Fix leaderboard not working with postgres

This commit is contained in:
Ajay Ramachandran 2021-06-20 13:59:53 -04:00
parent 48d88614fb
commit f6d79616a4

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@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ async function generateTopUsersStats(sortBy: string, categoryStatsEnabled: boole
SUM(((CASE WHEN "sponsorTimes"."endTime" - "sponsorTimes"."startTime" > ${maxRewardTimePerSegmentInSeconds} THEN ${maxRewardTimePerSegmentInSeconds} ELSE "sponsorTimes"."endTime" - "sponsorTimes"."startTime" END) / 60) * "sponsorTimes"."views") as "minutesSaved",
SUM("votes") as "userVotes", ` +
additionalFields +
`IFNULL("userNames"."userName", "sponsorTimes"."userID") as "userName" FROM "sponsorTimes" LEFT JOIN "userNames" ON "sponsorTimes"."userID"="userNames"."userID"
`COALESCE("userNames"."userName", "sponsorTimes"."userID") as "userName" FROM "sponsorTimes" LEFT JOIN "userNames" ON "sponsorTimes"."userID"="userNames"."userID"
LEFT JOIN "shadowBannedUsers" ON "sponsorTimes"."userID"="shadowBannedUsers"."userID"
WHERE "sponsorTimes"."votes" > -1 AND "sponsorTimes"."shadowHidden" != 1 AND "shadowBannedUsers"."userID" IS NULL
GROUP BY IFNULL("userName", "sponsorTimes"."userID") HAVING "userVotes" > 20
GROUP BY COALESCE("userName", "sponsorTimes"."userID") HAVING SUM("votes") > 20
ORDER BY "${sortBy}" DESC LIMIT 100`, []);
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {