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uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2015 Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
/* global vAPI, HTMLDocument */
(function() {
'use strict';
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/464
if ( document instanceof HTMLDocument === false ) {
// This can happen
if ( typeof vAPI !== 'object' ) {
if ( document.querySelector('iframe.dom-inspector.' + vAPI.sessionId) !== null ) {
// Modified to avoid installing as a global shim -- so the scriptlet can be
// flushed from memory once no longer in use.
/*! http://mths.be/cssescape v0.2.1 by @mathias | MIT license */
var cssEscape = (function(root) {
var css = root.CSS || {};
if ( css.escape ) {
return css.escape;
var InvalidCharacterError = function(message) {
this.message = message;
InvalidCharacterError.prototype = new Error();
InvalidCharacterError.prototype.name = 'InvalidCharacterError';
// http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#serialize-an-identifier
return function(value) {
var string = String(value);
var length = string.length;
var index = -1;
var codeUnit;
var result = '';
var firstCodeUnit = string.charCodeAt(0);
while (++index < length) {
codeUnit = string.charCodeAt(index);
// Note: theres no need to special-case astral symbols, surrogate
// pairs, or lone surrogates.
// If the character is NULL (U+0000), then throw an
// `InvalidCharacterError` exception and terminate these steps.
if (codeUnit === 0x0000) {
throw new InvalidCharacterError(
'Invalid character: the input contains U+0000.'
if (
// If the character is in the range [\1-\1F] (U+0001 to U+001F) or is
// U+007F, […]
(codeUnit >= 0x0001 && codeUnit <= 0x001F) || codeUnit == 0x007F ||
// If the character is the first character and is in the range [0-9]
// (U+0030 to U+0039), […]
(index === 0 && codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039) ||
// If the character is the second character and is in the range [0-9]
// (U+0030 to U+0039) and the first character is a `-` (U+002D), […]
index == 1 &&
codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039 &&
firstCodeUnit == 0x002D
) {
// http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#escape-a-character-as-code-point
result += '\\' + codeUnit.toString(16) + ' ';
// If the character is not handled by one of the above rules and is
// greater than or equal to U+0080, is `-` (U+002D) or `_` (U+005F), or
// is in one of the ranges [0-9] (U+0030 to U+0039), [A-Z] (U+0041 to
// U+005A), or [a-z] (U+0061 to U+007A), […]
if (
codeUnit >= 0x0080 ||
codeUnit == 0x002D ||
codeUnit == 0x005F ||
codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039 ||
codeUnit >= 0x0041 && codeUnit <= 0x005A ||
codeUnit >= 0x0061 && codeUnit <= 0x007A
) {
// the character itself
result += string.charAt(index);
// Otherwise, the escaped character.
// http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#escape-a-character
result += '\\' + string.charAt(index);
return result;
var localMessager = vAPI.messaging.channel('dom-inspector.js');
// Highlighter-related
var svgOcean = null;
var svgIslands = null;
var svgRoot = null;
var pickerRoot = null;
var currentSelector = '';
var toggledNodes = new Map();
// Some kind of fingerprint for the DOM, without incurring too much overhead.
var domFingerprint = function() {
return vAPI.sessionId;
var domLayout = (function() {
var skipTagNames = {
'br': true,
'link': true,
'meta': true,
'script': true,
'style': true
var resourceAttrNames = {
'a': 'href',
'iframe': 'src',
'img': 'src',
'object': 'data'
var idGenerator = 0;
var nodeToIdMap = new WeakMap(); // No need to iterate
// This will be used to uniquely identify nodes across process.
var newNodeId = function(node) {
var nid = 'n' + (idGenerator++).toString(36);
nodeToIdMap.set(node, nid);
return nid;
// Collect all nodes which are directly affected by cosmetic filters: these
// will be reported in the layout data.
