2019-09-04 22:07:23 -04:00

804 lines
28 KiB

var express = require('express');
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
// Create a service (the app object is just a callback).
var app = express();
//hashing service
var crypto = require('crypto');
//load database
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var db = new sqlite3.Database('./databases/sponsorTimes.db');
//where the more sensitive data such as IP addresses are stored
var privateDB = new sqlite3.Database('./databases/private.db');
let config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('config.json'));
// Create an HTTP service.
var globalSalt = config.globalSalt;
var adminUserID = config.adminUserID;
//if so, it will use the x-forwarded header instead of the ip address of the connection
var behindProxy = config.behindProxy;
//setup CORS correctly
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
//add the get function
app.get('/api/getVideoSponsorTimes', function (req, res) {
let videoID = req.query.videoID;
let sponsorTimes = [];
let votes = []
let UUIDs = [];
let hashedIP = getHash(getIP(req) + globalSalt);
db.prepare("SELECT startTime, endTime, votes, UUID, shadowHidden FROM sponsorTimes WHERE videoID = ? ORDER BY startTime").all(videoID, async function(err, rows) {
if (err) console.log(err);
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
//check if votes are above -1
if (rows[i].votes < -1) {
//too untrustworthy, just ignore it
//check if shadowHidden
//this means it is hidden to everyone but the original ip that submitted it
if (rows[i].shadowHidden == 1) {
//get the ip
//await the callback
let result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
privateDB.prepare("SELECT hashedIP FROM sponsorTimes WHERE videoID = ?").all(videoID, (err, rows) => resolve({err, rows}));
if (!result.rows.some((e) => e.hashedIP === hashedIP)) {
//this isn't their ip, don't send it to them
let index = sponsorTimes.length - 1;
sponsorTimes[index][0] = rows[i].startTime;
sponsorTimes[index][1] = rows[i].endTime;
votes[index] = rows[i].votes;
UUIDs[index] = rows[i].UUID;
if (sponsorTimes.length == 0) {
organisedData = getVoteOrganisedSponsorTimes(sponsorTimes, votes, UUIDs);
sponsorTimes = organisedData.sponsorTimes;
UUIDs = organisedData.UUIDs;
if (sponsorTimes.length == 0) {
} else {
//send result
sponsorTimes: sponsorTimes,
function getIP(req) {
return behindProxy ? req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] : req.connection.remoteAddress;
//add the post function
app.get('/api/postVideoSponsorTimes', async function (req, res) {
let videoID = req.query.videoID;
let startTime = req.query.startTime;
let endTime = req.query.endTime;
let userID = req.query.userID;
//check if all correct inputs are here and the length is 1 second or more
if (videoID == undefined || startTime == undefined || endTime == undefined || userID == undefined
|| Math.abs(startTime - endTime) < 1) {
//invalid request
//hash the userID
userID = getHash(userID);
//hash the ip 5000 times so no one can get it from the database
let hashedIP = getHash(getIP(req) + globalSalt);
startTime = parseFloat(startTime);
endTime = parseFloat(endTime);
if (isNaN(startTime) || isNaN(endTime)) {
//invalid request
if (startTime > endTime) {
//time can't go backwards
//check if this user is on the vip list
let vipResult = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.prepare("SELECT count(*) as userCount FROM vipUsers WHERE userID = ?").get(userID, (err, row) => resolve({err, row}));
//this can just be a hash of the data
//it's better than generating an actual UUID like what was used before
//also better for duplication checking
let hashCreator = crypto.createHash('sha256');
let UUID = hashCreator.update(videoID + startTime + endTime + userID).digest('hex');
//get current time
let timeSubmitted = Date.now();
let yesterday = timeSubmitted - 86400000;
//check to see if this ip has submitted too many sponsors today
privateDB.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM sponsorTimes WHERE hashedIP = ? AND videoID = ? AND timeSubmitted > ?").get([hashedIP, videoID, yesterday], function(err, row) {
if (row.count >= 10) {
//too many sponsors for the same video from the same ip address
} else {
//check to see if the user has already submitted sponsors for this video
db.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM sponsorTimes WHERE userID = ? and videoID = ?").get([userID, videoID], function(err, row) {
if (row.count >= 8) {
