feat: GeneralBytecodeAds and GeneralResourceAds patch

This commit is contained in:
oSumAtrIX 2022-06-04 02:27:02 +02:00
parent 85806bb355
commit f99bbef4c9
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: A9B3094ACDB604B4
3 changed files with 565 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package app.revanced.patches.youtube.ad.general.annotation
import app.revanced.patcher.annotation.Compatibility
import app.revanced.patcher.annotation.Package
"com.google.android.youtube", arrayOf("17.19.36", "17.20.37")
internal annotation class GeneralAdsCompatibility

View file

@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
package app.revanced.patches.youtube.ad.general.bytecode.patch
import app.revanced.extensions.injectHideCall
import app.revanced.patcher.annotation.Description
import app.revanced.patcher.annotation.Name
import app.revanced.patcher.annotation.Version
import app.revanced.patcher.data.implementation.BytecodeData
import app.revanced.patcher.data.implementation.proxy
import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.addInstructions
import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.or
import app.revanced.patcher.extensions.softCompareTo
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.annotations.Dependencies
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.annotations.Patch
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.implementation.BytecodePatch
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.implementation.misc.PatchResult
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.implementation.misc.PatchResultError
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.implementation.misc.PatchResultSuccess
import app.revanced.patcher.util.proxy.mutableTypes.MutableClass
import app.revanced.patcher.util.proxy.mutableTypes.MutableMethod
import app.revanced.patcher.util.proxy.mutableTypes.MutableMethod.Companion.toMutable
import app.revanced.patcher.util.smali.toInstructions
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.ad.general.annotation.GeneralAdsCompatibility
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.ad.general.resource.patch.GeneralResourceAdsPatch
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.integrations.patch.IntegrationsPatch
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.mapping.patch.ResourceIdMappingProviderResourcePatch
import org.jf.dexlib2.AccessFlags
import org.jf.dexlib2.Opcode
import org.jf.dexlib2.builder.BuilderInstruction
import org.jf.dexlib2.builder.MutableMethodImplementation
import org.jf.dexlib2.builder.instruction.*
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.Method
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.MethodImplementation
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.Instruction
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.ReferenceInstruction
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.formats.Instruction21c
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.formats.Instruction22c
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.formats.Instruction31i
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.instruction.formats.Instruction35c
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.reference.FieldReference
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.reference.MethodReference
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.reference.Reference
import org.jf.dexlib2.iface.reference.StringReference
import org.jf.dexlib2.immutable.ImmutableMethod
import org.jf.dexlib2.immutable.ImmutableMethodParameter
import org.jf.dexlib2.immutable.reference.ImmutableMethodReference
dependencies = [ResourceIdMappingProviderResourcePatch::class, IntegrationsPatch::class, GeneralResourceAdsPatch::class]
@Description("Patch to remove general ads in bytecode.")
class GeneralBytecodeAdsPatch : BytecodePatch(
) {
// a constant used by litho
private val lithoConstant = 0xaed2868
// list of resource names to get the id of
private val resourceIds = arrayOf(
).map {
private val stringReferences = arrayOf(
"Claiming to use more elements than provided",
"loadVideo() called on LocalDirector in wrong state",
"LoggingProperties are not in proto format"
override fun execute(data: BytecodeData): PatchResult {
// iterating through all classes is expensive
for (classDef in data.classes) {
var mutableClass: MutableClass? = null
method@ for (method in classDef.methods) {
var mutableMethod: MutableMethod? = null
if (method.implementation == null) continue@method
val instructions = method.implementation!!.instructions
instructions.forEachIndexed { index, instruction ->
when (instruction.opcode) {
Opcode.CONST -> {
// TODO: find a way to de-duplicate code.