// TODO: take into account cosmetic filters added after the map is build.
var nodeToCosmeticFilterMap = (function() {
var out = new WeakMap();
var styleTags = vAPI.styles || [];
var i = styleTags.length;
var selectors, styleText, j, selector, nodes, k;
while ( i-- ) {
styleText = styleTags[i].textContent;
selectors = styleText.slice(0, styleText.lastIndexOf('\n')).split(/,\n/);
j = selectors.length;
while ( j-- ) {
selector = selectors[j];
nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
k = nodes.length;
while ( k-- ) {
out.set(nodes[k], selector);
return out;
var matchesSelector = (function() {
if ( typeof Element.prototype.matches === 'function' ) {
return 'matches';
if ( typeof Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector === 'function' ) {
return 'mozMatchesSelector';
if ( typeof Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector === 'function' ) {
return 'webkitMatchesSelector';
return '';
var hasManyMatches = function(node, selector) {
var fnName = matchesSelector;
if ( fnName === '' ) {
return true;
var child = node.firstElementChild;
var match = false;
while ( child !== null ) {
if ( child[fnName](selector) ) {
if ( match ) {
return true;
match = true;
child = child.nextElementSibling;
return false;
var selectorFromNode = function(node) {
var str, attr, pos, sw, i;
var tag = node.localName;
var selector = cssEscape(tag);
// Id
if ( typeof node.id === 'string' ) {
str = node.id.trim();
if ( str !== '' ) {
selector += '#' + cssEscape(str);
// Class
var cl = node.classList;
if ( cl ) {
for ( i = 0; i < cl.length; i++ ) {
selector += '.' + cssEscape(cl[i]);
// Tag-specific attributes
if ( resourceAttrNames.hasOwnProperty(tag) ) {
attr = resourceAttrNames[tag];
str = node.getAttribute(attr) || '';
str = str.trim();
pos = str.indexOf('#');
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
str = str.slice(0, pos);
sw = '^';
} else {
sw = '';
if ( str !== '' ) {
selector += '[' + attr + sw + '="' + cssEscape(str) + '"]';
// The resulting selector must cause only one element to be selected. If
// it's not the case, further narrow using `nth-of-type` pseudo-class.
if ( hasManyMatches(node.parentElement, selector) ) {
i = 1;
while ( node.previousElementSibling ) {
node = node.previousElementSibling;
if ( node.localName === tag ) {
i += 1;
selector += ':nth-of-type(' + i + ')';
return selector;
var DomRoot = function() {
this.nid = newNodeId(document.body);
this.lvl = 0;
this.sel = 'body';
this.cnt = 0;
this.filter = nodeToCosmeticFilterMap.get(document.body);
var DomNode = function(node, level) {
this.nid = newNodeId(node);
this.lvl = level;
this.sel = selectorFromNode(node);
this.cnt = 0;
this.filter = nodeToCosmeticFilterMap.get(node);
var domNodeFactory = function(level, node) {
var localName = node.localName;
if ( skipTagNames.hasOwnProperty(localName) ) {
return null;
// skip uBlock's own nodes
if ( node.classList.contains(vAPI.sessionId) ) {
return null;
if ( level === 0 && localName === 'body' ) {
return new DomRoot();
return new DomNode(node, level);
// Collect layout data.
var getLayoutData = function() {
var layout = [];
var stack = [];
var node = document.body;
var domNode;
var lvl = 0;
for (;;) {
domNode = domNodeFactory(lvl, node);
if ( domNode !== null ) {
// children
if ( node.firstElementChild !== null ) {
lvl += 1;
node = node.firstElementChild;
// sibling
if ( node.nextElementSibling === null ) {
do {
node = stack.pop();
if ( !node ) { break; }
lvl -= 1;
} while ( node.nextElementSibling === null );
if ( !node ) { break; }
node = node.nextElementSibling;
return layout;
// Descendant count for each node.
var patchLayoutData = function(layout) {
var stack = [], ptr;
var lvl = 0;
var domNode, cnt;
var i = layout.length;
while ( i-- ) {
domNode = layout[i];
if ( domNode.lvl === lvl ) {
stack[ptr] += 1;
if ( domNode.lvl > lvl ) {
while ( lvl < domNode.lvl ) {
lvl += 1;
ptr = lvl - 1;
stack[ptr] += 1;
// domNode.lvl < lvl
cnt = stack.pop();
domNode.cnt = cnt;
lvl -= 1;
ptr = lvl - 1;
stack[ptr] += cnt + 1;
return layout;
// Track and report mutations to the DOM
var journalEntries = [];
var journalNodes = Object.create(null);
var mutationObserver = null;
var mutationTimer = null;
var addedNodelists = [];
var removedNodelist = [];
var previousElementSiblingId = function(node) {
var sibling = node;
for (;;) {
sibling = sibling.previousElementSibling;
if ( sibling === null ) {
return null;
if ( skipTagNames.hasOwnProperty(sibling.localName) ) {
return nodeToIdMap.get(sibling);
var journalFromBranch = function(root, added) {
var domNode;
var node = root.firstElementChild;
while ( node !== null ) {
domNode = domNodeFactory(undefined, node);
if ( domNode !== null ) {
journalNodes[domNode.nid] = domNode;
// down
if ( node.firstElementChild !== null ) {
node = node.firstElementChild;
// right
if ( node.nextElementSibling !== null ) {
node = node.nextElementSibling;
// up then right
for (;;) {
if ( node.parentElement === root ) {
node = node.parentElement;
if ( node.nextElementSibling !== null ) {
node = node.nextElementSibling;
var journalFromMutations = function() {
mutationTimer = null;
if ( mutationObserver === null ) {
addedNodelists = [];
removedNodelist = [];
var i, m, nodelist, j, n, node, domNode, nid;
// This is used to temporarily hold all added nodes, before resolving
// their node id and relative position.