//too many sponsors for the same video from the same user
} else {
//check if this info has already been submitted first
db.prepare("SELECT UUID FROM sponsorTimes WHERE startTime = ? and endTime = ? and videoID = ?").get([startTime, endTime, videoID], async function(err, row) {
if (err) console.log(err);
//check to see if this user is shadowbanned
let result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
privateDB.prepare("SELECT count(*) as userCount FROM shadowBannedUsers WHERE userID = ?").get(userID, (err, row) => resolve({err, row}));
let shadowBanned = result.row.userCount;
let startingVotes = 0;
if (vipResult.row.userCount > 0) {
//this user is a vip, start them at a higher approval rating
startingVotes = 10;
if (row == null) {
//not a duplicate, execute query
db.prepare("INSERT INTO sponsorTimes VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)").run(videoID, startTime, endTime, startingVotes, UUID, userID, timeSubmitted, 0, shadowBanned);
//add to private db as well
privateDB.prepare("INSERT INTO sponsorTimes VALUES(?, ?, ?)").run(videoID, hashedIP, timeSubmitted);
} else {
//voting endpoint
app.get('/api/voteOnSponsorTime', function (req, res) {
let UUID = req.query.UUID;
let userID = req.query.userID;
let type = req.query.type;
if (UUID == undefined || userID == undefined || type == undefined) {
//invalid request
//hash the userID
let nonAnonUserID = getHash(userID);
userID = getHash(userID + UUID);
//x-forwarded-for if this server is behind a proxy
let ip = getIP(req);
//hash the ip 5000 times so no one can get it from the database
let hashedIP = getHash(ip + globalSalt);
//check if vote has already happened
privateDB.prepare("SELECT type FROM votes WHERE userID = ? AND UUID = ?").get(userID, UUID, async function(err, votesRow) {
if (err) console.log(err);
if (votesRow != undefined && votesRow.type == type) {
//they have already done this exact vote
res.status(405).send("Duplicate Vote");
//-1 for downvote, 1 for upvote. Maybe more depending on reputation in the future
let incrementAmount = 0;
let oldIncrementAmount = 0;
if (type == 1) {
incrementAmount = 1;
} else if (type == 0) {
incrementAmount = -1;
} else {
//unrecongnised type of vote
if (votesRow != undefined) {
if (votesRow.type == 1) {
oldIncrementAmount = 1;
} else if (votesRow.type == 0) {
oldIncrementAmount = -1;
} else if (votesRow.type == 1) {
//extra downvote
oldIncrementAmount = -4;
} else if (votesRow.type <= -25) {
//vip downvote
oldIncrementAmount = votesRow.type;
//check if this user is on the vip list
let vipResult = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.prepare("SELECT count(*) as userCount FROM vipUsers WHERE userID = ?").get(nonAnonUserID, (err, row) => resolve({err, row}));
//check if the increment amount should be multiplied (downvotes have more power if there have been many views)
db.prepare("SELECT votes, views FROM sponsorTimes WHERE UUID = ?").get(UUID, function(err, row) {
if (vipResult.row.userCount != 0 && incrementAmount < 0) {
//this user is a vip and a downvote
//their vote should be -25 or -80%
incrementAmount = -Math.max(25, Math.floor(row.votes * 0.8));
type = incrementAmount;
} else if (row != null && (row.votes > 3 || row.views > 4) && incrementAmount < 0) {
//multiply the power of this downvote
incrementAmount *= 4;
type = 2;
//update the votes table
if (votesRow != undefined) {
privateDB.prepare("UPDATE votes SET type = ? WHERE userID = ? AND UUID = ?").run(type, userID, UUID);
} else {
privateDB.prepare("INSERT INTO votes VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)").run(UUID, userID, hashedIP, type);
//update the vote count on this sponsorTime
//oldIncrementAmount will be zero is row is null
db.prepare("UPDATE sponsorTimes SET votes = votes + ? WHERE UUID = ?").run(incrementAmount - oldIncrementAmount, UUID);
//added to db
//Endpoint when a sponsorTime is used up
app.get('/api/viewedVideoSponsorTime', function (req, res) {
let UUID = req.query.UUID;
if (UUID == undefined) {
//invalid request
//up the view count by one
db.prepare("UPDATE sponsorTimes SET views = views + 1 WHERE UUID = ?").run(UUID);
//To set your username for the stats view
app.post('/api/setUsername', function (req, res) {
let userID = req.query.userID;
let userName = req.query.username;
let adminUserIDInput = req.query.adminUserID;
if (userID == undefined || userName == undefined || userID === "undefined") {
//invalid request
if (adminUserIDInput != undefined) {
