import { config } from "../../src/config"; import redis from "../../src/utils/redis"; import crypto from "crypto"; import assert from "assert"; const genRandom = (bytes=8) => crypto.pseudoRandomBytes(bytes).toString("hex"); const randKey1 = genRandom(); const randValue1 = genRandom(); const randKey2 = genRandom(16); describe("redis test", function() { before(async function() { if (!config.redis) this.skip(); await redis.setAsync(randKey1, randValue1); }); it("Should get stored value", (done) => { redis.getAsync(randKey1) .then(res => { if (res.err); assert.strictEqual(res.reply, randValue1); done(); }); }); it("Should not be able to get not stored value", (done) => { redis.getAsync(randKey2) .then(res => { if (res.reply || res.err )"Value should not be found"); done(); }); }); });