//setup click listeners document.getElementById("sponsorStart").addEventListener("click", sendSponsorStartMessage); document.getElementById("clearTimes").addEventListener("click", clearTimes); document.getElementById("submitTimes").addEventListener("click", submitTimes); document.getElementById("showNoticeAgain").addEventListener("click", showNoticeAgain); document.getElementById("hideVideoPlayerControls").addEventListener("click", hideVideoPlayerControls); document.getElementById("showVideoPlayerControls").addEventListener("click", showVideoPlayerControls); document.getElementById("optionsButton").addEventListener("click", openOptions); document.getElementById("reportAnIssue").addEventListener("click", reportAnIssue); //if true, the button now selects the end time var startTimeChosen = false; //the start and end time pairs (2d) var sponsorTimes = []; //current video ID of this tab var currentVideoID = null; //is this a YouTube tab? var isYouTubeTab = false; //if the don't show notice again variable is true, an option to // disable should be available chrome.storage.local.get(["dontShowNoticeAgain"], function(result) { let dontShowNoticeAgain = result.dontShowNoticeAgain; if (dontShowNoticeAgain != undefined && dontShowNoticeAgain) { document.getElementById("showNoticeAgain").style.display = "unset"; } }); //show proper video player controls option chrome.storage.local.get(["hideVideoPlayerControls"], function(result) { let hideVideoPlayerControls = result.hideVideoPlayerControls; if (hideVideoPlayerControls != undefined && hideVideoPlayerControls) { document.getElementById("hideVideoPlayerControls").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("showVideoPlayerControls").style.display = "unset"; } }); chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, loadTabData); function loadTabData(tabs) { //set current videoID currentVideoID = getYouTubeVideoID(tabs[0].url); if (!currentVideoID) { //this isn't a YouTube video then displayNoVideo(); return; } //load video times for this video let sponsorTimeKey = "sponsorTimes" + currentVideoID; chrome.storage.local.get([sponsorTimeKey], function(result) { let sponsorTimesStorage = result[sponsorTimeKey]; if (sponsorTimesStorage != undefined && sponsorTimesStorage.length > 0) { if (sponsorTimesStorage[sponsorTimesStorage.length - 1] != undefined && sponsorTimesStorage[sponsorTimesStorage.length - 1].length < 2) { startTimeChosen = true; document.getElementById("sponsorStart").innerHTML = "Sponsorship Ends Now"; } sponsorTimes = sponsorTimesStorage; displaySponsorTimes(); //show submission section document.getElementById("submissionSection").style.display = "unset"; showSubmitTimesIfNecessary(); } }); //check if this video's sponsors are known chrome.tabs.sendMessage( tabs[0].id, {message: 'isInfoFound'}, infoFound ); } function infoFound(request) { if(chrome.runtime.lastError) { //This page doesn't have the injected content script, or at least not yet displayNoVideo(); return; } //if request is undefined, then the page currently being browsed is not YouTube if (request != undefined) { //this must be a YouTube video //set variable isYouTubeTab = true; //remove loading text document.getElementById("mainControls").style.display = "unset" document.getElementById("loadingIndicator").innerHTML = ""; if (request.found) { document.getElementById("videoFound").innerHTML = "This video's sponsors are in the database!" displayDownloadedSponsorTimes(request); } else { document.getElementById("videoFound").innerHTML = "No sponsors found" } } } function setVideoID(request) { //if request is undefined, then the page currently being browsed is not YouTube if (request != undefined) { videoID = request.videoID; } } function sendSponsorStartMessage() { //the content script will get the message if a YouTube page is open chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, tabs => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage( tabs[0].id, {from: 'popup', message: 'sponsorStart'} ); }); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, callback) { if (request.message == "time") { let sponsorTimesIndex = sponsorTimes.length - (startTimeChosen ? 1 : 0); if (sponsorTimes[sponsorTimesIndex] == undefined) { sponsorTimes[sponsorTimesIndex] = []; } sponsorTimes[sponsorTimesIndex][startTimeChosen ? 