Merge branch 'master' of into improvements

# Conflicts:
#	src/components/SkipNoticeComponent.tsx
#	src/config.ts
#	src/content.ts
This commit is contained in:
Ajay Ramachandran 2021-06-30 21:27:21 -04:00
commit d458bb0cdf
56 changed files with 1677 additions and 1265 deletions

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
<a href="">Firefox</a> |
<a href="">Android</a> |
<a href="">Edge</a> |
<a href="">Safari for MacOS</a> |
<a href="">Website</a> |
<a href="">Stats</a>
@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
<b>3rd-Party Ports:</b>
<a href="">MPV</a> |
<a href="">Kodi</a> |
<a href="">Safari for MacOS</a> |
<a href="">Chromecast</a> |
<a href="">iOS</a>

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "__MSG_fullName__",
"short_name": "SponsorBlock",
"version": "",
"version": "2.1.1",
"default_locale": "en",
"description": "__MSG_Description__",
"homepage_url": "",
@ -71,7 +71,9 @@
"32": "icons/IconSponsorBlocker32px.png",
"64": "icons/LogoSponsorBlocker64px.png",
"128": "icons/LogoSponsorBlocker128px.png",
"256": "icons/LogoSponsorBlocker256px.png"
"256": "icons/LogoSponsorBlocker256px.png",
"512": "icons/LogoSponsorBlocker512px.png",
"1024": "icons/LogoSponsorBlocker1024px.png"
"options_ui": {
"page": "options/options.html",

View file

@ -104,15 +104,15 @@
"category_sponsor": {
"message": "Спонсорство"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Когато има кратко напомняне да харесате, да се абонирате или да последвате канала по средата на съдържанието. Ако е дълго или заради нещо специфично, трябва да е под \"само-реклама\"."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Неплатена/Само-реклама"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Подобно на \"спонсорство\", но е неплатено. Това включва merchandise, дарения или информация с кого каналът има сътрудничество."
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Когато има кратко напомняне да харесате, да се абонирате или да последвате канала по средата на съдържанието. Ако е дълго или заради нещо специфично, трябва да е под \"само-реклама\"."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Музика: Част без музика"

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
"message": "Nikdy nezobrazovat"
"hitGoBack": {
"message": "Stiskněte \"Vrátit se\" aby jste se dostali do místa před přeskočením."
"message": "Klikněte na \"Vrátit se\", abyste se dostali do místa před přeskočením."
"unskip": {
"message": "Vrátit se"
@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Tato vlastnost sleduje, jaké segmenty jste přeskočili, abychom dali uživatelům vědět, jak moc jejich příspěvek pomohl ostatním a může být použita jako sledování společně s hlasy pro zajištění, že se spam nedostane do databáze. Toto rozšíření posílá zprávu serveru pokaždé když přeskočíte segment. Doufejme, že si moc lidí nezmění toto nastavení, aby byla zobrazená čísla přesná. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Povolit sledování počtu přeskočení v soukromých/anonymních oknech"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Dotaz podle hash předpony"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Nastavit klíč pro přeskočení segmentu"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Nastavte klávesu pro spuštění segmentu"
"message": "Nastavte klávesu pro spuštění/zastavení segmentu"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Nastavte klávesu pro odeslání"
@ -347,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Je momentálně nastaveno na:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Podpora Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Podpora pro weby YouTube třetích stran"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( je YouTube klient třetí strany. Chcete-li povolit podporu, musíte přijmout další oprávnění. Toto NEFUNGUJE v anonymním režimu v Chromu a dalších Chromium prohlížečích."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Podpora pro YouTube klienty třetích stran. Chcete-li povolit podporu, musíte přijmout další oprávnění. Toto NEFUNGUJE v anonymním režimu v Chromu a dalších Chromium prohlížečích.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Podporované weby: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Povolení podpory Invidious, zakázání automatického přeskočení, skrytí tlačítek a více."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Přidat relaci Invidious"
"message": "Přidat relaci klienta třetí strany"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Přidat vlastní relaci Invidious. Musí být formátována POUZE s doménou. Například:"
"message": "Přidat vlastní relaci. Musí být formátována POUZE s doménou. Například:"
"add": {
"message": "Přidat"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Náhled"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Neodesláno"
"inspect": {
"message": "Kontrola"
@ -477,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Placená propagace, placená doporučení a přímé reklamy. Nezahrnuje sebepropagaci nebo shout-outy uživatelů/tvůrců/webů/produktů, které se tvůrcovi líbí."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Neplacená / vlastní propagace"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Podobně jako \"sponzor\" s výjimkou neplacených nebo propagačních akcí. Zahrnuje sekce o zboží, dary nebo informace o tom, s kým spolupracují."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Připomenutí interakce (odběr)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Při krátké připomínce dát like, odběr nebo sledování tvůrce uprostřed obsahu. Pokud je segment dlouhý nebo zahrnuje něco specifického, mělo by být místo toho zařazeno do vlastní propagace."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Připomenutí interakce"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Přestávka / úvodní animace"
@ -492,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Titulky nebo když se objeví konečné karty YouTube. Není pro závěry s informacemi."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Připomenutí interakce (odběr)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Náhled/shrnutí"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Při krátké připomínce dát like, odběr nebo sledování tvůrce uprostřed obsahu. Pokud je segment dlouhý nebo zahrnuje něco specifického, mělo by být místo toho zařazeno do vlastní propagace."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Připomenutí interakce"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Neplacená / vlastní propagace"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Podobně jako \"sponzor\" s výjimkou neplacených nebo propagačních akcí. Zahrnuje sekce o zboží, dary nebo informace o tom, s kým spolupracují."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Rychlé shrnutí předchozích epizod nebo náhled toho, co se objeví v aktuálním videu. Myšleno pro upravené sloučené klipy, ne pro mluvená shrnutí."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Hudba: nehudební sekce"
@ -535,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Vaše barva má nesprávný formát. Měl by to být 3 nebo 6 znaků dlouhý HEX kód s křížkem na začátku."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Barva náhledu",
"message": "Barva neodeslaného segmentu",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "skryté: moc krátké"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID kanálu ještě nebylo načteno."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "ID kanálu ještě není načteno. Pokud používáte vložené video, zkuste místo toho použít domovskou stránku YouTube. Toto může být také způsobeno změnami v rozložení YouTube, pokud si myslíte, že tomu tak bude, zanechte zde komentář:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Vypadá to, že něco blokuje schopnost SponsorBlocku získat údaje o videu. Pro více informací prosím navštivte"
@ -603,9 +620,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Pokud vám tento problém nepůjde vyřešit, vypněte nastavení 'Vynutit kontrolu kanálu před přeskočením', protože SponsorBlock nemůže zjistit informace o kanálu"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Pokud k tomu stále dochází, může to být způsobeno vaším adblockerem. Podívejte se prosím's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Vynutit kontrolu kanálu před přeskočením"
@ -640,7 +654,17 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Otevřít možnosti pro přeskočení intra, outra, merche apod."
"help": {
"message": "Nápověda"
"experimentUnlistedTitle": {
"message": "Pomozte zabránit zmizení tohoto"
"experimentUnlistedText": {
"message": "Toto video bylo detekováno jako neuvedené a bylo nahráno před rokem 2017\nStará neuvedená videa budou nastavena příští měsíc na soukromá\nSbíráme *veřejná* videa pro zálohu\nChtěli byste nám anonymně poslat toto video?\n"
"experiementOptOut": {
"message": "Odhlásit se ze všech budoucích experimentů",
"description": "This is used in a popup about a new experiment to get a list of unlisted videos to back up since all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 will be set to private."
"hideForever": {
"message": "Skrýt napořád"

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description": "Name of the extension."
"Description": {
"message": "Überspringe Sponsoren, betteln um Abonnenten und mehr in YouTube Videos. Melde Sponsoren in Videos, die du guckst, um anderen Zeit zu sparen.",
"message": "Überspringe Sponsoren, Betteln um Abonnenten und mehr in YouTube-Videos. Melde Sponsoren in Videos, die du guckst, um Anderen Zeit zu sparen.",
"description": "Description of the extension."
"400": {
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"message": "Melden"
"reportButtonInfo": {
"message": "Diese Einreichung als falsch melden"
"message": "Diesen Beitrag als falsch melden."
"Dismiss": {
"message": "Abbrechen"
@ -59,16 +59,16 @@
"message": "Timer angehalten"
"confirmMSG": {
"message": "Um einzelne Werte zu löschen oder zu ändern, klicke auf den Info-Knopf, oder öffne die Erweiterungs-Übersicht, indem du das Erweiterungssymbol in der Ecke oben rechts anklickst."
"message": "Um einzelne Werte zu löschen oder zu ändern, klicke auf den Info-Knopf oder öffne die Erweiterungsübersicht, indem du das Erweiterungssymbol in der Ecke oben rechts anklickst."
"clearThis": {
"message": "Bist du sicher, dass du Folgendes löschen möchtest?\n\n"
"Unknown": {
"message": "Deine Einreichung konnte nicht übertragen werden, bitte versuche es später erneut."
"message": "Dein Beitrag konnte nicht übertragen werden, bitte versuche es später erneut."
"sponsorFound": {
"message": "In der Datenbank wurden überspringbare Segmente für dieses Video gefunden!"
"message": "Die Datenbank enthält überspringbare Segmente für dieses Video!"
"sponsor404": {
"message": "Keine Segmente gefunden"
@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "Segment endet jetzt"
"sponsorCancel": {
"message": "Segmenterstellung abbrechen"
"noVideoID": {
"message": "Kein YouTube-Video gefunden.\nWenn dies falsch ist, aktualisiere den Tab."
@ -89,7 +92,7 @@
"message": "Abgestimmt!"
"serverDown": {
"message": "Der Server ist scheinbar offline. Bitte unverzüglich dem Entwickler melden."
"message": "Der Server ist anscheinend offline. Bitte unverzüglich dem Entwickler melden."
"connectionError": {
"message": "Ein Verbindungsfehler ist aufgetreten. Fehlermeldung: "
@ -107,7 +110,7 @@
"message": "Pop-up schließen"
"SubmitTimes": {
"message": "Segmente übermitteln"
"message": "Senden"
"submitCheck": {
"message": "Bist du sicher, dass du dies übermitteln willst?"
@ -116,7 +119,7 @@
"message": "Kanal zur Whitelist hinzufügen"
"removeFromWhitelist": {
"message": "Kanal von der Whitelist entfernen"
"message": "Kanal aus der Whitelist entfernen"
"voteOnTime": {
"message": "Über ein Segment abstimmen"
@ -138,7 +141,7 @@
"description": "Appears in the popup to inform them that editing has been moved to the video player."
"popupHint": {
"message": "Tipp: Du kannst Tastenkombinationen für das Senden in den Optionen festlegen"
"message": "Tipp: Du kannst Tastenkombinationen in den Optionen festlegen"
"clearTimesButton": {
"message": "Zeiten löschen"
@ -153,7 +156,7 @@
"message": "Benutzername"
"setUsername": {
"message": "Alias festlegen"
"message": "Benutzernamen festlegen"
"discordAdvert": {
"message": "Tritt dem offiziellen Discord-Server bei und teile Anregungen und Feedback!"
@ -192,10 +195,10 @@
"message": "Dieser Knopf im YouTube-Videoplayer löscht alle nicht übermittelten Segmente für das aktuelle Video."
"enableViewTracking": {
"message": "Aktiviere das Mitzählen übersprungener Segmente"
"message": "Aktiviere das Zählen übersprungener Segmente"
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Diese Funktion verfolgt welche Segmente du übersprungen hast, um andere Benutzer wissen zu lassen, wie sehr ihre Einreichung anderen geholfen hat, sowie um als Metrik zusammen mit positiven Bewertungen sicherzustellen, dass kein Spam in die Datenbank gelangt. Die Erweiterung sendet jedes Mal, wenn du ein Segment überspringst, eine Nachricht an den Server. Hoffentlich ändern die meisten Leute diese Einstellung nicht, so dass die Zahlen korrekt sind. :)"
"message": "Diese Funktion erfasst, welche Segmente du übersprungen hast, um andere Nutzer zu zeigen, wie hilfreich ihre Beiträge sind. Außerdem stellt dies zusammen mit positiven Bewertungen sicher, dass keine unerwünschten Inhalte in die Datenbank gelangen. Die Erweiterung sendet jedes Mal, wenn du ein Segment überspringst, eine Meldung an den Server. Hoffentlich verändern die meisten Nutzer diese Einstellung nicht, um unsere Statistik zu verbessern :)"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Abfrage nach Hash-Präfix"
@ -204,13 +207,13 @@
"message": "Anstatt Segmente mit der Video-ID vom Server anzufordern, werden die ersten 4 Zeichen des Hashs der Video-ID gesendet. Der Server sendet Daten für alle Videos mit ähnlichen Hashes zurück."
"enableRefetchWhenNotFound": {
"message": "Segmente für neue Videos neu abrufen"
"message": "Segmente bei neuen Videos erneut abrufen"
"whatRefetchWhenNotFound": {
"message": "Wenn das Video neu ist und keine Segmente gefunden wurden, wird während des Betrachtens alle paar Minuten erneut eine Anfrage gesendet."
"showNotice": {
"message": "Benachrichtigung wieder zeigen"
"message": "Hinweis erneut anzeigen"
"longDescription": {
"message": "SponsorBlock lässt dich gesponserte Videosegmente, Intros, Outros, Interaktions-Erinnerungen, Musikvideoteile ohne Musik und andere nervige Teile von YouTube-Videos überspringen. SponsorBlock ist eine crowdsourced Browser-Erweiterung, in der jeder die Start- und Endzeit gesponserter Videosegmente und anderer Segmente von YouTube-Videos einreicht. Sobald eine Person diese Informationen einreicht, überspringen alle anderen mit dieser Erweiterung das gesponserte Segment.",
@ -229,14 +232,14 @@
"description": "The first line of the message displayed after the notice was upgraded."
"noticeUpdate2": {
"message": "Gefällt dir immer noch nicht? Dann klicke auf den Verstecken-Knopf.",
"message": "Falls es dir trotzdem nicht gefällt, drücke auf \"Verstecken\".",
"description": "The second line of the message displayed after the notice was upgraded."
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "Taste zum Überspringen eines Segments festlegen"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Taste für das Starten eines Segments festlegen"
"message": "Taste für das Starten/Stoppen eines Segments festlegen"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Taste für das Einsenden festlegen"
@ -321,7 +324,7 @@
"message": "Du kannst den Serverstatus auf überprüfen."
"changeUserID": {
"message": "Interne Benutzer-ID importieren/exportieren"
"message": "Benutzer-ID importieren/exportieren"
"whatChangeUserID": {
"message": "Halte diese ID geheim. Sie ist dazu in der Lage dich eindeutig zu identifizieren und sollte mit niemanden geteilt werden."
@ -344,20 +347,20 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Aktuelle Einstellung:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Invidious-Kompatibilität"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Drittanbieter YouTube-Sites unterstützen"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( ist ein Drittanbieter-YouTube-Client. Um Support zu aktivieren, musst du die zusätzlichen Berechtigungen akzeptieren. Dies funktioniert NICHT im Inkognitomodus auf Chrome und anderen Chromium-Varianten."
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Unterstützte Seiten: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Zu überspringende Kategorien auswählen, automatisches Überspringen, Tasten ein- & ausblenden und noch viel mehr."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Invidious-Instanzen hinzufügen"
"message": "Client-Instanz eines Drittanbieters hinzufügen"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Füge eine benutzerdefinierte Instanz von Invidious hinzu. Dies darf nur den Domain-Teil beinhalten. Beispiel: \"\""
"message": "Füge eine benutzerdefinierte Invidious-Instanz hinzu. Diese darf nur den Domain-Teil beinhalten. Beispiel: \"\""
"add": {
"message": "Hinzufügen"
@ -440,6 +443,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Vorschau"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Nicht eingereicht"
"inspect": {
"message": "Überprüfen"
@ -472,7 +478,22 @@
"message": "Gesponserte Videosegmente"
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Bezahlte Promotion, bezahlte Empfehlungen und direkte Werbung. Nicht für Selbstpromotion oder kostenlose Shoutouts an Anlässe/Personen/Webseiten/Produkte."
"message": "Bezahlte Werbung, bezahlte Empfehlungen und direkte Werbung, nicht für Eigenwerbung, kostenlose Fremdwerbung oder Empfehlungen für Anlässe/Personen/Webseiten/Produkte."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Unbezahlt/Eigenwerbung"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Ähnlich wie bei \"gesponserte Videosegmente\", mit Ausnahme von unbezahlten oder Selbstpromotionen. Dies beinhaltet Merchandising (Fan-Artikel), Spenden oder Informationen darüber, mit wem für das Video zusammengearbeitet wurde."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Interaktions-Erinnerungen (Abonnieren, etc.)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Wenn es im Video eine kurze Erinnerung gibt, den Kanal zu abonnieren oder das Video mit \"Mag ich\" zu markieren."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Interaktions-Erinnerung"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Unterbrechung/Intro-Animation"
@ -489,20 +510,8 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Credits oder wenn die YouTube-Endkarten erscheinen. Nicht für videobeendende Schlussfolgerungen mit Informationen."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Interaktions-Erinnerungen (Abonnieren, etc.)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Wenn es im Video eine kurze Erinnerung gibt, den Kanal zu abonnieren oder das Video mit \"Mag ich\" zu markieren."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Interaktions-Erinnerung"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Unbezahlt/Eigenwerbung"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Ähnlich wie bei \"gesponserte Videosegmente\", mit Ausnahme von unbezahlten oder Selbstpromotionen. Dies beinhaltet Merchandising (Fan-Artikel), Spenden oder Informationen darüber, mit wem für das Video zusammengearbeitet wurde."
"category_preview": {
"message": "Vorschau/Zusammenfassung"
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Musikvideoteile ohne Musik"
@ -532,7 +541,7 @@
"message": "Die Farbe ist falsch formatiert. Sie sollte ein 3-6-stelliger Hex-Code mit einer Raute am Anfang sein."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Farbe für noch nicht übermittelte Videosegmente",
"message": "Nicht eingereichte Farbe",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -580,25 +589,26 @@
"message": "Ausgeblendet: zu kurz"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "Kanal-ID wurde noch nicht geladen."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "Kanal-ID ist noch nicht geladen. Falls es sich um ein eingebettetes Video handelt, probiere stattdessen die YouTube-Homepage. Dies könnte auch durch Änderungen im YouTube-Layout verursacht werden. Sollte das der Fall sein, kannst du es hier vermerken:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Etwas hält SponsorBlock davon ab, die Videodaten abzurufen. Eine mögliche Ursache sind Adblocker. Für weitere Informationen besuche:"
"youtubePermissionRequest": {
"message": "Es scheint, dass SponsorBlock nicht in der Lage ist, die YouTube-API zu erreichen. Um dies zu beheben, akzeptieren Sie die Berechtigungsanfrage, die gleich erscheint; Warten Sie ein paar Sekunden, und laden Sie die Seite neu."
"message": "Anscheinend kann SponsorBlock die YouTube-API nicht erreichen. Um dies zu beheben, akzeptiere die nun folgende Berechtigungsanfrage, warte kurz, und lade dann die Seite neu."
"acceptPermission": {
"message": "Berechtigung akzeptieren"
"message": "Berechtigung erteilen"
"permissionRequestSuccess": {
"message": "Die Berechtigungsanfrage war erfolgreich!"
"permissionRequestFailed": {
"message": "Berechtigungsanfrage fehlgeschlagen, haben Sie \"Ablehnen\" angeklickt?"
"message": "Berechtigungsanfrage fehlgeschlagen, hast du sie abgelehnt?"
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Wenn Sie dies nicht lösen können, deaktivieren Sie die Einstellung 'Kanalprüfung vor dem Überspringen von Segmenten erzwingen', da SponsorBlock nicht in der Lage ist, die Sichtbarkeit für dieses Video abzurufen."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Falls dies weiterhin geschieht, könnte dies durch einen Werbeblocker verursacht werden. Mehr Infos:'s-Requests"
"message": "Falls du dies nicht beheben kannst, deaktiviere die Einstellung 'Kanalprüfung vor dem Überspringen von Segmenten erzwingen', da SponsorBlock nicht in der Lage ist die Kanal-Informationen für dieses Video abzurufen"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Kanalprüfung vor dem Überspringen von Segmenten erzwingen"
@ -633,8 +643,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Öffne die Optionen um das Verhalten bei Intros, Outros, Merchandising (Fanartikel) usw. einzustellen."
"help": {
"message": "Hilfe"

View file

@ -120,10 +120,6 @@
"disable": {
"message": "Απενεργοποίηση"
"previewColor": {
"message": "Προεπισκόπηση χρώματος",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"category": {
"message": "Κατηγορία"

View file

@ -185,6 +185,9 @@
"whatInfoButton": {
"message": "This is the button that opens up a popup in the YouTube page."
"autoHideInfoButton": {
"message": "Auto-hide Info Button"
"hideDeleteButton": {
"message": "Hide Delete Button On YouTube Player"
@ -351,7 +354,8 @@
"message": "Support 3rd Party YouTube-Sites"
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Support third party party YouTube clients. To enable support, you must accept the extra permissions. This does NOT work in incognito on Chrome and other Chromium variants."
"message": "Support third party YouTube clients. To enable support, you must accept the extra permissions. This does NOT work in incognito on Chrome and other Chromium variants.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Supported Sites: "
@ -385,7 +389,13 @@
"minDurationDescription": {
"message": "Segments shorter than the set value will not be skipped or show in the player."
"skipNoticeDuration": {
"message": "Skip notice duration (seconds):"
"skipNoticeDurationDescription": {
"message": "The skip notice will stay on screen for at least this long. For manual skipping, it may be visible for longer."
"shortCheck": {
"message": "The following submission is shorter than your minimum duration option. This could mean that this is already submitted, and just being ignored due to this option. Are you sure you would like to submit?"
@ -519,9 +529,6 @@
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Quick recap of previous episodes, or a preview of what's coming up later in the current video. Meant for edited together clips, not for spoken summaries."
"category_preview_short": {
"message": "Preview"
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Music: Non-Music Section"
@ -673,5 +680,18 @@
"help": {
"message": "Help"
"experimentUnlistedTitle": {
"message": "Help prevent this from disappearing"
"experimentUnlistedText": {
"message": "This video is detected as unlisted and uploaded before 2017\nOld unlisted videos are being set to private next month\nWe are collecting *public* videos to back up\nWould you like anonymously to send this video to us?\n"
"experiementOptOut": {
"message": "Opt-out of all future experiments",
"description": "This is used in a popup about a new experiment to get a list of unlisted videos to back up since all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 will be set to private."
"hideForever": {
"message": "Hide forever"

