import { config } from "../../src/config"; import { getHash } from "../../src/utils/getHash"; import { tempVIPKey } from "../../src/utils/redisKeys"; import { HashedUserID } from "../../src/types/user.model"; import { client } from "../utils/httpClient"; import { db, privateDB } from "../../src/databases/databases"; import redis from "../../src/utils/redis"; import assert from "assert"; import { Logger } from "../../src/utils/logger"; // helpers const getSegment = (UUID: string) => db.prepare("get", `SELECT "votes", "locked", "category" FROM "sponsorTimes" WHERE "UUID" = ?`, [UUID]); const permVIP1 = "tempVipPermOne"; const publicPermVIP1 = getHash(permVIP1) as HashedUserID; const permVIP2 = "tempVipPermOne"; const publicPermVIP2 = getHash(permVIP2) as HashedUserID; const tempVIPOne = "tempVipTempOne"; const publicTempVIPOne = getHash(tempVIPOne) as HashedUserID; const UUID0 = "tempvip-uuid0"; const UUID1 = "tempvip-uuid1"; const tempVIPEndpoint = "/api/addUserAsTempVIP"; const addTempVIP = (enabled: string, adminUserID: string, userID: HashedUserID, channelVideoID = "channelid-convert") => client({ url: tempVIPEndpoint, method: "POST", params: { userID, adminUserID, channelVideoID, enabled } }); const voteEndpoint = "/api/voteOnSponsorTime"; const postVote = (userID: string, UUID: string, type: number) => client({ method: "POST", url: voteEndpoint, params: { userID, UUID, type } }); const postVoteCategory = (userID: string, UUID: string, category: string) => client({ method: "POST", url: voteEndpoint, params: { userID, UUID, category } }); const checkUserVIP = async (publicID: HashedUserID) => { try { const reply = await redis.get(tempVIPKey(publicID)); return reply; } catch (e) { Logger.error(e as string); return false; } }; describe("tempVIP test", function() { before(async function() { if (!config.redis?.enabled) this.skip(); const insertSponsorTimeQuery = 'INSERT INTO "sponsorTimes" ("videoID", "startTime", "endTime", "votes", "locked", "UUID", "userID", "timeSubmitted", "views", "category", "shadowHidden") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; await db.prepare("run", insertSponsorTimeQuery, ["channelid-convert", 0, 1, 0, 0, UUID0, "testman", 0, 50, "sponsor", 0]); await db.prepare("run", insertSponsorTimeQuery, ["channelid-convert", 1, 9, 0, 1, "tempvip-submit", publicTempVIPOne, 0, 50, "sponsor", 0]); await db.prepare("run", insertSponsorTimeQuery, ["otherchannel", 1, 9, 0, 1, UUID1, "testman", 0, 50, "sponsor", 0]); await db.prepare("run", 'INSERT INTO "vipUsers" ("userID") VALUES (?)', [publicPermVIP1]); await db.prepare("run", 'INSERT INTO "vipUsers" ("userID") VALUES (?)', [publicPermVIP2]); // clear redis if running consecutive tests await redis.del(tempVIPKey(publicTempVIPOne)); }); it("Should update db version when starting the application", () => { privateDB.prepare("get", "SELECT key, value FROM config where key = ?", ["version"]) .then(row => { assert.ok(row.value >= 5, `Versions are not at least 5. private is ${row.value}`); }); }); it("User should not already be temp VIP", (done) => { checkUserVIP(publicTempVIPOne) .then(result => { assert.ok(!result); }) .then(async () => { const row = await privateDB.prepare("get", `SELECT * FROM "tempVipLog" WHERE "targetUserID" = ?`, [publicTempVIPOne]); assert.ok(!row?.enabled); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be able to normal upvote as a user", (done) => { postVote(tempVIPOne, UUID0, 1) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const row = await getSegment(UUID0); assert.strictEqual(row.votes, 1); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be able to add tempVIP", (done) => { addTempVIP("true", permVIP1, publicTempVIPOne) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); // check redis const vip = await checkUserVIP(publicTempVIPOne); assert.strictEqual(vip, "ChannelID"); assert.strictEqual(, "Temp VIP added on channel ChannelAuthor"); // check privateDB const row = await privateDB.prepare("get", `SELECT * FROM "tempVipLog" WHERE "targetUserID" = ?`, [publicTempVIPOne]); assert.ok(row.enabled); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be able to VIP downvote", (done) => { postVote(tempVIPOne, UUID0, 0) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const row = await getSegment(UUID0); assert.strictEqual(row.votes, -2); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should not be able to lock segment", (done) => { postVote(tempVIPOne, UUID0, 1) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const row = await getSegment(UUID0); assert.strictEqual(row.votes, 1); assert.strictEqual(row.locked, 0); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be able to change category but not lock", (done) => { postVoteCategory(tempVIPOne, UUID0, "filler") .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const row = await getSegment(UUID0); assert.strictEqual(row.category, "filler"); assert.strictEqual(row.locked, 0); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be able to remove tempVIP prematurely", (done) => { addTempVIP("false", permVIP1, publicTempVIPOne, null) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const vip = await checkUserVIP(publicTempVIPOne); assert.strictEqual(, "Temp VIP removed"); assert.ok(!vip, "Should be no listed channelID"); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should not be able to VIP downvote", (done) => { postVote(tempVIPOne, UUID1, 0) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const row = await getSegment(UUID1); assert.strictEqual(row.votes, 0); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should not be able to VIP change category", (done) => { postVoteCategory(tempVIPOne, UUID1, "filler") .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const row = await getSegment(UUID1); assert.strictEqual(row.category, "sponsor"); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); // error code testing it("Should be able to add tempVIP after removal", (done) => { addTempVIP("true", permVIP1, publicTempVIPOne) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const vip = await checkUserVIP(publicTempVIPOne); assert.strictEqual(vip, "ChannelID"); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should not be able to add VIP without existing VIP (403)", (done) => { const privateID = "non-vip-privateid"; addTempVIP("true", privateID, publicTempVIPOne) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 403); const vip = await checkUserVIP(getHash(privateID) as HashedUserID); assert.ok(!vip, "Should be no listed channelID"); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should not be able to add permanant VIP as temporary VIP (409)", (done) => { addTempVIP("true", permVIP1, publicPermVIP2) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 409); const vip = await checkUserVIP(publicPermVIP2); assert.ok(!vip, "Should be no listed channelID"); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Temp VIP should not be able to add another Temp VIP (403)", (done) => { const privateID = "non-vip-privateid"; const publicID = getHash(privateID) as HashedUserID; addTempVIP("true", tempVIPOne, publicID) .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 403); const vip = await checkUserVIP(publicID); assert.ok(!vip, "Should be no listed channelID"); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); // error 40X testing it("Should return 404 with invalid videoID", (done) => { const privateID = "non-vip-privateid"; const publicID = getHash(privateID) as HashedUserID; addTempVIP("true", permVIP1, publicID, "knownWrongID") .then(async res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 404); const vip = await checkUserVIP(publicID); assert.ok(!vip, "Should be no listed channelID"); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should return 400 with invalid userID", (done) => { addTempVIP("true", permVIP1, "" as HashedUserID, "knownWrongID") .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should return 400 with invalid adminUserID", (done) => { addTempVIP("true", "", publicTempVIPOne) .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should return 400 with invalid channelID", (done) => { addTempVIP("true", permVIP1, publicTempVIPOne, "") .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); });