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var previousVideoID = null
2019-01-18 21:00:57 +01:00
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener( // On tab update
2019-01-15 19:24:44 +01:00
function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
if (changeInfo != undefined && changeInfo.url != undefined) {
2019-07-09 21:55:33 +02:00
let id = getYouTubeVideoID(changeInfo.url);
if (changeInfo.url && id) { // If URL changed and is youtube video message contentScript the video id
chrome.tabs.sendMessage( tabId, {
message: 'ytvideoid',
id: id
2019-01-15 19:24:44 +01:00
2019-07-09 21:55:33 +02:00
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, callback) {
if (request.message == "submitTimes") {
success: true
} else if(request.message == "ytvideoid") {
if (previousVideoID != request.videoID) {
2019-07-09 21:55:33 +02:00
function submitTimes(videoID) {
//get the video times from storage
let sponsorTimeKey = 'sponsorTimes' + videoID;
chrome.storage.local.get([sponsorTimeKey], function(result) {
let sponsorTimes = result[sponsorTimeKey];
2019-07-09 21:55:33 +02:00
if (sponsorTimes != undefined && sponsorTimes != []) {
2019-07-09 21:55:33 +02:00
//submit these times
for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) {
2019-07-09 21:55:33 +02:00
let xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
//submit the sponsorTime
xmlhttp.open('GET', 'http://localhost/api/postVideoSponsorTimes?videoID=' + videoID + "&startTime=" + sponsorTimes[i][0] + "&endTime=" + sponsorTimes[i][1], true);
2019-07-09 21:55:33 +02:00
function videoIDChange(currentVideoID) {
//warn them if they had unsubmitted times
if (previousVideoID != null) {
//get the sponsor times from storage
let sponsorTimeKey = 'sponsorTimes' + previousVideoID;
chrome.storage.local.get([sponsorTimeKey], function(result) {
let sponsorTimes = result[sponsorTimeKey];
if (sponsorTimes != undefined && sponsorTimes.length > 0) {
//warn them that they have unsubmitted sponsor times
chrome.notifications.create("stillThere" + Math.random(), {
type: "basic",
title: "Do you want to submit the sponsor times for watch?v=" + previousVideoID + "?",
message: "You seem to have left some sponsor times unsubmitted. Go back to that page to submit them (they are not deleted).",
iconUrl: "icon.png"
//set the previous video id to the currentID
previousVideoID = currentVideoID;
} else {
previousVideoID = currentVideoID;
function getYouTubeVideoID(url) { // Return video id or false
var regExp = /^.*((youtu.be\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/;
var match = url.match(regExp);
return (match && match[7].length == 11) ? match[7] : false;