'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, 'Frame', { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _types.Frame; } }); exports.separateMessageFromStack = exports.formatResultsErrors = exports.formatStackTrace = exports.getTopFrame = exports.getStackTraceLines = exports.formatExecError = void 0; var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require('fs')); var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require('path')); var _chalk = _interopRequireDefault(require('chalk')); var _micromatch = _interopRequireDefault(require('micromatch')); var _slash = _interopRequireDefault(require('slash')); var _codeFrame = require('@babel/code-frame'); var _stackUtils = _interopRequireDefault(require('stack-utils')); var _types = require('./types'); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; var jestReadFile = global[Symbol.for('jest-native-read-file')] || _fs.default.readFileSync; var Symbol = global['jest-symbol-do-not-touch'] || global.Symbol; // stack utils tries to create pretty stack by making paths relative. const stackUtils = new _stackUtils.default({ cwd: 'something which does not exist' }); let nodeInternals = []; try { nodeInternals = _stackUtils.default.nodeInternals(); } catch (e) { // `StackUtils.nodeInternals()` fails in browsers. We don't need to remove // node internals in the browser though, so no issue. } const PATH_NODE_MODULES = `${_path.default.sep}node_modules${ _path.default.sep }`; const PATH_JEST_PACKAGES = `${_path.default.sep}jest${ _path.default.sep }packages${_path.default.sep}`; // filter for noisy stack trace lines const JASMINE_IGNORE = /^\s+at(?:(?:.jasmine\-)|\s+jasmine\.buildExpectationResult)/; const JEST_INTERNALS_IGNORE = /^\s+at.*?jest(-.*?)?(\/|\\)(build|node_modules|packages)(\/|\\)/; const ANONYMOUS_FN_IGNORE = /^\s+at <anonymous>.*$/; const ANONYMOUS_PROMISE_IGNORE = /^\s+at (new )?Promise \(<anonymous>\).*$/; const ANONYMOUS_GENERATOR_IGNORE = /^\s+at Generator.next \(<anonymous>\).*$/; const NATIVE_NEXT_IGNORE = /^\s+at next \(native\).*$/; const TITLE_INDENT = ' '; const MESSAGE_INDENT = ' '; const STACK_INDENT = ' '; const ANCESTRY_SEPARATOR = ' \u203A '; const TITLE_BULLET = _chalk.default.bold('\u25cf '); const STACK_TRACE_COLOR = _chalk.default.dim; const STACK_PATH_REGEXP = /\s*at.*\(?(\:\d*\:\d*|native)\)?/; const EXEC_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Test suite failed to run'; const NOT_EMPTY_LINE_REGEXP = /^(?!$)/gm; const indentAllLines = (lines, indent) => lines.replace(NOT_EMPTY_LINE_REGEXP, indent); const trim = string => (string || '').trim(); // Some errors contain not only line numbers in stack traces // e.g. SyntaxErrors can contain snippets of code, and we don't // want to trim those, because they may have pointers to the column/character // which will get misaligned. const trimPaths = string => string.match(STACK_PATH_REGEXP) ? trim(string) : string; const getRenderedCallsite = (fileContent, line, column) => { let renderedCallsite = (0, _codeFrame.codeFrameColumns)( fileContent, { start: { column, line } }, { highlightCode: true } ); renderedCallsite = indentAllLines(renderedCallsite, MESSAGE_INDENT); renderedCallsite = `\n${renderedCallsite}\n`; return renderedCallsite; }; // ExecError is an error thrown outside of the test suite (not inside an `it` or // `before/after each` hooks). If it's thrown, none of the tests in the file // are executed. const formatExecError = (error, config, options, testPath, reuseMessage) => { if (!error || typeof error === 'number') { error = new Error(`Expected an Error, but "${String(error)}" was thrown`); error.stack = ''; } let message, stack; if (typeof error === 'string' || !error) { error || (error = 'EMPTY ERROR'); message = ''; stack = error; } else { message = error.message; stack = error.stack; } const separated = separateMessageFromStack(stack || ''); stack = separated.stack; if (separated.message.indexOf(trim(message)) !== -1) { // Often stack trace already contains the duplicate of the message message = separated.message; } message = indentAllLines(message, MESSAGE_INDENT); stack = stack && !options.noStackTrace ? '\n' + formatStackTrace(stack, config, options, testPath) : ''; if (message.match(/^\s*$/) && stack.match(/^\s*$/)) { // this can happen if an empty object is thrown. message = MESSAGE_INDENT + 'Error: No message was provided'; } let messageToUse; if (reuseMessage) { messageToUse = ` ${message.trim()}`; } else { messageToUse = `${EXEC_ERROR_MESSAGE}\n\n${message}`; } return TITLE_INDENT + TITLE_BULLET + messageToUse + stack + '\n'; }; exports.formatExecError = formatExecError; const removeInternalStackEntries = (lines, options) => { let pathCounter = 0; return lines.filter(line => { if (ANONYMOUS_FN_IGNORE.test(line)) { return false; } if (ANONYMOUS_PROMISE_IGNORE.test(line)) { return false; } if (ANONYMOUS_GENERATOR_IGNORE.test(line)) { return false; } if (NATIVE_NEXT_IGNORE.test(line)) { return false; } if (nodeInternals.some(internal => internal.test(line))) { return false; } if (!STACK_PATH_REGEXP.test(line)) { return true; } if (JASMINE_IGNORE.test(line)) { return false; } if (++pathCounter === 1) { return true; // always keep the first line even if it's from Jest } if (options.noStackTrace) { return false; } if (JEST_INTERNALS_IGNORE.test(line)) { return false; } return true; }); }; const formatPaths = (config, relativeTestPath, line) => { // Extract the file path from the trace line. const match = line.match(/(^\s*at .