2021-06-30 00:01:40 -04:00

241 lines
11 KiB

import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { Done, getbaseURL } from '../utils';
import { db, privateDB } from '../../src/databases/databases';
import { getHash } from '../../src/utils/getHash';
const adminPrivateUserID = 'testUserId';
const user00PrivateUserID = 'setUsername_00';
const username00 = 'Username 00';
const user01PrivateUserID = 'setUsername_01';
const username01 = 'Username 01';
const user02PrivateUserID = 'setUsername_02';
const username02 = 'Username 02';
const user03PrivateUserID = 'setUsername_03';
const username03 = 'Username 03';
const user04PrivateUserID = 'setUsername_04';
const username04 = 'Username 04';
const user05PrivateUserID = 'setUsername_05';
const username05 = 'Username 05';
const user06PrivateUserID = 'setUsername_06';
const username06 = 'Username 06';
const user07PrivateUserID = 'setUsername_07';
const username07 = 'Username 07';
async function addUsername(userID: string, userName: string, locked = 0) {
await db.prepare('run', 'INSERT INTO "userNames" ("userID", "userName", "locked") VALUES(?, ?, ?)', [userID, userName, locked]);
await addLogUserNameChange(userID, userName);
async function getUsernameInfo(userID: string): Promise<{ userName: string, locked: string }> {
const row = await db.prepare('get', 'SELECT "userName", "locked" FROM "userNames" WHERE "userID" = ?', [userID]);
if (!row) {
return null;
return row;
async function addLogUserNameChange(userID: string, newUserName: string, oldUserName: string = '') {
`INSERT INTO "userNameLogs"("userID", "newUserName", "oldUserName", "updatedAt", "updatedByAdmin") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`,
[getHash(userID), newUserName, oldUserName, new Date().getTime(), + true]
async function getLastLogUserNameChange(userID: string) {
return privateDB.prepare('get', `SELECT * FROM "userNameLogs" WHERE "userID" = ? ORDER BY "updatedAt" DESC LIMIT 1`, [getHash(userID)]);
function wellFormatUserName(userName: string) {
return userName.replace(/[\u0000-\u001F\u007F-\u009F]/g, '');
async function testUserNameChangelog(userID: string, newUserName: string, oldUserName: string, byAdmin: boolean, done: Done) {
const log = await getLastLogUserNameChange(userID);
if (newUserName !== log.newUserName) {
return done(`UserID '${userID}' incorrect log on newUserName: ${newUserName} !== ${log.newUserName}`);
if (oldUserName !== log.oldUserName) {
return done(`UserID '${userID}' incorrect log on oldUserName: ${oldUserName} !== ${log.oldUserName}`);
if (byAdmin !== Boolean(log.updatedByAdmin)) {
return done(`UserID '${userID}' incorrect log on updatedByAdmin: ${byAdmin} !== ${log.updatedByAdmin}`);
return done();
describe('setUsername', () => {
before(async () => {
await addUsername(getHash(user01PrivateUserID), username01, 0);
await addUsername(getHash(user02PrivateUserID), username02, 0);
await addUsername(getHash(user03PrivateUserID), username03, 0);
await addUsername(getHash(user04PrivateUserID), username04, 1);
await addUsername(getHash(user05PrivateUserID), username05, 0);
await addUsername(getHash(user06PrivateUserID), username06, 0);
await addUsername(getHash(user07PrivateUserID), username07, 1);
it('Should be able to set username that has never been set', (done: Done) => {
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?userID=${user00PrivateUserID}&username=${username00}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
const usernameInfo = await getUsernameInfo(getHash(user00PrivateUserID));
if (res.status !== 200) done(`Status code was ${res.status}`);
if (usernameInfo.userName !== username00) done(`Username did not change. Currently is ${usernameInfo.userName}`);
if (usernameInfo.locked == "1") done(`Username was locked when it shouldn't have been`);
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Should return 200', (done: Done) => {
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?userID=${user01PrivateUserID}&username=Changed%20Username`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 200) done(`Status code was ${res.status}`);
else {
testUserNameChangelog(user01PrivateUserID, decodeURIComponent('Changed%20Username'), username01, false, done);
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Should return 400 for missing param "userID"', (done: Done) => {
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?username=MyUsername`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(res => {
if (res.status !== 400) done(`Status code was ${res.status}`);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Should return 400 for missing param "username"', (done: Done) => {
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?userID=test`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(res => {
