import { db } from "../../src/databases/databases"; import assert from "assert"; import { client } from "../utils/httpClient"; import { AxiosResponse } from "axios"; import { UsernameUser, genUser, genUsersUsername } from "../utils/genUser"; import { insertUsernameBulk } from "../utils/queryGen"; const endpoint = "/api/userID"; const getUserName = (username: string, exact: any = false): Promise => client.get(endpoint, { params: { username, exact } }); const validateSearch = (query: string, users: UsernameUser[], exact: number | boolean = false): Promise => getUserName(query, exact) .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const expected = => ({ userName: user.username, userID: user.pubID })); assert.deepStrictEqual(, expected); }); const validateSearchWithUser = (user: UsernameUser, exact = false): Promise => validateSearch(user.username, [user], exact); const cases = new Map([ ["fuzzy_1", "fuzzy user 01"], ["fuzzy_2", "fuzzy user 02"], ["specific_1", "specific user 03"], ["repeating_1", "repeating"], ["repeating_2", "repeating"], ["redos_1", "0redis0"], ["redos_2", "%redos%"], ["redos_3", "_redos_"], ["redos_4", "redos\\%"], ["redos_5", "\\\\\\"], ["exact_1", "a"], ]); const userPublicOne = genUser("getUserID", "public_1"); const users = genUsersUsername("getUserID", cases); users["public_1"] = { ...userPublicOne, username: userPublicOne.pubID }; describe("getUserID", () => { before(async () => { await insertUsernameBulk(db, users); }); // status tests it("Should be able to get a 200", () => getUserName("fuzzy user 01") .then(res => assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200)) ); it("Should be able to get a 200 (username is public id)", () => getUserName(users["public_1"].username) .then(res => assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200)) ); // individual user tests it("Should be able to get single username", () => validateSearchWithUser(users["fuzzy_1"])); it("Should be able to get with public ID", () => validateSearchWithUser(users["public_1"])); // individual user ReDOS it("should avoid ReDOS with _", () => validateSearchWithUser(users["redos_3"])); it("should avoid ReDOS with %", () => validateSearchWithUser(users["redos_2"])); it("should return user if just backslashes", () => validateSearchWithUser(users["redos_5"])); it("should allow exact match", () => validateSearchWithUser(users["exact_1"], true)); // fuzzy tests it("Should be able to get multiple fuzzy user info from start", () => validateSearch("fuzzy user", [users["fuzzy_1"], users["fuzzy_2"]] ) ); it("Should be able to get multiple fuzzy user info from middle", () => { validateSearch("user", [users["fuzzy_1"], users["fuzzy_2"], users["specific_1"]] ); }); it("Should be able to get with fuzzy public ID", () => { const userID = users["public_1"].pubID.substring(0,60); return validateSearch(userID, [users["public_1"]] ); }); it("Should be able to get repeating username", () => validateSearch("repeating", [users["repeating_1"], users["repeating_2"]]) ); it("Should be able to get repeating fuzzy username", () => validateSearch("peat", [users["repeating_1"], users["repeating_2"]]) ); it("Should be able to get repeating username with exact username", () => validateSearch("repeating", [users["repeating_1"], users["repeating_2"]], true) ); it("Should not get exact unless explicitly set to true", () => validateSearch("user", [users["fuzzy_1"], users["fuzzy_2"], users["specific_1"]], 1) ); }); describe("getUserID 400/ 404", () => { const validateStatus = (query: string, status: number) => getUserName(query) .then(res => assert.strictEqual(res.status, status)); it("Should be able to get a 400 (No username parameter)", () => client.get(endpoint) .then(res => assert.strictEqual(res.status, 400)) ); it("Should not allow usernames more than 64 characters", () => validateStatus("0".repeat(65), 400)); it("Should not allow usernames less than 3 characters", () => validateStatus("aa", 400)); it("Should return 404 if escaped backslashes present", () => validateStatus("%redos\\\\_", 404)); it("Should return 404 if backslashes present", () => validateStatus(`\\%redos\\_`, 404)); });