Skip YouTube video sponsors (server side portion)
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2019-12-03 17:02:02 -05:00
databases Fixed sql schema. 2019-09-16 19:45:39 -04:00
.gitignore Added config file. 2019-09-04 13:18:47 -04:00
config.json.example Added ability to enable read only mode from the config. 2019-10-28 16:37:08 -04:00
index.js Fixed getSavedTimeForUser to ignore low voted or shadow hidden submissions. 2019-12-03 17:02:02 -05:00
LICENSE Create LICENSE 2019-08-19 20:59:10 -04:00
package-lock.json Initial commit 2019-07-09 13:48:03 -04:00
package.json Added post function and fixed database download function 2019-07-09 14:42:59 -04:00
README.MD Added install instructions 2019-09-10 23:31:16 -04:00

SponsorBlock Server

SponsorBlock is an extension that will skip over sponsored segments of YouTube videos. SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced browser extension that let's anyone submit the start and end time's of sponsored segments of YouTube videos. Once one person submits this information, everyone else with this extension will skip right over the sponsored segment.

This is the server backend for it


This is a simple Sqlite database that will hold all the timing data.

To make sure that this project doesn't die, I have made the database publicly downloadable at So, you can download a backup or get to take a backup if you do desire.

Hopefully this project can be combined with projects like this and use this data to create a neural network to predict when sponsored segments happen. That project is sadly abandoned now, so I have decided to attempt to revive this idea.


The client web browser extension is available here:

Build At Home

This is a node.js server, so clone this repo and run npm install to install all dependencies.

Make sure to create the databases in the databases folder out of the database schemas.

Rename config.json.example to config.json and fill the parameters inside.

Run the server with npm start.

API Docs

Public API available at

GET /api/getVideoSponsorTimes


  videoID: string


  sponorTimes: array [float],
  UUIDs: array [string] //The ID for this sponsor time, used to submit votes

Error codes:

404: Not Found

GET /api/postVideoSponsorTimes


  videoID: string,
  startTime: float,
  endTime: float,
  userID: string //This should be a randomly generated UUID


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

429: Rate Limit (Too many for the same user or IP)

409: Duplicate

GET /api/voteOnSponsorTime


  UUID: string, //id of the sponsor being voted on
  userID: string,
  type: int //0 for downvote, 1 for upvote


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

405: Duplicate

GET /api/viewedVideoSponsorTime


  UUID: string


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/getViewsForUser


  userID: string


  viewCount: int

Error codes:

404: Not Found

POST /api/setUsername


  userID: string,
  userName: string,
  adminUserID: string //This is if you want to change someone elses username from the admin account


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/getUsername


  userID: string


  userName: string //will send back hashed userID if no username has been set

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

Stats Calls

GET /api/getTopUsers


  sortType: int //0 for by minutes saved, 1 for by view count, 2 for by total submissions


  userNames: array [string],
  viewCounts: array [int],
  totalSubmissions: array [int],
  minutesSaved: array [float]

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible)

GET /api/getTotalStats




  userCount: int,
  viewCount: int,
  totalSubmissions: int,
  minutesSaved: float

Error codes:


GET /api/getDaysSavedFormatted




  daysSaved: float (2 decimal places)

Error codes:


Admin Calls

These can only be called by the server administrator, set in the config.

POST /api/shadowBanUser

Shadow banned submissions are hidden for everyone but the IP that originally submitted it. Shadow banning a user shadow bans all future submissions.


  userID: string, //public userID of the user you want to shadowBan
  adminUserID: string, //your userID as an admin
  enabled: boolean, //optional, to be able to add and remove users
  unHideOldSubmissions: boolean //optional, should all previous submissions be banned as well?


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible) 403: Unauthorized (You are not an admin)

POST /api/addUserAsVIP

VIPs have extra privileges and their votes count more.


  userID: string, //public userID of the user you want to add to the VIP list
  adminUserID: string, //your userID as an admin
  enabled: boolean //optional, to be able to add and remove users


  Nothing (status code 200)

Error codes:

400: Bad Request (Your inputs are wrong/impossible) 403: Unauthorized (You are not an admin)