View file

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"description": "Appears in the popup to inform them that editing has been moved to the video player."
"popupHint": {
"message": "Sugerencia: puede configurar los teclas para enviar en las opciones"
"message": "Sugerencia: Puede asignar teclas para el envío en las opciones"
"clearTimesButton": {
"message": "Eliminar Tiempos"
@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Esta función rastrea los segmentos que se han saltado para que los usuarios sepan en qué medida sus aportes ayudaron a los demás y se utilizan como una métrica junto con los votos favorables para garantizar que no aparezca spam en la base de datos. La extensión envía un mensaje al servidor cada vez que se salta un segmento. Esperemos que la mayoría de la gente no cambie esta configuración para que los números de vista sean exactos. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Activar el seguimiento del número de saltos en las pestañas privadas/de incógnito"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Consulta Por Prefijo Hash"
@ -239,10 +242,10 @@
"message": "Establecer tecla para omitir un segmento"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Establecer tecla para iniciar segmento"
"message": "Establecer tecla para iniciar/detener un segmento"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Establecer botón de envio"
"message": "Establecer botón de envío"
"keybindDescription": {
"message": "Seleccione un botón escribiéndolo"
@ -347,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Actualmente está configurado para:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Apoya a Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Soportar sitios de YouTube de terceros"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( es un cliente de YouTube independiente. Para habilitar su soporte, debes aceptar los permisos extra. Esto NO funcionará en modo incógnito de Chrome y otras variantes del Chromium."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Soportar clientes de YouTube de terceros. Para habilitar el soporte, debes aceptar los permisos extra. Esto NO funciona en incógnito en Chrome y otras variantes de Chromium.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Sitios soportados: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Activar el soporte para Invidious, desactivar la omisión automática, oculta botones y más."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Agregar una Instancia de Invidious"
"message": "Añadir instancia de cliente de terceros"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Añade una instancia personalizada de Invidious. Este debe formatearse SÓLO con el dominio. Ejemplo:"
"message": "Añadir una instancia personalizada. Esta debe formatearse SÓLO con el dominio. Ejemplo:"
"add": {
"message": "Agregar"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Vista Previa"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "No enviado"
"inspect": {
"message": "Inspeccionar"
@ -477,8 +487,23 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Promoción pagada, referencias pagadas y anuncios directos. No para autopromoción o anuncios gratuitos a causas/creadores/sitios web/productos que les gusten."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "No remunerado/Autopromoción"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Similar a \"patrocinador\", excepto que no es remunerado o se autopromociona. Esto incluye secciones sobre mercancía, donaciones o información sobre con quiénes colaboraron."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Recordatorio de interacción (subscribir)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Cuando hay un breve recordatorio para dar like, suscribirse o seguirlos en medio del contenido. Si es largo o sobre algo específico, debería estar bajo autopromoción en su lugar."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Recordatorio de interacción"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Intermisión/Introducción de animación"
"message": "Intermisión/Animación de Introducción"
"category_intro_description": {
"message": "Un intervalo sin contenido real. Podría ser una pausa, un cuadro estático, una animación repetida. Esto no debe ser usado para transiciones que contengan información."
@ -492,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Créditos o cuando aparecen las tarjetas finales de YouTube. No para conclusiones con información."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Recordatorio de interacción (subscribir)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Vista previa/Recapitulación"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Cuando hay un breve recordatorio para dar like, suscribirse o seguirlos en medio del contenido. Si es largo o sobre algo específico, debería estar bajo autopromoción en su lugar."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Recordatorio de interacción"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "No remunerado/Autopromoción"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Similar a \"patrocinador\", excepto que no es remunerado o se autopromociona. Esto incluye secciones sobre mercancía, donaciones o información sobre con quiénes colaboraron."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Recapitulación rápida de los episodios anteriores, o una vista previa de lo que va a ocurrir más adelante en el vídeo actual. Está pensado para clips editados juntos, no para resúmenes hablados."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Música: Sección sin musica"
@ -535,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Su color está formateado incorrectamente. Debería ser un código hexadecimal de 3 o 6 dígitos con un signo numérico al principio."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Vista previa del color",
"message": "Color No Enviado",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "oculto: demasiado corto"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID de canal no cargado todavía."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "El ID del canal no está cargado todavía. Si está usando un vídeo incrustado, intente usar la página de inicio de YouTube en su lugar. Esto también podría ser causado por cambios en el diseño de YouTube, si lo cree, haga un comentario aquí:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Parece que algo está bloqueando la capacidad de SponsorBlock para obtener datos de video, Por favor, vea para más información."
@ -603,9 +620,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Si no puede resolverlo, desactive la opción \"Forzar Comprobación de Canal antes de Saltar\", ya que SponsorBlock no puede recuperar la información del canal de este video"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Si esto sigue ocurriendo, podría ser causado por tu bloqueador de anuncios. Por favor, compruebe's-Solicitudes"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Comprobación forzada del canal antes de saltarse"
@ -639,8 +653,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Abre las opciones de saltarse intros, otros, mercantil, etc."
"help": {
"message": "Ayuda"

View file

@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "See funktsioon jälgib, milliseid segmente sa oled vahele jätnud, et kasutajad teaksid, kui palju nende sisestus on teisi aidanud ning et koos poolthäältega veenduda rämpsu mittesattumises andmebaasi. Laiendus saadab iga segmendi vahelejätmisel serverisse sõnumi. Loodetavasti enamus inimesi ei muuda seda seadistust, et vaatamisarvud oleksid täpsed. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Luba vahelejätmiste arvu jälgimine privaatsetel/inkognito kaartidel"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Küsi räsi eesliite järgi"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Seadista segmendi vahelejätmise klahv"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Seadista segmendi alustamise klahv"
"message": "Seadista segmendi alustamise/lõpetamise klahv"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Seadista segmendi saatmise klahv"
@ -347,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Hetkel on selleks määratud:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Invidiouse tugi"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Toeta 3. osapoole YouTube-saite"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( on kolmanda osapoole YouTube'i klient. Selle toe lubamiseks pead nõustuma lisalubadega. See EI tööta inkognito-režiimis nii Chromes kui ka teistes Chromiumi brauserites."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Kolmanda osapoole YouTube'i klientide tugi. Selle toe lubamiseks pead nõustuma lisalubadega. See EI tööta inkognito-režiimis nii Chromes kui ka teistes Chromiumi brauserites.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Toetatud saidid: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Luba Invidiouse tugi, keela automaatne vahelejätmine, peida nupud ja muud valikud."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Lisa Invidiouse eksemplar"
"message": "Lisa 3. osapoole kliendi eksemplar"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Lisa kohandatud Invidiouse eksemplar. See tuleb vormistada AINULT domeeniga. Näide:\"
"message": "Lisa kohandatud eksemplar. See tuleb vormistada AINULT domeeniga. Näide:"
"add": {
"message": "Lisa"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Eelvaade"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Saatmata"
"inspect": {
"message": "Inspekteeri"
@ -477,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Tasulised promod, tasulised viited ja otsesed reklaamid. Pole mõeldud enesepromo või tasuta petitsioonide/autorite/veebilehtede/toodete mainimiste puhul."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Tasumata/enesepromo"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Sarnaneb \"sponsorile\", ent on mõeldud tasumata või enesepromo jaoks. Selle alla kuuluvad jaotised oma müüdava kauba, annetuste ja koostööpartnerite kohta."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Tegutsemise meeldetuletus (kanali tellimine)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Lühike sisukeskne meeldetuletus anda videole meeldib, tellida kanalit või jälgida autorit. Kui see on pikk või millegi kindlaga seotud, peaks see olema enesepromo all."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Tegutsemise meeldetuletus"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Vaheaeg/sissejuhatav animatsioon"
@ -492,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Tiitrid või YouTube'i lõpukaardid. Pole mõeldud informatsiooniga järelduste jaoks."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Tegutsemise meeldetuletus (kanali tellimine)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Eelvaade/kokkuvõte"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Lühike sisukeskne meeldetuletus anda videole meeldib, tellida kanalit või jälgida autorit. Kui see on pikk või millegi kindlaga seotud, peaks see olema enesepromo all."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Tegutsemise meeldetuletus"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Tasumata/enesepromo"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Sarnaneb \"sponsorile\", ent on mõeldud tasumata või enesepromo jaoks. Selle alla kuuluvad jaotised oma müüdava kauba, annetuste ja koostööpartnerite kohta."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Kiire kokkuvõte eelmistest episoodidest või eelvaade videos hiljem tulevast. Mõeldud valmis töödeldud klippide, mitte suuliste kokkuvõtete jaoks."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Muusika: mitte-muusika jaotis"
@ -535,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Sinu värv on sobimatult vormistatud. See peaks olema 3- või 6-numbriline 16-kümmendsüsteemis kood, arvu ees trellid."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Värvi eelvaade",
"message": "Saatmata värv",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "peidetud: liiga lühike"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "Kanali ID pole veel laaditud."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "Kanali ID pole veel laaditud. Kui vaatad manustatud videot, proovi seda vaadata YouTube'i kodulehelt. See võib olla põhjustatud ka YouTube'i paigutuse muudatustest - kui arvad et see nii on, kommenteeri siin:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Tundub, et miski segab SponsorBlocki video andmete hankimise võimalust. Rohkema abi saamiseks palun vaata:"
@ -603,9 +620,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Kui sa ei suuda seda lahendada, keela valik \"sunnitud kanalikontroll enne vahelejätmist\", kuna SponsorBlock ei leia selle video kanaliteavet"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Kui see jätkub, võib see olla põhjustatud sinu reklaamiblokeerijast. Palun vaata's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Sunnitud kanalikontroll enne vahelejätmist"
@ -639,8 +653,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Ava valikud, et jätta vahele vaheaegu, müüdavat kaupa jms."
"help": {
"message": "Abi"

View file

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
"message": "Segmenttejä ei löytynyt"
"sponsorStart": {
"message": "Segmentti Alkaa Nyt"
"message": "Segmentti alkaa nyt"
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "Segmentti Päättyy Nyt"
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
"message": "Lähetykset"
"savedPeopleFrom": {
"message": "Olet säästänyt ihmisiä "
"message": "Olet säästänyt ihmisiltä "
"viewLeaderboard": {
"message": "Tulostaulu"
@ -137,11 +137,11 @@
"message": "Lähetä"
"submissionEditHint": {
"message": "Osien muokkaus ilmestyy kun klikkaat lähetä",
"message": "Osien muokkaus ilmestyy sen jälkeen, kun klikkaat lähetä-nappia",
"description": "Appears in the popup to inform them that editing has been moved to the video player."
"popupHint": {
"message": "Vihje: Voit asettaa pikanäppäimet lähettämistä varten asetuksissa"
"message": "Vihje: Voit asettaa lähettämisen pikanäppäimet asetuksissa"
"clearTimesButton": {
"message": "Tyhjennä ajat"
@ -198,16 +198,19 @@
"message": "Ota Ohitusten Lukumäärän Seuranta Käyttöön"
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Tämä toiminto seuraa, mitkä segmentit olet ohittanut, jonka avulla käyttäjät saavat tietää kuinka paljon heidän lähetyksensä ovat auttaneet muita ja sitä myös käytetään mittarina äänestysten kanssa sen varmistamiseksi, että spämmi ei pääse tietokantaan. Laajennus lähettää viestin palvelimelle aina, kun ohitat segmentin. Toivottavasti useimmat ihmiset eivät muuta tätä asetusta, jotta katselunumerot pysyisivät tarkkoina. :)"
"message": "Tämä toiminto seuraa, mitä segmenttejä olet ohittanut. Sen avulla käyttäjät saavat tietää, kuinka paljon heidän lähetyksensä ovat auttaneet muita, ja sitä käytetään myös mittarina äänestysten kanssa estääksemme spämmin pääsyn tietokantaan. Laajennus lähettää viestin palvelimelle aina, kun ohitat segmentin. Toivottavasti useimmat eivät muuta tätä asetusta, jotta katselunumerot pysyisivät tarkkoina. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Ota Ohitusten Lukumäärän Seuranta Käyttöön Yksityis-/Incognito-välilehdissä"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Kysely Tiiviste-etuliittellä"
"whatQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Sen sijaan, että videoID:tä käyttäen pyydettäisiin segmenttejä palvelimelta, videoID:n tiivisteen 4 ensimmäistä merkkiä lähetetään. Tämä palvelin lähettää takaisin dataa kaikista videoista, joilla on samankaltaiset tiivisteet."
"message": "Kokonaisen videon ID:n lähettämisen sijaan ID:n hashin 4 ensimmäistä merkkiä lähetetään. Palvelin lähettää takaisin dataa kaikista videoista, joilla on vastaavat hashit."
"enableRefetchWhenNotFound": {
"message": "Hae Segmentit Uudelleen Uusissa Videoissa"
"message": "Hae segmentit uudelleen uusissa videoissa"
"whatRefetchWhenNotFound": {
"message": "Jos video on uusi, eikä segmenttejä löydy, niitä haetaan uudelleen muutaman minuutin välein katsoessasi."
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Aseta näppäin segmentin ohittamista varten"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Aseta näppäin segmentin aloittamiseen näppäimistössä"
"message": "Aseta pikanäppäin segmentin aloittamiseen/lopettamiseen"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Aseta näppäin tietojen lähetykseen"
@ -291,10 +294,10 @@
"message": "Ääni-ilmoitus ohittaessa toistaa äänen kun segmentti ohitetaan. Jos asetus on pois päältä (tai automaattinen ohitus on pois käytöstä), ääntä ei soiteta."
"showTimeWithSkips": {
"message": "Näytä Aika Ohitetut Osiot Poistettuna"
"message": "Näytä kesto ilman ohitettuja osioita"
"showTimeWithSkipsDescription": {
"message": "Tämä aika näkyy sulkeissa nykyisen ajan vieressä liukusäätimen alapuolella. Tämä näyttää videon koko pituuden miinus segmentit. Tämä sisältää segmentit, jotka on merkitty vain \"Näytä Liukusäätimessä\"."
"message": "Tämä aika näkyy sulkeissa nykyisen ajan vieressä liukusäätimen alapuolella. Se näyttää videon koko pituuden ilman segmenttejä. Se sisältää vain segmentit, jotka on merkitty \"Näytä liukusäätimessä\"."
"youHaveSkipped": {
"message": "Olet ohittanut "
@ -315,7 +318,7 @@
"message": "tuntia"
"youHaveSavedTime": {
"message": "Olet säästänyt ihmisiä"
"message": "Olet säästänyt ihmisiltä"
"youHaveSavedTimeEnd": {
"message": " heidän elämistään"
@ -342,25 +345,29 @@
"message": "Ohita Automaattisesti"
"showSkipNotice": {
"message": "Näytä Ilmoitus Ohitetun Segmentin Jälkeen"
"message": "Näytä ilmoitus ohitetun segmentin jälkeen"
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Tällä hetkellä se on asetettu:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Tue Invidious:ta"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Tue Kolmansien Osapuolien YouTube-sivustoja"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( on kolmannen osapuolen YouTube-ohjelmisto. Jotta voit ottaa käyttöön tuen, sinun täytyy hyväksyä lisäkäyttöoikeudet. Tämä EI toimi incognitossa Chromessa ja muissa Chromiumin versioissa."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Tue kolmannen osapuolen YouTube-asiakasohjelmia. Jotta voit ottaa käyttöön tuen, sinun täytyy hyväksyä lisäkäyttöoikeudet. Tämä EI toimi incognitossa Chromessa ja muissa Chromium varianteissa.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Tuetut Sivustot: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Ota käyttöön Invidious tuki, poista käytöstä automaattinen ohitus, piilota painikkeet ja muuta."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Lisää Invidious-instanssi"
"message": "Lisää Kolmannen Osapuolen Asiakasohjelmainstanssi"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Lisää mukautettu Invidious-instanssi. Tämä on muotoiltava VAIN verkkotunnuksella. Esimerkiksi:"
"message": "Lisää mukautettu instanssi. Tämän täytyy olla formatoitu VAIN verkkotunnuksella. Esimerkki:"
"add": {
"message": "Lisää"
@ -396,7 +403,7 @@
"message": "SponsorBlock Palvelimen Osoite"
"customServerAddressDescription": {
"message": "Osoite jota SponsorBlock käyttää lähettääkseen kutsuja palvelimelle.\nEllei sinulla ole omaa palvelininstanssia, tätä ei pitäisi muuttaa."
"message": "Osoite, jota SponsorBlock käyttää lähettääkseen kutsuja palvelimelle.\nEllei sinulla ole omaa palvelininstanssia, tätä ei pitäisi muuttaa."
"save": {
"message": "Tallenna"
@ -417,7 +424,7 @@
"message": "Vie/tuo kaikki asetukset"
"whatExportOptions": {
"message": "Tämä on koko konfiguraatiosi JSON:ina. Tämä sisältää userID:si, joten jaa tämä viisaasti."
"message": "Tämä on koko konfiguraatiosi JSON-tiedostona. Tämä sisältää userID:si, joten jaa sitä viisaasti."
"setOptions": {
"message": "Käytä asetuksia"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Esikatsele"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Lähettämätön"
"inspect": {
"message": "Tarkista"
@ -477,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Maksettu mainostus, maksetut viittaukset ja suorat mainokset. Ei itsensä mainostukselle tai huikkauksille kampanjoista/luojista/nettisivuista/tuotteista, joista he pitävät."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Maksamaton/Itsensä Mainostus"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Samankaltainen \"sponsorin\" kanssa, mutta maksamattomalle tai itsensä mainostukselle. Tämä sisältää osioita kauppatavarasta, lahjoituksista tai tietoa siitä, kenen kanssa he ovat tehneet yhteistyötä."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Vuorovaikutusmuistutus (tilaaminen)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Lyhyt muistutus tykätä, tilata tai seurata sisällön keskellä. Jos se on pitkä tai koskee jotain tiettyä asiaa, tulisi se merkitä mielummin itsensä mainostamiseksi."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Vuorovaikutusmuistutus"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Tauko/Introanimaatio"
@ -492,26 +517,17 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Lopputekstit tai kun YouTuben loppukortit tulevat näkyviin. Ei lopetuksille joissa on tietoa."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Vuorovaikutusmuistutus (tilaaminen)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Esikatselu/Kertaus"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Kun sisällön keskellä on lyhyt muistutus tykätä, tilata tai seurata. Jos se on pitkä tai koskee jotain tiettyä asiaa, tulisi se merkitä mielummin itsensä mainostamiseksi."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Vuorovaikutus Muistutus"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Maksamaton/Itsensä Mainostus"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Samankaltainen \"sponsorin\" kanssa, mutta maksamattomalle tai itsensä mainostukselle. Tämä sisältää osioita kauppatavarasta, lahjoituksista tai tietoa siitä, kenen kanssa he ovat tehneet yhteistyötä."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Nopea kertaus aiemmista jaksoista, tai esikatselu siitä, mitä on tulossa myöhemmin nykyisessä videossa. Tarkoitettu yhteen editoituja klippejä varten, ei puhutuille yhteenvedoille."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Musiikki: Ei-Musiikki-Osio"
"category_music_offtopic_description": {
"message": "Vain käytettävissä musiikkivideoissa. Tätä tulee käyttää vain musiikkivideoiden osissa, jotka eivät jo kuulu toiseen kategoriaan."
"message": "Vain musiikkivideoille. Tätä tulee käyttää vain musiikkivideoiden osissa, jotka eivät jo kuulu toiseen kategoriaan."
"category_music_offtopic_short": {
"message": "Ei-Musiikki"
@ -532,10 +548,10 @@
"message": "Näytä Liukusäätimessä"
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Väriformaattisi on muotoiltu väärin. Sen pitäisi olla 3 tai 6 numeroinen hex-koodi, jossa on risuaita alussa."
"message": "Väriformaattisi on muotoiltu väärin. Sen pitäisi olla 3 tai 6 numeroinen hex-koodi, jossa on # alussa."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Esikatsele Väri",
"message": "Lähettämättömien Väri",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -567,7 +583,7 @@
"message": "Valitse kategoria"
"enableThisCategoryFirst": {
"message": "Lähettääksesi segmenttejä \"{0}\" kategorialla, sinun täytyy aktivoida se asetuksista. Sinut uudelleenohjataan asetuksiin nyt.",
"message": "Lähettääksesi segmenttejä kategorialla \"{0}\", sinun täytyy aktivoida se asetuksista. Sinut uudelleenohjataan asetuksiin nyt.",
"description": "Used when submitting segments to only let them select a certain category if they have it enabled in the options."
"youMustSelectACategory": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "piilotettu: liian lyhyt"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "Kanavatunnusta ei ole vielä ladattu."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "Kanavan ID ei ole vielä latautunut. Jos käytät upotettua videota, kokeile sen sijaan käyttää YouTuben kotisivua. Tämä voi myös johtua muutoksista YouTuben ulkoasussa. Jos luulet luulet niin, tee kommenti tänne:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Näyttää siltä, että jokin estää SponsorBlockin kykyä saada videotietoja. Katso lisätietoja varten."
@ -601,10 +618,7 @@
"message": "Käyttöoikeuspyyntö epäonnistui, klikkasitko kiellä?"
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Jos et pysty ratkaisemaan tätä, poista käytöstä asetus 'Pakota Kanavan Tarkistus Ennen Ohittamista', koska SponsorBlock ei pysty noutamaan tämän videon kanavatietoja"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Jos tämä toistuu, mainosten esto-ohjelmasi voi olla syynä. Katso's-Requests"
"message": "Jos et pysty ratkaisemaan tätä, poista käytöstä asetus 'Pakota kanavan tarkistus ennen ohittamista', koska SponsorBlock ei pysty noutamaan tämän videon kanavatietoja"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Pakota Kanavan Tarkistus Ennen Ohittamista"
@ -639,8 +653,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Avaa asetukset ohittaaksesi introt, outrot, kauppatavarat, jne."
"help": {
"message": "Ohje"

View file

@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "Fin du segment"
"sponsorCancel": {
"message": "Annuler la création de segment"
"noVideoID": {
"message": "Aucune vidéo YouTube trouvée.\nActualisez l'onglet si il est censé y en avoir une."
@ -197,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Cette fonctionnalité permet de suivre les segments que vous avez sautés pour faire savoir aux utilisateurs à quel point leur soumission a aidé les autres et est utilisée comme donnée avec les votes positifs pour s'assurer que des spams n'entrent pas dans la base de données. L'extension envoie un message au serveur chaque fois que vous sautez un segment. Il est à espérer que la plupart des gens ne modifient pas ce paramètre pour que les données sur le nombre d'affichages soient exactes. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Activer le suivi du nombre de sauts dans les onglets privés/incognito"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Requête avec seulement le début du hash"
@ -236,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Définir une touche pour passer un segment"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Définir le raccourci pour commencer un segment"
"message": "Définir le raccourci pour démarrer/terminer un segment"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Changer le raccourci pour soumettre les segments"
@ -344,21 +350,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Il est actuellement réglé sur :"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Supporter Invidious"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( est un client tiers pour YouTube. Vous devez accepter des permissions supplémentaires pour activer son support. Cette fonctionnalité ne fonctionne pas en mode incognito sur Chrome et les autres variantes de Chromium."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Activer Invidious, désactiver le passage automatique, masquer les boutons et plus encore."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Ajouter une instance Invidious"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Ajouter une instance Invidious personnalisée. Doit être formaté avec SEULEMENT le domaine. Exemple:"
"add": {
"message": "Ajouter"
@ -474,6 +468,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Promotion rémunérée, parrainage rémunéré et publicité directe. Pas pour l'autopromotion ou les présentations gratuites de causes, de créateurs, de sites web ou de produits qu'ils aiment."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Non rémunéré/autopromotion"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Semblable au \"sponsor\", excepté pour la promotion non rémunérée ou l'auto-promotion. Cela inclut les marchandises, les dons et les informations sur leurs collaborateurs."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Rappel d'interaction (abonnement)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Lorsqu'il y a un bref rappel pour aimer, s'abonner ou les suivre parmi le contenu. Si le message est long ou porte sur quelque chose de spécifique, cela devrait plutôt être classé comme une autopromotion."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Rappel d'interaction"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Entracte/Animation d'intro"
@ -489,21 +498,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Crédits ou écrans de fin YouTube. Pas pour les conclusions contenant des informations."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Rappel d'interaction (abonnement)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Lorsqu'il y a un bref rappel pour aimer, s'abonner ou les suivre parmi le contenu. Si le message est long ou porte sur quelque chose de spécifique, cela devrait plutôt être classé comme une autopromotion."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Rappel d'interaction"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Non rémunéré/autopromotion"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Semblable au \"sponsor\", excepté pour la promotion non rémunérée ou l'auto-promotion. Cela inclut les marchandises, les dons et les informations sur leurs collaborateurs."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Musique : Segment non musical"
@ -531,10 +525,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Votre couleur est mal formatée. Il devrait s'agir d'un code hexadécimal à 3 ou 6 chiffres avec un signe numérique au début."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Couleur en mode aperçu",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Couleur dans la barre de progression"
@ -580,10 +570,26 @@
"message": "masqué : trop court"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "L'ID de la chaîne n'a pas encore été chargé."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "Le Channel ID n'est pas encore chargé. Si vous utilisez une vidéo intégrée, essayez d'utiliser la page d'accueil de YouTube. Cela pourrait également être causé par des changements dans l'interface de YouTube. Si vous pensez que c'est le cas, écrivez un commentaire ici :"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Si ça se reproduit, c'est peut-être causé par votre bloqueur de publicités. Veuillez consulter's-Requests"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Il semblerait que quelque chose empêche SponsorBlock de récupérer les données de la vidéo. Veuillez consulter pour plus d'informations."
"youtubePermissionRequest": {
"message": "Il semblerait que SponsorBlock ne puisse pas accéder à l'API YouTube. Pour corriger cela, acceptez la demande de permission qui apparaîtra, attendez quelques secondes, puis rechargez la page."
"acceptPermission": {
"message": "Accepter l'autorisation"
"permissionRequestSuccess": {
"message": "Demande de permission réussie !"
"permissionRequestFailed": {
"message": "La demande d'autorisation a échoué, avez-vous cliqué sur refuser ?"
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Si vous ne parvenez pas à résoudre ce problème, désactivez le paramètre 'Force Channel Check Before Skipping' car SponsorBlock est incapable de récupérer les informations de la chaine pour cette vidéo"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Forcer la vérification du canal avant de passer"
@ -618,8 +624,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Ouvrir les options pour sauter les intros, outros, marchandises, etc."
"help": {
"message": "Aide"

