/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global objectAssign, punycode, publicSuffixList */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.getBytesInUse = function(callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var getBytesInUseHandler = function(bytesInUse) { µBlock.storageUsed = bytesInUse; callback(bytesInUse); }; // Not all platforms implement this method. if ( vAPI.storage.getBytesInUse instanceof Function ) { vAPI.storage.getBytesInUse(null, getBytesInUseHandler); } else { callback(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.keyvalSetOne = function(key, val, callback) { var bin = {}; bin[key] = val; vAPI.storage.set(bin, callback || this.noopFunc); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveLocalSettings = (function() { var saveAfter = 4 * 60 * 1000; var save = function() { this.localSettingsLastSaved = Date.now(); vAPI.storage.set(this.localSettings); }; var onTimeout = function() { var µb = µBlock; if ( µb.localSettingsLastModified > µb.localSettingsLastSaved ) { save.call(µb); } vAPI.setTimeout(onTimeout, saveAfter); }; vAPI.setTimeout(onTimeout, saveAfter); return save; })(); /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveUserSettings = function() { vAPI.storage.set(this.userSettings); }; /******************************************************************************/ // For now, only boolean type is supported. µBlock.hiddenSettingsFromString = function(raw) { var out = objectAssign({}, this.hiddenSettingsDefault), lineIter = new this.LineIterator(raw), line, matches, name, value; while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { line = lineIter.next(); matches = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(.+)$/.exec(line); if ( matches === null || matches.length !== 3 ) { continue; } name = matches[1]; if ( out.hasOwnProperty(name) === false ) { continue; } value = matches[2]; switch ( typeof out[name] ) { case 'boolean': if ( value === 'true' ) { out[name] = true; } else if ( value === 'false' ) { out[name] = false; } break; case 'string': out[name] = value; break; case 'number': out[name] = parseInt(value, 10); if ( isNaN(out[name]) ) { out[name] = this.hiddenSettingsDefault[name]; } break; default: break; } } this.hiddenSettings = out; vAPI.localStorage.setItem('hiddenSettings', JSON.stringify(out)); vAPI.storage.set({ hiddenSettingsString: this.stringFromHiddenSettings() }); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.stringFromHiddenSettings = function() { var out = [], keys = Object.keys(this.hiddenSettings).sort(), key; for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ ) { key = keys[i]; out.push(key + ' ' + this.hiddenSettings[key]); } return out.join('\n'); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.savePermanentFirewallRules = function() { this.keyvalSetOne('dynamicFilteringString', this.permanentFirewall.toString()); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.savePermanentURLFilteringRules = function() { this.keyvalSetOne('urlFilteringString', this.permanentURLFiltering.toString()); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveHostnameSwitches = function() { this.keyvalSetOne('hostnameSwitchesString', this.hnSwitches.toString()); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveWhitelist = function() { this.keyvalSetOne('netWhitelist', this.stringFromWhitelist(this.netWhitelist)); this.netWhitelistModifyTime = Date.now(); }; /******************************************************************************* TODO(seamless migration): The code related to 'remoteBlacklist' can be removed when I am confident all users have moved to a version of uBO which no longer depends on the property 'remoteBlacklists, i.e. v1.11 and beyond. **/ µBlock.loadSelectedFilterLists = function(callback) { var µb = this; vAPI.storage.get([ 'selectedFilterLists', 'remoteBlacklists' ], function(bin) { if ( !bin || !bin.selectedFilterLists && !bin.remoteBlacklists ) { // Select default filter lists if first-time launch. µb.assets.metadata(function(availableLists) { µb.saveSelectedFilterLists(µb.autoSelectRegionalFilterLists(availableLists)); callback(); }); return; } var listKeys = []; if ( bin.selectedFilterLists ) { listKeys = bin.selectedFilterLists; } if ( bin.remoteBlacklists ) { var oldListKeys = µb.newListKeysFromOldData(bin.remoteBlacklists); if ( oldListKeys.sort().join() !