*?\(?)([^()]+)(:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\)?.*$)/); if (!match) { return line; } let filePath = (0, _slash.default)( _path.default.relative(config.rootDir, match[2]) ); // highlight paths from the current test file if ( (config.testMatch && config.testMatch.length && _micromatch.default.some(filePath, config.testMatch)) || filePath === relativeTestPath ) { filePath = _chalk.default.reset.cyan(filePath); } return STACK_TRACE_COLOR(match[1]) + filePath + STACK_TRACE_COLOR(match[3]); }; const getStackTraceLines = ( stack, options = { noStackTrace: false } ) => removeInternalStackEntries(stack.split(/\n/), options); exports.getStackTraceLines = getStackTraceLines; const getTopFrame = lines => { var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true; var _didIteratorError = false; var _iteratorError = undefined; try { for ( var _iterator = lines[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true ) { const line = _step.value; if ( line.includes(PATH_NODE_MODULES) || line.includes(PATH_JEST_PACKAGES) ) { continue; } const parsedFrame = stackUtils.parseLine(line.trim()); if (parsedFrame && parsedFrame.file) { return parsedFrame; } } } catch (err) { _didIteratorError = true; _iteratorError = err; } finally { try { if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) { _iterator.return(); } } finally { if (_didIteratorError) { throw _iteratorError; } } } return null; }; exports.getTopFrame = getTopFrame; const formatStackTrace = (stack, config, options, testPath) => { const lines = getStackTraceLines(stack, options); const topFrame = getTopFrame(lines); let renderedCallsite = ''; const relativeTestPath = testPath ? (0, _slash.default)(_path.default.relative(config.rootDir, testPath)) : null; if (topFrame) { const column = topFrame.column, filename = topFrame.file, line = topFrame.line; if (line && filename && _path.default.isAbsolute(filename)) { let fileContent; try { // TODO: check & read HasteFS instead of reading the filesystem: // see: https://github.com/facebook/jest/pull/5405#discussion_r164281696 fileContent = jestReadFile(filename, 'utf8'); renderedCallsite = getRenderedCallsite(fileContent, line, column); } catch (e) { // the file does not exist or is inaccessible, we ignore } } } const stacktrace = lines .filter(Boolean) .map( line => STACK_INDENT + formatPaths(config, relativeTestPath, trimPaths(line)) ) .join('\n'); return `${renderedCallsite}\n${stacktrace}`; }; exports.formatStackTrace = formatStackTrace; const formatResultsErrors = (testResults, config, options, testPath) => { const failedResults = testResults.reduce((errors, result) => { result.failureMessages.forEach(content => errors.push({ content, result }) ); return errors; }, []); if (!failedResults.length) { return null; } return failedResults .map(({result, content}) => { let _separateMessageFromS = separateMessageFromStack(content), message = _separateMessageFromS.message, stack = _separateMessageFromS.stack; stack = options.noStackTrace ? '' : STACK_TRACE_COLOR( formatStackTrace(stack, config, options, testPath) ) + '\n'; message = indentAllLines(message, MESSAGE_INDENT); const title = _chalk.default.bold.red( TITLE_INDENT + TITLE_BULLET + result.ancestorTitles.join(ANCESTRY_SEPARATOR) + (result.ancestorTitles.length ? ANCESTRY_SEPARATOR : '') + result.title ) + '\n'; return title + '\n' + message + '\n' + stack; }) .join('\n'); }; // jasmine and worker farm sometimes don't give us access to the actual // Error object, so we have to regexp out the message from the stack string // to format it. exports.formatResultsErrors = formatResultsErrors; const separateMessageFromStack = content => { if (!content) { return { message: '', stack: '' }; } // All lines up to what looks like a stack -- or if nothing looks like a stack // (maybe it's a code frame instead), just the first non-empty line. // If the error is a plain "Error:" instead of a SyntaxError or TypeError we // remove the prefix from the message because it is generally not useful. const messageMatch = content.match( /^(?:Error: )?([\s\S]*?(?=\n\s*at\s.*\:\d*\:\d*)|\s*.*)([\s\S]*)$/ ); if (!messageMatch) { // For flow throw new Error('If you hit this error, the regex above is buggy.'); } const message = messageMatch[1]; const stack = messageMatch[2]; return { message, stack }; }; exports.separateMessageFromStack = separateMessageFromStack;