import { config } from "../../src/config"; import { getHash } from "../../src/utils/getHash"; import { db } from "../../src/databases/databases"; import assert from "assert"; import { client } from "../utils/httpClient"; describe("postSkipSegments Warnings", () => { // Constant and helpers const warnUser01 = "warn-user01"; const warnUser01Hash = getHash(warnUser01); const warnUser02 = "warn-user02"; const warnUser02Hash = getHash(warnUser02); const warnUser03 = "warn-user03"; const warnUser03Hash = getHash(warnUser03); const warnUser04 = "warn-user04"; const warnUser04Hash = getHash(warnUser04); const warnVideoID = "postSkipSegments-warn-video"; const endpoint = "/api/skipSegments"; const postSkipSegmentJSON = (data: Record) => client({ method: "POST", url: endpoint, data }); before(() => { const now =; const warnVip01Hash = getHash("postSkipSegmentsWarnVIP"); const reason01 = "Reason01"; const reason02 = ""; const reason03 = "Reason03"; const MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR = 3600000; const WARNING_EXPIRATION_TIME = config.hoursAfterWarningExpires * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR; const insertWarningQuery = 'INSERT INTO warnings ("userID", "issuerUserID", "enabled", "reason", "issueTime") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; // User 1 | 1 active | custom reason db.prepare("run", insertWarningQuery, [warnUser01Hash, warnVip01Hash, 1, reason01, now]); // User 2 | 1 inactive | default reason db.prepare("run", insertWarningQuery, [warnUser02Hash, warnVip01Hash, 0, reason02, now]); // User 3 | 1 expired, active | custom reason db.prepare("run", insertWarningQuery, [warnUser03Hash, warnVip01Hash, 1, reason03, (now - WARNING_EXPIRATION_TIME - 1000)]); // User 4 | 1 active | default reason db.prepare("run", insertWarningQuery, [warnUser04Hash, warnVip01Hash, 1, reason02, now]); }); it("Should be rejected with custom message if user has active warnings", (done) => { postSkipSegmentJSON({ userID: warnUser01, videoID: warnVideoID, segments: [{ segment: [0, 10], category: "sponsor", }], }) .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 403); const errorMessage =; const reason = "Reason01"; const expected = "Submission rejected due to a warning from a moderator. This means that we noticed you were making some common mistakes" + " that are not malicious, and we just want to clarify the rules. " + "Could you please send a message in or so we can further help you? " + `Your userID is ${warnUser01Hash}.\n\nWarning reason: '${reason}'`; assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, expected); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be accepted if user has inactive warning", (done) => { postSkipSegmentJSON({ userID: warnUser02, videoID: warnVideoID, segments: [{ segment: [50, 60], category: "sponsor", }], }) .then(res => { assert.ok(res.status === 200, `Status code was ${res.status} ${}`); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be accepted if user has expired warning", (done) => { postSkipSegmentJSON({ userID: warnUser03, videoID: warnVideoID, segments: [{ segment: [53, 60], category: "sponsor", }], }) .then(res => { assert.ok(res.status === 200, `Status code was ${res.status} ${}`); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); it("Should be rejected with default message if user has active warning", (done) => { postSkipSegmentJSON({ userID: warnUser04, videoID: warnVideoID, segments: [{ segment: [0, 10], category: "sponsor", }], }) .then(res => { assert.strictEqual(res.status, 403); const errorMessage =; const expected = "Submission rejected due to a warning from a moderator. This means that we noticed you were making some common mistakes" + " that are not malicious, and we just want to clarify the rules. " + "Could you please send a message in or so we can further help you? " + `Your userID is ${warnUser04Hash}.`; assert.strictEqual(errorMessage, expected); done(); }) .catch(err => done(err)); }); });