== listKeys.sort().join() ) { listKeys = oldListKeys; µb.saveSelectedFilterLists(listKeys); } // TODO(seamless migration): // Uncomment when all have moved to v1.11 and beyond. //vAPI.storage.remove('remoteBlacklists'); } µb.selectedFilterLists = listKeys; callback(); }); }; µBlock.saveSelectedFilterLists = function(newKeys, append) { var oldKeys = this.selectedFilterLists.slice(); if ( append ) { newKeys = newKeys.concat(oldKeys); } var newSet = new Set(newKeys); // Purge unused filter lists from cache. for ( var i = 0, n = oldKeys.length; i < n; i++ ) { if ( newSet.has(oldKeys[i]) === false ) { this.removeFilterList(oldKeys[i]); } } newKeys = this.setToArray(newSet); var bin = { selectedFilterLists: newKeys, remoteBlacklists: this.oldDataFromNewListKeys(newKeys) }; this.selectedFilterLists = newKeys; vAPI.storage.set(bin); }; // TODO(seamless migration): // Remove when all have moved to v1.11 and beyond. // >>>>>>>> µBlock.newListKeysFromOldData = function(oldLists) { var aliases = this.assets.listKeyAliases, listKeys = [], newKey; for ( var oldKey in oldLists ) { if ( oldLists[oldKey].off !== true ) { newKey = aliases[oldKey]; listKeys.push(newKey ? newKey : oldKey); } } return listKeys; }; µBlock.oldDataFromNewListKeys = function(selectedFilterLists) { var µb = this, remoteBlacklists = {}; var reverseAliases = Object.keys(this.assets.listKeyAliases).reduce( function(a, b) { a[µb.assets.listKeyAliases[b]] = b; return a; }, {} ); remoteBlacklists = selectedFilterLists.reduce( function(a, b) { a[reverseAliases[b] || b] = { off: false }; return a; }, {} ); remoteBlacklists = Object.keys(µb.assets.listKeyAliases).reduce( function(a, b) { var aliases = µb.assets.listKeyAliases; if ( b.startsWith('assets/') && aliases[b] !== 'public_suffix_list.dat' && aliases[b] !== 'ublock-resources' && !a[b] ) { a[b] = { off: true }; } return a; }, remoteBlacklists ); return remoteBlacklists; }; // <<<<<<<< /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.applyFilterListSelection = function(details, callback) { var µb = this, selectedListKeySet = new Set(this.selectedFilterLists), externalLists = this.userSettings.externalLists, i, n, assetKey; // Filter lists to select if ( Array.isArray(details.toSelect) ) { if ( details.merge ) { for ( i = 0, n = details.toSelect.length; i < n; i++ ) { selectedListKeySet.add(details.toSelect[i]); } } else { selectedListKeySet = new Set(details.toSelect); } } // Imported filter lists to remove if ( Array.isArray(details.toRemove) ) { var removeURLFromHaystack = function(haystack, needle) { return haystack.replace( new RegExp( '(^|\\n)' + needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') + '(\\n|$)', 'g'), '\n' ).trim(); }; for ( i = 0, n = details.toRemove.length; i < n; i++ ) { assetKey = details.toRemove[i]; selectedListKeySet.delete(assetKey); externalLists = removeURLFromHaystack(externalLists, assetKey); this.removeFilterList(assetKey); } } // Filter lists to import if ( typeof details.toImport === 'string' ) { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1181 // Try mapping the URL of an imported filter list to the assetKey of an // existing stock list. var assetKeyFromURL = function(url) { var needle = url.replace(/^https?:/, ''); var assets = µb.availableFilterLists, asset; for ( var assetKey in assets ) { asset = assets[assetKey]; if ( asset.content !== 'filters' ) { continue; } if ( typeof asset.contentURL === 'string' ) { if ( asset.contentURL.endsWith(needle) ) { return assetKey; } continue; } if ( Array.isArray(asset.contentURL) === false ) { continue; } for ( i = 0, n = asset.contentURL.length; i < n; i++ ) { if ( asset.contentURL[i].endsWith(needle) ) { return assetKey; } } } return url; }; var importedSet = new Set(this.listKeysFromCustomFilterLists(externalLists)), toImportSet = new Set(this.listKeysFromCustomFilterLists(details.toImport)), iter = toImportSet.values(); for (;;) { var entry = iter.next(); if ( entry.done ) { break; } if ( importedSet.has(entry.value) ) { continue; } assetKey = assetKeyFromURL(entry.value); if ( assetKey === entry.value ) { importedSet.add(entry.value); } selectedListKeySet.add(assetKey); } externalLists = this.setToArray(importedSet).sort().join('\n'); } var result = this.setToArray(selectedListKeySet); if ( externalLists !