/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2015-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.redirectEngine = (( ) => { /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // The resources referenced below are found in ./web_accessible_resources/ // // The content of the resources which declare a `data` property will be loaded // in memory, and converted to a suitable internal format depending on the // type of the loaded data. The `data` property allows for manual injection // through `+js(...)`, or for redirection to a data: URI when a redirection // to a web accessible resource is not desirable. const redirectableResources = new Map([ [ '1x1.gif', { alias: '1x1-transparent.gif', data: 'blob', } ], [ '2x2.png', { alias: '2x2-transparent.png', data: 'blob', } ], [ '3x2.png', { alias: '3x2-transparent.png', data: 'blob', } ], [ '32x32.png', { alias: '32x32-transparent.png', data: 'blob', } ], [ 'addthis_widget.js', { alias: 'addthis.com/addthis_widget.js', } ], [ 'amazon_ads.js', { alias: 'amazon-adsystem.com/aax2/amzn_ads.js', } ], [ 'ampproject_v0.js', { alias: 'ampproject.org/v0.js', } ], [ 'chartbeat.js', { alias: 'static.chartbeat.com/chartbeat.js', } ], [ 'disqus_embed.js', { alias: 'disqus.com/embed.js', } ], [ 'disqus_forums_embed.js', { alias: 'disqus.com/forums/*/embed.js', } ], [ 'doubleclick_instream_ad_status.js', { alias: 'doubleclick.net/instream/ad_status.js', } ], [ 'empty', { data: 'text', // Important! } ], [ 'google-analytics_analytics.js', { alias: 'google-analytics.com/analytics.js', } ], [ 'google-analytics_cx_api.js', { alias: 'google-analytics.com/cx/api.js', } ], [ 'google-analytics_ga.js', { alias: 'google-analytics.com/ga.js', } ], [ 'google-analytics_inpage_linkid.js', { alias: 'google-analytics.com/inpage_linkid.js', } ], [ 'googlesyndication_adsbygoogle.js', { alias: 'googlesyndication.com/adsbygoogle.js', } ], [ 'googletagmanager_gtm.js', { alias: 'googletagmanager.com/gtm.js', } ], [ 'googletagservices_gpt.js', { alias: 'googletagservices.com/gpt.js', } ], [ 'hd-main.js', { } ], [ 'ligatus_angular-tag.js', { alias: 'ligatus.com/*/angular-tag.js', } ], [ 'monkeybroker.js', { alias: 'd3pkae9owd2lcf.cloudfront.net/mb105.js', } ], [ 'noeval.js', { data: 'text', } ], [ 'noeval-silent.js', { alias: 'silent-noeval.js', data: 'text', } ], [ 'nobab.js', { alias: 'bab-defuser.js', data: 'text', } ], [ 'nofab.js', { alias: 'fuckadblock.js-3.2.0', data: 'text', } ], [ 'noop-0.1s.mp3', { alias: 'noopmp3-0.1s', data: 'blob', } ], [ 'noop-1s.mp4', { alias: 'noopmp4-1s', data: 'blob', } ], [ 'noop.html', { alias: 'noopframe', } ], [ 'noop.js', { alias: 'noopjs', data: 'text', } ], [ 'noop.txt', { alias: 'nooptext', data: 'text', } ], [ 'outbrain-widget.js', { alias: 'widgets.outbrain.com/outbrain.js', } ], [ 'popads.js', { alias: 'popads.net.js', data: 'text', } ], [ 'popads-dummy.js', { data: 'text', } ], [ 'scorecardresearch_beacon.js', { alias: 'scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js', } ], [ 'window.open-defuser.js', { data: 'text', } ], ]); const extToMimeMap = new Map([ [ 'gif', 'image/gif' ], [ 'html', 'text/html' ], [ 'js', 'application/javascript' ], [ 'mp3', 'audio/mp3' ], [ 'mp4', 'video/mp4' ], [ 'png', 'image/png' ], [ 'txt', 'text/plain' ], ]); const typeToMimeMap = new Map([ [ 'main_frame', 'text/html' ], [ 'other', 'text/plain' ], [ 'script', 'application/javascript' ], [ 'stylesheet', 'text/css' ], [ 'sub_frame', 'text/html' ], [ 'xmlhttprequest', 'text/plain' ], ]); const validMimes = new Set(extToMimeMap.values()); const mimeFromName = function(name) { const match = /\.([^.]+)$/.exec(name); if ( match !