2021-04-05 23:48:51 -04:00

223 lines
12 KiB

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import {db} from '../../src/databases/databases';
import {Done, getbaseURL} from '../utils';
import {getHash} from '../../src/utils/getHash';
import {ImportMock,} from 'ts-mock-imports';
import * as YouTubeAPIModule from '../../src/utils/youtubeApi';
import {YouTubeApiMock} from '../youtubeMock';
const mockManager = ImportMock.mockStaticClass(YouTubeAPIModule, 'YouTubeAPI');
const sinonStub = mockManager.mock('listVideos');
describe('getSegmentsByHash', () => {
before(async () => {
let startOfQuery = 'INSERT INTO "sponsorTimes" ("videoID", "startTime", "endTime", "votes", "UUID", "userID", "timeSubmitted", views, category, "service", "hidden", "shadowHidden", "hashedVideoID") VALUES';
await db.prepare("run", startOfQuery + "('getSegmentsByHash-0', 1, 10, 2, 'getSegmentsByHash-0-0', 'testman', 0, 50, 'sponsor', 'YouTube', 0, 0, '" + getHash('getSegmentsByHash-0', 1) + "')"); // hash = fdaff4dee1043451faa7398324fb63d8618ebcd11bddfe0491c488db12c6c910
await db.prepare("run", startOfQuery + "('getSegmentsByHash-0', 1, 10, 2, 'getSegmentsByHash-0-0-1', 'testman', 0, 50, 'sponsor', 'PeerTube', 0, 0, '" + getHash('getSegmentsByHash-0', 1) + "')"); // hash = fdaff4dee1043451faa7398324fb63d8618ebcd11bddfe0491c488db12c6c910
await db.prepare("run", startOfQuery + "('getSegmentsByHash-0', 20, 30, 2, 'getSegmentsByHash-0-1', 'testman', 100, 150, 'intro', 'YouTube', 0, 0, '" + getHash('getSegmentsByHash-0', 1) + "')"); // hash = fdaff4dee1043451faa7398324fb63d8618ebcd11bddfe0491c488db12c6c910
await db.prepare("run", startOfQuery + "('getSegmentsByHash-noMatchHash', 40, 50, 2, 'getSegmentsByHash-noMatchHash', 'testman', 0, 50, 'sponsor', 'YouTube', 0, 0, 'fdaffnoMatchHash')"); // hash = fdaff4dee1043451faa7398324fb63d8618ebcd11bddfe0491c488db12c6c910
await db.prepare("run", startOfQuery + "('getSegmentsByHash-1', 60, 70, 2, 'getSegmentsByHash-1', 'testman', 0, 50, 'sponsor', 'YouTube', 0, 0, '" + getHash('getSegmentsByHash-1', 1) + "')"); // hash = 3272fa85ee0927f6073ef6f07ad5f3146047c1abba794cfa364d65ab9921692b
await db.prepare("run", startOfQuery + "('onlyHidden', 60, 70, 2, 'onlyHidden', 'testman', 0, 50, 'sponsor', 'YouTube', 1, 0, '" + getHash('onlyHidden', 1) + "')"); // hash = f3a199e1af001d716cdc6599360e2b062c2d2b3fa2885f6d9d2fd741166cbbd3
await db.prepare("run", startOfQuery + "('highlightVid', 60, 60, 2, 'highlightVid-1', 'testman', 0, 50, 'highlight', 'YouTube', 0, 0, '" + getHash('highlightVid', 1) + "')"); // hash = c962d387a9e50170c9118405d20b1081cee8659cd600b856b511f695b91455cb
await db.prepare("run", startOfQuery + "('highlightVid', 70, 70, 2, 'highlightVid-2', 'testman', 0, 50, 'highlight', 'YouTube', 0, 0, '" + getHash('highlightVid', 1) + "')"); // hash = c962d387a9e50170c9118405d20b1081cee8659cd600b856b511f695b91455cb
it('Should be able to get a 200', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/3272f?categories=["sponsor", "intro"]')
.then(res => {
if (res.status !== 200) done("non 200 status code, was " + res.status);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should return 404 if no segments are found even if a video for the given hash is known', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/3272f?categories=["shilling"]')
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 404) done("non 404 status code, was " + res.status);
else {
const body = await res.text();
if (body === '[]') done(); // pass
else done("Response had videos");
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should be able to get an empty array if no videos', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/11111?categories=["shilling"]')
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 404) done("non 404 status code, was " + res.status);
else {
const body = await res.text();
if (JSON.parse(body).length === 0 && body === '[]') done(); // pass
else done("non empty array returned");
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should be able to get an empty array if only hidden videos', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/f3a1?categories=["sponsor"]')
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 404) done("non 404 status code, was " + res.status);
else {
const body = await res.text();
if (JSON.parse(body).length === 0 && body === '[]') done(); // pass
else done("non empty array returned");
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should return 400 prefix too short', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/11?categories=["shilling"]')
.then(res => {
if (res.status !== 400) done("non 400 status code, was " + res.status);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should return 400 prefix too long', (done: Done) => {
let prefix = new Array(50).join('1');
if (prefix.length <= 32) { // default value, config can change this