== this.userSettings.externalLists ) { this.userSettings.externalLists = externalLists; vAPI.storage.set({ externalLists: externalLists }); } this.saveSelectedFilterLists(result); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(result); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.listKeysFromCustomFilterLists = function(raw) { var out = new Set(), reIgnore = /^[!#]/, reValid = /^[a-z-]+:\/\/\S+/, lineIter = new this.LineIterator(raw), location; while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { location = lineIter.next().trim(); if ( reIgnore.test(location) || !reValid.test(location) ) { continue; } out.add(location); } return this.setToArray(out); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveUserFilters = function(content, callback) { // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1022 // Be sure to end with an empty line. content = content.trim(); if ( content !== '' ) { content += '\n'; } this.assets.put(this.userFiltersPath, content, callback); this.removeCompiledFilterList(this.userFiltersPath); }; µBlock.loadUserFilters = function(callback) { return this.assets.get(this.userFiltersPath, callback); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.appendUserFilters = function(filters) { if ( filters.length === 0 ) { return; } var µb = this; var onSaved = function() { var compiledFilters = µb.compileFilters(filters), snfe = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine, cfe = µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine, acceptedCount = snfe.acceptedCount + cfe.acceptedCount, discardedCount = snfe.discardedCount + cfe.discardedCount; µb.applyCompiledFilters(compiledFilters, true); var entry = µb.availableFilterLists[µb.userFiltersPath], deltaEntryCount = snfe.acceptedCount + cfe.acceptedCount - acceptedCount, deltaEntryUsedCount = deltaEntryCount - (snfe.discardedCount + cfe.discardedCount - discardedCount); entry.entryCount += deltaEntryCount; entry.entryUsedCount += deltaEntryUsedCount; vAPI.storage.set({ 'availableFilterLists': µb.availableFilterLists }); µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.freeze(); µb.redirectEngine.freeze(); µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine.freeze(); µb.selfieManager.create(); }; var onLoaded = function(details) { if ( details.error ) { return; } // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/976 // If we reached this point, the filter quite probably needs to be // added for sure: do not try to be too smart, trying to avoid // duplicates at this point may lead to more issues. µb.saveUserFilters(details.content.trim() + '\n\n' + filters.trim(), onSaved); }; this.loadUserFilters(onLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.autoSelectRegionalFilterLists = function(lists) { var selectedListKeys = [ this.userFiltersPath ], list; for ( var key in lists ) { if ( lists.hasOwnProperty(key) === false ) { continue; } list = lists[key]; if ( list.off !== true ) { selectedListKeys.push(key); continue; } if ( this.matchCurrentLanguage(list.lang) ) { selectedListKeys.push(key); list.off = false; } } return selectedListKeys; }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.getAvailableLists = function(callback) { var µb = this, oldAvailableLists = {}, newAvailableLists = {}; // User filter list. newAvailableLists[this.userFiltersPath] = { group: 'default', title: vAPI.i18n('1pPageName') }; // Custom filter lists. var importedListKeys = this.listKeysFromCustomFilterLists(µb.userSettings.externalLists), i = importedListKeys.length, listKey, entry; while ( i-- ) { listKey = importedListKeys[i]; entry = { content: 'filters', contentURL: importedListKeys[i], external: true, group: 'custom', submitter: 'user', title: '' }; newAvailableLists[listKey] = entry; this.assets.registerAssetSource(listKey, entry); } // Final steps: // - reuse existing list metadata if any; // - unregister unreferenced imported filter lists if any. var finalize = function() { var assetKey, newEntry, oldEntry; // Reuse existing metadata. for ( assetKey in oldAvailableLists ) { oldEntry = oldAvailableLists[assetKey]; newEntry = newAvailableLists[assetKey]; if ( newEntry === undefined ) { µb.removeFilterList(assetKey); continue; } if ( oldEntry.entryCount !