var added = [];
for ( i = 0, m = addedNodelists.length; i < m; i++ ) {
nodelist = addedNodelists[i];
for ( j = 0, n = nodelist.length; j < n; j++ ) {
node = nodelist[j];
if ( node.nodeType !== 1 ) {
// I don't think this can ever happen
if ( node.parentElement === null ) {
domNode = domNodeFactory(undefined, node);
if ( domNode !== null ) {
journalNodes[domNode.nid] = domNode;
journalFromBranch(node, added);
addedNodelists = [];
for ( i = 0, m = removedNodelist.length; i < m; i++ ) {
nodelist = removedNodelist[i];
for ( j = 0, n = nodelist.length; j < n; j++ ) {
node = nodelist[j];
if ( node.nodeType !== 1 ) {
nid = nodeToIdMap.get(node);
if ( nid === undefined ) {
what: -1,
nid: nid
removedNodelist = [];
for ( i = 0, n = added.length; i < n; i++ ) {
node = added[i];
what: 1,
nid: nodeToIdMap.get(node),
u: nodeToIdMap.get(node.parentElement),
l: previousElementSiblingId(node)
var onMutationObserved = function(mutationRecords) {
var record;
for ( var i = 0, n = mutationRecords.length; i < n; i++ ) {
record = mutationRecords[i];
if ( record.addedNodes.length !== 0 ) {
if ( record.removedNodes.length !== 0 ) {
if ( mutationTimer === null ) {
mutationTimer = vAPI.setTimeout(journalFromMutations, 1000);
// API
var getLayout = function(fingerprint) {
if ( fingerprint !== domFingerprint() && mutationObserver !== null ) {
if ( mutationTimer !== null ) {
mutationTimer = null;
mutationObserver = null;
journalEntries = [];
journalNodes = Object.create(null);
var response = {
what: 'domLayout',
fingerprint: domFingerprint()
// No mutation observer means we need to send full layout
if ( mutationObserver === null ) {
mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(onMutationObserved);
mutationObserver.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
response.status = 'full';
response.layout = patchLayoutData(getLayoutData());
return response;
// Incremental layout
if ( journalEntries.length !== 0 ) {
response.status = 'incremental';
response.journal = journalEntries;
response.nodes = journalNodes;
journalEntries = [];
journalNodes = Object.create(null);
return response;
response.status = 'nochange';
return response;
var shutdown = function() {
if ( mutationTimer !== null ) {
mutationTimer = null;
if ( mutationObserver !== null ) {
mutationObserver = null;
journalEntries = [];
journalNodes = Object.create(null);
return {
get: getLayout,
shutdown: shutdown
var highlightElements = function(elems, scrollTo) {
var wv = pickerRoot.contentWindow.innerWidth;
var hv = pickerRoot.contentWindow.innerHeight;
var ocean = ['M0 0h' + wv + 'v' + hv + 'h-' + wv, 'z'];
var islands = [];
var elem, rect, poly;
var xl, xr, yt, yb, w, h, ws;
var xlu = Number.MAX_VALUE, xru = 0, ytu = Number.MAX_VALUE, ybu = 0;
for ( var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++ ) {
elem = elems[i];
if ( elem === pickerRoot ) {
if ( typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect !== 'function' ) {
rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
xl = rect.left;
xr = rect.right;
w = rect.width;
yt = rect.top;
yb = rect.bottom;
h = rect.height;
ws = w.toFixed(1);
poly = 'M' + xl.toFixed(1) + ' ' + yt.toFixed(1) +
'h' + ws +
'v' + h.toFixed(1) +
'h-' + ws +
if ( !scrollTo ) {
if ( xl < xlu ) { xlu = xl; }
if ( xr > xru ) { xru = xr; }
if ( yt < ytu ) { ytu = yt; }
if ( yb > ybu ) { ybu = yb; }
svgOcean.setAttribute('d', ocean.join(''));
svgIslands.setAttribute('d', islands.join('') || 'M0 0');
if ( !scrollTo ) {
// Highlighted area completely within viewport
if ( xlu >= 0 && xru <= wv && ytu >= 0 && ybu <= hv ) {
var dx = 0, dy = 0;
if ( xru > wv ) {
dx = xru - wv;
xlu -= dx;
if ( xlu < 0 ) {
dx += xlu;
