/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /// <reference types="node" /> import { JestHookEmitter } from 'jest-watcher'; import { Config } from '@jest/types'; import { AggregatedResult } from '@jest/test-result'; import { ChangedFiles } from 'jest-changed-files'; import FailedTestsCache from './FailedTestsCache'; import TestWatcher from './TestWatcher'; import { Filter } from './types'; declare const _default: ({ contexts, globalConfig, outputStream, testWatcher, jestHooks, startRun, changedFilesPromise, onComplete, failedTestsCache, filter, }: { globalConfig: Config.GlobalConfig; contexts: import("jest-runtime/build/types").Context[]; outputStream: NodeJS.WritableStream; testWatcher: TestWatcher; jestHooks?: JestHookEmitter | undefined; startRun: (globalConfig: Config.GlobalConfig) => void; changedFilesPromise?: Promise<ChangedFiles> | undefined; onComplete: (testResults: AggregatedResult) => void; failedTestsCache?: FailedTestsCache | undefined; filter?: Filter | undefined; }) => Promise<void | null>; export default _default; //# sourceMappingURL=runJest.d.ts.map