//this is the admin controlling the other users account, don't hash the controling account's ID
adminUserIDInput = getHash(adminUserIDInput);
if (adminUserIDInput != adminUserID) {
//they aren't the admin
} else {
//hash the userID
userID = getHash(userID);
//check if username is already set
db.prepare("SELECT count(*) as count FROM userNames WHERE userID = ?").get(userID, function(err, row) {
if (err) console.log(err);
if (row.count > 0) {
//already exists, update this row
db.prepare("UPDATE userNames SET userName = ? WHERE userID = ?").run(userName, userID);
} else {
//add to the db
db.prepare("INSERT INTO userNames VALUES(?, ?)").run(userID, userName);
//get what username this user has
app.get('/api/getUsername', function (req, res) {
let userID = req.query.userID;
if (userID == undefined) {
//invalid request
//hash the userID
userID = getHash(userID);
db.prepare("SELECT userName FROM userNames WHERE userID = ?").get(userID, function(err, row) {
if (err) console.log(err);
if (row != null) {
userName: row.userName
} else {
//no username yet, just send back the userID
userName: userID
//Endpoint used to hide a certain user's data
app.get('/api/shadowBanUser', async function (req, res) {
let userID = req.query.userID;
let adminUserIDInput = req.query.adminUserID;
let enabled = req.query.enabled;
if (enabled === undefined){
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = enabled === "true";
//if enabled is false and the old submissions should be made visible again
let unHideOldSubmissions = req.query.unHideOldSubmissions;
if (enabled === undefined){
unHideOldSubmissions = true;
} else {
unHideOldSubmissions = unHideOldSubmissions === "true";
if (adminUserIDInput == undefined || userID == undefined) {
//invalid request
//hash the userID
adminUserIDInput = getHash(adminUserIDInput);
if (adminUserIDInput !== adminUserID) {
//not authorized
//check to see if this user is already shadowbanned
let result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
privateDB.prepare("SELECT count(*) as userCount FROM shadowBannedUsers WHERE userID = ?").get(userID, (err, row) => resolve({err, row}));
if (enabled && result.row.userCount == 0) {
//add them to the shadow ban list
//add it to the table
privateDB.prepare("INSERT INTO shadowBannedUsers VALUES(?)").run(userID);
//find all previous submissions and hide them
db.prepare("UPDATE sponsorTimes SET shadowHidden = 1 WHERE userID = ?").run(userID);
} else if (!enabled && result.row.userCount > 0) {
//remove them from the shadow ban list
privateDB.prepare("DELETE FROM shadowBannedUsers WHERE userID = ?").run(userID);
//find all previous submissions and unhide them
if (unHideOldSubmissions) {
db.prepare("UPDATE sponsorTimes SET shadowHidden = 0 WHERE userID = ?").run(userID);
//Endpoint used to make a user a VIP user with special privileges
app.post('/api/addUserAsVIP', async function (req, res) {
let userID = req.query.userID;
let adminUserIDInput = req.query.adminUserID;
let enabled = req.query.enabled;
if (enabled === undefined){
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = enabled === "true";
if (userID == undefined || adminUserIDInput == undefined) {
//invalid request
//hash the userID
adminUserIDInput = getHash(adminUserIDInput);
if (adminUserIDInput !== adminUserID) {
//not authorized
//check to see if this user is already a vip
let result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
db.prepare("SELECT count(*) as userCount FROM vipUsers WHERE userID = ?").get(userID, (err, row) => resolve({err, row}));
if (enabled && result.row.userCount == 0) {
//add them to the vip list
db.prepare("INSERT INTO vipUsers VALUES(?)").run(userID);
} else if (!enabled && result.row.userCount > 0) {
//remove them from the shadow ban list
db.prepare("DELETE FROM vipUsers WHERE userID = ?").run(userID);
//Gets all the views added up for one userID
//Useful to see how much one user has contributed
app.get('/api/getViewsForUser', function (req, res) {
let userID = req.query.userID;
if (userID == undefined) {
//invalid request
//hash the userID
userID = getHash(userID);
//up the view count by one
db.prepare("SELECT SUM(views) as viewCount FROM sponsorTimes WHERE userID = ?").get(userID, function(err, row) {
if (err) console.log(err);
if (row.viewCount != null) {
viewCount: row.viewCount
} else {
app.get('/api/getTopUsers', function (req, res) {
let sortType = req.query.sortType;
if (sortType == undefined) {
//invalid request
//setup which sort type to use
