/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2016 The uBlock Origin authors This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global HTMLDocument, XMLDocument, addMessageListener, removeMessageListener, sendAsyncMessage, outerShutdown */ 'use strict'; // For non background pages /******************************************************************************/ (function(self) { // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/464 if ( document instanceof HTMLDocument === false ) { // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1528 // A XMLDocument can be a valid HTML document. if ( document instanceof XMLDocument === false || document.createElement('div') instanceof HTMLDivElement === false ) { return; } } /******************************************************************************/ // Not all sandboxes are given an rpc function, so assign a dummy one if it is // missing -- this avoids the need for testing before use. self.rpc = self.rpc || function(){}; /******************************************************************************/ var vAPI = self.vAPI = self.vAPI || {}; /******************************************************************************/ var referenceCounter = 0; vAPI.lock = function() { referenceCounter += 1; }; vAPI.unlock = function() { referenceCounter -= 1; }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.executionCost = { start: function(){}, stop: function(){} }; /* vAPI.executionCost = vAPI.executionCost || { tcost: 0, tstart: 0, nstart: 0, level: 1, start: function() { if ( this.nstart === 0 ) { this.tstart = window.performance.now(); } this.nstart += 1; }, stop: function(mark) { this.nstart -= 1; if ( this.nstart !== 0 ) { return; } var tcost = window.performance.now() - this.tstart; this.tcost += tcost; if ( mark === undefined ) { return; } var top = window === window.top; if ( !top && this.level < 2 ) { return; } var context = window === window.top ? ' top' : 'frame'; var percent = this.tcost / window.performance.now() * 100; console.log( 'uBO cost (' + context + '): ' + this.tcost.toFixed(1) + 'ms/' + percent.toFixed(1) + '% (' + mark + ': ' + tcost.toFixed(2) + 'ms)' ); } }; */ vAPI.executionCost.start(); /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.firefox = true; vAPI.randomToken = function() { return String.fromCharCode(Date.now() % 26 + 97) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 982451653 + 982451653).toString(36); }; vAPI.sessionId = vAPI.randomToken(); /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.setTimeout = vAPI.setTimeout || function(callback, delay, extra) { return setTimeout(function(a) { callback(a); }, delay, extra); }; /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.shutdown = (function() { var jobs = []; var add = function(job) { jobs.push(job); }; var exec = function() { //console.debug('Shutting down...'); var job; while ( (job = jobs.pop()) ) { job(); } }; return { add: add, exec: exec }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ (function() { var hostname = location.hostname; if ( !hostname ) { return; } var filters = self.rpc({ fnName: 'getScriptTagFilters', rootURL: self.location.href, frameURL: self.location.href, frameHostname: hostname }); if ( typeof filters !== 'string' || filters === '' ) { return; } var reFilters = new RegExp(filters); document.addEventListener('beforescriptexecute', function(ev) { if ( reFilters.test(ev.target.textContent) ) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } }); })(); /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.messaging = { channels: Object.create(null), channelCount: 0, pending: Object.create(null), pendingCount: 0, auxProcessId: 1, connected: false, messageListener: function(msg) { var details = JSON.parse(msg); if ( !details ) { return; } // Sent to all channels if ( details.broadcast && !details.channelName ) { for ( var channelName in this.channels ) { this.sendToChannelListeners(channelName, details.msg); } return; } // Response to specific message previously sent if ( details.auxProcessId ) { var listener = this.pending[details.auxProcessId]; delete this.pending[details.auxProcessId]; delete details.auxProcessId; // TODO: why? if ( listener ) { this.pendingCount -= 1; listener(details.msg); return; } } // Sent to a specific channel var response = this.sendToChannelListeners(details.channelName, details.msg); // Respond back if required if ( details.mainProcessId === undefined ) { return; } sendAsyncMessage('ublock0:background', { mainProcessId: details.mainProcessId, msg: response }); }, builtinListener: function(msg) { if ( msg.cmd === 'injectScript' ) { // injectScript is not always present. // - See contentObserver.initContentScripts in frameModule.js if ( typeof self.injectScript !== 'function' ) { return; } var details = msg.details; // Whether to inject in all child frames. Default to only top frame. var allFrames = details.allFrames || false; if ( allFrames !== true && window !== window.top ) { return; } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/876 // Enforce `details.runAt`. Default to `document_end`. var runAt = details.runAt || 'document_end'; if ( runAt === 'document_start' || document.readyState !