// The issue is we need to save mutableClass and mutableMethod to the existing fields
when ((instruction as Instruction31i).wideLiteral) {
resourceIds[0] -> { // general ads
// and is followed by an instruction with the mnemonic INVOKE_VIRTUAL
val insertIndex = index + 1
val invokeInstruction = instructions.elementAt(insertIndex)
if (invokeInstruction.opcode != Opcode.INVOKE_VIRTUAL) return@forEachIndexed
// create proxied method, make sure to not re-resolve() the current class
if (mutableClass == null) mutableClass = data.proxy(classDef).resolve()
if (mutableMethod == null) mutableMethod =
// insert hide call to hide the view corresponding to the resource
val viewRegister = (invokeInstruction as Instruction35c).registerC
mutableMethod!!.implementation!!.injectHideCall(insertIndex, viewRegister)
resourceIds[1] -> { // reel ads
// and is followed by an instruction at insertIndex with the mnemonic IPUT_OBJECT
val insertIndex = index + 4
val iPutInstruction = instructions.elementAt(insertIndex)
if (iPutInstruction.opcode != Opcode.IPUT_OBJECT) return@forEachIndexed
// create proxied method, make sure to not re-resolve() the current class
if (mutableClass == null) mutableClass = data.proxy(classDef).resolve()
if (mutableMethod == null) mutableMethod =
val viewRegister = (iPutInstruction as Instruction22c).registerA
mutableMethod!!.implementation!!.injectHideCall(insertIndex, viewRegister)
resourceIds[2] -> { // info cards ads
// and is followed by an instruction with the mnemonic INVOKE_VIRTUAL
val removeIndex = index - 1
val invokeInstruction = instructions.elementAt(removeIndex)
if (invokeInstruction.opcode != Opcode.INVOKE_VIRTUAL) return@forEachIndexed
// create proxied method, make sure to not re-resolve() the current class
if (mutableClass == null) mutableClass = data.proxy(classDef).resolve()
if (mutableMethod == null) mutableMethod =
resourceIds[3], resourceIds[4], resourceIds[5] -> { // end screen ads
// and is followed by an instruction with the mnemonic IPUT_OBJECT
val insertIndex = index + 7
val invokeInstruction = instructions.elementAt(insertIndex)
if (invokeInstruction.opcode != Opcode.IPUT_OBJECT) return@forEachIndexed
// create proxied method, make sure to not re-resolve() the current class
if (mutableClass == null) mutableClass = data.proxy(classDef).resolve()
if (mutableMethod == null) mutableMethod =
// TODO: dynamically get registers
insertIndex, """
const/16 v1, 0x8
invoke-virtual {v0,v1}, Landroid/widget/FrameLayout;->setVisibility(I)V
resourceIds[6] -> {
// and is followed by an instruction with the mnemonic INVOKE_DIRECT
val insertIndex = index + 3
val invokeInstruction = instructions.elementAt(insertIndex)
if (invokeInstruction.opcode != Opcode.INVOKE_DIRECT) return@forEachIndexed
// create proxied method, make sure to not re-resolve() the current class
if (mutableClass == null) mutableClass = data.proxy(classDef).resolve()
if (mutableMethod == null) mutableMethod =
// insert hide call to hide the view corresponding to the resource
val viewRegister = (invokeInstruction as Instruction35c).registerE
mutableMethod!!.implementation!!.injectHideCall(insertIndex, viewRegister)
resourceIds[7] -> {
// TODO, go to class, hide the inflated view
Opcode.CONST_STRING -> {
when (((instruction as Instruction21c).reference as StringReference).string) {
stringReferences[0] -> {
val stringInstruction = instructions.elementAt(3)
if (stringInstruction.opcode == Opcode.CONST_STRING) return@forEachIndexed
// create proxied method, make sure to not re-resolve() the current class
if (mutableClass == null) mutableClass = data.proxy(classDef).resolve()
if (mutableMethod == null) mutableMethod =
// return the method
val insertIndex = 1 // after super constructor
insertIndex, BuilderInstruction10x(Opcode.RETURN_VOID)
stringReferences[1] -> {
// TODO: migrate video ads patch to here if necessary
stringReferences[2] -> { // Litho ads
// create proxied method.
val proxy = data.proxy(classDef)
val mutableClass = proxy.resolve()
// add getIsEmpty method
// get required method to patch and get references from
val lithoMethod = getLithoMethod(mutableClass)
?: return PatchResultError("Could not find required litho method to patch.")
val lithoMethodImplementation = lithoMethod.implementation!!