1 : 0] = request.time; let sponsorTimeKey = "sponsorTimes" + currentVideoID; chrome.storage.local.set({[sponsorTimeKey]: sponsorTimes}); updateStartTimeChosen(); //display video times on screen displaySponsorTimes(); //show submission section document.getElementById("submissionSection").style.display = "unset"; showSubmitTimesIfNecessary(); } }); //display the video times from the array function displaySponsorTimes() { //set it to the message document.getElementById("sponsorMessageTimes").innerHTML = getSponsorTimesMessage(sponsorTimes); } //display the video times from the array at the top, in a different section function displayDownloadedSponsorTimes(request) { if (request.sponsorTimes != undefined) { //set it to the message document.getElementById("downloadedSponsorMessageTimes").innerHTML = getSponsorTimesMessage(request.sponsorTimes); //add them as buttons to the issue reporting container let container = document.getElementById("issueReporterTimeButtons"); for (let i = 0; i < request.sponsorTimes.length; i++) { let sponsorTimeButton = document.createElement("button"); sponsorTimeButton.className = "warningButton"; sponsorTimeButton.innerText = getFormattedTime(request.sponsorTimes[i][0]) + " to " + getFormattedTime(request.sponsorTimes[i][1]); let votingButtons = document.createElement("div"); let UUID = request.UUIDs[i]; //thumbs up and down buttons let voteButtonsContainer = document.createElement("div"); voteButtonsContainer.id = "sponsorTimesVoteButtonsContainer" + UUID; voteButtonsContainer.setAttribute("align", "center"); voteButtonsContainer.style.display = "none" let upvoteButton = document.createElement("img"); upvoteButton.id = "sponsorTimesUpvoteButtonsContainer" + UUID; upvoteButton.className = "voteButton"; upvoteButton.src = chrome.extension.getURL("icons/upvote.png"); upvoteButton.addEventListener("click", () => vote(1, UUID)); let downvoteButton = document.createElement("img"); downvoteButton.id = "sponsorTimesDownvoteButtonsContainer" + UUID; downvoteButton.className = "voteButton"; downvoteButton.src = chrome.extension.getURL("icons/downvote.png"); downvoteButton.addEventListener("click", () => vote(0, UUID)); //add thumbs up and down buttons to the container voteButtonsContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); voteButtonsContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); voteButtonsContainer.appendChild(upvoteButton); voteButtonsContainer.appendChild(downvoteButton); //add click listener to open up vote panel sponsorTimeButton.addEventListener("click", function() { voteButtonsContainer.style.display = "unset"; }); container.appendChild(sponsorTimeButton); container.appendChild(voteButtonsContainer); //if it is not the last iteration if (i != request.sponsorTimes.length - 1) { container.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); container.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } } } } //get the message that visually displays the video times function getSponsorTimesMessage(sponsorTimes) { let sponsorTimesMessage = ""; for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) { for (let s = 0; s < sponsorTimes[i].length; s++) { let timeMessage = getFormattedTime(sponsorTimes[i][s]); //if this is an end time if (s == 1) { timeMessage = " to " + timeMessage; } else if (i > 0) { //add commas if necessary timeMessage = ", " + timeMessage; } sponsorTimesMessage += timeMessage; } } return sponsorTimesMessage; } function clearTimes() { //send new sponsor time state to tab if (sponsorTimes.length > 0) { let visibility = sponsorTimes[sponsorTimes.length - 1].length >= 2; chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function(tabs) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, { message: "changeStartSponsorButton", visibility: visibility, uploadButtonVisible: false }); }); } //reset sponsorTimes sponsorTimes = []; let sponsorTimeKey = "sponsorTimes" + currentVideoID; chrome.storage.local.set({[sponsorTimeKey]: sponsorTimes}); displaySponsorTimes(); //hide submission section document.getElementById("submissionSection").style.display = "none"; resetStartTimeChosen(); } function submitTimes() { //make info message say loading document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessage").innerText = "Loading..."; document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessageContainer").style.display = "unset"; if (sponsorTimes.length > 0) { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: "submitTimes", videoID: currentVideoID }, function(response) { if (response != undefined) { if (response.statusCode == 200) { //hide loading message document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessageContainer").style.display = "none"; clearTimes(); } else if(response.statusCode == 400) { document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessage").innerText = "Server said this request was invalid"; document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessageContainer").style.display = "unset"; } else if(response.statusCode == 429) { document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessage").innerText = "You have submitted too many sponsor times for this one video, are you sure there are this many?"; document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessageContainer").style.display = "unset"; } else if(response.statusCode == 