Update custom/updated sites (onMessage in contentScript)

This commit is contained in:
magnolia1234 2022-12-16 12:31:29 +01:00
parent 57fcfa7f0e
commit 2e41b49c1c
5 changed files with 141 additions and 104 deletions

View file

@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ ext_api.storage.onChanged.addListener(function (changes, namespace) {
// Refresh the current tab
ext_api.tabs.reload({bypassCache: true});
@ -752,10 +752,11 @@ if (typeof browser !== 'object') {
let lib_file = 'lib/empty.js';
if (matchUrlDomain(dompurify_sites, url))
lib_file = 'lib/purify.min.js';
var bg2csData = {
optin_setcookie: optin_setcookie,
amp_unhide: matchUrlDomain(amp_unhide, url)
var bg2csData = {};
if (optin_setcookie && matchUrlDomain(['crusoe.uol.com.br'], url))
bg2csData.optin_setcookie = 1;
if (matchUrlDomain(amp_unhide, url))
bg2csData.amp_unhide = 1;
let amp_redirect_domain = '';
if (amp_redirect_domain = matchUrlDomain(Object.keys(amp_redirect), url))
bg2csData.amp_redirect = amp_redirect[amp_redirect_domain];
@ -773,27 +774,29 @@ if (typeof browser !== 'object') {
setTimeout(function () {
// run contentScript.js on page
ext_api.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
code: 'var bg2csData = ' + JSON.stringify(bg2csData) + ';'
file: lib_file,
runAt: 'document_start'
}, function () {
ext_api.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
file: lib_file,
file: 'contentScript.js',
runAt: 'document_start'
}, function () {
ext_api.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
file: 'contentScript.js',
runAt: 'document_start'
}, function (res) {
if (ext_api.runtime.lastError || res[0]) {
}, function (res) {
if (ext_api.runtime.lastError || res[0]) {
// send bg2csData to contentScript.js
if (Object.keys(bg2csData).length) {
setTimeout(function () {
ext_api.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, {msg: "bg2cs", data: bg2csData});
}, 500);
// remove cookies after page load
if (rc_domain_enabled) {
remove_cookies_fn(rc_domain, true);
}, n * 1000 / tab_runs);
}, n * 200);
@ -1510,3 +1513,19 @@ function randomIP(range_low = 0, range_high = 223) {
return rndmIP.join('.');
// Refresh the current tab (http)
function refreshCurrentTab() {
active: true,
currentWindow: true
}, function (tabs) {
if (tabs && tabs[0] && /^http/.test(tabs[0].url)) {
if (ext_api.runtime.lastError)
ext_api.tabs.update(tabs[0].id, {
url: tabs[0].url

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Post-release
Fix MIT Sloan Management Review
Update block general paywall script (TownNews & fix Pigeon)
Update custom flex sites (identify main domain)
Update custom/updated sites (onMessage in contentScript)
* v2.9.7.0 (2022-12-11)
Add Handelsblatt