let sortBy = "";
if (sortType == 0) {
sortBy = "minutesSaved";
} else if (sortType == 1) {
sortBy = "viewCount";
} else if (sortType == 2) {
sortBy = "totalSubmissions";
} else {
//invalid request
let userNames = [];
let viewCounts = [];
let totalSubmissions = [];
let minutesSaved = [];
db.prepare("SELECT sponsorTimes.userID as userID, COUNT(*) as totalSubmissions, SUM(views) as viewCount, SUM((sponsorTimes.endTime - sponsorTimes.startTime) / 60 * sponsorTimes.views) as minutesSaved, userNames.userName as userName FROM sponsorTimes LEFT JOIN userNames ON sponsorTimes.userID=userNames.userID WHERE sponsorTimes.votes > -1 GROUP BY sponsorTimes.userID ORDER BY " + sortBy + " DESC LIMIT 100").all(function(err, rows) {
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
if (rows[i].userName != null) {
userNames[i] = rows[i].userName;
} else {
userNames[i] = rows[i].userID;
viewCounts[i] = rows[i].viewCount;
totalSubmissions[i] = rows[i].totalSubmissions;
minutesSaved[i] = rows[i].minutesSaved;
//send this result
userNames: userNames,
viewCounts: viewCounts,
totalSubmissions: totalSubmissions,
minutesSaved: minutesSaved
//send out totals
//send the total submissions, total views and total minutes saved
app.get('/api/getTotalStats', function (req, res) {
db.prepare("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT userID) as userCount, COUNT(*) as totalSubmissions, SUM(views) as viewCount, SUM((endTime - startTime) / 60 * views) as minutesSaved FROM sponsorTimes").get(function(err, row) {
if (row != null) {
//send this result
userCount: row.userCount,
viewCount: row.viewCount,
totalSubmissions: row.totalSubmissions,
minutesSaved: row.minutesSaved
//send out a formatted time saved total
app.get('/api/getDaysSavedFormatted', function (req, res) {
db.prepare("SELECT SUM((endTime - startTime) / 60 / 60 / 24 * views) as daysSaved FROM sponsorTimes").get(function(err, row) {
if (row != null) {
//send this result
daysSaved: row.daysSaved.toFixed(2)
app.get('/database.db', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile("./databases/sponsorTimes.db", { root: __dirname });
//This function will find sponsor times that are contained inside of eachother, called similar sponsor times
//Only one similar time will be returned, randomly generated based on the sqrt of votes.
//This allows new less voted items to still sometimes appear to give them a chance at getting votes.
//Sponsor times with less than -1 votes are already ignored before this function is called
function getVoteOrganisedSponsorTimes(sponsorTimes, votes, UUIDs) {
//list of sponsors that are contained inside eachother
let similarSponsors = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) {
//see if the start time is located between the start and end time of the other sponsor time.
for (let j = 0; j < sponsorTimes.length; j++) {
if (sponsorTimes[j][0] > sponsorTimes[i][0] && sponsorTimes[j][0] < sponsorTimes[i][1]) {
//sponsor j is contained in sponsor i
similarSponsors.push([i, j]);
let similarSponsorsGroups = [];
//once they have been added to a group, they don't need to be dealt with anymore
let dealtWithSimilarSponsors = [];
//create lists of all the similar groups (if 1 and 2 are similar, and 2 and 3 are similar, the group is 1, 2, 3)
for (let i = 0; i < similarSponsors.length; i++) {
if (dealtWithSimilarSponsors.includes(i)) {
//dealt with already
//this is the group of indexes that are similar
let group = similarSponsors[i];
for (let j = 0; j < similarSponsors.length; j++) {
if (group.includes(similarSponsors[j][0]) || group.includes(similarSponsors[j][1])) {
//this is a similar group
//remove duplicate indexes in group arrays
for (let i = 0; i < similarSponsorsGroups.length; i++) {
uniqueArray = similarSponsorsGroups[i].filter(function(item, pos, self) {
return self.indexOf(item) == pos;
similarSponsorsGroups[i] = uniqueArray;
let weightedRandomIndexes = getWeightedRandomChoiceForArray(similarSponsorsGroups, votes);
let finalSponsorTimeIndexes = weightedRandomIndexes.finalChoices;
//the sponsor times either chosen to be added to finalSponsorTimeIndexes or chosen not to be added
let finalSponsorTimeIndexesDealtWith = weightedRandomIndexes.choicesDealtWith;
let voteSums = weightedRandomIndexes.weightSums;
//convert these into the votes
for (let i = 0; i < voteSums.length; i++) {
if (voteSums[i] != undefined) {
//it should use the sum of votes, since anyone upvoting a similar sponsor is upvoting the existence of that sponsor.