== null ) { return extToMimeMap.get(match[1]); } }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ const RedirectEntry = class { constructor() { this.mime = ''; this.data = ''; this.warURL = undefined; } // Prevent redirection to web accessible resources when the request is // of type 'xmlhttprequest', because XMLHttpRequest.responseURL would // cause leakage of extension id. See: // - https://stackoverflow.com/a/8056313 // - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=998076 toURL(fctxt, asDataURI = false) { if ( this.warURL !== undefined && asDataURI !== true && fctxt instanceof Object && fctxt.type !== 'xmlhttprequest' ) { return `${this.warURL}${vAPI.warSecret()}`; } if ( this.data === undefined ) { return; } // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/701 if ( this.data === '' ) { const mime = typeToMimeMap.get(fctxt.type); if ( mime === undefined ) { return; } return `data:${mime},`; } if ( this.data.startsWith('data:') === false ) { this.data = `data:${this.mime};base64,${btoa(this.data)}`; } return this.data; } toContent() { if ( this.data.startsWith('data:') ) { const pos = this.data.indexOf(','); const base64 = this.data.endsWith(';base64', pos); this.data = this.data.slice(pos + 1); if ( base64 ) { this.data = atob(this.data); } } return this.data; } static fromContent(mime, content) { const r = new RedirectEntry(); r.mime = mime; r.data = content; return r; } static fromSelfie(selfie) { const r = new RedirectEntry(); r.mime = selfie.mime; r.data = selfie.data; r.warURL = selfie.warURL; return r; } }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ const RedirectEngine = function() { this.aliases = new Map(); this.resources = new Map(); this.reset(); this.resourceNameRegister = ''; // Internal use this._missedQueryHash = ''; this._src = ''; this._srcAll = [ '*' ]; this._des = ''; this._desAll = [ '*' ]; }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.reset = function() { this.rules = new Map(); this.ruleTypes = new Set(); this.ruleSources = new Set(); this.ruleDestinations = new Set(); this.modifyTime = Date.now(); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.freeze = function() { }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.toBroaderHostname = function(hostname) { const pos = hostname.indexOf('.'); if ( pos !== -1 ) { return hostname.slice(pos + 1); } return hostname !== '*' ? '*' : ''; }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.decomposeHostname = function(hn, dict, out) { let i = 0; for (;;) { if ( dict.has(hn) ) { out[i] = hn; i += 1; } hn = this.toBroaderHostname(hn); if ( hn === '' ) { break; } } out.length = i; }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.lookup = function(fctxt) { const src = fctxt.getDocHostname(); const des = fctxt.getHostname(); const type = fctxt.type; const queryHash = `${src} ${des} ${type}`; if ( queryHash === this._missedQueryHash ) { return; } if ( src !== this._src ) { this._src = src; this.decomposeHostname(src, this.ruleSources, this._srcAll); } if ( this._srcAll.length === 0 ) { this._missedQueryHash = queryHash; return; } if ( des !== this._des ) { this._des = des; this.decomposeHostname(des, this.ruleDestinations, this._desAll); } if ( this._desAll.length === 0 ) { this._missedQueryHash = queryHash; return; } const reqURL = fctxt.url; for ( const src of this._srcAll ) { for ( const des of this._desAll ) { let entries = this.rules.get(`${src} ${des} ${type}`); if ( entries !== undefined ) { const rule = this.lookupRule(entries, reqURL); if ( rule !== undefined ) { return rule; } } entries = this.rules.get(`${src} ${des} *`); if ( entries !== undefined ) { const rule = this.lookupRule(entries, reqURL); if ( rule !