== 'loading' ) { self.injectScript(details.file); return; } var injectScriptDelayed = function() { document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', injectScriptDelayed); self.injectScript(details.file); }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', injectScriptDelayed); return; } if ( msg.cmd === 'shutdownSandbox' ) { vAPI.shutdown.exec(); this.stop(); if ( typeof self.outerShutdown === 'function' ) { outerShutdown(); } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1573 // Will let uBO's own web pages close themselves. `window.top` is // used on the assumption that uBO's own web pages will never be // embedded in anything else than its own documents. try { var top = window.top; if ( top.location.href.startsWith(vAPI.getURL('')) ) { top.close(); } } catch (ex) { } return; } }, toggleListener: function({type, persisted}) { if ( type === 'pagehide' && !persisted ) { vAPI.shutdown.exec(); this.stop(); if ( typeof self.outerShutdown === 'function' ) { outerShutdown(); } return; } if ( type === 'pagehide' ) { this.disconnect(); } else /* if ( type === 'pageshow' ) */ { this.connect(); } }, toggleListenerCallback: null, start: function() { this.addChannelListener('vAPI', this.builtinListener.bind(this)); if ( this.toggleListenerCallback === null ) { this.toggleListenerCallback = this.toggleListener.bind(this); } window.addEventListener('pagehide', this.toggleListenerCallback, true); window.addEventListener('pageshow', this.toggleListenerCallback, true); }, stop: function() { if ( this.toggleListenerCallback !== null ) { window.removeEventListener('pagehide', this.toggleListenerCallback, true); window.removeEventListener('pageshow', this.toggleListenerCallback, true); } this.disconnect(); this.channels = Object.create(null); this.channelCount = 0; // service pending callbacks var pending = this.pending, callback; this.pending = Object.create(null); this.pendingCount = 0; for ( var auxId in pending ) { callback = pending[auxId]; if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(null); } } }, connect: function() { if ( !this.connected ) { addMessageListener(this.messageListener.bind(this)); this.connected = true; } }, disconnect: function() { if ( this.connected ) { removeMessageListener(); this.connected = false; } }, send: function(channelName, message, callback) { this.sendTo(channelName, message, undefined, undefined, callback); }, sendTo: function(channelName, message, toTabId, toChannel, callback) { if ( !this.connected ) { if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } return; } // Too large a gap between the last request and the last response means // the main process is no longer reachable: memory leaks and bad // performance become a risk -- especially for long-lived, dynamic // pages. Guard against this. if ( this.pendingCount > 25 ) { vAPI.shutdown.exec(); } this.connect(); var auxProcessId; if ( callback ) { auxProcessId = this.auxProcessId++; this.pending[auxProcessId] = callback; this.pendingCount += 1; } sendAsyncMessage('ublock0:background', { channelName: self._sandboxId_ + '|' + channelName, auxProcessId: auxProcessId, toTabId: toTabId, toChannel: toChannel, msg: message }); }, addChannelListener: function(channelName, callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return; } var listeners = this.channels[channelName]; if ( listeners !== undefined && listeners.indexOf(callback) !== -1 ) { console.error('Duplicate listener on channel "%s"', channelName); return; } if ( listeners === undefined ) { this.channels[channelName] = [callback]; this.channelCount += 1; } else { listeners.push(callback); } this.connect(); }, removeChannelListener: function(channelName, callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return; } var listeners = this.channels[channelName]; if ( listeners === undefined ) { return; } var pos = this.listeners.indexOf(callback); if ( pos === -1 ) { console.error('Listener not found on channel "%s"', channelName); return; } listeners.splice(pos, 1); if ( listeners.length === 0 ) { delete this.channels[channelName]; this.channelCount -= 1; } }, removeAllChannelListeners: function(channelName) { var listeners = this.channels[channelName]; if ( listeners === undefined ) { return; } delete this.channels[channelName]; this.channelCount -= 1; }, sendToChannelListeners: function(channelName, msg) { var listeners = this.channels[channelName]; if ( listeners === undefined ) { return; } var response; for ( var i = 0, n = listeners.length; i < n; i++ ) { response = listeners[i](msg); if ( response !== undefined ) { break; } } return response; } }; vAPI.messaging.start(); // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg0cmhjdiLs /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.userCSS = (function() { if ( !self.injectCSS ) { return; } var injectCSS = self.injectCSS, removeCSS = self.removeCSS, userCSS = '', sheetURI = ''; var load = function() { if ( userCSS === '' || sheetURI !== '' ) { return; } sheetURI = 'data:text/css;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(userCSS); injectCSS(sheetURI); }; var unload = function() { if ( sheetURI === '' ) { return; } removeCSS(sheetURI); sheetURI = ''; }; var add = function(cssText) { if ( cssText === '' ) { return; } if ( userCSS !== '' ) { userCSS += '\n'; } userCSS += cssText; unload(); load(); }; var toggle = function(state) { if ( userCSS === '' ) { return; } if ( state === undefined ) { state = sheetURI === ''; } return state ? load() : unload(); }; return { add: add, toggle: toggle }; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // No need to have vAPI client linger around after shutdown if // we are not a top window (because element picker can still // be injected in top window). if ( window !== window.top ) { // Can anything be done? } /******************************************************************************/ vAPI.executionCost.stop('vapi-client.js'); /******************************************************************************/ })(this); /******************************************************************************/