// create and add getTemplateName method
val getTemplateMethod =
val lithoInstructions = lithoMethodImplementation.instructions
val thisType = mutableClass.type
val templateNameParameterType = getTemplateMethod.parameterTypes.first()
// get reference descriptors
val indexOfReference1 = lithoInstructions.indexOfFirst {
it.opcode == Opcode.INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE
val descriptor1 =
val descriptor2 = lithoInstructions.elementAt(indexOfReference1 + 2)
// create label
val lithoRemoveLabel = lithoMethodImplementation.newLabelForIndex(0)
// create branch instructions
val ifEqzFirstInstruction =
BuilderInstruction21t(Opcode.IF_EQZ, 0, lithoRemoveLabel)
val ifEqzSecondInstruction =
BuilderInstruction21t(Opcode.IF_EQZ, 1, lithoRemoveLabel)
// create blocks
val parameters = lithoMethod.parameterTypes.joinToString("") { it }
val registers = lithoMethodImplementation.registerCount
val block1 = """
invoke-static/range {p3}, $thisType->getTemplateName($templateNameParameterType)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
""".trimIndent().toInstructions(parameters, registers, false)
val block2 = """
move-object/from16 v1, p3
iget-object v2, v1, $templateNameParameterType->b:Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
invoke-static {v0, v2}, Lfi/razerman/youtube/litho/LithoAdRemoval;->containsAd(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Z
move-result v1
""".trimIndent().toInstructions(parameters, registers, false)
val block3 = """
move-object/from16 v2, p1
invoke-static {v2}, $descriptor1
move-result-object v0
iget-object v0, v0, $descriptor2
return-object v0
""".trimIndent().toInstructions(parameters, registers, false)
// insert blocks and branch instructions
else -> return@forEachIndexed
return PatchResultSuccess()
private fun getLithoMethod(mutableClass: MutableClass) = mutableClass.methods.firstOrNull {
it.implementation?.instructions?.any { instruction ->
instruction.opcode == Opcode.CONST && (instruction as Instruction31i).narrowLiteral == lithoConstant
} ?: false
private fun MutableClass.addGetIsEmptyMethod() {
val getIsEmptyImplementation = MutableMethodImplementation(1)
// create target instructions
val firstTargetInstruction = BuilderInstruction11n(Opcode.CONST_4, 0, 1)
val secondTargetInstruction = BuilderInstruction11n(Opcode.CONST_4, 0, 0)
// add instructions to the instruction list
0, listOf(
// BuilderInstruction21t(Opcode.IF_EQZ, 0, first),
ImmutableMethodReference("Ljava/lang/String;", "isEmpty", null, "Z")
BuilderInstruction11x(Opcode.MOVE_RESULT, 0),
// BuilderInstruction21t(Opcode.IF_EQZ, 0, second),
// BuilderInstruction10t(Opcode.GOTO, first),
BuilderInstruction11x(Opcode.RETURN, 0),
BuilderInstruction11x(Opcode.RETURN, 0),
val getIsEmptyInstructions = getIsEmptyImplementation.instructions
// create labels for the target instructions
val firstLabel =
val secondLabel =
// create branch instructions to the labels
val ifEqzFirstInstruction = BuilderInstruction21t(Opcode.IF_EQZ, 0, firstLabel)
val ifEqzSecondInstruction = BuilderInstruction21t(Opcode.IF_EQZ, 0, secondLabel)
val gotoInstruction = BuilderInstruction10t(Opcode.GOTO, firstLabel)
// insert remaining branch instructions, order of adding those instructions is important
2, listOf(
ifEqzSecondInstruction, gotoInstruction
0, ifEqzFirstInstruction
this.type, "getIsEmpty", "Z", "Ljava/lang/String;", getIsEmptyImplementation
private fun MutableClass.createGetTemplateNameMethod(lithoMethodImplementation: MethodImplementation): MutableMethod {
var counter = 1
val descriptors = buildList {
for (instruction in lithoMethodImplementation.instructions) {
if (instruction !is ReferenceInstruction) continue
if (counter++ > 4) break
val getTemplateNameImplementation = MutableMethodImplementation(2)
// create code blocks
val block1 = """
invoke-virtual {p0}, ${descriptors[0]}
move-result-object p0
const v0, $lithoConstant
invoke-static {p0, v0}, ${descriptors[1]}
move-result-object p0
val block2 = """
invoke-static {p0}, ${descriptors[2]}
move-result-object p0
invoke-virtual {p0}, ${descriptors[3]}
