
256 lines
12 KiB

import { client } from "../utils/httpClient";
import assert from "assert";
import { getHash } from "../../src/utils/getHash";
import { db } from "../../src/databases/databases";
import { Service } from "../../src/types/segments.model";
import { BrandingUUID, ThumbnailResult, TitleResult } from "../../src/types/branding.model";
import { partialDeepEquals } from "../utils/partialDeepEquals";
describe("getBranding", () => {
const videoID1 = "videoID1";
const videoID2Locked = "videoID2";
const videoID2ShadowHide = "videoID3";
const videoIDEmpty = "videoID4";
const videoIDRandomTime = "videoID5";
const videoID1Hash = getHash(videoID1, 1).slice(0, 4);
const videoID2LockedHash = getHash(videoID2Locked, 1).slice(0, 4);
const videoID2ShadowHideHash = getHash(videoID2ShadowHide, 1).slice(0, 4);
const videoIDEmptyHash = "aaaa";
const videoIDRandomTimeHash = getHash(videoIDRandomTime, 1).slice(0, 4);
const endpoint = "/api/branding";
const getBranding = (params: Record<string, any>) => client({
method: "GET",
url: endpoint,
const getBrandingByHash = (hash: string, params: Record<string, any>) => client({
method: "GET",
url: `${endpoint}/${hash}`,
before(async () => {
const titleQuery = `INSERT INTO "titles" ("videoID", "title", "original", "userID", "service", "hashedVideoID", "timeSubmitted", "UUID") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`;
const titleVotesQuery = `INSERT INTO "titleVotes" ("UUID", "votes", "locked", "shadowHidden") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`;
const thumbnailQuery = `INSERT INTO "thumbnails" ("videoID", "original", "userID", "service", "hashedVideoID", "timeSubmitted", "UUID") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`;
const thumbnailTimestampsQuery = `INSERT INTO "thumbnailTimestamps" ("UUID", "timestamp") VALUES (?, ?)`;
const thumbnailVotesQuery = `INSERT INTO "thumbnailVotes" ("UUID", "votes", "locked", "shadowHidden") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`;
await Promise.all([
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID1, "title1", 0, "userID1", Service.YouTube, videoID1Hash, 1, "UUID1"]),
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID1, "title2", 0, "userID2", Service.YouTube, videoID1Hash, 1, "UUID2"]),
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID1, "title3", 1, "userID3", Service.YouTube, videoID1Hash, 1, "UUID3"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID1, 0, "userID1", Service.YouTube, videoID1Hash, 1, "UUID1T"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID1, 1, "userID2", Service.YouTube, videoID1Hash, 1, "UUID2T"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID1, 0, "userID3", Service.YouTube, videoID1Hash, 1, "UUID3T"]),
await Promise.all([
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID1", 3, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID2", 2, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID3", 1, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailTimestampsQuery, ["UUID1T", 1]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailTimestampsQuery, ["UUID3T", 3]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID1T", 3, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID2T", 2, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID3T", 1, 0, 0])
await Promise.all([
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID2Locked, "title1", 0, "userID1", Service.YouTube, videoID2LockedHash, 1, "UUID11"]),
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID2Locked, "title2", 0, "userID2", Service.YouTube, videoID2LockedHash, 1, "UUID21"]),
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID2Locked, "title3", 1, "userID3", Service.YouTube, videoID2LockedHash, 1, "UUID31"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID2Locked, 0, "userID1", Service.YouTube, videoID2LockedHash, 1, "UUID11T"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID2Locked, 1, "userID2", Service.YouTube, videoID2LockedHash, 1, "UUID21T"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID2Locked, 0, "userID3", Service.YouTube, videoID2LockedHash, 1, "UUID31T"])
await Promise.all([
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID11", 3, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID21", 2, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID31", 1, 1, 0]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailTimestampsQuery, ["UUID11T", 1]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailTimestampsQuery, ["UUID31T", 3]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID11T", 3, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID21T", 2, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID31T", 1, 1, 0]),
await Promise.all([
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID2ShadowHide, "title1", 0, "userID1", Service.YouTube, videoID2ShadowHideHash, 1, "UUID12"]),
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID2ShadowHide, "title2", 0, "userID2", Service.YouTube, videoID2ShadowHideHash, 1, "UUID22"]),
