/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import { Circus } from '@jest/types'; export declare const makeDescribe: (name: string, parent?: Circus.DescribeBlock | undefined, mode?: void | "skip" | "only" | "todo" | undefined) => Circus.DescribeBlock; export declare const makeTest: (fn: import("@jest/types/build/Global").TestFn | undefined, mode: Circus.BlockMode, name: string, parent: Circus.DescribeBlock, timeout: number | undefined, asyncError: any) => Circus.TestEntry; export declare const getAllHooksForDescribe: (describe: Circus.DescribeBlock) => { beforeAll: Circus.Hook[]; afterAll: Circus.Hook[]; }; export declare const getEachHooksForTest: (test: Circus.TestEntry) => { beforeEach: Circus.Hook[]; afterEach: Circus.Hook[]; }; export declare const describeBlockHasTests: (describe: Circus.DescribeBlock) => boolean; export declare const callAsyncCircusFn: (fn: Circus.AsyncFn, testContext: Record<string, any> | undefined, { isHook, timeout }: { isHook?: boolean | null | undefined; timeout: number; }) => Promise<any>; export declare const getTestDuration: (test: Circus.TestEntry) => number | null; export declare const makeRunResult: (describeBlock: Circus.DescribeBlock, unhandledErrors: Error[]) => Circus.RunResult; export declare const getTestID: (test: Circus.TestEntry) => string; export declare const addErrorToEachTestUnderDescribe: (describeBlock: Circus.DescribeBlock, error: any, asyncError: any) => void; export declare const invariant: (condition: unknown, message?: string | undefined) => void; //# sourceMappingURL=utils.d.ts.map