# The terraform code in this repo is based on the official tutorial from the following link # https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/easy-deployment-mean-stack-w-mongodb-atlas-cloud-run-and-hashicorp-terraform # The rest of the steps can be followed up from there. ###----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### configure terraform ###----------------------------------------------------------------------------- terraform { required_version = ">= 0.13" required_providers { google = { version = "~> 4.36" source = "hashicorp/google" } mongodbatlas = { version = "~> 1.4.5" source = "mongodb/mongodbatlas" } } } ###----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### shared config ###----------------------------------------------------------------------------- resource "random_string" "mongodb_password" { length = 32 special = false upper = true } resource "random_string" "suffix" { length = 8 special = false upper = false } locals { project_id = "${var.project_name}-${random_string.suffix.result}" }