View file

@ -24,5 +24,26 @@
"Segments": {
"message": "खंडों"
"Dismiss": {
"message": "रद्द करें"
"Loading": {
"message": "लोड कर रहा है..."
"paused": {
"message": "रुका हुआ"
"clearThis": {
"message": "क्या आप वाकई इसे साफ़ करना चाहते हैं?\n\n"
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "खंड अब समाप्त होता है"
"success": {
"message": "सफल!"
"Options": {
"message": "विकल्प"

View file

@ -122,10 +122,63 @@
"submitTimesButton": {
"message": "Unesi vremena"
"Username": {
"message": "Korisničko ime"
"setUsername": {
"message": "Postavi korisničko ime"
"Options": {
"message": "Opcije"
"website": {
"message": "Web-stranica",
"description": "Used on Firefox Store Page"
"sourceCode": {
"message": "Izvorni kod",
"description": "Used on Firefox Store Page"
"disableSkipping": {
"message": "Preskakanje je aktivirano"
"enableSkipping": {
"message": "Preskakanje je deaktivirano"
"yourWork": {
"message": "Tvoja slanja",
"description": "Used to describe the section that will show you the statistics from your submissions."
"errorCode": {
"message": "Kȏd greške: "
"skip": {
"message": "Preskoči"
"skip_category": {
"message": "Preskočiti {0}?"
"skipped": {
"message": "Preskočeno"
"disableAutoSkip": {
"message": "Deaktiviraj automatsko preskakanje"
"enableAutoSkip": {
"message": "Aktiviraj automatsko preskakanje"
"minLower": {
"message": "min"
"minsLower": {
"message": "min"
"hourLower": {
"message": "h"
"hoursLower": {
"message": "h"
"whatChangeUserID": {
"message": "Ovo bi trebalo ostati privatno. slično je lozinki i ne bi se smjelo dijeliti ni s kime. Ako netko ovo ima, mogu se lažno predstavljati kao ti."
@ -147,21 +200,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Trenutno je postavljeno na:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Podrži Invidious"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( je YouTube client treće strane. Kako bi omogućio podršku, moraš prihvatiti dodatna dopuštenja. Ovo NE radi u privatnoj kartici na Chrome-u ili drugim carijantama Chromiuma."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Omogući podržavanje Invidiousa, onemogući automatsko preskakanje, sakrij gumbe i drugo."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Dodaj instancu Invidiousa"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Dodaj prilagođenu instancu Invidiousa. Ona mora biti formatirana sa samom domenom. Primjer:"
"add": {
"message": "Dodaj"
@ -183,15 +224,51 @@
"minDurationDescription": {
"message": "Isječci kraći od postavljene vrijednosti neće biti preskočeni ili prikazani u playeru."
"save": {
"message": "Spremi"
"reset": {
"message": "Resetiraj"
"setOptions": {
"message": "Postavi opcije"
"confirmNoticeTitle": {
"message": "Pošalji segment"
"submit": {
"message": "Pošalji"
"cancel": {
"message": "Odustani"
"delete": {
"message": "Izbriši"
"preview": {
"message": "Pregledaj"
"inspect": {
"message": "Provjeri"
"edit": {
"message": "Uredi"
"category_sponsor": {
"message": "Sponzor"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Neplaćena promocija ili samopromocija"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Slično kao „sponzor”, osim za neplaćenu promociju i samopromociju. To uključuje odlomke marketinga, donacija ili informacija o tome, s kim su surađivali."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Podsjetnik interakcije (Pretplati se)"
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Podsjetnik interakcije"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Stanka/Uvodna animacija"
@ -204,18 +281,6 @@
"category_outro": {
"message": "Završni kadrovi/Zasluge"
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Podsjetnik interakcije (Pretplati se)"
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Podsjetnik interakcije"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Neplaćena promocija ili samopromocija"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Slično kao „sponzor”, osim za neplaćenu promociju i samopromociju. To uključuje odlomke marketinga, donacija ili informacija o tome, s kim su surađivali."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Glazba: Ne-glazbeni dio"
@ -228,9 +293,34 @@
"manualSkip": {
"message": "Ručno preskakanje"
"category": {
"message": "Kategorija"
"skipOption": {
"message": "Preskoči opciju",
"description": "Used on the options page to describe the ways to skip the segment (auto skip, manual, etc.)"
"bracketNow": {
"message": "(sada)"
"moreCategories": {
"message": "Više kategorija"
"chooseACategory": {
"message": "Odaberi kategoriju"
"youMustSelectACategory": {
"message": "Moraš odabrati kategoriju za sve segmente koje šalješ!"
"bracketEnd": {
"message": "(kraj)"
"downvoteDescription": {
"message": "Neispravno/krivo vrijeme"
"incorrectCategory": {
"message": "Kriva kategorija"
"nonMusicCategoryOnMusic": {
"message": "Ovaj je video kategoriziran kao glazba. Je li stvarno ima sponzora? Ako je ovo zapravo „Ne-glazbeni segment”, otvori opcije proširenja i aktiviraj ovu kategoriju. Zatim ovaj segment možeš posalti kao „Ne-glazbeni” umjesto sponzora. Pročitaj smjernice ako nešto nije jasno."
@ -249,8 +339,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Otvori opcije za preskakanje uvoda, kraja, proizvoda itd."
"help": {
"message": "Pomoć"

View file

@ -222,9 +222,6 @@
"message": "Ha még mindig nem tetszik, kattintson a ne mutassa többé gombra.",
"description": "The second line of the message displayed after the notice was upgraded."
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Billentyű beállítása a szegmenskezdés gombhoz"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Billentyű beállítása a beküldés gombhoz"
@ -325,21 +322,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Jelenleg erre van állítva:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Invidious támogatása"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Az Invidious ( egy harmadik fél által készített YouTube kliens. A támogatás engedélyezéséhez el kell fogadnia további engedélyeket. NEM működik inkognitómódban a Chrome-on vagy más Chromium-változatokon."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Invidious támogatás engedélyezése, autoátugrás kikapcsolása, gombok eltűntetése és több."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Invidious példány hozzáadása"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Egyedi Invidious példány hozzáadása. CSAK a domain-nel kell formázni. Például:"
"add": {
"message": "Hozzáadás"
@ -455,6 +440,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Fizetett promóció, vagy közvetlen reklám. Nem ön-promóció vagy ingyenes ajánlat (/shoutout) emberekről/termékekről/weboldalakról amik tetszenek nekik."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Nem fizetett/ön-promóció"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Hasonló a szponzorhoz, de nem fizetett vagy ön-promóció. Beletartozik a saját ruhaáru, adományok, vagy infó arról hogy kivel működtek együtt."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Emlékeztető (Feliratkozás)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Egy rövid emlékeztető arról, hogy likeoljunk, iratkozzunk fel, vagy kövessük a tartalom közben. Ha hosszabb szakasz, vagy egy adott témáról van, inkább a az ön-promóció alá tartozik."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Emlékeztető"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Megszakítás/Intro animáció"
@ -470,21 +470,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Stáblista, vagy amikor megjelennek a YouTube zárókártyák. Nem használandó információt tartalmazó következtetésekkor."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Emlékeztető (Feliratkozás)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Egy rövid emlékeztető arról, hogy likeoljunk, iratkozzunk fel, vagy kövessük a tartalom közben. Ha hosszabb szakasz, vagy egy adott témáról van, inkább a az ön-promóció alá tartozik."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Emlékeztető"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Nem fizetett/ön-promóció"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Hasonló a szponzorhoz, de nem fizetett vagy ön-promóció. Beletartozik a saját ruhaáru, adományok, vagy infó arról hogy kivel működtek együtt."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Zene: nem-zene szegmens"
@ -509,10 +494,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "A szín helytelenül van formázva. Egy 3 vagy 6 számjegyből álló hex kódnak kell lennie egy kettőskereszttel az elején."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Előnézeti szín",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Keresősáv színe"
@ -549,12 +530,6 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "elrejtve: túl rövid"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "A csatorna azonosító még nem töltődött be."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Ha ez folyamatosan előfordul, lehet hogy az ad-blockere okozza. Kérem nézzen utána:'s-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Csatorna ellenőrzése átugrás előtt"

View file

@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Fitur ini melacak segmen mana yang sudah anda lewati untuk memberitahu pengguna berapa banyak submisi mereka telah membantu orang lain dan digunakan sebagai metrik bersamaan dengan upvote untuk memastikan tidak ada spam dalam basis data. Ekstensi mengirim pesan ke server tiap kali anda melewati segmen. Harapannya kebanyakan orang tidak akan mengubah opsi ini agar jumlah tayangan akurat. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Aktifkan Pelacakan Jumlah Lewati Pada Tab Privat/Penyamaran"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Query By Hash Prefix"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Atur tombol untuk melewati sebuah segmen"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Atur tombol untuk mulai segmen"
"message": "Atur tombol untuk mulai/hentikan segmen"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Atur tombol untuk kirim submisi"
@ -347,21 +350,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Saat ini diatur pada:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Dukungan Invidious"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( adalah layanan klien YouTube pihak ketiga. Untuk mengaktifkan dukungan, anda harus menerima izin tambahan. Ini TIDAK dapat bekerja di mode penyamaran Chrome dan peramban berbasis Chromium lainnya."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Aktifkan dukungan Invidious, nonaktifkan lewati otomatis, tombol sembunyi dan lainnya."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Tambah Instansi Invidious"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Tambahkan instansi khusus Invidious. Ini harus diformat dengan HANYA domainnya. Contoh:"
"add": {
"message": "Tambah"
@ -477,6 +468,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Promosi dibayar, tautan dibayar dan iklan langsung. Tidak untuk promosi diri sendiri atau dukungan gratis untuk gerakan/kreator/situs/produk yang mereka suka."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Promosi Diri Sendiri/Tidak Dibayar"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Mirip dengan \"sponsor\" kecuali ini tidak dibayar atau promosi diri sendiri. Ini termasuk merchandise, donasi, atau informasi tentang siapa yang berkolaborasi dengan mereka."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Pengingat Interaksi (Berlangganan)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Saat ada pengingat singkat untuk meminta suka, berlangganan atau mengikuti mereka di tengah konten. Jika panjang atau tentang sesuatu yang spesifik, sebaiknya pakai kategori promosi diri sendiri."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Pengingat Interaksi"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Jeda/Animasi Intro"
@ -492,21 +498,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Kredit atau saat kartu akhir YouTube muncul. Tidak untuk kesimpulan dengan informasi."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Pengingat Interaksi (Berlangganan)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Saat ada pengingat singkat untuk meminta suka, berlangganan atau mengikuti mereka di tengah konten. Jika panjang atau tentang sesuatu yang spesifik, sebaiknya pakai kategori promosi diri sendiri."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Pengingat Interaksi"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Promosi Diri Sendiri/Tidak Dibayar"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Mirip dengan \"sponsor\" kecuali ini tidak dibayar atau promosi diri sendiri. Ini termasuk merchandise, donasi, atau informasi tentang siapa yang berkolaborasi dengan mereka."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Musik: Bagian Non-Musik"
@ -534,10 +525,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Warna anda tidak diformat dengan benar. Harusnya terdiri dari 3 atau 6 digit kode heksa dengan tagar di awal."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Warna Pratinjau",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Warna Bilah Waktu"
@ -583,7 +570,8 @@
"message": "disembunyikan: terlalu pendek"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID Channel belum dimuat."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "ID Channel belum dimuat. Apabila anda menggunakan video yang tersematkan, coba menggunakan halaman utama YouTube. Hal ini juga dapat disebabkan oleh perubahan yang ada pada tampilan YouTUbe, apabila anda mengira seperti itu, buat komentar disini:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Sepertinya sesuatu memnghalangi abilitas SponsorBlock untuk mendapatkan data video. Silahkan lihat untuk info lebih lanjut."
@ -603,9 +591,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Apabila anda tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini, maka nonaktifkan pengaturan 'Paksa Cek Channel Sebelum Melewati', dikarenakan SponsorBlock tidak dapat menerima informasi channel untuk video ini"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Jika ini terus terjadi, kemungkinan terjadi karena ad blocker anda. Mohon cek's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Paksa Cek Channel Sebelum Melewati"
@ -639,8 +624,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Buka opsi untuk melewati intro, outro, merch, dll."
"help": {
"message": "Bantuan"

View file

@ -200,17 +200,20 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Questa funzionalità tiene traccia dei segmenti che hai saltato, per far sapere agli utenti quanto il loro contributo abbia aiutato gli altri e sia stato utilizzato come metrica insieme ai voti positivi, per garantire che lo spam non entri nel database. L'estensione invierà un messaggio al server ogni volta che salterai un segmento. Si spera che la maggior parte delle persone non modifichino questa impostazione, in modo da non intaccare l'accuratezza dei numeri di visualizzazione. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Abilita il conteggio dei salti nelle schede private/anonime"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Ricerca tramite prefisso hash"
"whatQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Invece di richiedere segmenti dal server utilizzando l'Id video, vengono inviati i primi 4 caratteri dell'hash dell'ID video. Questo server invierà i dati per tutti i video con hash simili."
"message": "Invece di richiedere i segmenti dal server utilizzando l'ID del video, viene inviato un hash dei primi 4 caratteri dell'ID. Questo server invierà i dati per tutti i video con hash simili."
"enableRefetchWhenNotFound": {
"message": "Ricarica I Segmenti Su Nuovi Video"
"whatRefetchWhenNotFound": {
"message": "Se il video è nuovo, e non risultano esserci segmenti, questi continueranno ad essere ricaricati dopo pochi minuti mentre guardi il video."
"message": "Se il video è nuovo, e non risultano esserci segmenti, continueremo a cercarne di nuovi ogni pochi minuti."
"showNotice": {
"message": "Mostra di Nuovo l'Avviso"
@ -239,13 +242,13 @@
"message": "Imposta un tasto per saltare un segmento"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Imposta chiave di associazione per l'inizio del segmento"
"message": "Imposta un tasto personalizzato per iniziare/finire il segmento"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Imposta chiave di associazione tasti per i tuoi contributi"
"message": "Imposta un comando rapido per l'invio"
"keybindDescription": {
"message": "Seleziona una chiave digitandola"
"message": "Seleziona un tasto premendolo sulla tastiera"
"keybindDescriptionComplete": {
"message": "L'associazione di tasti è stata impostata a: "
@ -273,7 +276,7 @@
"message": "Salta"
"skip_category": {
"message": "Saltare {0}?"
"message": "Vuoi saltare {0}?"
"skipped": {
"message": "Saltato"
@ -315,7 +318,7 @@
"message": "ore"
"youHaveSavedTime": {
"message": "Hai salvato alle persone"
"message": "Hai fatto risparmiare"
"youHaveSavedTimeEnd": {
"message": " delle loro vite"
@ -347,20 +350,21 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Attualmente è impostato su:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Supporta Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Supporta siti di YouTube di terze parti"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( è un client YouTube di terze parti. Per abilitare il supporto, è necessario accettare i permessi aggiuntivi. Questo NON funziona in incognito su Chrome e altre varianti di Chromium."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Supporta client YouTube di terze parti. Per abilitare il supporto, devi accettare i permessi aggiuntivi. Questo NON funziona in incognito su Chrome e altre varianti di Chromium.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Pagine supportate: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Abilita supporto invidioso, disabilita salto automatico, nascondi i pulsanti e altro ancora."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Aggiungi istanza di Invidious"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Aggiungi un'istanza personalizzata di Invidious. Questo deve essere formattato SOLO con il dominio. Esempio:"
"message": "Aggiungi un'istanza personalizzata. Deve essere formattata SOLO con il dominio. Esempio:"
"add": {
"message": "Aggiungi"
@ -443,6 +447,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Anteprima"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Non inviato"
"inspect": {
"message": "Esamina"
@ -477,6 +484,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Promozione a pagamento, referral a pagamento e pubblicità diretta. Non per auto-promozione o ringraziamenti gratuiti a cause/creatori/siti web/ prodotti di loro gradimento."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Promozione non pagata/Autopromozione"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Simile alle \"sponsorizzazioni\" tranne che per promozioni non pagate o autopromozioni. Ciò include sezioni riguardanti vendita di merce, donazioni o informazioni in merito a collaboratori."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Promemoria di Interazione (Sottoscrizione)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Quando nel punto centrale del contenuto è presente un breve promemoria per aggiunta di mi piace, iscrizione o seguito. Se dovesse risultare esteso o riguardare qualcosa di specifico, potrebbe essere un'autopromozione."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Promemoria di Interazione"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Animazione Interruzione/Introduzione"
@ -492,20 +514,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "I titoli di coda o quando vengono mostrate annotazioni a fine video su YouTube. Non per conclusioni provviste di informazioni."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Promemoria di Interazione (Sottoscrizione)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Anteprima"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Quando nel punto centrale del contenuto è presente un breve promemoria per aggiunta di mi piace, iscrizione o seguito. Se dovesse risultare esteso o riguardare qualcosa di specifico, potrebbe essere un'autopromozione."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Promemoria di Interazione"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Promozione non pagata/Autopromozione"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Simile alle \"sponsorizzazioni\" tranne che per promozioni non pagate o autopromozioni. Ciò include sezioni riguardanti vendita di merce, donazioni o informazioni in merito a collaboratori."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Riepilogo rapido degli episodi precedenti, o un'anteprima di ciò che sta arrivando più tardi nel video attuale. Inteso per clip, non per riassunti a voce."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Musica: Sezione Non-Musicale"
@ -535,7 +548,7 @@
"message": "Il tuo colore è formattato in modo errato. Dovrebbe essere un codice esadecimale a 3 o 6 cifre con un segno numerico iniziale."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Anteprima Colore",
"message": "Segmento non inviato",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +596,8 @@
"message": "nascosto: troppo corto"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID canale non ancora caricato."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "L'ID del canale non è ancora caricato. Se stai usando un video incorporato, prova piuttosto a usare la pagina principale di YouTube. Questo potrebbe esser causato dalle modifiche al layout di YouTube, se pensi che sia così, scrivi qui un commento:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Sembra che qualcosa stia bloccando l'abilità di SponsorBlock di ottenere i dati del video. Sei pregato di vedere per ulteriori informazioni."
@ -603,9 +617,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Se non riesci a risolverlo, disabilita allora l'impostazione 'Forza Controllo Canale Prima di Saltare', poiché SponsorBlock non è in grado di recuperare le informazioni del canale per questo video"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Se questo continua a verificarsi, potrebbe essere causato dal tuo ad-blocker. Controlla's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Forza controllo canale prima di andare avanti"
@ -639,8 +650,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Apri queste opzioni per saltare le introduzioni, conclusioni, vendita di prodotti ecc."
"help": {
"message": "Aiuto"