== undefined ) { newEntry.entryCount = oldEntry.entryCount; } if ( oldEntry.entryUsedCount !== undefined ) { newEntry.entryUsedCount = oldEntry.entryUsedCount; } // This may happen if the list name was pulled from the list // content. // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/982 // There is no guarantee the title was successfully extracted from // the list content. if ( newEntry.title === '' && typeof oldEntry.title === 'string' && oldEntry.title !== '' ) { newEntry.title = oldEntry.title; } } // Remove unreferenced imported filter lists. var dict = new Set(importedListKeys); for ( assetKey in newAvailableLists ) { newEntry = newAvailableLists[assetKey]; if ( newEntry.submitter !== 'user' ) { continue; } if ( dict.has(assetKey) ) { continue; } delete newAvailableLists[assetKey]; µb.assets.unregisterAssetSource(assetKey); µb.removeFilterList(assetKey); } }; // Built-in filter lists loaded. var onBuiltinListsLoaded = function(entries) { for ( var assetKey in entries ) { if ( entries.hasOwnProperty(assetKey) === false ) { continue; } entry = entries[assetKey]; if ( entry.content !== 'filters' ) { continue; } newAvailableLists[assetKey] = objectAssign({}, entry); } // Load set of currently selected filter lists. var listKeySet = new Set(µb.selectedFilterLists); for ( listKey in newAvailableLists ) { if ( newAvailableLists.hasOwnProperty(listKey) ) { newAvailableLists[listKey].off = !listKeySet.has(listKey); } } finalize(); callback(newAvailableLists); }; // Available lists previously computed. var onOldAvailableListsLoaded = function(bin) { oldAvailableLists = bin && bin.availableFilterLists || {}; µb.assets.metadata(onBuiltinListsLoaded); }; // Load previously saved available lists -- these contains data // computed at run-time, we will reuse this data if possible. vAPI.storage.get('availableFilterLists', onOldAvailableListsLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ // This is used to be re-entrancy resistant. µBlock.loadingFilterLists = false; µBlock.loadFilterLists = function(callback) { // Callers are expected to check this first. if ( this.loadingFilterLists ) { return; } this.loadingFilterLists = true; //quickProfiler.start('µBlock.loadFilterLists()'); var µb = this, filterlistsCount = 0, loadedListKeys = []; if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var onDone = function() { µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.freeze(); µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine.freeze(); µb.redirectEngine.freeze(); vAPI.storage.set({ 'availableFilterLists': µb.availableFilterLists }); //quickProfiler.stop(0); vAPI.messaging.broadcast({ what: 'staticFilteringDataChanged', parseCosmeticFilters: µb.userSettings.parseAllABPHideFilters, ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters: µb.userSettings.ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters, listKeys: loadedListKeys }); callback(); µb.selfieManager.create(); µb.loadingFilterLists = false; }; var applyCompiledFilters = function(assetKey, compiled) { var snfe = µb.staticNetFilteringEngine, cfe = µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine, acceptedCount = snfe.acceptedCount + cfe.acceptedCount, discardedCount = snfe.discardedCount + cfe.discardedCount; µb.applyCompiledFilters(compiled, assetKey === µb.userFiltersPath); if ( µb.availableFilterLists.hasOwnProperty(assetKey) ) { var entry = µb.availableFilterLists[assetKey]; entry.entryCount = snfe.acceptedCount + cfe.acceptedCount - acceptedCount; entry.entryUsedCount = entry.entryCount - (snfe.discardedCount + cfe.discardedCount - discardedCount); } loadedListKeys.push(assetKey); }; var onCompiledListLoaded = function(details) { applyCompiledFilters(details.assetKey, details.content); filterlistsCount -= 1; if ( filterlistsCount === 0 ) { onDone(); } }; var onFilterListsReady = function(lists) { µb.availableFilterLists = lists; µb.redirectEngine.reset(); µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine.reset(); µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.reset(); µb.selfieManager.destroy(); µb.staticFilteringReverseLookup.resetLists(); // We need to build a complete list of assets to pull first: this is // because it *may* happens that some load operations are synchronous: // This happens for