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If you make any contributions to SponsorBlock after this file was created, you are agreeing that any code you have contributed will be licensed under LGPL-3.0 or later.
2023-07-06 22:33:03 +02:00
# Building
## Building locally
0. You must have [Node.js 16 or later](https://nodejs.org/) and npm installed.
1. Clone with submodules
git clone --recursive https://github.com/ajayyy/SponsorBlock
Or if you already cloned it, pull submodules with
git submodule update --init --recursive
2. Copy the file `config.json.example` to `config.json` and adjust configuration as desired.
- Comments are invalid in JSON, make sure they are all removed.
- You will need to repeat this step in the future if you get build errors related to `CompileConfig` or `property does not exist on type ConfigClass`. This can happen for example when a new category is added.
3. Run `npm install` in the repository to install dependencies.
4. Run `npm run build:dev` (for Chrome) or `npm run build:dev:firefox` (for Firefox) to generate a development version of the extension with source maps.
- You can also run `npm run build` (for Chrome) or `npm run build:firefox` (for Firefox) to generate a production build.
5. The built extension is now in `dist/`. You can load this folder directly in Chrome as an [unpacked extension](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/getstarted/#manifest), or convert it to a zip file to load it as a [temporary extension](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Tools/about:debugging#loading_a_temporary_extension) in Firefox.
2023-07-06 22:33:03 +02:00
## Windows-specific build issues
2023-07-06 22:33:03 +02:00
"Cannot find module "../maze-utils"
- `src/maze-utils` will not appear properly and builds will fail since it is is only rendered as a file
- Enable "Developer Mode" in Windows (This enables symlink support)
- Enable symlink support in git:
git config --global core.symlinks true
- Replace the text file with a symlink:
git checkout -- src/maze-utils
## Developing with a clean profile and hot reloading
Run `npm run dev` (for Chrome) or `npm run dev:firefox` (for Firefox) to run the extension using a clean browser profile with hot reloading. This uses [`web-ext run`](https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/web-ext-command-reference/#commands).
Known chromium bug: Extension is not loaded properly on first start. Visit `chrome://extensions/` and reload the extension.
For Firefox for Android, use `npm run dev:firefox-android -- --adb-device <ip-address of the device>`. See the [Firefox documentation](https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/developing-extensions-for-firefox-for-android/#debug-your-extension) for more information.