move-result-object v0
invoke-static {v0}, ${this.type}->getIsEmpty(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
move-result v0
val block3 = """
invoke-virtual {p0}, ${descriptors[3]}
move-result-object p0
return-object p0
// create target instruction
val targetInstruction = BuilderInstruction11n(Opcode.CONST_4, 1, 0)
// and remaining instruction
val returnInstruction = BuilderInstruction11x(Opcode.RETURN_OBJECT, 1)
// insert blocks and instructions
targetInstruction, returnInstruction
// create label for target instruction
val targetInstructionLabel =
getTemplateNameImplementation.newLabelForIndex(getTemplateNameImplementation.instructions.size - 2)
// create branch instructions to the label
val ifEqzInstruction = BuilderInstruction21t(Opcode.IF_EQZ, 1, targetInstructionLabel)
val ifNezInstruction = BuilderInstruction21t(Opcode.IF_NEZ, 0, targetInstructionLabel)
// insert branch instructions
block1.size, ifEqzInstruction
block1.size + block2.size + 1, ifNezInstruction
// create the method
return createMutableMethod(
descriptors[0].split("->")[0], // a bit weird to get the type this way,
private fun MutableMethodImplementation.insertBlocks(
startIndex: Int,
vararg blocks: List<BuilderInstruction>,
) {
blocks.reversed().forEach {
startIndex, it
private fun MutableClass.addMethod(mutableMethod: MutableMethod) {
private fun createMutableMethod(
definingClass: String, name: String, returnType: String, parameter: String, implementation: MethodImplementation
) = ImmutableMethod(
definingClass, name, listOf(
parameter, null, null
), returnType, AccessFlags.PRIVATE or AccessFlags.STATIC, null, null, implementation
private fun MutableClass.findMutableMethodOf(
method: Method
) = this.methods.first {
method.definingClass, method.name, method.parameters, method.returnType
private inline fun <reified T : Reference> Instruction.toDescriptor(): String {
val reference = (this as ReferenceInstruction).reference
return when (T::class) {
MethodReference::class -> {
val methodReference = reference as MethodReference
) { it }
FieldReference::class -> {
val fieldReference = reference as FieldReference
else -> throw PatchResultError("Unsupported reference type")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package app.revanced.patches.youtube.ad.general.resource.patch
import app.revanced.extensions.doRecursively
import app.revanced.extensions.startsWithAny
import app.revanced.patcher.annotation.Description
import app.revanced.patcher.annotation.Name
import app.revanced.patcher.annotation.Version
import app.revanced.patcher.data.implementation.ResourceData
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.annotations.Dependencies
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.implementation.ResourcePatch
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.implementation.misc.PatchResult
import app.revanced.patcher.patch.implementation.misc.PatchResultSuccess
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.ad.general.annotation.GeneralAdsCompatibility
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.manifest.patch.FixLocaleConfigErrorPatch
import org.w3c.dom.Element
@Dependencies(dependencies = [FixLocaleConfigErrorPatch::class])
@Description("Patch to remove general ads in resources.")
class GeneralResourceAdsPatch : ResourcePatch() {
// list of resource file names which need to be hidden
private val resourceFileNames = arrayOf(
//"watch_while_activity.xml" // FIXME: find out why patching this resource fails
// the attributes to change the value of
private val replacements = arrayOf(
override fun execute(data: ResourceData): PatchResult {
data.forEach {
if (!it.name.startsWithAny(*resourceFileNames)) return@forEach
// for each file in the "layouts" directory replace all necessary attributes content
data.getXmlEditor(it.absolutePath).use { editor ->
editor.file.doRecursively { node ->
replacements.forEach replacement@{ replacement ->
if (node !is Element) return@replacement
node.getAttributeNode("android:layout_$replacement")?.let { attribute ->
attribute.textContent = "1.0dip"
return PatchResultSuccess()