Continuing the legacy of Vanced

# 💊 ReVanced Manager ![GitHub Workflow Status (with event)]( ![GPLv3 License]( Application to use ReVanced on Android ## ❓ About ReVanced Manager is an application that uses [ReVanced Patcher]( to patch Android apps. ## 💪 Features Some of the features ReVanced Manager provides are: - 💉 **Patch apps**: Apply any patch of your choice to Android apps - 📱 **Portable**: ReVanced Patcher that fits in your pocket - 🤗 **Simple UI**: Quickly understand the ins and outs of ReVanced Manager - 🛠️ **Customization**: Configurable API, custom sources, language, signing keystore, theme and more ## 🔽 Download You can download the most recent version of ReVanced Manager at []( or from [GitHub releases]( Learn how to use ReVanced Manager by following the [documentation](/docs). ## 📚 Everything else ### 📙 Contributing Thank you for considering contributing to ReVanced Manager. You can find the contribution guidelines [here]( ### 🛠️ Building To build a ReVanced Manager, you can follow the [documentation](/docs). ### 📄 Documentation You can find the documentation for ReVanced Manager [here](/docs). ## ⚖️ License ReVanced Manager is licensed under the GPLv3 license. Please see the [license file](LICENSE) for more information. [tl;dr]( you may copy, distribute and modify ReVanced Manager as long as you track changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to ReVanced Manager must also be made available under the GPL, along with build & install instructions.