import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import {Done, getbaseURL} from '../utils'; import {db} from '../../src/databases/databases'; import {getHash} from '../../src/utils/getHash'; describe('getUserInfo', () => { before(async () => { const insertUserNameQuery = 'INSERT INTO "userNames" ("userID", "userName") VALUES(?, ?)'; await db.prepare("run", insertUserNameQuery, [getHash("getuserinfo_user_01"), 'Username user 01']); const sponsorTimesQuery = 'INSERT INTO "sponsorTimes" ("videoID", "startTime", "endTime", "votes", "UUID", "userID", "timeSubmitted", views, category, "shadowHidden") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; await db.prepare("run", sponsorTimesQuery, ['xxxyyyzzz', 1, 11, 2, 'uuid000001', getHash("getuserinfo_user_01"), 1, 10, 'sponsor', 0]); await db.prepare("run", sponsorTimesQuery, ['xxxyyyzzz', 1, 11, 2, 'uuid000002', getHash("getuserinfo_user_01"), 2, 10, 'sponsor', 0]); await db.prepare("run", sponsorTimesQuery, ['yyyxxxzzz', 1, 11, -1, 'uuid000003', getHash("getuserinfo_user_01"), 3, 10, 'sponsor', 0]); await db.prepare("run", sponsorTimesQuery, ['yyyxxxzzz', 1, 11, -2, 'uuid000004', getHash("getuserinfo_user_01"), 4, 10, 'sponsor', 1]); await db.prepare("run", sponsorTimesQuery, ['xzzzxxyyy', 1, 11, -5, 'uuid000005', getHash("getuserinfo_user_01"), 5, 10, 'sponsor', 1]); await db.prepare("run", sponsorTimesQuery, ['zzzxxxyyy', 1, 11, 2, 'uuid000006', getHash("getuserinfo_user_02"), 6, 10, 'sponsor', 0]); await db.prepare("run", sponsorTimesQuery, ['xxxyyyzzz', 1, 11, 2, 'uuid000007', getHash("getuserinfo_user_02"), 7, 10, 'sponsor', 1]); await db.prepare("run", sponsorTimesQuery, ['xxxyyyzzz', 1, 11, 2, 'uuid000008', getHash("getuserinfo_user_02"), 8, 10, 'sponsor', 1]); const insertWarningQuery = 'INSERT INTO warnings ("userID", "issueTime", "issuerUserID", "enabled") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)'; await db.prepare("run", insertWarningQuery, [getHash('getuserinfo_warning_0'), 10, 'getuserinfo_vip', 1]); await db.prepare("run", insertWarningQuery, [getHash('getuserinfo_warning_1'), 10, 'getuserinfo_vip', 1]); await db.prepare("run", insertWarningQuery, [getHash('getuserinfo_warning_1'), 10, 'getuserinfo_vip', 1]); }); it('Should be able to get a 200', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?userID=getuserinfo_user_01') .then(res => { if (res.status !== 200) done('non 200 (' + res.status + ')'); else done(); // pass }) .catch(err => done('couldn\'t call endpoint')); }); it('Should be able to get a 400 (No userID parameter)', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo') .then(res => { if (res.status !== 400) done('non 400 (' + res.status + ')'); else done(); // pass }) .catch(err => done('couldn\'t call endpoint')); }); it('Should be able to get user info', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?userID=getuserinfo_user_01') .then(async res => { if (res.status !== 200) { done("non 200"); } else { const data = await res.json(); if (data.userName !== 'Username user 01') { done('Returned incorrect userName "' + data.userName + '"'); } else if (data.minutesSaved !== 5) { done('Returned incorrect minutesSaved "' + data.minutesSaved + '"'); } else if (data.viewCount !== 30) { done('Returned incorrect viewCount "' + data.viewCount + '"'); } else if (data.ignoredViewCount !== 20) { done('Returned incorrect ignoredViewCount "' + data.ignoredViewCount + '"'); } else if (data.segmentCount !== 3) { done('Returned incorrect segmentCount "' + data.segmentCount + '"'); } else if (data.ignoredSegmentCount !== 2) { done('Returned incorrect ignoredSegmentCount "' + data.ignoredSegmentCount + '"'); } else if (data.reputation !== -2) { done('Returned incorrect reputation "' + data.reputation + '"'); } else if (data.lastSegmentID !== "uuid000005") { done('Returned incorrect last segment "' + data.lastSegmentID + '"'); } else { done(); // pass } } }) .catch(err => ("couldn't call endpoint")); }); it('Should get warning data', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?userID=getuserinfo_warning_0') .then(async res => { if (res.status !== 200) { done('non 200 (' + res.status + ')'); } else { const data = await res.json();; if (data.warnings !== 1) done('wrong number of warnings: ' + data.warnings + ', not ' + 1); else done(); // pass } }) .catch(err => ("couldn't call endpoint")); }); it('Should get warning data with public ID', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?publicUserID=' + getHash("getuserinfo_warning_0")) .then(async res => { if (res.status !== 200) { done('non 200 (' + res.status + ')'); } else { const data = await res.json(); if (data.warnings !== 1) done('wrong number of warnings: ' + data.warnings + ', not ' + 1); else done(); } }) .catch(err => ("couldn't call endpoint")); }); it('Should get multiple warnings', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?userID=getuserinfo_warning_1') .then(async res => { if (res.status !== 200) { done('non 200 (' + res.status + ')'); } else { const data = await res.json(); if (data.warnings !== 2) done('wrong number of warnings: ' + data.warnings + ', not ' + 2); else done(); // pass } }) .catch(err => ("couldn't call endpoint")); }); it('Should not get warnings if none', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?userID=getuserinfo_warning_2') .then(async res => { if (res.status !== 200) { done('non 200 (' + res.status + ')'); } else { const data = await res.json(); if (data.warnings !== 0) done('wrong number of warnings: ' + data.warnings + ', not ' + 0); else done(); // pass } }) .catch(err => ("couldn't call endpoint")); }); it('Should done(userID for userName (No userName set)', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?userID=getuserinfo_user_02') .then(async res => { if (res.status !== 200) { done('non 200 (' + res.status + ')'); } else { const data = await res.json(); if (data.userName !== 'c2a28fd225e88f74945794ae85aef96001d4a1aaa1022c656f0dd48ac0a3ea0f') { done('Did not done(userID for userName'); } done(); // pass } }) .catch(err => ('couldn\'t call endpoint')); }); it('Should return null segment if none', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?userID=getuserinfo_null') .then(async res => { if (res.status !== 200) { done('non 200 (' + res.status + ')'); } else { const data = await res.json(); if (data.lastSegmentID !== null) done('returned segment ' + data.warnings + ', not ' + null); else done(); // pass } }) .catch(err => ("couldn't call endpoint")); }); it('Should return zeroes if userid does not exist', (done: Done) => { fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/userInfo?userID=getuserinfo_null') .then(async res => { const data = await res.json(); for (var value in data) { if (data[value] === null && value !== "lastSegmentID") { done(`returned null for ${value}`) } } done(); // pass }) .catch(err => ("couldn't call endpoint")); }); });