const tmpdir = process.env['RUNNER_TEMP'] || os.tmpdir(); const required_env = ['ACTIONS_CACHE_URL', 'ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL', 'ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN']; var anyMissing = false; for (const n of required_env) { if (!process.env.hasOwnProperty(n)) { anyMissing = true; core.warning(`Disabling automatic caching since required environment ${n} isn't available`); } } if (anyMissing) { return; } core.debug(`GitHub Action Cache URL: ${process.env['ACTIONS_CACHE_URL']}`); const daemonDir = await fs.mkdtemp(path.join(tmpdir, 'magic-nix-cache-')); var daemonBin: string; if (core.getInput('source-binary')) { daemonBin = core.getInput('source-binary'); } else { daemonBin = `${daemonDir}/magic-nix-cache`; await fetchAutoCacher(daemonBin); } var runEnv; if (core.isDebug()) { runEnv = { RUST_LOG: "trace,nix_actions_cache=debug,gha_cache=debug", RUST_BACKTRACE: "full", ...process.env }; } else { runEnv = process.env; } const output = openSync(`${daemonDir}/parent.log`, 'a'); const launch = spawn( daemonBin, [ '--daemon-dir', daemonDir, '--listen', core.getInput('listen'), '--upstream', core.getInput('upstream-cache'), '--diagnostic-endpoint', core.getInput('diagnostic-endpoint') ], { stdio: ['ignore', output, output], env: runEnv } ); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { launch.on('exit', (code, signal) => { if (signal) { reject(new Error(`Daemon was killed by signal ${signal}`)); } else if (code) { reject(new Error(`Daemon exited with code ${code}`)); } else { resolve(); } }); }); await fs.mkdir(`${process.env["HOME"]}/.config/nix`, { recursive: true }); const nixConf = openSync(`${process.env["HOME"]}/.config/nix/nix.conf`, 'a'); writeSync(nixConf, `${"\n"}extra-substituters = http://${core.getInput('listen')}/?trusted=1&compression=zstd¶llel-compression=true${"\n"}`); close(nixConf); core.debug('Launched Magic Nix Cache'); core.exportVariable(ENV_CACHE_DAEMONDIR, daemonDir); } async function notifyAutoCache() { const daemonDir = process.env[ENV_CACHE_DAEMONDIR]; if (!daemonDir) { return; } const res: any = await got.post(`http://${core.getInput('listen')}/api/workflow-start`).json(); core.debug(res); } async function tearDownAutoCache() { const daemonDir = process.env[ENV_CACHE_DAEMONDIR]; if (!daemonDir) { core.debug('magic-nix-cache not started - Skipping'); return; } const pidFile = path.join(daemonDir, 'daemon.pid'); const pid = parseInt(await fs.readFile(pidFile, { encoding: 'ascii' })); core.debug(`found daemon pid: ${pid}`); if (!pid) { throw new Error("magic-nix-cache did not start successfully"); } const log = new Tail(path.join(daemonDir, 'daemon.log')); core.debug(`tailing daemon.log...`); log.on('line', (line) => { core.debug(`got a log line`); core.info(line); }); try { core.debug(`about to post to localhost`); const res: any = await got.post(`http://${core.getInput('listen')}/api/workflow-finish`).json(); core.debug(`back from post`); core.debug(res); } finally { await setTimeout(5000); core.debug(`unwatching the daemon log`); log.unwatch(); } core.debug(`killing`); try { process.kill(pid, 'SIGTERM'); } catch (e) { if (e.code !== 'ESRCH') { throw e; } } } const isPost = !!process.env['STATE_isPost']; try { if (!isPost) { core.saveState('isPost', 'true'); await setUpAutoCache(); await notifyAutoCache(); } else { await tearDownAutoCache(); } } catch (e) { core.info(`got an exception:`); core.info(e); if (!isPost) { core.setFailed(e.message); throw e; } else { core.info("not considering this a failure: finishing the upload is optional, anyway."); process.exit(); }} core.debug(`rip`);