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"message": "これは既に提出されています。"
"channelWhitelisted": {
"message": "チャンネルをホワイトリストに登録しました!"
"message": "番組を許可表に登録しました!"
"Segment": {
"message": "区域"
@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "区域が終わりました"
"sponsorCancel": {
"message": "区間の作成を取り止める"
"noVideoID": {
"message": "YouTube動画が見つかりませんでした。\nこれが正しくない場合は、タブを再読み込みしてください。"
@ -113,10 +116,10 @@
"message": "本当に提出してよろしいですか?"
"whitelistChannel": {
"message": "ホワイトリストのチャンネル"
"message": "許可表にある番組"
"removeFromWhitelist": {
"message": "ホワイトリストからチャンネルを削除"
"message": "許可表から番組を削除"
"voteOnTime": {
"message": "区域に投票"
@ -138,7 +141,7 @@
"description": "Appears in the popup to inform them that editing has been moved to the video player."
"popupHint": {
"message": "ヒント: オプションから提出時のキーバインドを設定できます"
"message": "心得: 利用者設定で,提出用の鍵盤束縛を設定できます"
"clearTimesButton": {
"message": "時間をクリア"
@ -197,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "この機能は、あなたが飛び越した区域を追跡して、当該区域がどれだけ役に立ったかを他の利用者に知らせることで、不正な情報が情報集合体に紛れないようにするための評価基準として使用されます。あなたが区域を飛び越すたびに、拡張機能はサーバーに通報を送信します。使用回数の統計が正確になるよう、できる限り多くの人がこの設定を変更しないことを望みます。:)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "匿名閲覧状態で計数追跡を飛び越す"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "ハッシュプレフィックスを使って要求"
@ -233,19 +239,19 @@
"description": "The second line of the message displayed after the notice was upgraded."
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "セグメントをスキップするキーを設定"
"message": "区域を飛び越す鍵束縛を設定"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "セグメントを開始するキーを設定"
"message": "区域を開始する鍵束縛を設定"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "投稿するキーを設定"
"message": "投稿する鍵束縛を設定"
"keybindDescription": {
"message": "キーを入力して設定します"
"message": "選択する鍵束縛を打鍵してください"
"keybindDescriptionComplete": {
"message": "キーバインドを次の通り設定しました: "
"message": "鍵束縛を次の通り設定しました: "
"0": {
"message": "接続がタイムアウトになりました。インターネット接続をご確認ください。接続に問題がない場合、サーバーが混雑またはダウンしている可能性があります。"
@ -344,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": "。現在の設定は:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Invidiousに対応"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "第三者製のYouTube関連サイトに対応"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( は第三者製のYouTubeクライアントです。Invidious対応を有効にするには追加の権限を受け入れなければいけません。 これはChromeやその他のChromium系列の匿名閲覧状態では動作しません。"
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "第三者製のYouTubeクライアントに対応しました。有効にするには追加の権限を受け入れる必要があります。これはChromeやその他のChromium系列の匿名閲覧状態では動作しません。",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "対応サイト: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Invidious対応を有効にし自動飛越を無効にしGUIを非表示にします。"
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Invidiousインスタンスを追加"
"message": "第三者製クライアントの実体を追加"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "任意のInvidiousインスタンスを追加します。ドメイン名だけを記入してください。例:"
"message": "任意の実体を追加できます。ドメイン名だけを記入してください。例:"
"add": {
"message": "追加"
@ -380,18 +390,51 @@
"minDurationDescription": {
"message": "設定値より短い区域は飛び越されず,再生画面にも表示されません。"
"shortCheck": {
"message": "提出しようとしている区間の長さが個人設定における最短時間よりも短かいです。これは,既に当区間は提出されており,個人設定によって無視されていることを意味します。本当に提出しますか?"
"showUploadButton": {
"message": "アップロードボタンを表示"
"whatUploadButton": {
"message": "時刻印を選択し提出準備が整ったあとにYouTube再生機上に表示されます。"
"customServerAddress": {
"message": "SponsorBlock サーバーアドレス"
"customServerAddressDescription": {
"message": "SponsorBlockがサーバーへの呼び出しに用いるアドレスです。\n自分のサーバー実体を持っていない限りこの設定を変更してはいけません。"
"save": {
"message": "保存"
"reset": {
"message": "リセット"
"customAddressError": {
"message": "このアドレスの形式は正しくありません。最初にhttp://あるいはhttps://があり,最後が斜線で終わっていないことを確かめてください。"
"areYouSureReset": {
"message": "初期設定に戻します。よろしいですか?"
"mobileUpdateInfo": {
"message": " は現在サポートされています"
"exportOptions": {
"message": "全ての設定をインポート/エクスポート"
"whatExportOptions": {
"message": "JSON形式の個人設定全体です。利用者IDが含まれているので共有するときは注意してください。"
"setOptions": {
"message": "設定する"
"exportOptionsWarning": {
"message": "警告: 設定の変更は恒久的で,本拡張機能を破壊する可能性があります。本当に実行しますか? 念のため,旧設定を控えておいてください。"
"incorrectlyFormattedOptions": {
"message": "JSONの書式が正しくありません。設定は変更されませんでした。"
"confirmNoticeTitle": {
"message": "区域を提出"
@ -407,9 +450,30 @@
"preview": {
"message": "プレビュー"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "未確定"
"inspect": {
"message": "調査"
"edit": {
"message": "編集"
"copyDebugInformation": {
"message": "詳細情報をクリップボードに写す"
"copyDebugInformationFailed": {
"message": "クリップボードに書き込めませんでした"
"copyDebugInformationOptions": {
"message": "不具合があったあるいは開発者から要求があった際に提供する為の情報をクリップボードに写します。利用者ID許可表にある番組および個人サーバーのアドレスなどの機密情報は含まれていません。ただし利用者エージェントWeb閲覧機OSおよび拡張機能の版番などの情報は含まれています。"
"theKey": {
"message": "鍵束縛"
"keyAlreadyUsed": {
"message": "は別の動作に割り当て済みです。違う鍵を設定してください。"
"to": {
"message": "",
"description": "Used between segments. Example: 1:20 to 1:30"
@ -417,6 +481,21 @@
"category_sponsor": {
"message": "スポンサー"
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "報酬のある販売促進・製品紹介および直接広告です。自己販促や好きな運動・製作者・Webサイト・製品に対する無報酬での宣伝とは違います。"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "無報酬 / セルフプロモーション"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "無報酬での宣伝あるいは自己販促を除いて「提供者」と同様です。商品・寄付・合作情報にかんする節を含みます。"
"category_interaction": {
"message": "動画の間に挟まる告知(番組登録)"
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "動画の間に挟まる告知"
"category_intro": {
"message": "インターミッション / イントロアニメーション"
@ -426,12 +505,24 @@
"category_outro": {
"message": "エンドカード/クレジット"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "無報酬 / セルフプロモーション"
"category_preview": {
"message": "予告と前回の粗筋"
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "前回の粗筋,または動画の後半内容の予告。音声による要約ではなく,編集された映像を指します。"
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "音楽: 音楽ではない区間"
"category_music_offtopic_short": {
"message": "非音楽"
"category_livestream_messages": {
"message": "生配信: 寄付などの読み上げ"
"category_livestream_messages_short": {
"message": "寄付などの読み上げ"
"disable": {
"message": "無効"
@ -441,8 +532,11 @@
"showOverlay": {
"message": "シークバーに表示"
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "色の書式が正しくありません。井桁記号に続く3桁あるいは6桁の16進数である必要があります。"
"previewColor": {
"message": "プレビューカラー",
"message": "未確定の色",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -452,7 +546,7 @@
"message": "カテゴリ"
"skipOption": {
"message": "飛越設定",
"message": "飛設定",
"description": "Used on the options page to describe the ways to skip the segment (auto skip, manual, etc.)"
"enableTestingServer": {
@ -461,14 +555,28 @@
"bracketNow": {
"message": "(今)"
"moreCategories": {
"message": "範疇を変更"
"chooseACategory": {
"message": "カテゴリーを選択"
"enableThisCategoryFirst": {
"message": "分類「{0}」で区域を提出するには,個人設定で当分類を有効にしてください。個人設定画面に転送します。",
"description": "Used when submitting segments to only let them select a certain category if they have it enabled in the options."
"youMustSelectACategory": {
"message": "提出する全ての区域について,その範疇を選択する必要があります!"
"hiddenDueToDownvote": {
"message": "低い評価の区間を無視する"
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "あまりに短かい区間を無視する"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "まだチャンネル ID が読み込まれてません。"
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "番組IDがまだ読み込まれていません。埋め込み動画でご覧になっている場合は代わりにYouTubeの公式サイトで再生してみてください。この問題はYouTubeの画面構成を変えた際にも発生する可能性があります。その場合はこちらに意見をお書きください:"
"youtubePermissionRequest": {
"message": "SponsorBlockがYouTube APIを参照できないようです。修正するには次に表示される画面で許可を承認してから数秒後に再読み込みしてください。"
@ -482,9 +590,30 @@
"permissionRequestFailed": {
"message": "権限要求に失敗しました。承認を拒否しましたか?"
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "これを解決できない場合は「飛び越し前に強制的に番組を検査する」を無効にしてください。SponsorBlockはこの動画の番組情報を取得できませんでした。"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "飛び越し前に強制的に番組を検査する"
"whatForceChannelCheck": {
"message": "既定では番組のいかんにかかわらず区域をすぐに飛び越します。また既定では許可表にある番組であっても再生開始直後の区域を飛び越してしまう場合があります。この個人設定を有効にすると前述の挙動を防げます。ただし番組IDの取得に時間が掛かるせいで全ての飛び越しを作成するのに遅延が生じます。高速な通信環境であればほとんど遅延を感じないでしょう。"
"forceChannelCheckPopup": {
"message": "「飛び越し前に強制的に番組を検査する」を有効にすることを検討してください"
"downvoteDescription": {
"message": "不正確あるいは間違った時刻です"
"incorrectCategory": {
"message": "カテゴリが違います"
"nonMusicCategoryOnMusic": {
"message": "この動画は音楽として分類されています。本当にこの動画に提供表示画面がありますか? 当区域が本当に「音楽以外の区域」だった場合は,拡張機能の個人設定を開いて,この分類を有効にしてください。その後,「提供表示画面」の代わりに「非音楽」として区域を提出してください。よく分からない場合は,区域分野にかんする指針をお読みください。"
"multipleSegments": {
"message": "複数の区域"
"guidelines": {
"message": "ガイドライン"
@ -495,7 +624,14 @@
"categoryUpdate1": {
"message": "カテゴリはこちらです!"
"help": {
"message": "ヘルプ"
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "導入画面・終了画面・商品紹介などを飛び越す個人設定を開きます。"
"experiementOptOut": {
"message": "実験的機能をすべて無効にする",
"description": "This is used in a popup about a new experiment to get a list of unlisted videos to back up since all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 will be set to private."
"hideForever": {
"message": "二度と表示しない"

View file

@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "이 기능은 건너 뛴 부분을 추적하여 사용자가 제출한 내용이 다른 사람에게 얼마나 도움이 되는지 알려주고 스팸이 데이터베이스에 들어가지 않도록 추천과 함께 분석에 사용합니다. 확장 프로그램은 부분을 건너뛸 때마다 서버에 메시지를 보냅니다. 조회수가 정확하도록 대부분의 사람들이 이 설정을 변경하지 않기를 바랍니다. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "시크릿/사생활 보호 탭에서 스킵 개수 추적 활성화"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Hash Prefix가 쿼리를 제공함"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "구간 건너뛰기 키 설정"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "시작 부분 키 할당 설정"
"message": "시작/끝 부분 키 할당 설정"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "제출 키 할당 설정"
@ -347,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". 현재 다음으로 설정되어 있습니다:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Invidious 지원 활성화"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "제3자 YouTube 사이트 지원"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious (는 서드 파티 YouTube 클라이언트입니다. Invidious 지원을 활성화하시려면 추가적인 권한을 허용해주셔야 합니다. 이 기능은 Chrome 및 Chromium 기반 브라우저의 시크릿 모드에서는 작동하지 않습니다."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "제3자 YouTube 클라이언트를 지원합니다. 이 기능을 사용하려면 추가 권한을 허용하여야 합니다. 크롬 및 기타 크로미움 계열 브라우저의 시크릿 모드에서는 작동하지 않습니다.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "지원되는 사이트: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Invidious 지원을 활성화하고, 자동 건너뛰기 기능을 끄거나, 사용하지 않는 버튼을 숨겨보세요."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Invidious 인스턴스 추가"
"message": "제3자 클라이언트 인스턴스 추가"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Invidious의 커스텀 인스턴스를 추가합니다. 도메인 형식으로만 되어있어야 합니다. 예시:"
"message": "사용자 지정 인스턴스를 추가합니다. 도메인 형식으로만 되어있어야 합니다. 예시:"
"add": {
"message": "추가"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "미리보기"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "미제출됨"
"inspect": {
"message": "보기"
@ -477,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "유료 광고, 유료 협찬과 직접 광고입니다. 원인/크리에이터/웹사이트/제품에 자체 홍보나 대가 없는 홍보는 여기에 해당되지 않습니다."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "자체 홍보 구간"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "'스폰서 광고'와 비슷하지만 협찬 없이 자기 채널을 홍보하는 구간입니다. 여기에는 채널 굿즈 광고, 기부 광고와 영상에 참여한 사람들을 홍보하는 광고가 해당됩니다."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "상호 작용 알림 (구독)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "컨텐츠 중앙의 좋아요, 구독이나 팔로우에 대한 짧은 설명이 뜨는 경우입니다. 길거나 특정적인 거라면 자가 홍보에 해당됩니다."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "상호 작용 알림"
"category_intro": {
"message": "무음 구간 / 인트로 영상"
@ -492,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "엔딩 크레딧이나 최종 화면이 나타나는 구간입니다. 단순히 결론을 말하는 부분은 여기에 포함되지 않습니다."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "상호 작용 알림 (구독)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "미리보기/요약"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "컨텐츠 중앙의 좋아요, 구독이나 팔로우에 대한 짧은 설명이 뜨는 경우입니다. 길거나 특정적인 거라면 자가 홍보에 해당됩니다."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "상호 작용 알림"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "자체 홍보 구간"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "'스폰서 광고'와 비슷하지만 협찬 없이 자기 채널을 홍보하는 구간입니다. 여기에는 채널 굿즈 광고, 기부 광고와 영상에 참여한 사람들을 홍보하는 광고가 해당됩니다."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "이전 에피소드를 간략히 요약하거나 현재 동영상에서 나중에 나올 내용을 예고해줍니다. 음성 요약이 아니라 편집된 동영상을 통한 요약입니다."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "음악이 아닌 구간"
@ -535,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "올바르지 않은 색상 코드입니다. 색상 코드는 샵 (#) 기호로 시작하여 3자리 또는 6자리의 16진수로 구성되어야 합니다."
"previewColor": {
"message": "미리보기 색상",
"message": "미제출한 색상",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "숨겨짐: 너무 짧음"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "채널 ID가 로드되지 않았습니다."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "채널 ID를 아직 불러오지 못했습니다. 임베디드 동영상에서 시도한 경우 YouTube 페이지에서 시도해주십시오. 이 오류는 YouTube의 레이아웃 변경으로 인해서도 발생할 수 있습니다. 레이아웃 변경에 의해 오류가 발생했다고 생각하면 여기에 의견을 남겨주십시오."
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "무언가가 SponsorBlock의 동영상 데이터 수집을 막고 있는 것 같습니다. 사이트를 참조하세요."
@ -603,9 +620,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "이 문제를 해결할 수 없는 경우, SponsorBlock이 이 동영상에 대한 채널 정보를 찾을 수 없으므로 '건너뛰기 전 채널 강제 체크' 설정을 꺼주십시오."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "오류가 지속된다면, 광고 차단기로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다.'s-Requests 사이트를 참조하세요"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "건너뛰기 전 채널 강제 체크"
@ -639,8 +653,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "인트로, 아웃트로, 기타 등을 스킵하는 설정을 여세요"
"help": {
"message": "도움"

View file

@ -235,9 +235,6 @@
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "ഒരു സെഗ്മെന്റ് ഒഴിവാക്കുന്നതിനായി കീ സജ്ജമാക്കുക"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "ആരംഭ സെഗ്‌മെന്റ് കീബൈൻഡിനായി കീ സജ്ജമാക്കുക"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "സമർപ്പിക്കൽ കീബൈൻഡിനായി കീ സജ്ജമാക്കുക"
@ -344,21 +341,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". ഇത് നിലവിൽ ഇതായി സജ്ജീകരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "ഇൻ‌വിഡിയസിനെ പിന്തുണയ്‌ക്കുക"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "ഒരു മൂന്നാം കക്ഷി YouTube ക്ലയന്റാണ് ഇൻ‌വിഡിയസ് ( പിന്തുണ പ്രവർത്തനക്ഷമമാക്കാൻ, നിങ്ങൾ അധിക അനുമതികൾ സ്വീകരിക്കണം. ഇത് Chrome- ലും മറ്റ് Chromium വേരിയന്റുകളിലും ആൾമാറാട്ടത്തിൽ പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നില്ല."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "ആക്രമണാത്മക പിന്തുണ പ്രാപ്തമാക്കുക, ഓട്ടോസ്കിപ്പ് അപ്രാപ്തമാക്കുക, ബട്ടണുകൾ മറയ്ക്കുക എന്നിവയും അതിലേറെയും."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "അദൃശ്യമായ ഉദാഹരണം ചേർക്കുക"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "ഇൻ‌വിഡിയസിന്റെ ഒരു ഇച്ഛാനുസൃത ഉദാഹരണം ചേർക്കുക. ഇത് JUST ഡൊമെയ്ൻ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് ഫോർമാറ്റ് ചെയ്തിരിക്കണം. ഉദാഹരണം:"
"add": {
"message": "ചേർക്കുക"
@ -474,6 +459,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "പണമടച്ചുള്ള പ്രമോഷൻ, പണമടച്ചുള്ള റഫറലുകൾ, നേരിട്ടുള്ള പരസ്യങ്ങൾ. സ്വയം പ്രൊമോഷനോ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ കാരണങ്ങൾ / സ്രഷ്‌ടാക്കൾ / വെബ്‌സൈറ്റുകൾ / ഉൽപ്പന്നങ്ങൾ എന്നിവയ്‌ക്ക് സ shout ജന്യ ശബ്ദമുയർത്തുന്നതിനോ അല്ല."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "പണമടയ്ക്കാത്ത / സ്വയം പ്രമോഷൻ"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "പണമടയ്ക്കാത്ത അല്ലെങ്കിൽ സ്വയം പ്രമോഷൻ ഒഴികെ \"സ്പോൺസർ\" എന്നതിന് സമാനമാണ്. ചരക്കുകൾ, സംഭാവനകൾ, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അവർ ആരുമായി സഹകരിച്ചു എന്നതിനെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള വിവരങ്ങൾ എന്നിവ ഇതിൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുന്നു."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "ഇന്ററാക്ഷൻ ഓർമ്മപ്പെടുത്തൽ (സബ്‌സ്‌ക്രൈബുചെയ്യുക)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "ഉള്ളടക്കത്തിന്റെ മധ്യത്തിൽ ഇഷ്‌ടപ്പെടാനോ സബ്‌സ്‌ക്രൈബുചെയ്യാനോ പിന്തുടരാനോ ഒരു ഹ്രസ്വ ഓർമ്മപ്പെടുത്തൽ ഉണ്ടാകുമ്പോൾ. ഇത് ദൈർഘ്യമേറിയതോ നിർദ്ദിഷ്ടമായതോ ആയ കാര്യങ്ങളാണെങ്കിൽ, അത് സ്വയം പ്രൊമോഷന് കീഴിലായിരിക്കണം."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "ഇടപെടൽ ഓർമ്മപ്പെടുത്തൽ"
"category_intro": {
"message": "ഇടവേള / ആമുഖ ആനിമേഷൻ"
@ -489,21 +489,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "ക്രെഡിറ്റുകൾ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ YouTube എൻഡ്‌കാർഡുകൾ ദൃശ്യമാകുമ്പോൾ. വിവരങ്ങളുമായുള്ള നിഗമനങ്ങളിൽ അല്ല."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "ഇന്ററാക്ഷൻ ഓർമ്മപ്പെടുത്തൽ (സബ്‌സ്‌ക്രൈബുചെയ്യുക)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "ഉള്ളടക്കത്തിന്റെ മധ്യത്തിൽ ഇഷ്‌ടപ്പെടാനോ സബ്‌സ്‌ക്രൈബുചെയ്യാനോ പിന്തുടരാനോ ഒരു ഹ്രസ്വ ഓർമ്മപ്പെടുത്തൽ ഉണ്ടാകുമ്പോൾ. ഇത് ദൈർഘ്യമേറിയതോ നിർദ്ദിഷ്ടമായതോ ആയ കാര്യങ്ങളാണെങ്കിൽ, അത് സ്വയം പ്രൊമോഷന് കീഴിലായിരിക്കണം."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "ഇടപെടൽ ഓർമ്മപ്പെടുത്തൽ"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "പണമടയ്ക്കാത്ത / സ്വയം പ്രമോഷൻ"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "പണമടയ്ക്കാത്ത അല്ലെങ്കിൽ സ്വയം പ്രമോഷൻ ഒഴികെ \"സ്പോൺസർ\" എന്നതിന് സമാനമാണ്. ചരക്കുകൾ, സംഭാവനകൾ, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അവർ ആരുമായി സഹകരിച്ചു എന്നതിനെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള വിവരങ്ങൾ എന്നിവ ഇതിൽ ഉൾപ്പെടുന്നു."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "സംഗീതം: സംഗീതേതര വിഭാഗം"
@ -531,10 +516,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "നിങ്ങളുടെ നിറം തെറ്റായി ഫോർമാറ്റുചെയ്‌തു. ഇത് തുടക്കത്തിൽ ഒരു നമ്പർ ചിഹ്നമുള്ള 3 അല്ലെങ്കിൽ 6 അക്ക ഹെക്സ് കോഡായിരിക്കണം."
"previewColor": {
"message": "പ്രിവ്യൂ വർണ്ണം",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "ബാർ കളർ തേടുക"
@ -579,12 +560,6 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "മറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു: വളരെ ചെറുതാണ്"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ചാനൽ ഐഡി ഇതുവരെ ലോഡുചെയ്തിട്ടില്ല."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "ഇത് സംഭവിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ, ഇത് നിങ്ങളുടെ പരസ്യ ബ്ലോക്കർ കാരണമാകാം. Https://'s-Requests പരിശോധിക്കുക"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "ഒഴിവാക്കുന്നതിനുമുമ്പ് ചാനൽ പരിശോധന നിർബന്ധിക്കുക"
@ -618,8 +593,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "ആമുഖങ്ങൾ, ഉൽ‌പ്പന്നങ്ങൾ‌, ചരക്കുകൾ‌ മുതലായവ ഒഴിവാക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള ഓപ്ഷനുകൾ‌ തുറക്കുക."
"help": {
"message": "സഹായം"

View file

@ -235,9 +235,6 @@
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "Tetapkan kunci untuk melangkau segmen"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Tetapkan kunci untuk keybind segmen permulaan"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Tetapkan kunci untuk pengikat kunci penyerahan"
@ -344,21 +341,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Pada masa ini ditetapkan untuk:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Sokong Invidious"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( adalah pelanggan YouTube pihak ketiga. Untuk mengaktifkan sokongan, anda mesti menerima kebenaran tambahan. Ini TIDAK berfungsi dalam penyamaran pada Chrome dan varian Chromium lain."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Dayakan sokongan Invidious, lumpuhkan autoskip, sembunyikan butang dan banyak lagi."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Tambah Contoh Invidious"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Tambahkan contoh tersuai Invidious. Ini mesti diformat dengan HANYA domain. Contoh:"
"add": {
"message": "Tambah"
@ -474,6 +459,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Promosi berbayar, rujukan berbayar dan iklan langsung. Bukan untuk promosi diri atau sapaan percuma kepada penyebab / pencipta / laman web / produk yang mereka suka."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Promosi Tanpa Bayaran / Diri"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Sama dengan \"penaja\" kecuali untuk promosi tanpa gaji atau diri. Ini merangkumi bahagian mengenai barang dagangan, sumbangan, atau maklumat tentang siapa mereka bekerjasama."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Peringatan Interaksi (Langgan)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Apabila ada peringatan pendek untuk menyukai, melanggan atau mengikutinya di tengah-tengah kandungan. Sekiranya ia panjang atau mengenai sesuatu yang spesifik, ia harus dipromosikan sendiri."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Peringatan Interaksi"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Intermission / Pengenalan Animasi"
@ -489,21 +489,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Kredit atau ketika kad akhir YouTube muncul. Bukan untuk kesimpulan dengan maklumat."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Peringatan Interaksi (Langgan)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Apabila ada peringatan pendek untuk menyukai, melanggan atau mengikutinya di tengah-tengah kandungan. Sekiranya ia panjang atau mengenai sesuatu yang spesifik, ia harus dipromosikan sendiri."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Peringatan Interaksi"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Promosi Tanpa Bayaran / Diri"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Sama dengan \"penaja\" kecuali untuk promosi tanpa gaji atau diri. Ini merangkumi bahagian mengenai barang dagangan, sumbangan, atau maklumat tentang siapa mereka bekerjasama."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Muzik: Bahagian Bukan Muzik"
@ -531,10 +516,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Warna anda tidak diformat dengan betul. Ia mestilah kod hex 3 atau 6 digit dengan tanda nombor pada awalnya."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Warna Pratonton",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Cari Warna Bar"
@ -579,12 +560,6 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "tersembunyi: terlalu pendek"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID Saluran belum dimuat."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Sekiranya ini terus berlaku, ini mungkin disebabkan oleh penyekat iklan anda. Sila periksa's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Pakai Pemeriksaan Saluran Sebelum Melangkau"
@ -618,8 +593,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Buka pilihan untuk melangkau perkenalan, pengeluaran luar, barang dagangan, dll."
"help": {
"message": "Bantuan"

