# Submitting issues For **support/discussions**, there is [Mozilla Discourse](https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/support-ublock-origin/6746). For filter-related issues, report at [uBlockOrigin/uAssets](https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues). **The issue tracker is for provable issues only:** You will have to make the case that the issue is really with uBlock Origin and not something else on your side. To make a case means to provide detailed steps so that anybody can reproduce the issue. Be sure to rule out that the issue is not caused by something specific on your side. **Any issue opened without effort to provide the required details for me (or anybody else) to reproduce the problem will be closed as _invalid_.** If you provide more details thereafter for me to reproduce the issue, I will reopen it if I can confirm there is indeed an issue with uBlock Origin. Example of detailed steps: > 1. browser version/ublock version > 1. these settings, these filter lists, these custom filters. > 1. do this. > 1. open this exact URL. > 1. do this. > 1. observe this. > 1. click this. > 1. observe such and such issue > 1. see screenshot > 1. etc. The most important part when opening an issue: **detailed steps**. **Important:** I simply do not have the time to take care of filter-related issues, you will have to find help elsewhere for this. The mere need to have to respond to filter-related issues can quickly become a burden. Consider that writing code/doc occupies all my free time. Surely there are other people out there ready to help with filter-related issues, it does not have to be me. *** ### Before you submit 1. Submit **bugs/issues only**. - Bugs occur, I will fix them. 1. _One specific_ issue per submission. 1. The logger is the tool of choice to use to help diagnose issues. 1. Do **NOT**: - Submit pull requests. - Submit design ideas. - Submit feature requests. - Submit "revolutionary ideas". - Post comments like "+1" or "me too!" without providing new relevant info on the issue. - Use issues as replacement for threads on a bulletin board. - Any such issue will be closed without comment. - Ask me to publish the latest version to AMO/Chrome store: In all likelihood it is already published, but pending review, something which is out of my control. 1. Make sure your issue [hasn't already been fixed in a recent release](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases). 1. Verify that the issue does **not** occur with uBlock disabled. 1. **Verify that the issue is not related to a 3rd-party filter lists.** - Issues with 3rd-party filter lists are the responsibility of their respective maintainers. 1. Verify that the issue is not caused by another extension. 1. Do not submit issues which can be reproduced **only** on Chrome Canary or Firefox Nightly: these are not stable browser versions and in all likelihood, whatever issue is not within uBO. - Report **only** if you can reproduce in an official stable release, or a beta release. *** ### What to include To help diagnose and fix the bug/issue, please always include the following in your report: * A clear list of steps to reproduce the problem * **ALWAYS INCLUDE A SPECIFIC URL WHERE THE ISSUE OCCURS**, _even_ if "it happens everywhere". * Symptoms of the issue * Describe what you observe and consider broken behavior; this is what we'll be looking for after executing the steps * Example: video doesn't start playing, page layout broken * Include whatever relevant the logger reports. * A screenshot or transcription of **any of uBlock's preferences that differ from the defaults** * This includes a whitelisted website, enabled/disabled filter list, anything * Please do include everything different from the defaults whether or not it seems relevant to your issue * The version of uBlock you're having the issue with; you can find this in [uBlock's popup UI](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Quick-guide:-popup-user-interface) * Example: `uBlock` * The browser you're using and its version * Examples: `Firefox 36`, `Chrome 41.0.2272` * The OS you're using and its version * Examples: `Windows 8.1`, `Linux Mint 17.1` * A list of other extensions you have installed * Tip: try disabling them and see if your issue still occurs Otherwise, we've noticed that a lot of **your** time (and the developers') gets thrown away on exchanging back and forth to get this information. *** **Good read:** [How to Report Bugs Effectively](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html).