db.prepare("run", titleQuery, [videoID2ShadowHide, "title3", 1, "userID3", Service.YouTube, videoID2ShadowHideHash, 1, "UUID32"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID2ShadowHide, 0, "userID1", Service.YouTube, videoID2ShadowHideHash, 1, "UUID12T"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID2ShadowHide, 1, "userID2", Service.YouTube, videoID2ShadowHideHash, 1, "UUID22T"]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailQuery, [videoID2ShadowHide, 0, "userID3", Service.YouTube, videoID2ShadowHideHash, 1, "UUID32T"])
await Promise.all([
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID12", 3, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID22", 2, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", titleVotesQuery, ["UUID32", 1, 0, 1]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailTimestampsQuery, ["UUID12T", 1]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailTimestampsQuery, ["UUID32T", 3]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID12T", 3, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID22T", 2, 0, 0]),
db.prepare("run", thumbnailVotesQuery, ["UUID32T", 1, 0, 1])
const query = 'INSERT INTO "sponsorTimes" ("videoID", "startTime", "endTime", "votes", "locked", "UUID", "userID", "timeSubmitted", "views", "category", "actionType", "service", "videoDuration", "hidden", "shadowHidden", "description", "hashedVideoID") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
await db.prepare("run", query, [videoIDRandomTime, 1, 11, 1, 0, "uuidbranding1", "testman", 0, 50, "sponsor", "skip", "YouTube", 100, 0, 0, "", videoIDRandomTimeHash]);
await db.prepare("run", query, [videoIDRandomTime, 20, 33, 2, 0, "uuidbranding2", "testman", 0, 50, "intro", "skip", "YouTube", 100, 0, 0, "", videoIDRandomTimeHash]);
it("should get top titles and thumbnails", async () => {
await checkVideo(videoID1, videoID1Hash, {
titles: [{
title: "title1",
original: false,
votes: 3,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID1" as BrandingUUID
}, {
title: "title2",
original: false,
votes: 2,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID2" as BrandingUUID
}, {
title: "title3",
original: true,
votes: 1,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID3" as BrandingUUID
thumbnails: [{
timestamp: 1,
original: false,
votes: 3,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID1T" as BrandingUUID
}, {
original: true,
votes: 2,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID2T" as BrandingUUID
}, {
timestamp: 3,
original: false,
votes: 1,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID3T" as BrandingUUID
it("should get top titles and thumbnails prioritizing locks", async () => {
await checkVideo(videoID2Locked, videoID2LockedHash, {
titles: [{
title: "title3",
original: true,
votes: 1,
locked: true,
UUID: "UUID31" as BrandingUUID
}, {
title: "title1",
original: false,
votes: 3,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID11" as BrandingUUID
}, {
title: "title2",
original: false,
votes: 2,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID21" as BrandingUUID
thumbnails: [{
timestamp: 3,
original: false,
votes: 1,
locked: true,
UUID: "UUID31T" as BrandingUUID
}, {
timestamp: 1,
original: false,
votes: 3,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID11T" as BrandingUUID
}, {
original: true,
votes: 2,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID21T" as BrandingUUID
it("should get top titles and hide shadow hidden", async () => {
await checkVideo(videoID2ShadowHide, videoID2ShadowHideHash, {
titles: [{
title: "title1",
original: false,
votes: 3,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID12" as BrandingUUID
}, {
title: "title2",
original: false,
votes: 2,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID22" as BrandingUUID
thumbnails: [{
timestamp: 1,
original: false,
votes: 3,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID12T" as BrandingUUID
}, {
original: true,
votes: 2,
locked: false,
UUID: "UUID22T" as BrandingUUID
it("should get 404 when nothing", async () => {
const result1 = await getBranding({ videoID: videoIDEmpty });
const result2 = await getBrandingByHash(videoIDEmptyHash, {});
assert.strictEqual(result1.status, 404);
assert.strictEqual(result2.status, 404);
it("should get correct random time", async () => {
const videoDuration = 100;
const result1 = await getBranding({ videoID: videoIDRandomTime });
const result2 = await getBrandingByHash(videoIDRandomTimeHash, {});
const randomTime = result1.data.randomTime;
assert.strictEqual(randomTime, result2.data[videoIDRandomTime].randomTime);
assert.ok(randomTime > 0 && randomTime < 1);
const timeAbsolute = randomTime * videoDuration;
assert.ok(timeAbsolute < 1 || (timeAbsolute > 11 && timeAbsolute < 20) || timeAbsolute > 33);
async function checkVideo(videoID: string, videoIDHash: string, expected: {
titles: TitleResult[],
thumbnails: ThumbnailResult[]
}) {
const result1 = await getBranding({ videoID });
const result2 = await getBrandingByHash(videoIDHash, {});
assert.strictEqual(result1.status, 200);
assert.strictEqual(result2.status, 200);
assert.deepEqual(result1.data, result2.data[videoID]);
assert.ok(partialDeepEquals(result1.data, expected));