assets which do not exist, ot assets with no // content. var toLoad = []; for ( var assetKey in lists ) { if ( lists.hasOwnProperty(assetKey) === false ) { continue; } if ( lists[assetKey].off ) { continue; } toLoad.push(assetKey); } filterlistsCount = toLoad.length; if ( filterlistsCount === 0 ) { return onDone(); } var i = toLoad.length; while ( i-- ) { µb.getCompiledFilterList(toLoad[i], onCompiledListLoaded); } }; this.getAvailableLists(onFilterListsReady); this.loadRedirectResources(); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.getCompiledFilterList = function(assetKey, callback) { var µb = this, compiledPath = 'compiled/' + assetKey; var onRawListLoaded = function(details) { details.assetKey = assetKey; if ( details.content === '' ) { callback(details); return; } µb.extractFilterListMetadata(assetKey, details.content); details.content = µb.compileFilters(details.content); µb.assets.put(compiledPath, details.content); callback(details); }; var onCompiledListLoaded = function(details) { if ( details.content === '' ) { µb.assets.get(assetKey, onRawListLoaded); return; } details.assetKey = assetKey; callback(details); }; this.assets.get(compiledPath, onCompiledListLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.extractFilterListMetadata = function(assetKey, raw) { var listEntry = this.availableFilterLists[assetKey]; if ( listEntry === undefined ) { return; } // Metadata expected to be found at the top of content. var head = raw.slice(0, 1024), matches, v; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/313 // Always try to fetch the name if this is an external filter list. if ( listEntry.title === '' || listEntry.group === 'custom' ) { matches = head.match(/(?:^|\n)!\s*Title:([^\n]+)/i); if ( matches !== null ) { listEntry.title = matches[1].trim(); } } // Extract update frequency information matches = head.match(/(?:^|\n)![\t ]*Expires:[\t ]*([\d]+)[\t ]*days?/i); if ( matches !== null ) { v = Math.max(parseInt(matches[1], 10), 2); if ( v !== listEntry.updateAfter ) { this.assets.registerAssetSource(assetKey, { updateAfter: v }); } } }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.removeCompiledFilterList = function(assetKey) { this.assets.remove('compiled/' + assetKey); }; µBlock.removeFilterList = function(assetKey) { this.removeCompiledFilterList(assetKey); this.assets.remove(assetKey); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.compileFilters = function(rawText) { var compiledFilters = []; // Useful references: // https://adblockplus.org/en/filter-cheatsheet // https://adblockplus.org/en/filters var staticNetFilteringEngine = this.staticNetFilteringEngine, cosmeticFilteringEngine = this.cosmeticFilteringEngine, reIsWhitespaceChar = /\s/, reMaybeLocalIp = /^[\d:f]/, reIsLocalhostRedirect = /\s+(?:broadcasthost|local|localhost|localhost\.localdomain)(?=\s|$)/, reLocalIp = /^(?:0\.0\.0\.0|127\.0\.0\.1|::1|fe80::1%lo0)/, line, lineRaw, c, pos, lineIter = new this.LineIterator(rawText); while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { line = lineRaw = lineIter.next().trim(); // rhill 2014-04-18: The trim is important here, as without it there // could be a lingering `\r` which would cause problems in the // following parsing code. if ( line.length === 0 ) { continue; } // Strip comments c = line.charAt(0); if ( c === '!' || c === '[' ) { continue; } // Parse or skip cosmetic filters // All cosmetic filters are caught here if ( cosmeticFilteringEngine.compile(line, compiledFilters) ) { continue; } // Whatever else is next can be assumed to not be a cosmetic filter // Most comments start in first column if ( c === '#' ) { continue; } // Catch comments somewhere on the line // Remove: // ... #blah blah blah // ... # blah blah blah // Don't remove: // ...#blah blah blah // because some ABP filters uses the `#` character (URL fragment) pos = line.indexOf('#'); if ( pos !