View file

@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
"message": "Nooit weergeven"
"hitGoBack": {
"message": "Druk op \"niet overslaan\" om terug te gaan naar waar u vandaan komt."
"message": "Druk op \"overslaan ongedaan maken\" om terug te gaan naar waar u vandaan komt."
"unskip": {
"message": "Niet overslaan"
"message": "Overslaan ongedaan maken"
"reskip": {
"message": "Opnieuw overslaan"
@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Deze functie houdt bij welke segmenten u heeft overgeslagen om gebruikers te laten weten hoezeer hun indiening anderen heeft geholpen en wordt samen met upvotes als meetwaarde gebruikt om ervoor te zorgen dat spam niet in de database terechtkomt. De extensie stuurt telkens wanneer u een segment overslaat een bericht naar de server. Hopelijk veranderen de meeste mensen deze instelling niet zodat de weergavenummers accuraat zijn. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Bijhouden van het aantal keren overslaan inschakelen in privé-/incognito-tabbladen"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Opvragen via hash-voorvoegsel"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Sleutel instellen voor het overslaan van een segment"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Sneltoets instellen voor begin van segment"
"message": "Sneltoets instellen voor begin/einde van segment"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Sneltoets instellen voor indienen"
@ -347,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Hij is momenteel ingesteld op:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Ondersteuning voor Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Ondersteuning voor YouTube-sites van derden"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( is een YouTube-client van derden. Om ondersteuning in te schakelen, moet u de extra machtigingen accepteren. Dit werkt NIET in incognito in Chrome en andere Chromium-varianten."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Ondersteuning voor YouTube-clients van derden. Om ondersteuning in te schakelen moet u de extra machtigingen accepteren. Dit werkt NIET in incognito in Chrome en andere Chromium-varianten.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Ondersteunde sites: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Ondersteuning voor Invidious inschakelen, automatisch overslaan uitschakelen, knoppen verbergen en meer."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Invidious-instantie toevoegen"
"message": "Client-instantie van derden toevoegen"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Een aangepaste instantie van Invidious toevoegen. Dit moet geformatteerd worden met ALLEEN het domein. Voorbeeld:"
"message": "Een aangepaste instantie toevoegen. Dit moet worden opgemaakt met ALLEEN het domein. Bijvoorbeeld:"
"add": {
"message": "Toevoegen"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Voorbeeld"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Niet ingediend"
"inspect": {
"message": "Inspecteren"
@ -477,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Betaalde promotie, betaalde aanbevelingen en directe reclame. Niet voor zelfpromotie of gratis uitroepen naar zaken/makers/websites/producten waar ze van houden."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Onbetaalde promotie of zelfpromotie"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Vergelijkbaar met \"sponsor\", behalve voor onbetaalde of zelfpromotie. Dit is inclusief secties over koopwaar, donaties of informatie over met wie ze hebben samengewerkt."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Interactieherinnering (abonneren)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Als er een korte herinnering is om ze leuk te vinden, u te abonneren of ze te volgen in het midden van de inhoud. Als het lang is of over iets specifieks gaat, moet het in plaats daarvan onder zelfpromotie vallen."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Interactieherinnering"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Onderbreking/intro-animatie"
@ -492,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Aftiteling of wanneer de YouTube-eindkaarten verschijnen. Niet voor conclusies met informatie."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Interactieherinnering (abonneren)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Voorbeeld/samenvatting"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Als er een korte herinnering is om ze leuk te vinden, u te abonneren of ze te volgen in het midden van de inhoud. Als het lang is of over iets specifieks gaat, moet het in plaats daarvan onder zelfpromotie vallen."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Interactieherinnering"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Onbetaalde promotie of zelfpromotie"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Vergelijkbaar met \"sponsor\", behalve voor onbetaalde of zelfpromotie. Dit is inclusief secties over koopwaar, donaties of informatie over met wie ze hebben samengewerkt."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Snelle samenvatting van vorige afleveringen of een voorbeeld van wat er later komt in de huidige video. Bedoeld voor samengevoegde clips, niet voor gesproken samenvattingen."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Muziek: sectie niet-muziek"
@ -535,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Uw kleur is verkeerd geformatteerd. Het moet een hexadecimale code van 3 of 6 cijfers zijn met een hekje aan het begin."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Voorbeeld van kleur",
"message": "Niet ingediend kleur",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "verborgen: te kort"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "Kanaal-ID is nog niet geladen."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "Kanaal-ID is nog niet geladen. Als u een ingesloten video gebruikt, probeer dan in plaats daarvan de YouTube-homepagina. Dit kan ook worden veroorzaakt door wijzigingen in de YouTube-lay-out. Als u denkt dat dit het geval is, maak dan hier een opmerking:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Het lijkt erop dat iets de mogelijkheid van SponsorBlock om videogegevens op te halen, blokkeert. Zie voor meer informatie."
@ -603,9 +620,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Als u dit niet kunt oplossen, schakel dan de instelling 'kanaalcontrole forceren vóór overslaan' uit omdat SponsorBlock niet in staat is de kanaalinformatie voor deze video op te halen"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Als dit blijft optreden, kan dit worden veroorzaakt door uw reclamefilter. Zie's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Kanaalcontrole forceren vóór overslaan"
@ -640,7 +654,17 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Open de opties om intro's, outro's, koopwaar,... over te slaan."
"help": {
"message": "Help"
"experimentUnlistedTitle": {
"message": "Helpen voorkomen dat dit verdwijnt"
"experimentUnlistedText": {
"message": "Deze video is gedetecteerd als niet-genoteerd en geüpload voor 2017.\nOude niet-genoteerde video's worden volgende maand op privé gezet.\nWe zijn *publieke* video's aan het verzamelen om te backuppen.\nWilt u deze video anoniem naar ons toesturen?\n"
"experiementOptOut": {
"message": "Uitschrijven van alle toekomstige experimenten",
"description": "This is used in a popup about a new experiment to get a list of unlisted videos to back up since all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 will be set to private."
"hideForever": {
"message": "Voor altijd verbergen"

View file

@ -235,9 +235,6 @@
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "Angi tast for å hoppe over et segment"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Angi tast for å starte segmenter"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Angi tast for innsending"
@ -344,21 +341,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Den er før øyeblikket satt til:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Støtt Invidious"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( er en tredjeparts YouTube-klient. For å skru på støtte for det, må du akseptere de ekstra tillatelsene. Dette fungerer IKKE i inkognito på Chrome og andre Chromium-varianter."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Skru på Invidious-støtte, skru av autohopp, skjul knapper, og mer."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Legg til Invidious-instans"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Legg til en selvvalgt Invidious-instans. Dette må formatteres som KUN domenet. For eksempel:"
"add": {
"message": "Legg til"
@ -474,6 +459,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Betalt promotering, betalte henvisninger, og reklamer direkte til seerne. Ikke for selvpromotering eller gratis hyllester av saker/skapere/nettsteder/produkter som de liker."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Ubetalt/Selvpromotering"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Minner om «Sponsor», men er ubetalt eller selvpromotering. Dette inkluderer segmenter om merchandise, donasjoner, eller info om hvem de samarbeidet med."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Samhandlingspåminnelse (Abonner)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Når det er en kort påminnelse om å like, abonnere på eller følge dem midt i innholdet. Hvis det er langt eller handler om noe spesifikt, burde det føres opp som selvpromotering i stedet."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Samhandlingspåminnelse"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Midtpause-/Introanimasjon"
@ -489,21 +489,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Rulletekster eller når YouTube-sluttkortene dukker opp. Ikke for avslutninger med informasjon."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Samhandlingspåminnelse (Abonner)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Når det er en kort påminnelse om å like, abonnere på eller følge dem midt i innholdet. Hvis det er langt eller handler om noe spesifikt, burde det føres opp som selvpromotering i stedet."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Samhandlingspåminnelse"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Ubetalt/Selvpromotering"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Minner om «Sponsor», men er ubetalt eller selvpromotering. Dette inkluderer segmenter om merchandise, donasjoner, eller info om hvem de samarbeidet med."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Musikk: Seksjon uten musikk"
@ -531,10 +516,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Fargen din er formattert feil. Det burde være en 3- eller 6-sifret heksadesimal kode med et nummertegn foran."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Forhåndsvisningsfarge",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Tidsstripefarge"
@ -579,9 +560,6 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "skjult: for kort"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "Kanal-ID-en er ikke lastet inn enda."
"youtubePermissionRequest": {
"message": "Det ser ut til at SponsorBlock ikke klarer å nå YouTube-API-en. For å fikse dette, godta tillatelsesspørringen som dukker opp etter dette, vent noen sekunder, og så last inn siden på nytt."
@ -594,9 +572,6 @@
"permissionRequestFailed": {
"message": "Tillatelsesforespørselen mislyktes, klikket du på Avvis?"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Hvis dette skjer til stadighet, kan det være forårsaket av reklameblokkereren din. Vennligst sjekk's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Fremtving kanalsjekk før hopp"
@ -630,8 +605,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Åpne innstillingene for å hoppe over introer, outro-er, merchandise, osv."
"help": {
"message": "Hjelp"

View file

@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "Koniec segmentu"
"sponsorCancel": {
"message": "Anuluj tworzenie segmentu"
"noVideoID": {
"message": "Nie znaleziono filmu YouTube.\nJeżeli to błąd, odśwież stronę."
@ -197,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Ta opcja monitoruje pomijane przez Ciebie segmenty, by dać znać użytkownikom, jak bardzo ich wkład pomógł innym, oraz w połączeniu z systemem głosowania zapobiegać dostawaniu się spamu do bazy danych. Rozszerzenie wysyła wiadomość do serwera za każdym razem, kiedy pomijasz segment. Miejmy nadzieję, że większość ludzi tego nie wyłączy i liczniki wyświetleń będą wiarygodne. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Włącz licznik śledzenia pominięć w zakładkach Prywatnych/Incognito"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Zapytanie według prefiksu Hash"
@ -236,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Ustaw klawisz do pomijania segmentów"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Ustaw klawisz do oznaczania początku segmentu"
"message": "Ustaw klawisz do oznaczania początku/końca segmentu"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Ustaw klawisz do wysyłania czasów"
@ -344,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Obecnie ustawiony:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Wsparcie dla Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Obsługa stron YouTube firm trzecich"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( to nieoficjalny klient YouTubea. Aby włączyć dla niego wsparcie, musisz przyznać dodatkowe uprawnienia. W Chrome i innych przeglądarkach bazujących na Chromium ta opcja nie działa w trybie incognito."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Wspieraj nieoficjalne klienty YouTube'a. Aby włączyć dla nich wsparcie, musisz przyznać dodatkowe uprawnienia. Ta opcja nie działa w trybie incognito w Chrome i innych przeglądarkach bazujących na Chromium.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Wspierane strony: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Włącz wsparcie dla Invidious, wyłącz autopomijanie, ukryj przyciski i więcej."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Dodaj instancje Invidious"
"message": "Dodaj instancję zewnętrznego klienta"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Dodaj niestandardową instancję Invidious. Musi to być w formie samej domeny. Przykładowo:"
"message": "Dodaj niestandardową instancję. Musi to być w formie samej domeny. Przykładowo:"
"add": {
"message": "Dodaj"
@ -440,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Podgląd"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Niewysłane"
"inspect": {
"message": "Sprawdź"
@ -474,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Płatna promocja, płatne rekomendacje oraz bezpośrednie reklamy. Nie do autopromocji ani darmowych wyrazów uznania dla kwestii/twórców/stron/produktów, które im się podobają."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Nieopłacona/Własna promocja"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Podobnie jak \"sponsor\", ale nieodpłatnie bądź w ramach promocji własnej. Obejmuje to sekcje o własnych produktach, donacjach czy informacje o tym, z kim współpracowali."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Przypomnienie o interakcji (Subskrybuj)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Gdy ma miejsce krótkie przypomnienie, by lajkować, subskrybować lub śledzić ich w trakcie kontentu. Jeśli trwa to długo lub dotyczy czegoś konkretnego, powinno być zamiast tego jako promocja własna."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Przypomnienie o interakcji"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Przerwa/Animowane intro"
@ -489,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Napisy końcowe lub gdy pojawia się ekran końcowy. Nie do konkluzji zawierających informacje."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Przypomnienie o interakcji (Subskrybuj)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Zapowiedź/Podsumowanie"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Gdy ma miejsce krótkie przypomnienie, by lajkować, subskrybować lub śledzić ich w trakcie kontentu. Jeśli trwa to długo lub dotyczy czegoś konkretnego, powinno być zamiast tego jako promocja własna."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Przypomnienie o interakcji"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Nieopłacona/Własna promocja"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Podobnie jak \"sponsor\", ale nieodpłatnie bądź w ramach promocji własnej. Obejmuje to sekcje o własnych produktach, donacjach czy informacje o tym, z kim współpracowali."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Szybkie podsumowanie poprzednich odcinków lub podgląd tego, co pojawia się później w bieżącym filmie. Dotyczy zmontowanych klipów, a nie ustnych podsumowań."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Muzyka: Sekcja niemuzyczna"
@ -532,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Nieprawidłowy format koloru. Powinien to być zapis szesnastkowy (heksadecymalny) składający się z 3 lub 6 znaków poprzedzonych kratką (#)."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Kolor podglądu",
"message": "Nieprzesłany kolor",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -580,7 +599,11 @@
"message": "ukryty: zbyt krótki"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID kanału nie zostało póki co załadowane."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "ID kanału nie zostało jeszcze załadowane. Jeśli używasz embeddowanego filmu, spróbuj użyć strony głównej YouTube'a. Może to być również spowodowane zmianami w layout'cie YouTube'a, jeśli myślisz, że to przez to, dodaj swój komentarz tutaj:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Wygląda na to, że coś blokuje możliwość pobierania danych o filmach przez SponsorBlock. Sprawdź proszę po więcej informacji."
"youtubePermissionRequest": {
"message": "Wygląda na to, że SponsorBlock nie jest w stanie połączyć się z API YouTube. Aby to naprawić, zaakceptuj monit o pozwolenie, który pojawi się za chwilę, odczekaj kilka sekund, a następnie odśwież stronę."
@ -594,8 +617,8 @@
"permissionRequestFailed": {
"message": "Prośba odrzucona. Może kliknięto „Odmów”?"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Jeśli ten problem się powtarza, możliwą przyczyną jest Twój ad blocker. Sprawdź proszę's-Requests"
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Jeśli nie możesz rozwiązać tego problemu, wyłącz opcję „Wymuś sprawdzanie kanału przed pomijaniem”, ponieważ SponsorBlock nie jest w stanie pobrać informacji o kanale dla tego wideo"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Wymuś sprawdzanie kanału przed pomijaniem"
@ -630,8 +653,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Otwórz opcje, aby pominąć intra, outra, merch, itp."
"help": {
"message": "Pomoc"

View file

@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
"message": "Defina a tecla para ignorar um segmento"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Defina a tecla para que marca o início do segmento"
"message": "Defina a tecla para iniciar/interromper o segmento"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Defina a tecla para enviar o segmento de patrocínio"
@ -347,21 +347,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Atualmente, está definido para:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Apoiar Invidious"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( é um cliente para YouTube de terceiros. Para ativar o apoio, você precisa aceitar as permissões adicionais. Isso não funciona em modo anônimo no Chrome ou em outras variantes do Chromium."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Ativar apoio ao Invidious, desabilitar pular automaticamente, ocultar botões e mais."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Adicionar instância do Invidious"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Adicionar uma instância personalizada do Invidious. Deve ser formatado com APENAS o domínio. Exemplo:"
"add": {
"message": "Adicionar"
@ -477,6 +465,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Promoção paga, indicações pagas e anúncios diretos. Não para auto-promoção ou mensagens grátis para causas/criadores/websites/produtos que eles gostam."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Não-pago/Auto promoção"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Similar a \"patrocinador\", mas para auto promoções e segmentos não-pagos. Isto inclui seções sobre vendas, doações ou informações sobre com quem colaboraram."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Lembrete de interação (inscrever-se)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Quando houver um pequeno lembrete para curtir, inscrever-se ou segui-los no meio do conteúdo. Se é longo ou sobre algo específico, deveria ser sob Não-pago/Auto promoção."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Lembrete de interação"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Intervalo/Animação de Introdução"
@ -492,21 +495,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Créditos ou quando os cards finais do YouTube aparecem. Não deve ser usado para conclusões informativas."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Lembrete de interação (inscrever-se)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Quando houver um pequeno lembrete para curtir, inscrever-se ou segui-los no meio do conteúdo. Se é longo ou sobre algo específico, deveria ser sob Não-pago/Auto promoção."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Lembrete de interação"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Não-pago/Auto promoção"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Similar a \"patrocinador\", mas para auto promoções e segmentos não-pagos. Isto inclui seções sobre vendas, doações ou informações sobre com quem colaboraram."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Música: Seção sem música"
@ -534,10 +522,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Sua cor está formatada incorretamente. Deve ser um código hexadecimal de 3 ou 6 dígitos com uma tralha / hashtag no início."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Pré-visualizar cor",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Cor da barra"
@ -583,7 +567,8 @@
"message": "oculto: muito curto"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID do canal ainda não carregado."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "ID do canal ainda não foi carregado. Se você estiver usando um vídeo embutido, tente usar a página inicial do YouTube. Isso também pode ser causado por mudanças no layout do YouTube, se você achar que este é o caso, faça um comentário aqui:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Parece que algo está bloqueando a habilidade do SponsorBlock de obter dados de vídeo. Por favor, veja para mais informações."
@ -603,9 +588,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Se você não consegue resolver isso, desative a configuração 'Forçar Verificação do Canal Antes de Pular', pois o SponsorBlock não pode recuperar as informações deste vídeo"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Se isso continuar acontecendo, pode ser causado pelo seu bloqueador de anúncios. Por favor, verifique"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Forçar verificação do canal antes de pular"
@ -639,8 +621,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Abra as opções para ignorar as introduções, outros, promoção de mercadoria, etc."
"help": {
"message": "Ajuda"

View file

@ -235,9 +235,6 @@
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "Setați cheia pentru omiterea unui segment"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Setează tasta pentru pornirea segmentului"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Setează tasta pentru trimiterea sponsorizării"
@ -344,21 +341,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". În prezent este setat:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Sprijină Invidious"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( este un client YouTube terț. Pentru a susține, trebuie să acceptați permisiunile suprimentare. Această funcție NU funcționează în incognito pe Chrome sau în alte variante Chromium."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Activează suportul Invidious, dezactivează autoskip-ul, ascunde butoanele și altele."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Adaugă O Instanță Invidious"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Adaugă o instanță personalizată Invidious. Aceasta trebuie să fie formatată DOAR cu domeniul. Exemplu:"
"add": {
"message": "Adaugă"
@ -474,6 +459,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Promovare plătită, refferali plătiți și reclame directe. Nu pentru autopromovări sau promovări gratis ale cauzelor/creatorilor/website-urilor/produselor."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Promovare neplătită/autopromovare"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Similar cu \"sponsorizare\" doar că este neplătit sau autopromovare. Aceasta include secțiuni despre merchandise, donații, sau informații despre cei cu care au colaborat."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Reamintire de Interactiune (Abonare)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Când există o scurtă remintire pentru like, abonare sau urmărire în mijlocul conținutului. Daca este mai lung sau despre ceva specific, folosiți autopromovarea."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Reamintire de Interacțiune"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Pauză/Animație Intro"
@ -489,21 +489,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Credite sau atunci când apare ecranul de final YouTube. Nu pentru concluzii cu informații."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Reamintire de Interactiune (Abonare)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Când există o scurtă remintire pentru like, abonare sau urmărire în mijlocul conținutului. Daca este mai lung sau despre ceva specific, folosiți autopromovarea."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Reamintire de Interacțiune"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Promovare neplătită/autopromovare"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Similar cu \"sponsorizare\" doar că este neplătit sau autopromovare. Aceasta include secțiuni despre merchandise, donații, sau informații despre cei cu care au colaborat."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Muzică: Secţiune Non-Muzicală"
@ -528,10 +513,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Culoarea ta este formatată incorect. Ar trebui să fie un cod hexadecimal de 3 sau 6 cifre cu un hash la început."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Previzualizare Culoare",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Culoarea Barei de Derulare"
@ -576,12 +557,6 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "ascuns: prea scurt"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID-ul Canalului nu a fost încărcat încă."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Dacă acest lucru continuă să se întample, ar putea fi cauzat de adblocker-ul dumneavoastră. Vă rugăm să verificați \n's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Forțează verificarea canalului înainte de a sări"
@ -615,8 +590,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Deschide opțiunile pentru a sări peste intro-uri, outro-uri, merch, etc."
"help": {
"message": "Ajutor"

View file

@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Эта возможность отслеживает, какие сегменты Вы пропустили, чтобы помочь пользователям узнать, насколько их вклад помог другим, и, наряду с голосами, используется как метрика, чтобы убедиться, что спам не попадает в базу данных. Расширение отправляет сообщение на сервер каждый раз, когда Вы пропускаете сегмент. Надеемся, большая часть пользователей не поменяет эту настройку, так что у нас будет точная статистика просмотров. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Включить отслеживание пропусков во вкладках инкогнито"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Запрос по префиксу хэша"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Назначить горячую клавишу для пропуска сегмента"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Назначить горячую клавишу для начала сегмента"
"message": "Назначить горячую клавишу для начала/остановки сегмента"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Назначить горячую клавишу для отправки"
@ -347,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Он сейчас назначен на:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Поддержка Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Поддерживать сторонние YouTube-сайты"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( — это неофициальный клиент для YouTube. Чтобы включить поддержку, Вам понадобится принять дополнительные разрешения. Эта функция НЕ работает в режиме \"инкогнито\" в Chrome и браузерах, основанных на Chromium."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Поддерживать сторонние клиенты для YouTube. Чтобы включить поддержку, Вам понадобится принять дополнительные разрешения. Эта функция НЕ работает в режиме \"инкогнито\" в Chrome и браузерах, основанных на Chromium.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Поддерживаемые сайты: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Включить поддержку Invidious, выключить автоматический пропуск, скрыть кнопки и не только."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Добавить инстанс Invidious"
"message": "Добавить инстанс стороннего клиента"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Добавить свой инстанс Invidious. Формат: ТОЛЬКО домен. Например,"
"message": "Добавить свой инстанс. Формат: ТОЛЬКО домен. Например,"
"add": {
"message": "Добавить"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Предпросмотр"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Неопубликованный"
"inspect": {
"message": "Исследовать"
@ -477,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Рекламные интеграции, реферальные ссылки и реклама напрямую. Не для саморекламы или рекомендаций разных событий/создателей/сайтов/продуктов, которые нравятся автору видео."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Самореклама/рекомендация"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Похоже на \"Спонсора\", но для бесплатной рекламы и саморекламы. Включает себя вставки про мерчендайз, пожертвования или информацию о тех, вместе с кем было сделано видео."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Напоминание о взаимодействии (подписка)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Когда есть краткое напоминание поставить лайк, подписаться на канал или в соцсетях в середине содержимого. Если эта вставка длительная или о чём-то конкретном, она должна классифицироваться как самореклама."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Напоминание о взаимодействии"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Пауза/интро"
@ -492,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Титры или время появления конечных заставок YouTube. Не для подведения итогов сказанного в видео."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Напоминание о взаимодействии (подписка)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Предварительный просмотр/краткое содержание"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Когда есть краткое напоминание поставить лайк, подписаться на канал или в соцсетях в середине содержимого. Если эта вставка длительная или о чём-то конкретном, она должна классифицироваться как самореклама."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Напоминание о взаимодействии"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Самореклама/рекомендация"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Похоже на \"Спонсора\", но для бесплатной рекламы и саморекламы. Включает себя вставки про мерчендайз, пожертвования или информацию о тех, вместе с кем было сделано видео."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Краткое содержание предыдущих эпизодов или предварительный просмотр того, что будет в данном видео. Предназначено для сегментов, смонтированных из кусков видео, а не для устных пересказов."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Музыка: Сегмент без музыки"
@ -535,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Вы ввели цвет в неправильном формате. Это должно быть 3-х или 6-ти значное шестнадцатеричное число с символом # в начале."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Цвет предпросмотра",
"message": "Цвет неотправленного сегмента",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "скрыто: слишком коротко"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID канала еще не загружен."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "ID канала еще не загружен. Если вы используете встроенное видео, попробуйте вместо этого воспользоваться домашней страницей YouTube. Это также может быть вызвано изменениями в дизайне YouTube, если вы считаете, что это так, оставьте комментарий здесь:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Похоже, что-то блокирует возможность SponsorBlock'а получать данные о видео. Подробнее:"
@ -603,9 +620,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Если вы не можете решить эту проблему, попробуйте отключить \"Принудительная проверка каналов перед пропуском\" в настройках, т. к. SponsorBlock не может определить название канала для этого видео"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Если это сообщения появляется слишком часто, это может быть вызвано вашим блокировщиком рекламы. Пожалуйста, перейдите на's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Принудительная проверка каналов перед пропуском"
@ -640,7 +654,17 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Откройте настройки, чтобы пропускать начальные и конечные заставки, саморекламу и другое."
"help": {
"message": "Помощь"
"experimentUnlistedTitle": {
"message": "Помогите архивировать это видео"
"experimentUnlistedText": {
"message": "Это видео было загружено до 2017 и имеет доступ по ссылке\nДля всех подобных видео в следующем месяце будет установлен ограниченный доступ\nМы собираем *публичные* видео для резервного копирования\nВы хотели бы анонимно отправить нам это видео?\n"
"experiementOptOut": {
"message": "Отказаться от всех будущих экспериментов",
"description": "This is used in a popup about a new experiment to get a list of unlisted videos to back up since all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 will be set to private."
"hideForever": {
"message": "Скрыть навсегда"

View file

@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Sleduje aké segmenty ste preskočili, aby sa ostatní používatelia dozvedeli ako prispeli a pomohli ostatným. Spolu s hlasmi to potom zaistí databázu bez spamu. Rozšírenie odošle správu na server vždy keď preskočíte segment. Dúfame, že si väčšina ľudí toto nastavenie nezmení, aby boli čísla presné. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Zapnúť počítanie preskočení v inkognito oknách"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Dopyt podľa hash prefixu"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Nastaviť kláves pre preskočenie segmentu"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Nastaviť kláves pre začiatok segmentu"
"message": "Nastaviť kláves pre začiatok/ukončenie segmentu"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Nastaviť kláves pre odoslanie segmentu"
@ -347,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Aktuálne je nastavené na:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Podpora Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Podpora alternatívnych Youtube webov"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( je alternatívny YouTube klient. Pre zapnutie podpory musíte povoliť zvláštne oprávnenia. Nefunguje v anonymnom režime v prehliadači Chrome ani v Chromium variantoch."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Podpora alternatívnych Youtube klientov. Pre zapnutie podpory musíte povoliť zvláštne oprávnenia. Nefunguje v anonymnom režime v prehliadači Chrome ani v Chromium variantoch.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Podporované weby: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Zapnúť podporu Invidious, vypnúť automatické preskočenie, skryť tlačidlá a iné."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Pridať inštanciu Invidious"
"message": "Pridať inštanciu alternatívneho klienta"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Pridá vlastnú inštanciu Invidious. Musí byť vo formáte len doména. Napr."
"message": "Pridať vlastnú inštanciu. Musí byť vo formáte len doména. Napr."
"add": {
"message": "Pridať"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Ukážka"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Neodoslané"
"inspect": {
"message": "Kontrola"
@ -477,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Platená propagácia, platené odporúčania a priame reklamy. Neplatí pre vlastnú propagáciu alebo neplatenú propagáciu dobročinností/tvorcov/webových stránok/produktov, ktoré sa im páčia."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Neplatená/Vlastná propagácia"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Podobné ako sponzor, okrem neplatenej alebo vlastnej propagácie. Patria sem sekcie týkajúce sa merchu, donatov alebo informácií o tom, s kým spolupracovali."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Pripomienka interakcie (Prihlásiť sa na odber)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Krátka výzva dať like, prihlásiť sa na odber alebo sledovať ich v strede obsahu. Ak je to dlhé alebo sa týka niečoho konkrétneho, malo by to radšej byť v ramci vlastnej propagácie."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Pripomienka interakcie"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Prerušenie/Úvodná animácia"
@ -492,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Kredity alebo keď sa zobrazia YouTube koncové karty. Neplatí pre zhrnutia s informáciami."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Pripomienka interakcie (Prihlásiť sa na odber)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Ukážka/Rekapitulácia"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Krátka výzva dať like, prihlásiť sa na odber alebo sledovať ich v strede obsahu. Ak je to dlhé alebo sa týka niečoho konkrétneho, malo by to radšej byť v ramci vlastnej propagácie."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Pripomienka interakcie"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Neplatená/Vlastná propagácia"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Podobné ako sponzor, okrem neplatenej alebo vlastnej propagácie. Patria sem sekcie týkajúce sa merchu, donatov alebo informácií o tom, s kým spolupracovali."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Rýchla rekapitulácia predošlej epizódy alebo ukážka toho, čo bude nasledovať neskôr v aktuálnom videu. Myslené pre zostrihané videá, nie pre hovorený súhrn."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Hudba: časť bez hudby"
@ -535,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Vaša farba je nesprávne naformátovaná. Mal by to byť 3 alebo 6-miestny hexadecimálny kód so znakom čísla na začiatku."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Farba ukážky",
"message": "Neodoslaná farba",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "skryté: príliš krátke"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID kanála nie je zatiaľ načítané."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "ID kanála sa ešte nenačítalo. Ak pozeráte video vložené na stránke, skúste ísť radšej priamo na YouTube. Problém mohli spôsobiť zmeny na YouTube. Ak je tomu tak, zanechajte komentár:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Zdá sa, že niečo blokuje SponsorBlocku možnosť získať dáta o videu. Prosím navštívte pre viac informácií."
@ -603,9 +620,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Ak to neviete vyriešiť, vypnite nastavenie \"Vynútiť kontrolu kanála pred preskočením\", lebo SponsorBlock nevie zistiť informácie o kanále tohto videa"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Ak sa to bude diať aj naďalej, môže to byť spôsobené Vašim adblockerom. Prosím navštívte's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Vynútiť kontrolu kanála pred preskočením"
@ -639,8 +653,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Otvorte nastavenia pre preskočenie úvodov, záverov, podpory reklamných predmetov, atď."
"help": {
"message": "Pomoc"

View file

@ -98,13 +98,13 @@
"message": "Anslutningsfel. Felkod: "
"wantToSubmit": {
"message": "Vill skicka in med video-id"
"message": "Vill du skicka in för video-ID"
"clearTimes": {
"message": "Rensa segmenten"
"openPopup": {
"message": "Öppna SponsorBlock Popup"
"message": "Öppna SponsorBlock-popup"
"closePopup": {
"message": "Stäng popup"
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"description": "Appears in the popup to inform them that editing has been moved to the video player."
"popupHint": {
"message": "Tips: Du kan ställa in snabbtangenter för de olika inskickningsalternativen"
"message": "Tips: Du kan ställa in snabbtangenter för att skicka in i alternativen"
"clearTimesButton": {
"message": "Rensa tider"
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
"message": "Användarnamn"
"setUsername": {
"message": "Ange Användarnamn"
"message": "Ange användarnamn"
"discordAdvert": {
"message": "Gå med i den officiella discordservern för att ge förslag och feedback!"
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
"message": "Dölj detta"
"Options": {
"message": "Inställningar"
"message": "Alternativ"
"showButtons": {
"message": "Visa Knappar På YouTube-spelaren"
@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Den här funktionen spårar vilka segment du har hoppat över för att låta användarna veta hur mycket tid en användare har sparat andra och tillsammans med användarnas röster säkerställa att spam inte kommer in i databasen. Detta tillägg skickar ett meddelande till servern varje gång du hoppar över ett segment. Förhoppningsvis ändrar inte folk den här inställningen så statistiken hålls tillförlitlig. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Aktivera spåra antalet hoppa över i privata/inkognitoflikar"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Fråga efter hash-prefix"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Ställ in knapp för att hoppa över ett segment"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Ange den tangent som ska fungera som snabbstartstangent för ett segment"
"message": "Ange den genväg som ska fungera som start-/stopptangent för ett segment"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Välj knapp att koppla till rapportering av sponsormeddelande"
@ -347,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Nuvarande snabbtangent är:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Stöd Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Stöd för tredjeparts YouTube-webbplatser"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( är en tredjeparts YouTube-klient. För att aktivera stöd måste du acceptera de extra behörigheterna. Detta kommer INTE att fungera i incognito i Chrome och andra Cromium-varianter."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Stöd tredje parts YouTube-klienter. För att aktivera support måste du acceptera de extra behörigheterna. Detta fungerar INTE i inkognito på Chrome och andra Chromium-varianter.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Webbplatser som stöds: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Aktivera Invidious stöd, inaktivera hoppa över automatiskt, dölj knappar och mer."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Lägg Till Invidious Instans"
"message": "Lägg till tredjepartsklientinstans"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Lägg till en anpassad instans av Invidious. Denna måste vara formaterad med ENBART domänen. Exempelvis:"
"message": "Lägg till en anpassad instans. Denna måste vara formaterad med ENDAST domänen. Exempelvis:"
"add": {
"message": "Lägg till"
@ -414,19 +421,19 @@
"message": " stöds nu"
"exportOptions": {
"message": "Importera/Exportera Alla Inställningar"
"message": "Importera/Exportera alla alternativen"
"whatExportOptions": {
"message": "Detta är alla dina inställningar i JSON-format. Det inkluderar ditt AnvändarID, så var nog med hur du hanterar datan."
"message": "Detta är alla dina alternativ i JSON-format. Det inkluderar ditt användar-ID, så var noga med hur du hanterar datan."
"setOptions": {
"message": "Ange Inställningar"
"message": "Ange alternativ"
"exportOptionsWarning": {
"message": "Varning: Att ändra inställningarna är permanent och kan förstöra din installation. Är du säker på att du vill göra detta? Se till att göra en backup för säkerhets skull."
"message": "Varning: Att ändra alternativen är permanent och kan förstöra din installation. Är du säker på att du vill göra detta? Se till och gör en säkerhetskopia för säkerhets skull."
"incorrectlyFormattedOptions": {
"message": "Denna JSON är inte korrekt formaterad. Dina inställningar har inte ändrats."
"message": "Denna JSON är inte korrekt formaterad. Dina alternativ har inte ändrats."
"confirmNoticeTitle": {
"message": "Rapportera Segment"
@ -443,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Förhandsgranska"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Ej inskickade"
"inspect": {
"message": "Granska"
@ -456,7 +466,7 @@
"message": "Misslyckades med att kopiera debuginformation till urklipp"
"copyDebugInformationOptions": {
"message": "Kopierar information till urklipp för att dela med en utvecklare vid rapportering av en bugg / när en utvecklare ber om det. Känslig data som AnvändarID, vitlistade kanaler, och anpassad serveradress följer inte med. Däremot innehåller det information om useragent, webbläsare, operativsystem, och tilläggsversion."
"message": "Kopierar information till urklipp för att dela med en utvecklare vid rapportering av en bugg / när en utvecklare ber om det. Känslig data som användar-ID, vitlistade kanaler, och anpassad serveradress följer inte med. Däremot innehåller det information om useragent, webbläsare, operativsystem, och tilläggsversion. "
"copyDebugInformationComplete": {
"message": "Debuginformationen har kopierats till urklipp. Ta bort eventuell information du inte vill dela med dig av. Spara informationen i en textfil eller klistra in den i en buggrapport."
@ -477,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Betald marknadsföring, betalda hänvisningar och direktannonser, men inte till egen marknadsföring eller gratis shoutouts till skapare/webbplatser/produkter de gillar."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Obetald/självbefodran"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Som \"sponsormeddelande\" men med undantag för obetald eller självkampanj. Detta inkluderar avsnitt om varor, donationer eller information om vem de samarbetade med."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Interaktionspåminnelse (Prenumerera)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "När där är en kort påminnelse att gilla, prenumerera eller följa dem. Om det är långt eller om det gäller något specifikt bör det istället vara under självbefodran."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Interaktionspåminnelse"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Paus/Introduktion"
@ -492,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Credits eller när YouTube-slutkort visas. Inte för slut med information."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Interaktionspåminnelse (Prenumerera)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Förhandsgranska/sammanfatta"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "När där är en kort påminnelse att gilla, prenumerera eller följa dem. Om det är långt eller om det gäller något specifikt bör det istället vara under självbefodran."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Interaktionspåminnelse"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Obetald/självbefodran"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Som \"sponsormeddelande\" men med undantag för obetald eller självkampanj. Detta inkluderar avsnitt om varor, donationer eller information om vem de samarbetade med."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Snabb sammanfattning av tidigare avsnitt eller en förhandsvisning av vad som kommer upp senare i den aktuella videon. Avsett för redigerade klipp, inte för sammanfattningar."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Musik: Icke-musikavsnitt"
@ -520,7 +536,7 @@
"message": "Liveström: Donations-/meddelandeavläsningar"
"category_livestream_messages_short": {
"message": "Läser meddelande"
"message": "Meddelandeläsning"
"disable": {
"message": "Inaktivera"
@ -535,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Din färg är felaktigt formaterad. Det ska vara en 3- eller 6-siffrig hex-kod med en siffra i början."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Förhandsgranskningsfärg",
"message": "Färg på ej inskickade",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -583,7 +599,8 @@
"message": "dold: för kort"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "Kanal-ID är inte inladdat än."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "Kanal-ID:t är inte laddat ännu. Om du använder en inbäddad video, prova att använda YouTube-hemsidan istället. Detta kan också bero på förändringar i layouten hos YouTube och om du tror så är fallet kommentera det här:"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Det verkar som om något blockerar SponsorBlock från att hämta videodata. Gå till för mer info."
@ -603,9 +620,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Om du inte kan lösa detta kan du inaktivera 'Tvinga kontroll av kanalen innan hoppa över' i inställningarna, eftersom SponsorBlock inte kan hämta kanalinformationen för den här videon"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Om detta fortsätter att inträffa, kan orsaken vara din annonsblockerare. Vänligen kontrollera's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Tvinga kontroll av kanalen innan hoppa över"
@ -638,9 +652,19 @@
"message": "Kategorier finns här!"
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Öppna inställningarna för att hoppa över intros, outros, merch, osv."
"message": "Öppna alternativen för att hoppa över intros, outros, merch, osv."
"help": {
"message": "Hjälp"
"experimentUnlistedTitle": {
"message": "Hjälp till att förhindra att detta försvinner"
"experimentUnlistedText": {
"message": "Detta är en olistad videon som laddades upp före 2017.\nGamla olistade videor kommer att bli ändrade till privata nästa månad.\nVi samlar in *offentliga* videor för att säkerhetskopiera.\nVill du anonymt skicka den här videon till oss?\n"
"experiementOptOut": {
"message": "Hoppa av alla framtida experiment",
"description": "This is used in a popup about a new experiment to get a list of unlisted videos to back up since all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 will be set to private."
"hideForever": {
"message": "Dölj för alltid"

View file

@ -235,9 +235,6 @@
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "ஒரு பகுதியைத் தவிர்ப்பதற்கான விசையை அமைக்கவும்"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "தொடக்க பிரிவு விசைப்பலகைக்கு விசையை அமைக்கவும்"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "சமர்ப்பிக்கும் விசைப்பலகைக்கு விசையை அமைக்கவும்"
@ -344,21 +341,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". இது தற்போது அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Invidious ஐ ஆதரிக்கவும்"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( ஒரு மூன்றாம் தரப்பு YouTube கிளையண்ட். ஆதரவை இயக்க, கூடுதல் அனுமதிகளை நீங்கள் ஏற்க வேண்டும். இது Chrome மற்றும் பிற Chromium வகைகளில் மறைநிலையில் இயங்காது."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "ஆக்கிரமிப்பு ஆதரவை இயக்கு, ஆட்டோஸ்கிப்பை முடக்கு, பொத்தான்களை மறை மற்றும் பலவற்றை."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Invidious நிகழ்வைச் சேர்க்கவும்"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "INVIDOUS இன் தனிப்பயன் நிகழ்வைச் சேர்க்கவும். இது டொமைனுடன் வடிவமைக்கப்பட வேண்டும். எடுத்துக்காட்டு:"
"add": {
"message": "சேர்"
@ -474,6 +459,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "கட்டண பதவி உயர்வு, கட்டண பரிந்துரைகள் மற்றும் நேரடி விளம்பரங்கள். சுய விளம்பரத்திற்காகவோ அல்லது அவர்கள் விரும்பும் காரணங்கள் / படைப்பாளிகள் / வலைத்தளங்கள் / தயாரிப்புகளுக்கு இலவசக் கூச்சலுக்காகவோ அல்ல."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "செலுத்தப்படாத / சுய ஊக்குவிப்பு"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "செலுத்தப்படாத அல்லது சுய விளம்பரத்தைத் தவிர \"ஸ்பான்சர்\" போன்றது. பொருட்கள், நன்கொடைகள் அல்லது அவர்கள் யாருடன் ஒத்துழைத்தார்கள் என்பது பற்றிய தகவல்கள் இதில் அடங்கும்."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "தொடர்பு நினைவூட்டல் (குழுசேர்)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "உள்ளடக்கத்தின் நடுவில் அவற்றைப் பிடிக்க, குழுசேர அல்லது பின்பற்ற ஒரு குறுகிய நினைவூட்டல் இருக்கும்போது. இது நீண்டதாகவோ அல்லது குறிப்பிட்ட ஒன்றைப் பற்றியோ இருந்தால், அதற்கு பதிலாக அது சுய விளம்பரத்தின் கீழ் இருக்க வேண்டும்."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "தொடர்பு நினைவூட்டல்"
"category_intro": {
"message": "இடைமறிப்பு / அறிமுக அனிமேஷன்"
@ -489,21 +489,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "வரவுகளை அல்லது YouTube எண்ட்கார்டுகள் தோன்றும் போது. தகவலுடன் முடிவுகளுக்கு அல்ல."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "தொடர்பு நினைவூட்டல் (குழுசேர்)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "உள்ளடக்கத்தின் நடுவில் அவற்றைப் பிடிக்க, குழுசேர அல்லது பின்பற்ற ஒரு குறுகிய நினைவூட்டல் இருக்கும்போது. இது நீண்டதாகவோ அல்லது குறிப்பிட்ட ஒன்றைப் பற்றியோ இருந்தால், அதற்கு பதிலாக அது சுய விளம்பரத்தின் கீழ் இருக்க வேண்டும்."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "தொடர்பு நினைவூட்டல்"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "செலுத்தப்படாத / சுய ஊக்குவிப்பு"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "செலுத்தப்படாத அல்லது சுய விளம்பரத்தைத் தவிர \"ஸ்பான்சர்\" போன்றது. பொருட்கள், நன்கொடைகள் அல்லது அவர்கள் யாருடன் ஒத்துழைத்தார்கள் என்பது பற்றிய தகவல்கள் இதில் அடங்கும்."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "இசை: இசை அல்லாத பிரிவு"
@ -531,10 +516,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "உங்கள் நிறம் தவறாக வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இது ஆரம்பத்தில் எண் அடையாளத்துடன் 3 அல்லது 6 இலக்க ஹெக்ஸ் குறியீடாக இருக்க வேண்டும்."
"previewColor": {
"message": "முன்னோட்டம் வண்ணம்",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "பார் வண்ணத்தைத் தேடுங்கள்"
@ -579,12 +560,6 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "மறைக்கப்பட்ட: மிகக் குறுகிய"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "சேனல் ஐடி இன்னும் ஏற்றப்படவில்லை."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "இது தொடர்ந்து நடந்தால், அது உங்கள் விளம்பர தடுப்பாளரால் ஏற்படலாம். Https://'s-Requests ஐ சரிபார்க்கவும்"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "தவிர்ப்பதற்கு முன் சேனல் சோதனை கட்டாயப்படுத்தவும்"
@ -618,8 +593,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "அறிமுகங்கள், அவுட்ரோஸ், மெர்ச் போன்றவற்றைத் தவிர்க்க விருப்பங்களைத் திறக்கவும்."
"help": {
"message": "உதவி"

View file

@ -235,9 +235,6 @@
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "విభాగాన్ని దాటవేయడానికి కీని సెట్ చేయండి"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "ప్రారంభ విభాగం కీబైండ్ కోసం కీని సెట్ చేయండి"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "సమర్పణ కీబైండ్ కోసం కీని సెట్ చేయండి"
@ -344,21 +341,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". ఇది ప్రస్తుతం దీనికి సెట్ చేయబడింది:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "మద్దతు ఇన్విడియస్"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "ఇన్విడియస్ ( మూడవ పార్టీ YouTube క్లయింట్. మద్దతును ప్రారంభించడానికి, మీరు అదనపు అనుమతులను అంగీకరించాలి. ఇది Chrome మరియు ఇతర Chromium వేరియంట్‌లలో అజ్ఞాతంలో పనిచేయదు."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "ఇన్విడియస్ మద్దతును ప్రారంభించండి, ఆటోస్కిప్‌ను డిసేబుల్ చేయండి, బటన్లను దాచు మరియు మరిన్ని చేయండి."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "ఇన్విడియస్ ఇన్‌స్టాన్స్ జోడించండి"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "ఇన్విడియస్ యొక్క అనుకూల ఉదాహరణను జోడించండి. ఇది కేవలం డొమైన్‌తో ఫార్మాట్ చేయబడాలి. ఉదాహరణ:"
"add": {
"message": "జోడించు"
@ -474,6 +459,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "చెల్లింపు ప్రమోషన్, చెల్లింపు సూచనలు మరియు ప్రత్యక్ష ప్రకటనలు. స్వీయ-ప్రమోషన్ కోసం లేదా వారు ఇష్టపడే కారణాలు / సృష్టికర్తలు / వెబ్‌సైట్లు / ఉత్పత్తులకు ఉచిత అరవడం కోసం కాదు."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "చెల్లించని / స్వీయ ప్రమోషన్"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "చెల్లించని లేదా స్వీయ ప్రమోషన్ మినహా \"స్పాన్సర్\" మాదిరిగానే. వాణిజ్య వస్తువులు, విరాళాలు లేదా వారు ఎవరితో సహకరించారు అనే సమాచారం గురించి విభాగాలు ఇందులో ఉన్నాయి."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "ఇంటరాక్షన్ రిమైండర్ (సబ్‌స్క్రయిబ్)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "కంటెంట్ మధ్యలో వాటిని ఇష్టపడటానికి, సభ్యత్వాన్ని పొందటానికి లేదా అనుసరించడానికి చిన్న రిమైండర్ ఉన్నప్పుడు. ఇది పొడవైనది లేదా ఏదైనా ప్రత్యేకమైనది అయితే, అది బదులుగా స్వీయ ప్రమోషన్ కింద ఉండాలి."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "ఇంటరాక్షన్ రిమైండర్"
"category_intro": {
"message": "ఇంటర్‌మిషన్ / ఇంట్రో యానిమేషన్"
@ -489,21 +489,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "క్రెడిట్స్ లేదా YouTube ఎండ్‌కార్డ్‌లు కనిపించినప్పుడు. సమాచారంతో తీర్మానాల కోసం కాదు."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "ఇంటరాక్షన్ రిమైండర్ (సబ్‌స్క్రయిబ్)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "కంటెంట్ మధ్యలో వాటిని ఇష్టపడటానికి, సభ్యత్వాన్ని పొందటానికి లేదా అనుసరించడానికి చిన్న రిమైండర్ ఉన్నప్పుడు. ఇది పొడవైనది లేదా ఏదైనా ప్రత్యేకమైనది అయితే, అది బదులుగా స్వీయ ప్రమోషన్ కింద ఉండాలి."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "ఇంటరాక్షన్ రిమైండర్"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "చెల్లించని / స్వీయ ప్రమోషన్"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "చెల్లించని లేదా స్వీయ ప్రమోషన్ మినహా \"స్పాన్సర్\" మాదిరిగానే. వాణిజ్య వస్తువులు, విరాళాలు లేదా వారు ఎవరితో సహకరించారు అనే సమాచారం గురించి విభాగాలు ఇందులో ఉన్నాయి."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "సంగీతం: నాన్-మ్యూజిక్ విభాగం"
@ -531,10 +516,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "మీ రంగు తప్పుగా ఆకృతీకరించబడింది. ఇది ప్రారంభంలో సంఖ్య గుర్తుతో 3 లేదా 6 అంకెల హెక్స్ కోడ్ అయి ఉండాలి."
"previewColor": {
"message": "పరిదృశ్యం రంగు",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "బార్ కలర్ కోరుకుంటారు"
@ -579,12 +560,6 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "దాచబడింది: చాలా చిన్నది"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ఛానెల్ ID ఇంకా లోడ్ కాలేదు."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "ఇది జరుగుతూ ఉంటే, అది మీ ప్రకటన బ్లాకర్ వల్ల సంభవించవచ్చు. దయచేసి's-Requests తనిఖీ చేయండి"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "దాటవేయడానికి ముందు ఛానెల్ తనిఖీ చేయమని బలవంతం చేయండి"
@ -618,8 +593,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "పరిచయాలు, ros ట్రోస్, మెర్చ్ మొదలైనవాటిని దాటవేయడానికి ఎంపికలను తెరవండి."
"help": {
"message": "సహాయం"

