{ "Name": { "message": "SponsorBlock", "description": "Name of the extension." }, "fullName": { "message": "SponsorBlock for YouTube - Skip Sponsorships", "description": "Name of the extension." }, "Description": { "message": "Skip over sponsorship on YouTube videos. Report sponsors on videos you watch to save the time of others.", "description": "Description of the extension." }, "helpPage": { "message": "index_en.html" }, "400": { "message": "Server said this request was invalid" }, "429": { "message": "You have submitted too many sponsor times for this one video, are you sure there are this many?" }, "409": { "message": "This has already been submitted before" }, "502": { "message": "It seems the server is down. Contact the dev to inform them." }, "channelWhitelisted": { "message": "Channel Whitelisted!" }, "Sponsor": { "message": "Sponsor" }, "Sponsors": { "message": "Sponsors" }, "Segment": { "message": "sponsor segment" }, "Segments": { "message": "sponsor segments" }, "noticeTitle": { "message": "Sponsor Skipped" }, "reportButtonTitle": { "message": "Report" }, "reportButtonInfo": { "message": "Report this sponsor submission as incorrect." }, "Dismiss": { "message": "Dismiss" }, "Loading": { "message": "Loading..." }, "Mins": { "message": "Minutes" }, "Secs": { "message": "Seconds" }, "Hide": { "message": "Never Show" }, "hitGoBack": { "message": "Hit unskip to get to where you came from." }, "unskip": { "message": "Unskip" }, "reskip": { "message": "Reskip" }, "paused": { "message": "Paused" }, "confirmMSG": { "message": "\n\nTo edit or delete individual values, click the info button or open the extension popup by clicking the extension icon in the top right corner." }, "clearThis": { "message": "Are you sure you want to clear this?\n\n" }, "Unknown": { "message": "There was an error submitting your sponsor times, please try again later." }, "sponsorFound": { "message": "This video's sponsors are in the database!" }, "sponsor404": { "message": "No sponsors found" }, "sponsorStart": { "message": "Sponsorship Starts Now" }, "sponsorEnd": { "message": "Sponsorship Ends Now" }, "noVideoID": { "message": "This probably isn't a YouTube tab, or you clicked too early. \n If you know this is a YouTube tab,\n close this popup and open it again." }, "success": { "message": "Success!" }, "voted": { "message": "Voted!" }, "voteFail": { "message": "You have already voted this way before." }, "serverDown": { "message": "It seems the sever is down. Contact the dev immediately." }, "connectionError": { "message": "A connection error has occured. Error code: " }, "wantToSubmit": { "message": "Do you want to submit the sponsor times for video id" }, "leftTimes": { "message": "You seem to have left some sponsor times unsubmitted. Go back to that page to submit them (they are not deleted)." } "clearTimes": { "message": "Clear Sponsor Times" }, "openPopup": { "message": "Open SponsorBlock Popup" }, "SubmitTimes": { "message": "Submit Sponsor Times" }, }