import { db } from "../../../src/databases/databases"; import { getHash } from "../../../src/utils/getHash"; import assert from "assert"; import { client } from "../../utils/httpClient"; import { AxiosResponse } from "axios"; import { partialDeepEquals, arrayPartialDeepEquals } from "../../utils/partialDeepEquals"; const endpoint = "/api/ratings/rate"; const getRating = (hash: string, params?: unknown): Promise => client.get(`${endpoint}/${hash}`, { params }); const getBulkRating = (hashes: string[], params?: any): Promise => client.get(endpoint, { params: { ...params, prefix: hashes } }); const videoOneID = "some-likes-and-dislikes"; const videoOneIDHash = getHash(videoOneID, 1); const videoOnePartialHash = videoOneIDHash.substr(0, 4); const videoTwoID = "some-likes-and-dislikes-2"; const videoTwoIDHash = getHash(videoTwoID, 1); const videoTwoPartialHash = videoTwoIDHash.substr(0, 4); describe("getRating", () => { before(async () => { const insertUserNameQuery = 'INSERT INTO "ratings" ("videoID", "service", "type", "count", "hashedVideoID") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; await db.prepare("run", insertUserNameQuery, [videoOneID, "YouTube", 0, 5, videoOneIDHash]); await db.prepare("run", insertUserNameQuery, [videoOneID, "YouTube", 1, 10, videoOneIDHash]); await db.prepare("run", insertUserNameQuery, [videoTwoID, "YouTube", 0, 20, videoTwoIDHash]); await db.prepare("run", insertUserNameQuery, [videoTwoID, "YouTube", 1, 30, videoTwoIDHash]); }); it("Should be able to get dislikes and likes by default", (done) => { getRating(videoOnePartialHash) .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const expected = [{ type: 0, count: 5, }, { type: 1, count: 10, }]; assert.ok(partialDeepEquals(, expected)); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be able to filter for only dislikes", (done) => { getRating(videoOnePartialHash, { type: 0 }) .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const expected = [{ type: 0, count: 5, }]; assert.ok(partialDeepEquals(, expected)); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); /* This test will fail if tests are already ran with redis. */ it("Should be able to bulk fetch", (done) => { getBulkRating([videoOnePartialHash, videoTwoPartialHash]) .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const expected = [{ type: 0, count: 20, hash: videoTwoIDHash, }, { type: 1, count: 30, hash: videoTwoIDHash, }, { type: 0, count: 5, hash: videoOneIDHash, }, { type: 1, count: 10, hash: videoOneIDHash, }]; assert.ok(arrayPartialDeepEquals(, expected)); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should return 400 for invalid hash", (done) => { getRating("a") .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should return 404 for nonexitent type", (done) => { getRating(videoOnePartialHash, { type: 100 }) .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 404); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should return 404 for nonexistent videoID", (done) => { getRating("aaaa") .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 404); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); });