View file

@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "Kısım Şimdi Bitiyor"
"sponsorCancel": {
"message": "Kısım Oluşturmayı İptal Et"
"noVideoID": {
"message": "YouTube videosu bulunamadı.\nHatalı olduğunu düşünüyorsanız sayfayı yenileyin."
@ -197,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Bu özellik, hangi kısımları atladığınızı takip ederek kullanıcıların gönderilerinin diğerlerine ne kadar yardımcı olduğunu bilmelerini sağlar ve olumlu oyları bir ölçüm aracı olarak kullanarak gereksiz yollanan kısımların veri tabanına girmemesini sağlar. Eklenti, bir kısmı her atladığınızda sunucuya bir mesaj gönderir. Umarım çoğu insan bu ayarı değiştirmez böylece görüntüleme sayıları doğru olur. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Özel/Gizli sekmelerde atlama sayısı takibini etkinleştir"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Karma Ön eki ile Sorgula"
@ -236,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Kısım atlamak için bir tuş ata"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Kısım kaydına başlamak için bir tuş belirleyin"
"message": "Kısım başlatmak/durdurmak için kısayol ayarla"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Gönderim için bir tuş belirleyin"
@ -344,21 +350,9 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Şu an buna ayarlı:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Invidious'a Destek Ver"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( üçüncü parti YouTube istemcisidir. Desteği etkinleştirmek için fazladan izinlere onay vermelisiniz. Bu Chrome ve Chromium bazlı tarayıcılarda gizli pencere modunda ÇALIŞMAZ."
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Invidious desteğini, otomatik atlamayı, butonları saklamayı ve daha fazlasını etkinleştir."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Invidious Oluşumu Ekle"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Özel Indivious oluşumu ekle. Bu SADECE alan adıyla düzenlenmelidir. Örnek:"
"add": {
"message": "Ekle"
@ -474,6 +468,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Ücretli tanıtım, ücretli yönlendirmeler ve doğrudan reklamlar. Kendini pazarlayan veya beğendiği içerik üreticilerine/sitelere/ürünlere atıfta bulunanlar için değil."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Karşılıksız/Kendi Reklamı"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "\"Sponsor\" seçeneğinden farkı para karşılığı olmaması veya kendi reklamını yapmasıdır. Buna kendi markalı ürünlerini satmak, bağış toplamak ve videoda işbirliği yaptığı kimselerden bahsetmek dahildir."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Etkileşim Hatırlatıcısı (Abonelik)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Videonun ortasında beğenmek, abone olmak veya takip etmek için kısa bir hatırlatma olan kısımdır. Eğer süresi uzunsa veya belirli bir şey hakkındaysa, kendi reklamını yapan kategorisi seçilmelidir."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Etkileşim Hatırlatıcısı"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Aralık/Giriş Animasyonu"
@ -489,21 +498,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Videoda emeği geçenlerin veya video sonunda çıkan kartların gösterildiği kısımlar. Bilgilendirici sona sahip videolar için değil."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Etkileşim Hatırlatıcısı (Abonelik)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Videonun ortasında beğenmek, abone olmak veya takip etmek için kısa bir hatırlatma olan kısımdır. Eğer süresi uzunsa veya belirli bir şey hakkındaysa, kendi reklamını yapan kategorisi seçilmelidir."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Etkileşim Hatırlatıcısı"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Karşılıksız/Kendi Reklamı"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "\"Sponsor\" seçeneğinden farkı para karşılığı olmaması veya kendi reklamını yapmasıdır. Buna kendi markalı ürünlerini satmak, bağış toplamak ve videoda işbirliği yaptığı kimselerden bahsetmek dahildir."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Müzik: Müzik Olmayan Bölüm"
@ -531,10 +525,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Renginiz yanlış biçimlendirilmiştir. Başında bir kare işareti bulunan 3 veya 6 basamaklı bir onaltılık kod olmalıdır."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Önizleme Rengi",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Oynatma Çubuğu Rengi"
@ -580,10 +570,26 @@
"message": "gizlendi: çok kısa"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "Kanal kimliği henüz yüklenmedi."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "Kanal kimliği henüz yüklenmedi. Gömülü bir video kullanıyorsanız, bunun yerine YouTube ana sayfasından izlemeyi deneyin. Bu, YouTube düzenindeki değişikliklerden de kaynaklanabilir, eğer öyleyse, buraya bir yorum yazın:"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Bunu sürekli yaşıyorsanız, reklam engelleyiciniz tarafından gerçekleşiyor olabilir.'s-Requests adresini kontrol edin."
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "SponsorBlock'un video verilerini almasını engelleyen bir şey var gibi görünüyor. Lütfen daha fazla bilgi için şuraya göz atın:"
"youtubePermissionRequest": {
"message": "SponsorBlock YouTube API'sine ulaşamıyor gibi gözüküyor. Bunu düzeltmek için, bundan sonra görünecek izin isteğini kabul edin, birkaç saniye bekleyin ve ardından sayfayı yeniden yükleyin."
"acceptPermission": {
"message": "İzni kabul et"
"permissionRequestSuccess": {
"message": "İzin isteği başarılı!"
"permissionRequestFailed": {
"message": "İzin isteği başarısız. Reddet butonuna mı tıkladınız?"
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Bunu çözemiyorsanız, SponsorBlock, bu video için kanal bilgilerini alamadığı için 'Atlamadan Önce Kanal Kontrolünü Zorla' ayarını devre dışı bırakın"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Atlamadan Önce Kanal Kontrolüne Zorla"
@ -618,8 +624,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Girişleri, bitişleri, ürünleri ve benzeri şeyleri atlamak için ayarlarıın."
"help": {
"message": "Yardım"

View file

@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "Сегмент закінчується тут"
"sponsorCancel": {
"message": "Скасувати створення сегмента"
"noVideoID": {
"message": "Відео YouTube, не знайдено.\nЯкщо це не так, поновіть вкладку."
@ -197,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Ця можливість відстежує, які сегменти Ви пропустили, щоб допомогти користувачам дізнатися, наскільки їх внесок допоміг іншим, і, поряд з голосами, використовується як метрика, щоб переконатися, що спам не влучає у базу даних. Розширення надсилає повідомлення на сервер кожен раз, коли Ви пропускаєте сегмент. Сподіваємося, велика частина користувачів не поміняє це налаштування, так що у нас буде точна статистика переглядів. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Увімкнути відстеження пропусків у вкладках інкогніто"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Пошук по частині хеша"
@ -236,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Призначити гарячу клавішу для пропуску сегмента"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Призначити гарячу клавішу для початку сегмента"
"message": "Призначити гарячу клавішу для початку/зупинки сегмента"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Призначити гарячу клавішу для надсилання"
@ -344,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Він зараз призначений на:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Підтримка Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Підтримувати сторонні YouTube-сайти"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( - це неофіційний клієнт для YouTube. Щоб увімкнути підтримку, Вам знадобиться прийняти додаткові дозволи. Ця функція НЕ працює в режимі \"інкогніто\" в Chrome і браузерах, заснованих на Chromium."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Підтримувати сторонні клієнти для YouTube. Щоб включити підтримку, Вам знадобиться прийняти додаткові дозволи. Ця функція НЕ працює в режимі \"інкогніто\" в Chrome і браузерах, заснованих на Chromium.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Підтримувані сайти: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Увімкнути підтримку Invidious, вимкнути автоматичний пропуск, приховати кнопки і не тільки."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Додати інстанси Invidious"
"message": "Додати інстанси стороннього клієнта"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Додати свій інстанси Invidious. Формат: ТІЛЬКИ домен. Наприклад:"
"message": "Додати свій інстанс. Формат: ТІЛЬКИ домен. Наприклад,"
"add": {
"message": "Додати"
@ -440,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Попередній перегляд"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Неопублікований"
"inspect": {
"message": "Дослідити"
@ -474,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Рекламні інтеграції, реферальні посилання і реклама безпосередньо. Не для самореклами або рекомендацій різних подій/творців/сайтів/продуктів, які подобаються автору відео."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Самореклама/рекомендація"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Схоже на \"Спонсора\", але для безкоштовної реклами і самореклами. Включає себе вставки про мерчендайз, пожертвування або інформацію про тих, разом з ким було зроблено відео."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Нагадування про взаємодію (підписка)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Коли є коротке нагадування поставити лайк, підписатися на канал або в соцмережах в середині вмісту. Якщо ця вставка тривала або про щось конкретне, вона повинна класифікуватися як самореклама."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Нагадування про взаємодію"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Пауза/заставка"
@ -489,20 +517,11 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Титри або час появи кінцевих заставок YouTube. Не для підведення підсумків сказаного у відео."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Нагадування про взаємодію (підписка)"
"category_preview": {
"message": "Попередній перегляд/короткий зміст"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Коли є коротке нагадування поставити лайк, підписатися на канал або в соцмережах в середині вмісту. Якщо ця вставка тривала або про щось конкретне, вона повинна класифікуватися як самореклама."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Нагадування про взаємодію"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Самореклама/рекомендація"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Схоже на \"Спонсора\", але для безкоштовної реклами і самореклами. Включає себе вставки про мерчендайз, пожертвування або інформацію про тих, разом з ким було зроблено відео."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Короткий зміст попередніх епізодів або попередній перегляд того, що буде в даному відео. Призначено для сегментів, змонтованих зі шматків відео, а не для усних переказів."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Музика: Сегмент без музики"
@ -532,7 +551,7 @@
"message": "Ви ввели колір в неправильному форматі. Це повинно бути 3-х або 6-ти значне шістнадцяткове число з символом # на початку."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Колір предпросмотра",
"message": "Колір не надісланого сегмента",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -580,10 +599,26 @@
"message": "приховано: занадто коротко"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "ID каналу ще не завантажений."
"description": "This error appears in an alert when they try to whitelist a channel and the extension is unable to determine what channel they are looking at.",
"message": "ID каналу ще не завантажений. Якщо ви використовуєте вбудоване відео, спробуйте замість цього скористатися домашньою сторінкою YouTube. Це також може бути викликано змінами в дизайні YouTube, якщо ви вважаєте, що це так, залиште коментар тут:"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Якщо це повідомлення з'являється занадто часто, це може бути викликано вашим блокувальником реклами. Будь ласка, перейдіть на's-Requests"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "Схоже, щось блокує можливість SponsorBlock'а отримувати дані про відео. Докладніше:"
"youtubePermissionRequest": {
"message": "Здається, SponsorBlock не може отримати доступ до API YouTube. Щоб виправити цю помилку, дайте дозвіл у вікні, яке зараз з'явиться, зачекайте кілька секунд і потім перезавантажте сторінку."
"acceptPermission": {
"message": "Надати дозвіл"
"permissionRequestSuccess": {
"message": "Дозвіл отримано!"
"permissionRequestFailed": {
"message": "Не вдалося отримати дозвіл, ви натиснули на \"Блокувати\"?"
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "Якщо ви не можете вирішити цю проблему, спробуйте відключити \"Примусова перевірка каналів перед пропуском\" в налаштуваннях, так як SponsorBlock не може визначити назву каналу для цього відео"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Примусова перевірка каналів перед пропуском"
@ -619,7 +654,17 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Відкрийте налаштування, щоб пропускати початкові і кінцеві заставки, саморекламу та інше."
"help": {
"message": "Допомога"
"experimentUnlistedTitle": {
"message": "Допоможіть цьому не зникнути"
"experimentUnlistedText": {
"message": "Це відео приховане і завантажено до 2017.\nСтарі приховані відео стануть приватними наступного місяця\nМи збираємо загальнодоступні відео для резервного копіювання\nЧи ви хочете анонімно надіслати це відео нам?\n"
"experiementOptOut": {
"message": "Відмова від усіх майбутніх експериментів",
"description": "This is used in a popup about a new experiment to get a list of unlisted videos to back up since all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 will be set to private."
"hideForever": {
"message": "Сховати назавжди"

View file

@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "Đoạn quảng cáo kết thúc vào lúc này"
"sponsorCancel": {
"message": "Thoát việc tạo ra phân đoạn"
"noVideoID": {
"message": "Không tìm thấy video này.\nNếu sai, hãy thử tải lại thẻ này."
@ -197,6 +200,12 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "Tính năng này theo dõi những đoạn quảng cáo bạn đã bỏ qua để cho người dùng khác biết những đoạn họ đăng đã giúp người khác đến mức nào. Tính năng này, cùng với tính năng bầu chọn, còn được dùng làm thước đo để đảm bảo spam không lọt vào kho dữ liệu. Tiện ích mở rộng này gửi tín hiệu đến máy chủ mỗi lần bạn bỏ qua một đoạn quảng cáo. Mong là đa phần mọi người không thay đổi cài đặt này để thông số người xem được chính xác nhất. :)"
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "Bật việc theo dõi số lượng người bỏ qua phân đoạn trong tab Riêng tư/Ẩn danh"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Truy vấn theo Hash Prefix"
"whatQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "Thay vì yêu cầu phân đoạn từ máy chủ bằng cách sử dụng videoID, 4 ký tự đầu tiên của hash của videoID sẽ được gửi. Máy chủ sau đó sẽ gửi dữ liệu cho tất cả video với các hash tương tự."
@ -233,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "Chọn phím tắt để bỏ qua phân đoạn"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "Đặt phím tắt đánh dấu đoạn quảng cáo bắt đầu"
"message": "Đặt phím nóng đánh dấu một phân đoạn bắt đầu/kết thúc"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "Đặt phím tắt đăng đoạn quảng cáo"
@ -341,20 +350,24 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": ". Phím đang được đặt:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "Hỗ trợ Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "Hỗ trợ các trang web Youtube thuộc bên thứ 3"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( là ứng dụng Youtube của bên thứ ba. Để bật hỗ trợ cho ứng dụng này, bạn phải chấp nhận các yêu cầu cho phép thêm. Ứng dụng này không có tác dụng trong chế độ ẩn danh của Chrome và các trình duyệt có nền tảng Chromium."
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "Bật hỗ trợ các ứng dụng/trang web Youtube của bên thứ ba. Để bật hỗ trợ cho ứng dụng này, bạn phải chấp nhận các yêu cầu cho phép bổ sung. Nó KHÔNG CÓ tác dụng trong chế độ ẩn danh của Chrome và các trình duyệt có nền tảng Chromium.",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "Các trang web được hỗ trợ: "
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "Bật hỗ trợ cho Invidious, tắt tự động bỏ qua quảng cáo, không hiển thị nút, và nhiều tùy chọn khác."
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "Thêm phiên bản của Invidious"
"message": "Thêm Instance của ứng dụng bên thứ 3"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "Thêm một phiên bản tùy chọn của Invidious. Phải dùng định dạng của RIÊNG tên miền thôi. Ví dụ:"
"message": "Thêm một instance. Chỉ có mỗi tên miền. Ví dụ:"
"add": {
"message": "Thêm vào"
@ -437,6 +450,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "Xem trước"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "Chưa gửi lên: "
"inspect": {
"message": "Xem trước"
@ -471,6 +487,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "Nội dung được trả tiền để quảng cáo, giới thiệu và quảng cáo trực tiếp. Không phải là quảng cáo không trả công hay được đề cập miễn phí."
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Quảng cáo không trả công/Tự quảng cáo"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Tương tự như 'nhà tài trợ' ngoại trừ việc quảng cáo không được trả tiền hay tự quảng cáo. Điều này bao gồm các phần hàng hóa, đóng góp, hoặc thông tin về người mà họ hợp tác với."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Nhắc tương tác (Đăng ký)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Nhắc nhở người xem Thích, Đăng ký hoặc Theo dõi. Nếu nó dài hoặc là một cái gì cụ thể, nó nên là danh mục \"Tự quảng cáo\"."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Nhắc nhở tương tác"
"category_intro": {
"message": "Tạm dừng/Giới thiệu"
@ -486,24 +517,15 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "Credits hoặc khi thẻ màn hình kết thúc của YouTube xuất hiện. Không dùng với những đoạn có thông tin."
"category_interaction": {
"message": "Nhắc tương tác (Đăng ký)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "Nhắc nhở người xem Thích, Đăng ký hoặc Theo dõi. Nếu nó dài hoặc là một cái gì cụ thể, nó nên là danh mục \"Tự quảng cáo\"."
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "Nhắc nhở tương tác"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "Quảng cáo không trả công/Tự quảng cáo"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "Tương tự như 'nhà tài trợ' ngoại trừ việc quảng cáo không được trả tiền hay tự quảng cáo. Điều này bao gồm các phần hàng hóa, đóng góp, hoặc thông tin về người mà họ hợp tác với."
"category_preview_description": {
"message": "Tóm tắt nhanh về tập trước/tập sau trong 1 chuỗi video (series) dài (hoặc cũng có thể là tóm tắt trước về video sắp chiếu)."
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "Nhạc: Phần không nhạc"
"category_music_offtopic_description": {
"message": "Chỉ sử dụng cho video âm nhạc. Điều này có nghĩa là các phân đoạn đó nằm trong 1 video âm nhạc chưa thuộc về một loại danh mục khác."
"category_music_offtopic_short": {
"message": "Không có nhạc"
@ -525,10 +547,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "Mã màu sai định dạng. Mã màu phải có 3 hoặc 6 ký tự hệ hex và có dấu thăng ở đầu."
"previewColor": {
"message": "Xem thử màu",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "Màu của thanh xem trước"
@ -573,12 +591,6 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "đã bị ẩn: quá ngắn"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "Chưa đọc được ID của kênh."
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "Nếu lỗi này tiếp tục xuất hiện, nó có thể là do trình chặn quảng cáo của bạn. Hãy kiểm tra ở đây:'s-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "Bắt buộc kiểm tra kênh trước khi bỏ qua"
@ -612,8 +624,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "Mở Tùy chọn để bỏ qua đoạn mở đầu, kết thúc, giới thiệu hàng hoá, v.v."
"help": {
"message": "Trợ giúp"

View file

@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
"sponsorEnd": {
"message": "片段现在结束"
"sponsorCancel": {
"message": "取消创建片段"
"noVideoID": {
"message": "未找到 YouTube 视频。\n如果识别错误请刷新此页面。"
@ -235,9 +238,6 @@
"setSkipShortcut": {
"message": "设置用于跳过片段的按键"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "设定片段开始的绑定按键"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "设定提交的绑定按键"
@ -344,21 +344,12 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": "。目前被设定为:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "支持 Invidious"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( 是一个第三方 Youtube 客户端。要启用支持,您必须允许额外的权限。在 Chrome 及其他 Chromium 变种的匿名模式中无法工作。"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "支持第三方 YouTube 网站"
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "启用 Invidious 支持,禁用自动跳过,隐藏按钮等等。"
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "添加 Invidious 实例"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "添加一个 Invidious 自定义实例。它必须是只有域名的格式。例如"
"add": {
"message": "添加"
@ -474,6 +465,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "付费推广、付费推荐和直接广告。不应用于自我推广或免费提及、推荐他们喜欢的事物/创作者/网站/产品。"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "未收钱的/自我推销"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "类似于 “赞助商广告” ,但为无报酬或自我推广。包括有关商品、捐赠的部分或合作者的信息。"
"category_interaction": {
"message": "互动提醒(订阅)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "视频中间简短提醒观众来点赞、订阅或关注。 如果片段较长,或是关于某个具体事物,则应分类为自我推广。"
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "互动提醒"
"category_intro": {
"message": "过场/开场动画"
@ -489,21 +495,6 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "鸣谢画面或出现 YouTube 片尾画面。不应用于包含信息的结尾。"
"category_interaction": {
"message": "互动提醒(订阅)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "视频中间简短提醒观众来点赞、订阅或关注。 如果片段较长,或是关于某个具体事物,则应分类为自我推广。"
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "互动提醒"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "未收钱的/自我推销"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "类似于 “赞助商广告” ,但为无报酬或自我推广。包括有关商品、捐赠的部分或合作者的信息。"
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "音乐:非音乐部分"
@ -531,10 +522,6 @@
"colorFormatIncorrect": {
"message": "颜色格式错误。应为以“#”开头的 3 位或 6 位十六进制数字。"
"previewColor": {
"message": "预览颜色",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
"message": "拖动条颜色"
@ -579,18 +566,12 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "隐藏:过短"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "频道 ID 尚未加载。"
"acceptPermission": {
"message": "接受权限"
"permissionRequestSuccess": {
"message": "权限请求成功!"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "如果这种情况不断发生,它可能是由您的广告拦截器引起的。请查看's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "跳过前强制进行频道检查"
@ -624,8 +605,5 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "打开选项,跳过开头,结尾,商业等。"
"help": {
"message": "帮助"

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"description": "Description of the extension."
"400": {
"message": "伺服器說這個請求無效"
"message": "伺服器回應此請求無效"
"429": {
"message": "您為這部影片提交了過多的贊助廣告片段,您確定有這麼多嗎?"
@ -200,6 +200,9 @@
"whatViewTracking": {
"message": "這個功能會追蹤您跳過的片段來讓其他使用者知道您的提交幫助了其他人多少,並同時用作計算錯誤提交的方式。這個擴充功能會在您每一次跳過片段時向伺服器回報。希望大家盡量不要改變這個設定來確保資料的正確性。 "
"enableViewTrackingInPrivate": {
"message": "在私人/無痕分頁啟用跳過次數追蹤"
"enableQueryByHashPrefix": {
"message": "使用雜湊前綴查詢"
@ -239,7 +242,7 @@
"message": "設定跳過段落的快捷鍵"
"setStartSponsorShortcut": {
"message": "設定開始片段快捷鍵"
"message": "設定開始/結束片段快捷鍵"
"setSubmitKeybind": {
"message": "設定提交快捷鍵"
@ -347,20 +350,21 @@
"keybindCurrentlySet": {
"message": "。它目前被設定為:"
"supportInvidious": {
"message": "支持 Invidious"
"supportOtherSites": {
"message": "支援第三方的 YouTube 網站"
"supportInvidiousDescription": {
"message": "Invidious ( 是第三方的 YouTube 客戶端。要啟用對其之支援,您必須接受額外的權限。這在 Chrome 中的無痕模式和其他 Chromium 分支無效"
"supportOtherSitesDescription": {
"message": "支援第三方的 YouTube 客戶端。若要啟用,您必須同意額外的權限。這在 Chrome 中的無痕模式和其他 Chromium 分支無效。",
"description": "This replaces the 'supports Invidious' option because it now works on other YouTube sites such as Cloudtube"
"supportedSites": {
"message": "支援的網站:"
"optionsInfo": {
"message": "啟用 Invidious 支援,停用自動跳過、隱藏按鈕等。"
"addInvidiousInstance": {
"message": "添加 Invidious 進程"
"addInvidiousInstanceDescription": {
"message": "添加一個 Invidious 自定進程。它必須只有域名。例如"
"message": "新增第三方的客戶端實例"
"add": {
"message": "新增"
@ -443,6 +447,9 @@
"preview": {
"message": "預覽"
"unsubmitted": {
"message": "未提交"
"inspect": {
"message": "檢查"
@ -477,6 +484,21 @@
"category_sponsor_description": {
"message": "有收錢的工商廣告和直接廣告。不是為了自我推銷或為了其他創作的免費推銷"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "非付費/自我推廣"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "類似 “贊助商廣告” ,但是非付費或自我推廣。這包括有關商品、捐贈或與他人合作的信息。"
"category_interaction": {
"message": "互動提醒 (訂閱)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "當有短提醒來請觀眾按讚、訂閱或跟隨他們時。如果該片段很長或很針對某事,它應該歸類為自我推銷。"
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "互動提醒"
"category_intro": {
"message": "中場休息/開頭動畫"
@ -492,20 +514,8 @@
"category_outro_description": {
"message": "鳴謝或當 YouTube 結尾資訊卡出現時。不是含有資訊的總結"
"category_interaction": {
"message": "互動提醒 (訂閱)"
"category_interaction_description": {
"message": "當有短提醒來請觀眾按讚、訂閱或跟隨他們時。如果該片段很長或很針對某事,它應該歸類為自我推銷。"
"category_interaction_short": {
"message": "互動提醒"
"category_selfpromo": {
"message": "非付費/自我推廣"
"category_selfpromo_description": {
"message": "類似 “贊助商廣告” ,但是非付費或自我推廣。這包括有關商品、捐贈或與他人合作的信息。"
"category_preview": {
"message": "預覽/摘要"
"category_music_offtopic": {
"message": "音樂:非音樂部分"
@ -532,7 +542,7 @@
"message": "您設定的顏色無效。它應該是三或六位數的 hex 碼,且以井字號開頭。"
"previewColor": {
"message": "預覽顏色",
"message": "未提交的顏色",
"description": "Referring to submissions that have not been sent to the server yet."
"seekBarColor": {
@ -549,7 +559,7 @@
"message": "啟用 Beta 測試伺服器"
"whatEnableTestingServer": {
"message": "寧的提交和投票不會記入主伺服器。僅會被用來測試"
"message": "您的提交和投票將不會記入主伺服器。僅在測試時啟用此選項"
"testingServerWarning": {
"message": "當連結到測試伺服器,所有的提交和投票都不會計入主伺服器。當您想要進行有效提交時,請停用此選項"
@ -579,12 +589,12 @@
"hiddenDueToDuration": {
"message": "隱藏:太短"
"channelDataNotFound": {
"message": "頻道 ID 尚未載入"
"videoInfoFetchFailed": {
"message": "似乎有東西在阻止 SponsorBlock 獲取影片資料。請查看 以了解更多資訊。"
"youtubePermissionRequest": {
"message": "SponsorBlock 貌似無法存取 YouTube API。若要解決請同意稍後出現的權限提示等待幾秒鐘然後重新載入頁面。"
"acceptPermission": {
"message": "允許權限"
@ -597,9 +607,6 @@
"adblockerIssueWhitelist": {
"message": "如果您沒辦法解決這個問題,請停用\"強制在跳過前檢查頻道\",因為 SponsorBlock 無法獲取這部影片的頻道資料。"
"itCouldBeAdblockerIssue": {
"message": "如果這種情況不斷發生,它可能是由您的廣告攔截器引起的。請查看's-Requests"
"forceChannelCheck": {
"message": "在跳過之前強制頻道檢查"
@ -634,7 +641,11 @@
"categoryUpdate2": {
"message": "開啟選項以跳過開場、結尾、工商等。"
"help": {
"message": "幫助"
"experiementOptOut": {
"message": "關閉所有未來的實驗性功能",
"description": "This is used in a popup about a new experiment to get a list of unlisted videos to back up since all unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 will be set to private."
"hideForever": {
"message": "永久隱藏"