== -1 && reIsWhitespaceChar.test(line.charAt(pos - 1)) ) { line = line.slice(0, pos).trim(); } // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/15 // Ensure localhost et al. don't end up in the ubiquitous blacklist. // With hosts files, we need to remove local IP redirection if ( reMaybeLocalIp.test(c) ) { // Ignore hosts file redirect configuration // localhost // broadcasthost if ( reIsLocalhostRedirect.test(line) ) { continue; } line = line.replace(reLocalIp, '').trim(); } if ( line.length === 0 ) { continue; } staticNetFilteringEngine.compile(line, compiledFilters); } return compiledFilters.join('\n'); }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1395 // Added `firstparty` argument: to avoid discarding cosmetic filters when // applying 1st-party filters. µBlock.applyCompiledFilters = function(rawText, firstparty) { var skipCosmetic = !firstparty && !this.userSettings.parseAllABPHideFilters, skipGenericCosmetic = this.userSettings.ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters, staticNetFilteringEngine = this.staticNetFilteringEngine, cosmeticFilteringEngine = this.cosmeticFilteringEngine, lineIter = new this.LineIterator(rawText); while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { cosmeticFilteringEngine.fromCompiledContent(lineIter, skipGenericCosmetic, skipCosmetic); staticNetFilteringEngine.fromCompiledContent(lineIter); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.loadRedirectResources = function(callback) { var µb = this; if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var onResourcesLoaded = function(details) { if ( details.content !== '' ) { µb.redirectEngine.resourcesFromString(details.content); } callback(); }; this.assets.get('ublock-resources', onResourcesLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.loadPublicSuffixList = function(callback) { var µb = this, assetKey = µb.pslAssetKey, compiledAssetKey = 'compiled/' + assetKey; if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var onRawListLoaded = function(details) { if ( details.content !== '' ) { µb.compilePublicSuffixList(details.content); } callback(); }; var onCompiledListLoaded = function(details) { if ( details.content === '' ) { µb.assets.get(assetKey, onRawListLoaded); return; } publicSuffixList.fromSelfie(JSON.parse(details.content)); callback(); }; this.assets.get(compiledAssetKey, onCompiledListLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.compilePublicSuffixList = function(content) { publicSuffixList.parse(content, punycode.toASCII); this.assets.put( 'compiled/' + this.pslAssetKey, JSON.stringify(publicSuffixList.toSelfie()) ); }; /******************************************************************************/ // This is to be sure the selfie is generated in a sane manner: the selfie will // be generated if the user doesn't change his filter lists selection for // some set time. µBlock.selfieManager = (function() { var µb = µBlock; var timer = null; var create = function() { timer = null; var selfie = { magic: µb.systemSettings.selfieMagic, publicSuffixList: publicSuffixList.toSelfie(), availableFilterLists: µb.availableFilterLists, staticNetFilteringEngine: µb.staticNetFilteringEngine.toSelfie(), redirectEngine: µb.redirectEngine.toSelfie(), cosmeticFilteringEngine: µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine.toSelfie() }; vAPI.cacheStorage.set({ selfie: selfie }); }; var createAsync = function(after) { if ( typeof after !== 'number' ) { after = µb.selfieAfter; } if ( timer !== null ) { clearTimeout(timer); } timer = vAPI.setTimeout(create, after); }; var destroy = function() { if ( timer !== null ) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } vAPI.cacheStorage.remove('selfie'); }; return { create: createAsync, destroy: destroy }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/531 // Overwrite user settings with admin settings if present. // // Admin settings match layout of a uBlock backup. Not all data is // necessarily present, i.e. administrators may removed entries which // values are left to the user's choice. µBlock.restoreAdminSettings = function(callback) { // Support for vAPI.adminStorage is optional (webext). if ( vAPI.adminStorage instanceof Object === false ) { callback(); return; } var onRead = function(json) { var µb = µBlock; var data; if ( typeof json === 'string' && json !== '' ) { try { data = JSON.parse(json); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); } } if ( typeof data !