if (res.status !== 400) done(`Status code was ${res.status}`);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Should return 400 for "username" longer then 64 characters', (done: Done) => {
const username65 = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000X';
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?userID=test&username=${encodeURIComponent(username65)}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(res => {
if (res.status !== 400) done(`Status code was ${res.status}`);
else done(); // pass
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Should not change username if it contains "discord"', (done: Done) => {
const newUsername = 'discord.me';
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?userID=${user02PrivateUserID}&username=${encodeURIComponent(newUsername)}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 200) done(`Status code was ${res.status}`);
else {
const userNameInfo = await getUsernameInfo(getHash(user02PrivateUserID));
if (userNameInfo.userName === newUsername) {
done(`Username '${username02}' got changed to '${newUsername}'`);
else done();
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Should be able to change username', (done: Done) => {
const newUsername = 'newUsername';
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?userID=${user03PrivateUserID}&username=${encodeURIComponent(newUsername)}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
const usernameInfo = await getUsernameInfo(getHash(user03PrivateUserID));
if (usernameInfo.userName !== newUsername) done(`Username did not change`);
if (usernameInfo.locked == "1") done(`Username was locked when it shouldn't have been`);
testUserNameChangelog(user03PrivateUserID, newUsername, username03, false, done);
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Should not be able to change locked username', (done: Done) => {
const newUsername = 'newUsername';
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?userID=${user04PrivateUserID}&username=${encodeURIComponent(newUsername)}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
const usernameInfo = await getUsernameInfo(getHash(user04PrivateUserID));
if (usernameInfo.userName === newUsername) done(`Username '${username04}' got changed to '${usernameInfo}'`);
if (usernameInfo.locked == "0") done(`Username was unlocked when it shouldn't have been`);
else done();
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Should filter out unicode control characters', (done: Done) => {
const newUsername = 'This\nUsername+has\tInvalid+Characters';
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?userID=${user05PrivateUserID}&username=${encodeURIComponent(newUsername)}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
const usernameInfo = await getUsernameInfo(getHash(user05PrivateUserID));
if (usernameInfo.userName === newUsername) done(`Username contains unicode control characters`);
testUserNameChangelog(user05PrivateUserID, wellFormatUserName(newUsername), username05, false, done);
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Incorrect adminUserID should return 403', (done: Done) => {
const newUsername = 'New Username';
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?adminUserID=invalidAdminID&userID=${getHash(user06PrivateUserID)}&username=${encodeURIComponent(newUsername)}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
if (res.status !== 403) done(`Status code was ${res.status}`);
else done();
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Admin should be able to change username', (done: Done) => {
const newUsername = 'New Username';
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?adminUserID=${adminPrivateUserID}&userID=${getHash(user06PrivateUserID)}&username=${encodeURIComponent(newUsername)}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
const usernameInfo = await getUsernameInfo(getHash(user06PrivateUserID));
if (usernameInfo.userName !== newUsername) done(`Failed to change username from '${username06}' to '${newUsername}'`);
if (usernameInfo.locked == "0") done(`Username was not locked`);
else testUserNameChangelog(user06PrivateUserID, newUsername, username06, true, done);
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));
it('Admin should be able to change locked username', (done: Done) => {
const newUsername = 'New Username';
fetch(`${getbaseURL()}/api/setUsername?adminUserID=${adminPrivateUserID}&userID=${getHash(user07PrivateUserID)}&username=${encodeURIComponent(newUsername)}`, {
method: 'POST',
.then(async res => {
const usernameInfo = await getUsernameInfo(getHash(user06PrivateUserID));
if (usernameInfo.userName !== newUsername) done(`Failed to change username from '${username06}' to '${newUsername}'`);
if (usernameInfo.locked == "0") done(`Username was unlocked when it shouldn't have been`);
else testUserNameChangelog(user07PrivateUserID, newUsername, username07, true, done);
.catch(err => done(`couldn't call endpoint`));