#!/usr/bin/env python3 import datetime import json import os import re import requests import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import zipfile from string import Template # - Download target (raw) uBlock0.chromium.zip from GitHub # - This is referred to as "raw" package # - This will fail if not a dev build # - Upload uBlock0.chromium.zip to Chrome store # - Publish uBlock0.chromium.zip to Chrome store # Find path to project root projdir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0] while not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(projdir, '.git')): projdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(projdir, '..')) # We need a version string to work with if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1]: version = sys.argv[1] else: version = input('Github release version: ') version.strip() if not re.search('^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$', version): print('Error: Invalid version string.') exit(1) cs_extension_id = 'cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm' tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() raw_zip_filename = 'uBlock0_' + version + '.chromium.zip' raw_zip_filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir.name, raw_zip_filename) github_owner = 'gorhill' github_repo = 'uBlock' # Load/save auth secrets # The tmp directory is excluded from git ubo_secrets = dict() ubo_secrets_filename = os.path.join(projdir, 'tmp', 'ubo_secrets') if os.path.isfile(ubo_secrets_filename): with open(ubo_secrets_filename) as f: ubo_secrets = json.load(f) def input_secret(prompt, token): if token in ubo_secrets: prompt += ' ✔' prompt += ': ' value = input(prompt).strip() if len(value) == 0: if token not in ubo_secrets: print('Token error:', token) exit(1) value = ubo_secrets[token] elif token not in ubo_secrets or value != ubo_secrets[token]: ubo_secrets[token] = value exists = os.path.isfile(ubo_secrets_filename) with open(ubo_secrets_filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(ubo_secrets, f, indent=2) if not exists: os.chmod(ubo_secrets_filename, 0o600) return value # GitHub API token github_token = input_secret('Github token', 'github_token') github_auth = 'token ' + github_token # # Get metadata from GitHub about the release # # https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#get-a-single-release print('Downloading release info from GitHub...') release_info_url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/{0}/{1}/releases/tags/{2}'.format(github_owner, github_repo, version) headers = { 'Authorization': github_auth, } response = requests.get(release_info_url, headers=headers) if response.status_code != 200: print('Error: Release not found: {0}'.format(response.status_code)) exit(1) release_info = response.json() # # Extract URL to raw package from metadata # # Find url for uBlock0.chromium.zip raw_zip_url = '' for asset in release_info['assets']: if asset['name'] == raw_zip_filename: raw_zip_url = asset['url'] if len(raw_zip_url) == 0: print('Error: Release asset URL not found') exit(1) # # Download raw package from GitHub # # https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#get-a-single-release-asset print('Downloading raw zip package from GitHub...') headers = { 'Authorization': github_auth, 'Accept': 'application/octet-stream', } response = requests.get(raw_zip_url, headers=headers) # Redirections are transparently handled: # http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/quickstart/#redirection-and-history if response.status_code != 200: print('Error: Downloading raw package failed -- server error {0}'.format(response.status_code)) exit(1) with open(raw_zip_filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) print('Downloaded raw package saved as {0}'.format(raw_zip_filepath)) # # Upload to Chrome store # # Auth tokens cs_id = input_secret('Chrome store id', 'cs_id') cs_secret = input_secret('Chrome store secret', 'cs_secret') cs_refresh = input_secret('Chrome store refresh token', 'cs_refresh') print('Uploading to Chrome store...') with open(raw_zip_filepath, 'rb') as f: print('Generating access token...') auth_url = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' auth_payload = { 'client_id': cs_id, 'client_secret': cs_secret, 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', 'refresh_token': cs_refresh, } auth_response = requests.post(auth_url, data=auth_payload) if auth_response.status_code != 200: print('Error: Auth failed -- server error {0}'.format(auth_response.status_code)) print(auth_response.text) exit(1) response_dict = auth_response.json() if 'access_token' not in response_dict: print('Error: Auth failed -- no access token') exit(1) # Prepare access token cs_auth = 'Bearer ' + response_dict['access_token'] headers = { 'Authorization': cs_auth, 'x-goog-api-version': '2', } # Upload print('Uploading package...') upload_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/upload/chromewebstore/v1.1/items/{0}'.format(cs_extension_id) upload_response = requests.put(upload_url, headers=headers, data=f) f.close() if upload_response.status_code != 200: print('Upload failed -- server error {0}'.format(upload_response.status_code)) print(upload_response.text) exit(1) response_dict = upload_response.json(); if 'uploadState' not in response_dict or response_dict['uploadState'] != 'SUCCESS': print('Upload failed -- server error {0}'.format(response_dict['uploadState'])) exit(1) print('Upload succeeded.') # Publish print('Publishing package...') publish_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/chromewebstore/v1.1/items/{0}/publish'.format(cs_extension_id) headers = { 'Authorization': cs_auth, 'x-goog-api-version': '2', 'Content-Length': '0', } publish_response = requests.post(publish_url, headers=headers) if publish_response.status_code != 200: print('Error: Chrome store publishing failed -- server error {0}'.format(publish_response.status_code)) exit(1) response_dict = publish_response.json(); if 'status' not in response_dict or response_dict['status'][0] != 'OK': print('Publishing failed -- server error {0}'.format(response_dict['status'])) exit(1) print('Publishing succeeded.') print('All done.')