View file

@ -75,6 +75,22 @@
vertical-align: top;
#infoButton.playerButton:not(.hidden) {
transform: translateX(0%) scale(1);
/* opacity is from YouTube page */
transition: transform 0.2s, opacity .1s cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,1,1) !important;
#infoButton.playerButton.hidden {
transform: translateX(100%) scale(0);
/* opacity is from YouTube page */
transition: transform 0.2s, opacity .1s cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,1,1) !important;
.playerButton.hidden {
display: none;
.sponsorSkipObject {
font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

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View file

@ -1,120 +1,6 @@
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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<div id="support-invidious" option-type="toggle" sync-option="supportInvidious">
<div id="support-invidious" option-type="toggle" sync-option="supportInvidious" no-safari="true">
<label class="switch-container">
<label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox">
@ -50,12 +50,13 @@
<div class="small-description">(__MSG_supportedSites__ Invidious, CloudTube)</div>
<span class="small-description">__MSG_supportOtherSitesDescription__ </span>
<div option-type="private-text-change" sync-option="invidiousInstances">
<div option-type="private-text-change" sync-option="invidiousInstances" no-safari="true">
<div class="option-button trigger-button">
@ -86,10 +87,10 @@
<span class="small-description">__MSG_currentInstances__</span>
<span class="small-description" option-type="display" sync-option="invidiousInstances"></span>
<div option-type="keybind-change" sync-option="skipKeybind">
<div class="option-button trigger-button">
@ -151,6 +152,20 @@
<div option-type="number-change" sync-option="skipNoticeDuration">
<label class="number-container">
<input type="number" step="1" min="1">
<div class="small-description">__MSG_skipNoticeDurationDescription__</div>
@ -183,6 +198,7 @@
<div option-type="toggle" sync-option="forceChannelCheck">
<label class="switch-container">
@ -243,9 +259,27 @@
<div class="small-description">__MSG_whatInfoButton__</div>
<div option-type="toggle" sync-option="autoHideInfoButton" if-false="hideInfoButtonPlayerControls">
<label class="switch-container">
<label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox" checked>
<span class="slider round"></span>
<div class="switch-label">
<div option-type="toggle" toggle-type="reverse" sync-option="hideDeleteButtonPlayerControls">
<label class="switch-container">
@ -455,7 +489,7 @@
<div option-type="toggle" sync-option="testingServer" confirm-message="testingServerWarning">
<div option-type="toggle" sync-option="testingServer" confirm-message="testingServerWarning" no-safari="true">
<label class="switch-container">
<label class="switch">
<input type="checkbox">
@ -471,10 +505,11 @@
<div class="small-description">__MSG_whatEnableTestingServer__</div>
<div option-type="text-change" sync-option="serverAddress">
<label class="text-label-container">

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
--sb-green-bg: #077B27;
.hidden {
#sponsorBlockPopupBody .hidden {
display: none !important;

View file

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Discord</a> |
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Matrix</a> |
<a id="helpButton" style="cursor: pointer;">__MSG_help__</a> |
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">$</a>
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" id="sbDonate">$</a>
<button id="showNoticeAgain" style="display: none" class="dangerButton popupElement">__MSG_showNotice__</button>

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import * as React from "react";
import Config from "../config";
enum CountdownMode {
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ class NoticeComponent extends React.Component<NoticeProps, NoticeState> {
const maxCountdownTime = () => {
if (this.props.maxCountdownTime) return this.props.maxCountdownTime();
else return 4;
else return Config.config.skipNoticeDuration;
//the id for the setInterval running the countdown

View file

@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ class SkipNoticeComponent extends React.Component<SkipNoticeProps, SkipNoticeSta
messageOnClick: null,
//the countdown until this notice closes
maxCountdownTime: () => 4,
countdownTime: 4,
maxCountdownTime: () => Config.config.skipNoticeDuration,
countdownTime: Config.config.skipNoticeDuration,
countdownText: null,
unskipText: chrome.i18n.getMessage("unskip"),
@ -253,8 +253,7 @@ class SkipNoticeComponent extends React.Component<SkipNoticeProps, SkipNoticeSta
<select id={"sponsorTimeCategories" + this.idSuffix}
defaultValue={this.segments[0].category} //Just default to the first segment, as we don't know which they'll choose
@ -413,22 +412,12 @@ class SkipNoticeComponent extends React.Component<SkipNoticeProps, SkipNoticeSta
getCategoryOptions(): React.ReactElement[] {
const elements = [];
const categories = Config.config.categorySelections.filter((cat => utils.getCategoryActionType( as Category) === CategoryActionType.Skippable));
const categories = CompileConfig.categoryList.filter((cat => utils.getCategoryActionType(cat as Category) === CategoryActionType.Skippable));
for (const category of categories) {
<option value={}
{chrome.i18n.getMessage("category_" +}
if (elements.length < CompileConfig.categoryList.length) {
// Add show more button
<option value={"moreCategories"}
<option value={category}
{chrome.i18n.getMessage("category_" + category)}
@ -436,18 +425,6 @@ class SkipNoticeComponent extends React.Component<SkipNoticeProps, SkipNoticeSta
return elements;
categorySelectionChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>): void {
// See if show more categories was pressed
if ( === "moreCategories") {
// Open options page
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({message: "openConfig", hash: + "OptionsName"});
// Reset option to original = this.segments[0].category;
unskip(index: number): void {
@ -467,7 +444,7 @@ class SkipNoticeComponent extends React.Component<SkipNoticeProps, SkipNoticeSta
const sponsorTime = this.segments[index];
const duration = Math.round((sponsorTime.segment[1] - this.contentContainer().v.currentTime) * (1 / this.contentContainer().v.playbackRate));
return Math.max(duration, 4);
return Math.max(duration, Config.config.skipNoticeDuration);
return {
@ -486,8 +463,8 @@ class SkipNoticeComponent extends React.Component<SkipNoticeProps, SkipNoticeSta
unskipText: chrome.i18n.getMessage("unskip"),
unskipCallback: this.unskip.bind(this),
maxCountdownTime: () => 4,
countdownTime: 4
maxCountdownTime: () => Config.config.skipNoticeDuration,
countdownTime: Config.config.skipNoticeDuration
// See if the title should be changed

View file

@ -30,11 +30,15 @@ interface SBConfig {
supportInvidious: boolean,
serverAddress: string,
minDuration: number,
skipNoticeDuration: number,
checkForUnlistedVideos: boolean,
testingServer: boolean,
refetchWhenNotFound: boolean,
ytInfoPermissionGranted: boolean,
askAboutUnlistedVideos: boolean,
allowExpirements: boolean,
autoHideInfoButton: boolean,
// What categories should be skipped
categorySelections: CategorySelection[],
@ -168,11 +172,15 @@ const Config: SBObject = {
supportInvidious: false,
serverAddress: CompileConfig.serverAddress,
minDuration: 0,
skipNoticeDuration: 4,
audioNotificationOnSkip: false,
checkForUnlistedVideos: false,
testingServer: false,
refetchWhenNotFound: true,
ytInfoPermissionGranted: false,
askAboutUnlistedVideos: true,
allowExpirements: true,
autoHideInfoButton: true,
categorySelections: [{
name: "sponsor" as Category,
@ -226,11 +234,11 @@ const Config: SBObject = {
opacity: "0.7"
"preview": {
color: "#0b9d65",
color: "#008fd6",
opacity: "0.7"
"preview-preview": {
color: "#065b3a",
color: "#005799",
opacity: "0.7"
"music_offtopic": {
@ -346,7 +354,7 @@ function fetchConfig(): Promise<void> {
function migrateOldFormats(config: SBConfig) {
if (!config["highlightCategoryAdded"] && !config.categorySelections.some((s) => === "highlight")) {
config["highlightCategoryAdded"] = true;
name: "highlight" as Category,
option: CategorySkipOption.ManualSkip
@ -355,6 +363,35 @@ function migrateOldFormats(config: SBConfig) {
config.categorySelections = config.categorySelections;
// Adding preview category
if (!config["previewCategoryUpdate"]) {
config["previewCategoryUpdate"] = true;
for (const selection of config.categorySelections) {
if ( === "intro"
&& selection.option === CategorySkipOption.AutoSkip || selection.option === CategorySkipOption.ManualSkip) {
// Add a default skip option for preview category
name: "preview" as Category,
option: CategorySkipOption.ManualSkip
// Ensure it gets updated
config.categorySelections = config.categorySelections;
if (config["disableAutoSkip"]) {
for (const selection of config.categorySelections) {
if ( === "sponsor") {
selection.option = CategorySkipOption.ManualSkip;"disableAutoSkip");
// Remove some old unused options
if (config["sponsorVideoID"] !== undefined) {"sponsorVideoID");

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import SkipNotice from "./render/SkipNotice";
import SkipNoticeComponent from "./components/SkipNoticeComponent";
import SubmissionNotice from "./render/SubmissionNotice";
import { Message, MessageResponse } from "./messageTypes";
import GenericNotice from "./render/GenericNotice";
// Hack to get the CSS loaded on permission-based sites (Invidious)
utils.wait(() => Config.config !== null, 5000, 10).then(addCSS);
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ let video: HTMLVideoElement;
let videoMutationObserver: MutationObserver = null;
// List of videos that have had event listeners added to them
const videosWithEventListeners: HTMLVideoElement[] = [];
const controlsWithEventListeners: HTMLElement[] = []
let onInvidious;
let onMobileYouTube;
@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ let previewBar: PreviewBar = null;
let controls: HTMLElement | null = null;
/** Contains buttons created by `createButton()`. */
const playerButtons: Record<string, {button: HTMLButtonElement, image: HTMLImageElement}> = {};
const playerButtons: Record<string, {button: HTMLButtonElement, image: HTMLImageElement, setupListener: boolean}> = {};
// Direct Links after the config is loaded
utils.wait(() => Config.config !== null, 1000, 1).then(() => videoIDChange(getYouTubeVideoID(document.URL)));
@ -269,6 +271,9 @@ async function videoIDChange(id) {
// Update whitelist data when the video data is loaded
// Temporary expirement
//setup the preview bar
if (previewBar === null) {
if (onMobileYouTube) {
@ -389,7 +394,7 @@ function startSponsorSchedule(includeIntersectingSegments = false, currentTime?:
if (video.paused) return;
if (!video || video.paused) return;
if (Config.config.disableSkipping || channelWhitelisted || (channelIDInfo.status === ChannelIDStatus.Fetching && Config.config.forceChannelCheck)){
@ -721,7 +726,7 @@ function startSkipScheduleCheckingForStartSponsors() {
* Get the video info for the current tab from YouTube
async function getVideoInfo(): Promise<void> {
const result = await utils.asyncRequestToCustomServer("GET", "" + sponsorVideoID + "&html5=1");
const result = await utils.asyncRequestToCustomServer("GET", "" + sponsorVideoID + "&html5=1&c=TVHTML5&cver=7.20190319");
if (result.ok) {
const decodedData = decodeURIComponent(result.responseText).match(/player_response=([^&]*)/)[1];
@ -864,6 +869,66 @@ async function whitelistCheck() {
if (Config.config.forceChannelCheck && sponsorTimes?.length > 0) startSkipScheduleCheckingForStartSponsors();
async function unlistedCheck() {
if (!Config.config.allowExpirements || !Config.config.askAboutUnlistedVideos) return;
try {
await utils.wait(() => !!videoInfo && !!document.getElementById("info-text")
&& !!document.querySelector(".ytd-video-primary-info-renderer > .badge > yt-icon > svg"), 6000, 1000);
const isUnlisted = document.querySelector(".ytd-video-primary-info-renderer > .badge > yt-icon > svg > g > path")
?.getAttribute("d")?.includes("M3.9 12c0-1.71 1.39-3.1 3.1-3.1h"); // Icon of unlisted badge
const yearMatches = document.querySelector("#info-text > #info-strings > yt-formatted-string")
const year = yearMatches ? parseInt(yearMatches[0]) : -1;
const isOld = !isNaN(year) && year < 2017 && year > 2004;
const views = parseInt(videoInfo?.videoDetails?.viewCount);
const isHighViews = views > 15000;
if (isUnlisted && isOld && isHighViews && (!sponsorTimes || sponsorTimes.length <= 0)) {
// Ask if they want to submit this videoID
const notice = new GenericNotice(skipNoticeContentContainer, "unlistedWarning", {
title: chrome.i18n.getMessage("experimentUnlistedTitle"),
textBoxes: chrome.i18n.getMessage("experimentUnlistedText").split("\n"),
buttons: [
name: chrome.i18n.getMessage("experiementOptOut"),
listener: () => {
Config.config.allowExpirements = false;
name: chrome.i18n.getMessage("hideForever"),
listener: () => {
Config.config.askAboutUnlistedVideos = false;
name: "Submit",
listener: () => {
utils.asyncRequestToServer("POST", "/api/unlistedVideo", {
videoID: sponsorVideoID,
channelID: channelIDInfo.status === ChannelIDStatus.Found ? : undefined
} catch (e) {
* Returns info about the next upcoming sponsor skip
@ -1080,6 +1145,7 @@ function createButton(baseID: string, title: string, callback: () => void, image
playerButtons[baseID] = {
button: newButton,
image: newButtonImage,
setupListener: false
return newButton;
@ -1115,9 +1181,24 @@ async function createButtons(): Promise<void> {
// Add button if does not already exist in html
createButton("startSegment", "sponsorStart", () => closeInfoMenuAnd(() => startOrEndTimingNewSegment()), "PlayerStartIconSponsorBlocker.svg");
createButton("cancelSegment", "sponsorCancel", () => closeInfoMenuAnd(() => cancelCreatingSegment()), "PlayerCancelSegmentIconSponsorBlocker.svg");
createButton("info", "openPopup", openInfoMenu, "PlayerInfoIconSponsorBlocker.svg");
createButton("delete", "clearTimes", () => closeInfoMenuAnd(() => clearSponsorTimes()), "PlayerDeleteIconSponsorBlocker.svg");
createButton("submit", "SubmitTimes", submitSponsorTimes, "PlayerUploadIconSponsorBlocker.svg");
createButton("info", "openPopup", openInfoMenu, "PlayerInfoIconSponsorBlocker.svg");
const controlsContainer = getControls();
if (Config.config.autoHideInfoButton && !onInvidious && controlsContainer
&& playerButtons["info"]?.button && !controlsWithEventListeners.includes(controlsContainer)) {
controlsContainer.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {
controlsContainer.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {
/** Creates any missing buttons on the player and updates their visiblity. */
@ -1496,8 +1577,8 @@ async function sendSubmitMessage() {
const response = await utils.asyncRequestToServer("POST", "/api/skipSegments", {
videoID: sponsorVideoID,
userID: Config.config.userID,
videoDuration: video.duration,
segments: sponsorTimesSubmitting
segments: sponsorTimesSubmitting,
videoDuration: video?.duration
if (response.status === 200) {

View file

@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ async function init() {
const optionsElements = optionsContainer.querySelectorAll("*");
for (let i = 0; i < optionsElements.length; i++) {
if (optionsElements[i].getAttribute("private-mode-only") === "true" && !(await isIncognitoAllowed())) {
if ((optionsElements[i].getAttribute("private-mode-only") === "true" && !(await isIncognitoAllowed()))
|| (optionsElements[i].getAttribute("no-safari") === "true" && navigator.vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc.")
|| (optionsElements[i].getAttribute("if-false") && Config.config[optionsElements[i].getAttribute("if-false")])) {

View file

@ -103,8 +103,14 @@ async function runThePopup(messageListener?: MessageListener): Promise<void> {
].forEach(id => PageElements[id] = document.getElementById(id));
// Hide donate button on safari
if (navigator.vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc.") { = "none";
//setup click listeners
PageElements.sponsorStart.addEventListener("click", sendSponsorStartMessage);
PageElements.whitelistToggle.addEventListener("change", function() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import NoticeComponent from "../components/NoticeComponent";
import Utils from "../utils";
const utils = new Utils();
import { ContentContainer } from "../types";
import NoticeTextSelectionComponent from "../components/NoticeTextSectionComponent";
export interface ButtonListener {
name: string,
listener: (e?: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>) => void
export interface NoticeOptions {
title: string,
textBoxes?: string[],
buttons?: ButtonListener[],
fadeIn?: boolean,
timed?: boolean
export default class GenericNotice {
// Contains functions and variables from the content script needed by the skip notice
contentContainer: ContentContainer;
noticeElement: HTMLDivElement;
noticeRef: React.MutableRefObject<NoticeComponent>;
constructor(contentContainer: ContentContainer, idSuffix: string, options: NoticeOptions) {
this.noticeRef = React.createRef();
this.contentContainer = contentContainer;
const referenceNode = utils.findReferenceNode();
this.noticeElement = document.createElement("div"); = "sponsorSkipNoticeContainer" + idSuffix;
fadeIn={options.fadeIn ?? true}
timed={options.timed ?? true}
closeListener={() => this.close()} >
{this.getMessageBox(idSuffix, options.textBoxes)}
<tr id={"sponsorSkipNoticeSpacer" + idSuffix}
<div className="sponsorSkipNoticeRightSection"
style={{position: "relative"}}>
getMessageBox(idSuffix: string, textBoxes: string[]): JSX.Element[] {
if (textBoxes) {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < textBoxes.length; i++) {
<NoticeTextSelectionComponent idSuffix={idSuffix}
text={textBoxes[i]} />
return result;
} else {
return null;
getButtons(buttons?: ButtonListener[]): JSX.Element[] {
if (buttons) {
const result: JSX.Element[] = [];
for (const button of buttons) {
<button className="sponsorSkipObject sponsorSkipNoticeButton sponsorSkipNoticeRightButton"
onClick={(e) => button.listener(e)}>
return result;
} else {
return null;
close(): void {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Utils from "../utils";
const utils = new Utils();
import SkipNoticeComponent, { SkipNoticeAction } from "../components/SkipNoticeComponent";
import { SponsorTime, ContentContainer } from "../types";
@ -21,26 +24,7 @@ class SkipNotice {
this.autoSkip = autoSkip;
this.contentContainer = contentContainer;
//get reference node
let referenceNode = document.getElementById("player-container-id")
?? document.getElementById("movie_player")
?? document.querySelector("#main-panel.ytmusic-player-page") // YouTube music
?? document.querySelector("#player-container .video-js") // Invidious
?? document.querySelector(".main-video-section > .video-container"); // Cloudtube
if (referenceNode == null) {
//for embeds
const player = document.getElementById("player");
referenceNode = player.firstChild as HTMLElement;
let index = 1;
//find the child that is the video player (sometimes it is not the first)
while (index < player.children.length && (!referenceNode.classList.contains("html5-video-player") || !referenceNode.classList.contains("ytp-embed"))) {
referenceNode = player.children[index] as HTMLElement;
const referenceNode = utils.findReferenceNode();
const amountOfPreviousNotices = document.getElementsByClassName("sponsorSkipNotice").length;
//this is the suffix added at the end of every id

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
import * as React from "react";
import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Utils from "../utils";
const utils = new Utils();
import SubmissionNoticeComponent from "../components/SubmissionNoticeComponent";
import { ContentContainer } from "../types";
@ -20,22 +23,7 @@ class SubmissionNotice {
this.contentContainer = contentContainer;
this.callback = callback;
//get reference node
let referenceNode = document.getElementById("player-container-id")
|| document.getElementById("movie_player") || document.querySelector("#player-container .video-js");
if (referenceNode == null) {
//for embeds
const player = document.getElementById("player");
referenceNode = player.firstChild as HTMLElement;
let index = 1;
//find the child that is the video player (sometimes it is not the first)
while (!referenceNode.classList.contains("html5-video-player") || !referenceNode.classList.contains("ytp-embed")) {
referenceNode = player.children[index] as HTMLElement;
const referenceNode = utils.findReferenceNode();
this.noticeElement = document.createElement("div"); = "submissionNoticeContainer";

View file

@ -375,6 +375,29 @@ export default class Utils {
findReferenceNode(): HTMLElement {
let referenceNode = document.getElementById("player-container-id")
?? document.getElementById("movie_player")
?? document.querySelector("#main-panel.ytmusic-player-page") // YouTube music
?? document.querySelector("#player-container .video-js") // Invidious
?? document.querySelector(".main-video-section > .video-container"); // Cloudtube
if (referenceNode == null) {
//for embeds
const player = document.getElementById("player");
referenceNode = player.firstChild as HTMLElement;
let index = 1;
//find the child that is the video player (sometimes it is not the first)
while (index < player.children.length && (!referenceNode.classList.contains("html5-video-player") || !referenceNode.classList.contains("ytp-embed"))) {
referenceNode = player.children[index] as HTMLElement;
return referenceNode;
getFormattedTime(seconds: number, precise?: boolean): string {
const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 60 / 60);
const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60;

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"noImplicitAny": false,
"sourceMap": false,
"outDir": "dist/js",
"noEmitOnError": true,
"noEmitOnError": false,
"typeRoots": [ "node_modules/@types" ],
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"jsx": "react"