votes[finalSponsorTimeIndexes[i]] = voteSums;
//find the indexes never dealt with and add them
for (let i = 0; i < sponsorTimes.length; i++) {
if (!finalSponsorTimeIndexesDealtWith.includes(i)) {
//if there are too many indexes, find the best 4
if (finalSponsorTimeIndexes.length > 4) {
finalSponsorTimeIndexes = getWeightedRandomChoice(finalSponsorTimeIndexes, votes, 4).finalChoices;
//convert this to a final array to return
let finalSponsorTimes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < finalSponsorTimeIndexes.length; i++) {
//convert this to a final array of UUIDs as well
let finalUUIDs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < finalSponsorTimeIndexes.length; i++) {
return {
sponsorTimes: finalSponsorTimes,
UUIDs: finalUUIDs
//gets the getWeightedRandomChoice for each group in an array of groups
function getWeightedRandomChoiceForArray(choiceGroups, weights) {
let finalChoices = [];
//the indexes either chosen to be added to final indexes or chosen not to be added
let choicesDealtWith = [];
//for each choice group, what are the sums of the weights
let weightSums = [];
for (let i = 0; i < choiceGroups.length; i++) {
//find weight sums for this group
for (let j = 0; j < choiceGroups[i].length; j++) {
//only if it is a positive vote, otherwise it is probably just a sponsor time with slightly wrong time
if (weights[choiceGroups[i][j]] > 0) {
weightSums[weightSums.length - 1] += weights[choiceGroups[i][j]];
//create a random choice for this group
let randomChoice = getWeightedRandomChoice(choiceGroups[i], weights, 1)
for (let j = 0; j < randomChoice.choicesDealtWith.length; j++) {
return {
finalChoices: finalChoices,
choicesDealtWith: choicesDealtWith,
weightSums: weightSums
//gets a weighted random choice from the indexes array based on the weights.
//amountOfChoices speicifies the amount of choices to return, 1 or more.
//choices are unique
function getWeightedRandomChoice(choices, weights, amountOfChoices) {
if (amountOfChoices > choices.length) {
//not possible, since all choices must be unique
return null;
let finalChoices = [];
let choicesDealtWith = [];
let sqrtWeightsList = [];
//the total of all the weights run through the cutom sqrt function
let totalSqrtWeights = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < choices.length; j++) {
//multiplying by 10 makes around 13 votes the point where it the votes start not mattering as much (10 + 3)
//The 3 makes -2 the minimum votes before being ignored completely
//this can be changed if this system increases in popularity.
let sqrtVote = Math.sqrt((weights[choices[j]] + 3) * 10);
totalSqrtWeights += sqrtVote;
//this index has now been deat with
//iterate and find amountOfChoices choices
let randomNumber = Math.random();
//this array will keep adding to this variable each time one sqrt vote has been dealt with
//this is the sum of all the sqrtVotes under this index
let currentVoteNumber = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < sqrtWeightsList.length; j++) {
if (randomNumber > currentVoteNumber / totalSqrtWeights && randomNumber < (currentVoteNumber + sqrtWeightsList[j]) / totalSqrtWeights) {
//this one was randomly generated
//remove that from original array, for next recursion pass if it happens
choices.splice(j, 1);
//add on to the count
currentVoteNumber += sqrtWeightsList[j];
//add on the other choices as well using recursion
if (amountOfChoices > 1) {
let otherChoices = getWeightedRandomChoice(choices, weights, amountOfChoices - 1).finalChoices;
//add all these choices to the finalChoices array being returned
for (let i = 0; i < otherChoices.length; i++) {
return {
finalChoices: finalChoices,
choicesDealtWith: choicesDealtWith
function getHash(value, times=5000) {
for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
let hashCreator = crypto.createHash('sha256');
value = hashCreator.update(value).digest('hex');
return value;