import assert from "assert"; import { config } from "../../src/config"; import axios from "axios"; import * as tokenUtils from "../../src/utils/tokenUtils"; import MockAdapter from "axios-mock-adapter"; import { validatelicenseKeyRegex } from "../../src/routes/verifyToken"; let mock: MockAdapter; const validateToken = validatelicenseKeyRegex; const fakePatreonIdentity = { data: {}, links: {}, included: [ { attributes: { is_monthly: true, currently_entitled_amount_cents: 100, patron_status: "active_patron", }, id: "id", type: "campaign" } ], }; describe("tokenUtils test", function() { before(function() { mock = new MockAdapter(axios, { onNoMatch: "throwException" }); mock.onPost("").reply(200, { access_token: "test_access_token", refresh_token: "test_refresh_token", expires_in: 3600, }); mock.onGet(/identity/).reply(200, fakePatreonIdentity); }); it("Should be able to create patreon token", function (done) { if (!config?.patreon) this.skip(); tokenUtils.createAndSaveToken(tokenUtils.TokenType.patreon, "test_code").then((licenseKey) => { assert.ok(validateToken(licenseKey)); done(); }); }); it("Should be able to create local token", (done) => { tokenUtils.createAndSaveToken(tokenUtils.TokenType.local).then((licenseKey) => { assert.ok(validateToken(licenseKey)); done(); }); }); it("Should be able to get patreon identity", function (done) { if (!config?.patreon) this.skip(); tokenUtils.getPatreonIdentity("fake_access_token").then((result) => { assert.deepEqual(result, fakePatreonIdentity); done(); }); }); it("Should be able to refresh token", function (done) { if (!config?.patreon) this.skip(); tokenUtils.refreshToken(tokenUtils.TokenType.patreon, "fake-licence-Key", "fake_refresh_token").then((result) => { assert.strictEqual(result, true); done(); }); }); after(function () { mock.restore(); }); });