done('failed to generate a long enough string for the test ' + prefix.length);
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/' + prefix + '?categories=["shilling"]')
.then(res => {
if (res.status !== 400) done("non 400 status code, was " + res.status);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should not return 400 prefix in range', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/11111?categories=["shilling"]')
.then(res => {
if (res.status === 400) done("prefix length 5 gave 400 " + res.status);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should return 404 for no hash', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/?categories=["shilling"]')
.then(res => {
if (res.status !== 404) done("expected 404, got " + res.status);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should return 400 for bad format categories', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/fdaf?categories=shilling')
.then(res => {
if (res.status !== 400) done("expected 400 got " + res.status);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should be able to get multiple videos', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/fdaf?categories=["sponsor","intro"]')
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 200) done("non 200 status code, was " + res.status);
else {
const body = await res.json();
if (body.length !== 2) done("expected 2 videos, got " + body.length);
else if (body[0].segments.length !== 2) done("expected 2 segments for first video, got " + body[0].segments.length);
else if (body[1].segments.length !== 1) done("expected 1 segment for second video, got " + body[1].segments.length);
else done();
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should be able to get 200 for no categories (default sponsor)', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/fdaf')
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 200) done("non 200 status code, was " + res.status);
else {
const body = await res.json();
if (body.length !== 2) done("expected 2 videos, got " + body.length);
else if (body[0].segments.length !== 1) done("expected 1 segments for first video, got " + body[0].segments.length);
else if (body[1].segments.length !== 1) done("expected 1 segments for second video, got " + body[1].segments.length);
else if (body[0].segments[0].category !== 'sponsor'
|| body[0].segments[0].UUID !== 'getSegmentsByHash-0-0'
|| body[1].segments[0].category !== 'sponsor') done("both segments are not sponsor");
else done();
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should be able to get 200 for no categories (default sponsor) for a non YouTube service', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/fdaf?service=PeerTube')
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 200) done("non 200 status code, was " + res.status);
else {
const body = await res.json();
if (body.length !== 1) done("expected 1 video, got " + body.length);
else if (body[0].segments.length !== 1) done("expected 1 segments for first video, got " + body[0].segments.length);
else if (body[0].segments[0].UUID !== 'getSegmentsByHash-0-0-1') done("both segments are not sponsor");
else done();
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should only return one segment when fetching highlight segments', (done: Done) => {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/c962?category=highlight')
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 200) done("non 200 status code, was " + res.status);
else {
const body = await res.json();
if (body.length !== 1) done("expected 1 video, got " + body.length);
else if (body[0].segments.length !== 1) done("expected 1 segment, got " + body[0].segments.length);
else done();
.catch(err => done("Couldn't call endpoint"));
it('Should be able to post a segment and get it using endpoint', (done: Done) => {
let testID = 'abc123goodVideo';
fetch(getbaseURL() + "/api/postVideoSponsorTimes", {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
userID: "test",
videoID: testID,
segments: [{
segment: [13, 17],
category: "sponsor",
.then(async res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
fetch(getbaseURL() + '/api/skipSegments/' + getHash(testID, 1).substring(0, 3))
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 200) done("(get) non 200 status code, was " + res.status);
else {
const body = await res.json();
if (body.length !== 1) done("(get) expected 1 video, got " + body.length);
else if (body[0].segments.length !== 1) done("(get) expected 1 segments for first video, got " + body[0].segments.length);
else if (body[0].segments[0].category !== 'sponsor') done("(get) segment should be sponsor, was " + body[0].segments[0].category);
else done();
.catch(err => done("(get) Couldn't call endpoint"));
} else {
done("(post) non 200 status code, was " + res.status);
.catch(err => done('(post) ' + err));