if ( ybu > hv ) {
dy = ybu - hv;
ytu -= dy;
if ( ytu < 0 ) {
dy += ytu;
if ( dx !== 0 || dy !== 0 ) {
window.scrollBy(dx, dy);
var elementsFromSelector = function(filter) {
var out = [];
try {
out = document.querySelectorAll(filter);
} catch (ex) {
return out;
var highlight = function(scrollTo) {
var elements = elementsFromSelector(currentSelector);
highlightElements(elements, scrollTo);
var onScrolled = function() {
// original, target = what to do
// any, any = restore saved display property
// any, hidden = set display to `none`, remember original state
// hidden, any = remove display property, don't remember original state
// hidden, hidden = set display to `none`
var toggleNodes = function(selector, originalState, targetState) {
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
var i = nodes.length;
if ( i === 0 ) {
var node, value;
while ( i-- ) {
node = nodes[i];
if ( originalState ) { // any, ?
if ( targetState ) { // any, any
value = toggledNodes.get(node);
if ( value === undefined ) {
if ( value !== null ) {
} else {
node.style.setProperty('display', value);
} else { // any, hidden
toggledNodes.set(node, node.style.getPropertyValue('display') || null);
node.style.setProperty('display', 'none');
} else { // hidden, ?
if ( targetState ) { // hidden, any
node.style.setProperty('display', 'initial', 'important');
} else { // hidden, hidden
node.style.setProperty('display', 'none', 'important');
var resetToggledNodes = function() {
var value;
// Chromium does not support destructuring as of v43.
for ( var node of toggledNodes.keys() ) {
value = toggledNodes.get(node);
if ( value !== null ) {
} else {
node.style.setProperty('display', value);
var shutdown = function() {
localMessager = null;
window.removeEventListener('scroll', onScrolled, true);
pickerRoot = svgRoot = svgOcean = svgIslands = null;
currentSelector = '';
var onMessage = function(request) {
var msg = request.what === 'postMessageTo' ? request.msg : request;
var response;
switch ( msg.what ) {
case 'domLayout':
response = domLayout.get(msg.fingerprint);
case 'highlight':
currentSelector = msg.selector;
case 'toggleNodes':
toggleNodes(msg.selector, msg.original, msg.target);
currentSelector = msg.selector;
case 'shutdown':
if ( response !== undefined && request.what === 'postMessageTo' ) {
what: 'postMessageTo',
senderTabId: null,
senderChannel: 'dom-inspector.js',
receiverTabId: request.senderTabId,
receiverChannel: request.senderChannel,
msg: response
// Install DOM inspector widget
pickerRoot = document.createElement('iframe');
pickerRoot.style.cssText = [
'background: transparent',
'border: 0',
'border-radius: 0',
'box-shadow: none',
'display: block',
'height: 100%',
'left: 0',
'margin: 0',
'opacity: 1',
'position: fixed',
'outline: 0',
'padding: 0',
'top: 0',
'visibility: visible',
'width: 100%',
'z-index: 2147483647',
].join(' !important;\n');
pickerRoot.onload = function() {
pickerRoot.onload = null;
var pickerDoc = this.contentDocument;
var style = pickerDoc.createElement('style');
style.textContent = [
'body {',
'background-color: transparent;',
'cursor: crosshair;',
'svg {',
'height: 100%;',
'left: 0;',
'position: fixed;',
'top: 0;',
'width: 100%;',
'svg > path:first-child {',
'fill: rgba(0,0,0,0.75);',
'fill-rule: evenodd;',
'svg > path + path {',
'fill: rgba(0,0,255,0.1);',
'stroke: #FFF;',
'stroke-width: 0.5px;',
svgRoot = pickerDoc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg');
svgOcean = pickerDoc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path');
svgIslands = pickerDoc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path');
window.addEventListener('scroll', onScrolled, true);