2022-12-17 23:35:13 -05:00

71 lines
3.6 KiB

// Remove all comments from the config when using it!
"port": 80,
"globalSalt": "[global salt (pepper) that is added to every ip before hashing to make it even harder for someone to decode the ip]",
"adminUserID": "[the hashed id of the user who can perform admin actions]",
"newLeafURLs": ["http://localhost:3241"],
"discordReportChannelWebhookURL": null, //URL from discord if you would like notifications when someone makes a report [optional]
"discordFirstTimeSubmissionsWebhookURL": null, //URL from discord if you would like notifications when someone makes a first time submission [optional]
"discordCompletelyIncorrectReportWebhookURL": null, //URL from discord if you would like notifications when someone reports a submission as completely incorrect [optional]
"neuralBlockURL": null, // URL to check submissions against neural block. Ex. https://ai.neuralblock.app
"discordNeuralBlockRejectWebhookURL": null, //URL from discord if you would like notifications when NeuralBlock rejects a submission [optional]
"userCounterURL": null, // For user counting. URL to instance of https://github.com/ajayyy/PrivacyUserCount
"proxySubmission": null, // Base url to proxy submissions to persist // e.g. https://sponsor.ajay.app (no trailing slash)
"behindProxy": "X-Forwarded-For", //Options: "X-Forwarded-For", "Cloudflare", "X-Real-IP", anything else will mean it is not behind a proxy. True defaults to "X-Forwarded-For"
"db": "./databases/sponsorTimes.db",
"privateDB": "./databases/private.db",
"createDatabaseIfNotExist": true, //This will run on startup every time (unless readOnly is true) - so ensure "create table if not exists" is used in the schema
"schemaFolder": "./databases",
"dbSchema": "./databases/_sponsorTimes.db.sql",
"privateDBSchema": "./databases/_private.db.sql",
// when using redis, add `"enable_offline_queue": false` to force commands to fail instead of timing out
"mode": "development",
"readOnly": false,
"webhooks": [],
"categoryList": ["sponsor", "intro", "outro", "interaction", "selfpromo", "preview", "music_offtopic", "poi_highlight"], // List of supported categories any other category will be rejected
"getTopUsersCacheTimeMinutes": 5, // cacheTime for getTopUsers result in minutes
"maxNumberOfActiveWarnings": 3, // Users with this number of warnings will be blocked until warnings expire
"hoursAfterWarningExpire": 24,
"rateLimit": {
"vote": {
"windowMs": 900000, // 15 minutes
"max": 20, // 20 requests in 15min time window
"message": "Too many votes, please try again later",
"statusCode": 429
"view": {
"windowMs": 900000, // 15 minutes
"max": 20, // 20 requests in 15min time window
"statusCode": 200
"maxRewardTimePerSegmentInSeconds": 86400, // maximum time a user get rewarded in the leaderboard for a single segment
"dumpDatabase": {
"enabled": true,
"minTimeBetweenMs": 60000, // 1 minute between dumps
"appExportPath": "./docker/database-export",
"postgresExportPath": "/opt/exports",
"tables": [{
"name": "sponsorTimes",
"order": "timeSubmitted"
"name": "userNames"
"name": "categoryVotes"
"name": "lockCategories"
"name": "warnings",
"order": "issueTime"
"name": "vipUsers"
"minUserIDLength": 30 // minimum length of UserID to be accepted