View file

@ -46,22 +46,9 @@ if (!matchDomain(arr_localstorage_hold)) {
function getArticleJsonScript() {
let scripts = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/ld+json"]');
let json_script;
for (let script of scripts) {
if (script.innerText.match(/"(articleBody|text)":/)) {
json_script = script;
return json_script;
var bg2csData;
function runOnMessage(bg2csData, dompurify_loaded, div_bpc_done) {
// custom/updated sites: load text from json
if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.ld_json && dompurify_loaded) {
if (bg2csData.ld_json && dompurify_loaded) {
if (bg2csData.ld_json.includes('|')) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
let ld_json_split = bg2csData.ld_json.split('|');
@ -92,7 +79,7 @@ if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.ld_json && dompurify_loaded) {
// custom/updated sites: load text from Google webcache
if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.ld_google_webcache && dompurify_loaded) {
if (bg2csData.ld_google_webcache && dompurify_loaded) {
if (bg2csData.ld_google_webcache.includes('|')) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
let url = window.location.href;
@ -109,81 +96,18 @@ if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.ld_google_webcache && dompurify_loade
var div_bpc_done = document.querySelector('div#bpc_done');
if (!div_bpc_done) {
if (ext_api.runtime) {
function(request, sender) {
if (request.msg === 'showExtSrc') {
replaceDomElementExtSrc(request.data.url, request.data.html, true, false, request.data.selector, request.data.text_fail, request.data.selector_source);
// check for opt-in confirmation (from background.js)
if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.optin_setcookie) {
if (bg2csData.optin_setcookie) {
if (matchDomain(['crusoe.uol.com.br'])) {
if (!cookieExists('crs_subscriber'))
setCookie('crs_subscriber', 1, 'crusoe.uol.com.br', '/', 14);
function amp_iframes_replace(weblink = false, source = '') {
let amp_iframes = document.querySelectorAll('amp-iframe' + (source ? '[src*="'+ source + '"]' : ''));
let par, elem;
for (let amp_iframe of amp_iframes) {
if (!weblink) {
elem = document.createElement('iframe');
Object.assign(elem, {
src: amp_iframe.getAttribute('src'),
sandbox: amp_iframe.getAttribute('sandbox'),
height: amp_iframe.getAttribute('height'),
width: 'auto',
style: 'border: 0px;'
amp_iframe.parentNode.replaceChild(elem, amp_iframe);
} else {
par = document.createElement('p');
elem = document.createElement('a');
elem.innerText = 'Media-link';
elem.setAttribute('href', amp_iframe.getAttribute('src'));
elem.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
amp_iframe.parentNode.replaceChild(par, amp_iframe);
function amp_unhide_subscr_section(amp_ads_sel = 'amp-ad, .ad', replace_iframes = true, amp_iframe_link = false, source = '') {
let preview = document.querySelector('[subscriptions-section="content-not-granted"]');
let subscr_section = document.querySelectorAll('[subscriptions-section="content"]');
for (let elem of subscr_section)
let amp_ads = document.querySelectorAll(amp_ads_sel);
if (replace_iframes)
amp_iframes_replace(amp_iframe_link, source);
function amp_unhide_access_hide(amp_access = '', amp_access_not = '', amp_ads_sel = 'amp-ad, .ad', replace_iframes = true, amp_iframe_link = false, source = '') {
let access_hide = document.querySelectorAll('[amp-access' + amp_access + '][amp-access-hide]:not([amp-access="error"], [amp-access^="message"])');
for (let elem of access_hide)
if (amp_access_not) {
let amp_access_not_dom = document.querySelectorAll('[amp-access' + amp_access_not + ']');
let amp_ads = document.querySelectorAll(amp_ads_sel);
if (replace_iframes)
amp_iframes_replace(amp_iframe_link, source);
// custom/updated sites: try to unhide text on amp-page
if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.amp_unhide) {
if (bg2csData.amp_unhide) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
let amp_page_hide = document.querySelector('script[src*="/amp-access-"], script[src*="/amp-subscriptions-"]');
if (amp_page_hide) {
@ -195,7 +119,7 @@ if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.amp_unhide) {
// custom/updated sites: amp-redirect
if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.amp_redirect) {