== 'object' || data === null ) { callback(); return; } var bin = {}; var binNotEmpty = false; // Allows an admin to set their own 'assets.json' file, with their own // set of stock assets. if ( typeof data.assetsBootstrapLocation === 'string' ) { bin.assetsBootstrapLocation = data.assetsBootstrapLocation; binNotEmpty = true; } if ( typeof data.userSettings === 'object' ) { for ( var name in µb.userSettings ) { if ( µb.userSettings.hasOwnProperty(name) === false ) { continue; } if ( data.userSettings.hasOwnProperty(name) === false ) { continue; } bin[name] = data.userSettings[name]; binNotEmpty = true; } } // 'selectedFilterLists' is an array of filter list tokens. Each token // is a reference to an asset in 'assets.json'. if ( Array.isArray(data.selectedFilterLists) ) { bin.selectedFilterLists = data.selectedFilterLists; binNotEmpty = true; } else if ( typeof data.filterLists === 'object' ) { bin.selectedFilterLists = µb.newListKeysFromOldData(data.filterLists); binNotEmpty = true; } if ( typeof data.netWhitelist === 'string' ) { bin.netWhitelist = data.netWhitelist; binNotEmpty = true; } if ( typeof data.dynamicFilteringString === 'string' ) { bin.dynamicFilteringString = data.dynamicFilteringString; binNotEmpty = true; } if ( typeof data.urlFilteringString === 'string' ) { bin.urlFilteringString = data.urlFilteringString; binNotEmpty = true; } if ( typeof data.hostnameSwitchesString === 'string' ) { bin.hostnameSwitchesString = data.hostnameSwitchesString; binNotEmpty = true; } if ( binNotEmpty ) { vAPI.storage.set(bin); } if ( typeof data.userFilters === 'string' ) { µb.assets.put(µb.userFiltersPath, data.userFilters); } callback(); }; vAPI.adminStorage.getItem('adminSettings', onRead); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.scheduleAssetUpdater = (function() { var timer, next = 0; return function(updateDelay) { if ( timer ) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = undefined; } if ( updateDelay === 0 ) { next = 0; return; } var now = Date.now(); // Use the new schedule if and only if it is earlier than the previous // one. if ( next !== 0 ) { updateDelay = Math.min(updateDelay, Math.max(next - now, 0)); } next = now + updateDelay; timer = vAPI.setTimeout(function() { timer = undefined; next = 0; var µb = µBlock; µb.assets.updateStart({ delay: µb.hiddenSettings.autoUpdateAssetFetchPeriod * 1000 || 120000 }); }, updateDelay); }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.assetObserver = function(topic, details) { // Do not update filter list if not in use. if ( topic === 'before-asset-updated' ) { if ( this.availableFilterLists.hasOwnProperty(details.assetKey) && this.selectedFilterLists.indexOf(details.assetKey) === -1 ) { return false; } return; } // Compile the list while we have the raw version in memory if ( topic === 'after-asset-updated' ) { var cached = typeof details.content === 'string' && details.content !== ''; if ( this.availableFilterLists.hasOwnProperty(details.assetKey) ) { if ( cached ) { if ( this.selectedFilterLists.indexOf(details.assetKey) !== -1 ) { this.extractFilterListMetadata( details.assetKey, details.content ); this.assets.put( 'compiled/' + details.assetKey, this.compileFilters(details.content) ); } } else { this.removeCompiledFilterList(details.assetKey); } } else if ( details.assetKey === this.pslAssetKey ) { if ( cached ) { this.compilePublicSuffixList(details.content); } } else if ( details.assetKey === 'ublock-resources' ) { if ( cached ) { this.redirectEngine.resourcesFromString(details.content); } } vAPI.messaging.broadcast({ what: 'assetUpdated', key: details.assetKey, cached: cached }); return; } // Update failed. if ( topic === 'asset-update-failed' ) { vAPI.messaging.broadcast({ what: 'assetUpdated', key: details.assetKey, failed: true }); return; } // Reload all filter lists if needed. if ( topic === 'after-assets-updated' ) { if ( details.assetKeys.length !== 0 ) { this.loadFilterLists(); } if ( this.userSettings.autoUpdate ) { this.scheduleAssetUpdater(this.hiddenSettings.assetAutoUpdatePeriod * 3600000 || 25200000); } else { this.scheduleAssetUpdater(0); } vAPI.messaging.broadcast({ what: 'assetsUpdated', assetKeys: details.assetKeys }); return; } // New asset source became available, if it's a filter list, should we // auto-select it? if ( topic === 'builtin-asset-source-added' ) { if ( details.entry.content === 'filters' ) { if ( details.entry.off !== true || this.matchCurrentLanguage(details.entry.lang) ) { this.saveSelectedFilterLists([ details.assetKey ], true); } } return; } };