409) { document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessage").innerText = "This has already been submitted before"; document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessageContainer").style.display = "unset"; } else { document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessage").innerText = "There was an error submitting your sponsor times, please try again later"; document.getElementById("submitTimesInfoMessageContainer").style.display = "unset"; } } }); } } function showNoticeAgain() { chrome.storage.local.set({"dontShowNoticeAgain": false}); chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function(tabs) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, { message: "showNoticeAgain" }); }); document.getElementById("showNoticeAgain").style.display = "none"; } function hideVideoPlayerControls() { chrome.storage.local.set({"hideVideoPlayerControls": true}); chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function(tabs) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, { message: "changeVideoPlayerControlsVisibility", value: true }); }); document.getElementById("hideVideoPlayerControls").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("showVideoPlayerControls").style.display = "unset"; } function showVideoPlayerControls() { chrome.storage.local.set({"hideVideoPlayerControls": false}); chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function(tabs) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, { message: "changeVideoPlayerControlsVisibility", value: false }); }); document.getElementById("hideVideoPlayerControls").style.display = "unset"; document.getElementById("showVideoPlayerControls").style.display = "none"; } function updateStartTimeChosen() { //update startTimeChosen variable if (!startTimeChosen) { startTimeChosen = true; document.getElementById("sponsorStart").innerHTML = "Sponsorship Ends Now"; } else { resetStartTimeChosen(); } } //set it to false function resetStartTimeChosen() { startTimeChosen = false; document.getElementById("sponsorStart").innerHTML = "Sponsorship Starts Now"; } //hides and shows the submit times button when needed function showSubmitTimesIfNecessary() { //check if an end time has been specified for the latest sponsor time if (sponsorTimes.length > 0 && sponsorTimes[sponsorTimes.length - 1].length > 1) { //show submit times button document.getElementById("submitTimesContainer").style.display = "unset"; } else { //hide submit times button document.getElementById("submitTimesContainer").style.display = "none"; } } //make the options div visisble function openOptions() { document.getElementById("optionsButtonContainer").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("options").style.display = "unset"; } //this is not a YouTube video page function displayNoVideo() { document.getElementById("loadingIndicator").innerHTML = "This probably isn't a YouTube tab, or you clicked too early. " + "If you know this is a YouTube tab, close this popup and open it again."; } function reportAnIssue() { document.getElementById("issueReporterContainer").style.display = "unset"; document.getElementById("reportAnIssue").style.display = "none"; } function addVoteMessage(message, UUID) { let container = document.getElementById("sponsorTimesVoteButtonsContainer" + UUID); //remove all children while (container.firstChild) { container.removeChild(container.firstChild); } let thanksForVotingText = document.createElement("h2"); thanksForVotingText.innerText = message; //there are already breaks there thanksForVotingText.style.marginBottom = "0px"; container.appendChild(thanksForVotingText); } function vote(type, UUID) { //add loading info addVoteMessage("Loading...", UUID) //send the vote message to the tab chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ message: "submitVote", type: type, UUID: UUID }, function(response) { if (response != undefined) { //see if it was a success or failure if (response.successType == 1) { //success addVoteMessage("Thanks for voting!", UUID) } else if (response.successType == 0) { //failure: duplicate vote addVoteMessage("You have already voted this way before.", UUID) } else if (response.successType == -1) { //failure: duplicate vote addVoteMessage("A connection error has occured.", UUID) } } }); } //converts time in seconds to minutes:seconds function getFormattedTime(seconds) { let minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); let secondsDisplay = Math.round(seconds - minutes * 60); if (secondsDisplay < 10) { //add a zero secondsDisplay = "0" + secondsDisplay; } let formatted = minutes+ ":" + secondsDisplay; return formatted; } function getYouTubeVideoID(url) { // Return video id or false var regExp = /^.*((youtu.be\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/; var match = url.match(regExp); return (match && match[7].length == 11) ? match[7] : false; }