if (bg2csData.amp_redirect) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
let amp_script = document.querySelector('script[src^="https://cdn.ampproject.org/"]');
let amphtml = document.querySelector('link[rel="amphtml"]');
@ -236,12 +160,39 @@ function cs_code_elems(elems) {
// updated sites: cs_code
if ((bg2csData !== undefined) && bg2csData.cs_code) {
if (bg2csData.cs_code) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
}// runOnMessage
var div_bpc_done = document.querySelector('div#bpc_done');
var msg_once = false;
if (ext_api.runtime) {
function (request, sender) {
if (request.msg === 'bg2cs' && !msg_once) {
msg_once = true;
runOnMessage(request.data, dompurify_loaded, div_bpc_done);
if (!div_bpc_done) {
if (ext_api.runtime) {
function (request, sender) {
if (request.msg === 'showExtSrc') {
replaceDomElementExtSrc(request.data.url, request.data.html, true, false, request.data.selector, request.data.text_fail, request.data.selector_source);
// Content workarounds/domain
if (matchDomain('medium.com') || matchDomain(medium_custom_domains) || document.querySelector('script[src*=".medium.com/"]')) {
@ -677,6 +628,8 @@ else if (matchDomain(['ksta.de', 'rundschau-online.de'])) {
if (span_hidden)
let banners = document.querySelectorAll('div.dm-slot');
else if (matchDomain(['mz.de', 'volksstimme.de'])) {
@ -4376,7 +4329,7 @@ else
csDone = true;
if ((csDone && (bg2csData !== undefined)) || csDoneOnce) {
if (csDone || csDoneOnce) {
@ -4514,6 +4467,58 @@ function replaceTextFail(url, article, proxy, text_fail) {
function amp_iframes_replace(weblink = false, source = '') {
let amp_iframes = document.querySelectorAll('amp-iframe' + (source ? '[src*="'+ source + '"]' : ''));
let par, elem;
for (let amp_iframe of amp_iframes) {
if (!weblink) {
elem = document.createElement('iframe');
Object.assign(elem, {
src: amp_iframe.getAttribute('src'),
sandbox: amp_iframe.getAttribute('sandbox'),
height: amp_iframe.getAttribute('height'),
width: 'auto',
style: 'border: 0px;'
amp_iframe.parentNode.replaceChild(elem, amp_iframe);
} else {
par = document.createElement('p');
elem = document.createElement('a');
elem.innerText = 'Media-link';
elem.setAttribute('href', amp_iframe.getAttribute('src'));
elem.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
amp_iframe.parentNode.replaceChild(par, amp_iframe);
function amp_unhide_subscr_section(amp_ads_sel = 'amp-ad, .ad', replace_iframes = true, amp_iframe_link = false, source = '') {
let preview = document.querySelector('[subscriptions-section="content-not-granted"]');
let subscr_section = document.querySelectorAll('[subscriptions-section="content"]');
for (let elem of subscr_section)
let amp_ads = document.querySelectorAll(amp_ads_sel);
if (replace_iframes)
amp_iframes_replace(amp_iframe_link, source);
function amp_unhide_access_hide(amp_access = '', amp_access_not = '', amp_ads_sel = 'amp-ad, .ad', replace_iframes = true, amp_iframe_link = false, source = '') {
let access_hide = document.querySelectorAll('[amp-access' + amp_access + '][amp-access-hide]:not([amp-access="error"], [amp-access^="message"])');
for (let elem of access_hide)
if (amp_access_not) {
let amp_access_not_dom = document.querySelectorAll('[amp-access' + amp_access_not + ']');
let amp_ads = document.querySelectorAll(amp_ads_sel);
if (replace_iframes)
amp_iframes_replace(amp_iframe_link, source);
function ampToHtml() {
window.setTimeout(function () {
let canonical = document.querySelector('link[rel="canonical"]');
@ -4588,6 +4593,18 @@ function insert_script(func, insertAfterDom) {
function getArticleJsonScript() {
let scripts = document.querySelectorAll('script[type="application/ld+json"]');
let json_script;
for (let script of scripts) {
if (script.innerText.match(/"(articleBody|text)":/)) {
json_script = script;
return json_script;
function genHexString(len) {
let output = '';
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++)

View file

@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
"Stimme.de": {
"allow_cookies": 1,
"domain": "stimme.de",
"ld_google_webcache": "div.paywall-product-box|div.art-text"
"ld_google_webcache": "div.paywall-product-box,div.fadeOut|div.art-text"
"Supchina.com": {
"allow_cookies": 1,

View file

@ -713,5 +713,5 @@
"version": ""
"version": ""