== undefined ) { return rule; } } } } this._missedQueryHash = queryHash; }; RedirectEngine.prototype.lookupRule = function(entries, reqURL) { for ( const entry of entries ) { if ( entry.pat instanceof RegExp === false ) { entry.pat = new RegExp(entry.pat, 'i'); } if ( entry.pat.test(reqURL) ) { return entry; } } }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.toURL = function(fctxt) { const rule = this.lookup(fctxt); if ( rule === undefined ) { return; } let token = this.resourceNameRegister = rule.tok; const asDataURI = token.charCodeAt(0) === 0x25 /* '%' */; if ( asDataURI ) { token = token.slice(1); } const entry = this.resources.get(this.aliases.get(token) || token); if ( entry !== undefined ) { return entry.toURL(fctxt, asDataURI); } }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.addRule = function(src, des, type, pattern, redirect) { this.ruleSources.add(src); this.ruleDestinations.add(des); this.ruleTypes.add(type); const key = `${src} ${des} ${type}`, entries = this.rules.get(key); if ( entries === undefined ) { this.rules.set(key, [ { tok: redirect, pat: pattern } ]); this.modifyTime = Date.now(); return; } let entry; for ( var i = 0, n = entries.length; i < n; i++ ) { entry = entries[i]; if ( redirect === entry.tok ) { break; } } if ( i === n ) { entries.push({ tok: redirect, pat: pattern }); return; } let p = entry.pat; if ( p instanceof RegExp ) { p = p.source; } // Duplicate? let pos = p.indexOf(pattern); if ( pos !== -1 ) { if ( pos === 0 || p.charAt(pos - 1) === '|' ) { pos += pattern.length; if ( pos === p.length || p.charAt(pos) === '|' ) { return; } } } entry.pat = p + '|' + pattern; }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.fromCompiledRule = function(line) { const fields = line.split('\t'); if ( fields.length !== 5 ) { return; } this.addRule(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3], fields[4]); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.compileRuleFromStaticFilter = function(line) { const matches = this.reFilterParser.exec(line); if ( matches === null || matches.length !== 4 ) { return; } const des = matches[1] || ''; // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/572 // Extract best possible hostname. let deshn = des; let pos = deshn.lastIndexOf('*'); if ( pos !== -1 ) { deshn = deshn.slice(pos + 1); pos = deshn.indexOf('.'); if ( pos !== -1 ) { deshn = deshn.slice(pos + 1); } else { deshn = ''; } } const path = matches[2] || ''; let pattern = des .replace(/\*/g, '[\\w.%-]*') .replace(/\./g, '\\.') + path .replace(/[.+?{}()|[\]\/\\]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/\^/g, '[^\\w.%-]') .replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); if ( pattern === '' ) { pattern = '^'; } let type, redirect = '', srchns = []; for ( const option of matches[3].split(',') ) { if ( option.startsWith('redirect=') ) { redirect = option.slice(9); continue; } if ( option.startsWith('redirect-rule=') ) { redirect = option.slice(14); continue; } if ( option === 'empty' ) { redirect = 'empty'; continue; } if ( option.startsWith('domain=') ) { srchns = option.slice(7).split('|'); continue; } if ( (option === 'first-party' || option === '1p') && deshn !== '' ) { srchns.push(µBlock.URI.domainFromHostname(deshn) || deshn); continue; } // One and only one type must be specified. if ( this.supportedTypes.has(option) ) { if ( type !== undefined ) { return; } type = this.supportedTypes.get(option); continue; } } // Need a resource token. if ( redirect === '' ) { return; } // Need one single type -- not negated. if ( type === undefined ) { if ( redirect !== 'empty' ) { return; } type = '*'; } if ( deshn === '' ) { deshn = '*'; } if ( srchns.length === 0 ) { srchns.push('*'); } const out = []; for ( const srchn of srchns ) { if ( srchn === '' ) { continue; } if ( srchn.startsWith('~') ) { continue; } out.push(`${srchn}\t${deshn}\t${type}\t${pattern}\t${redirect}`); } if ( out.length === 0 ) { return; } return out; }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.reFilterParser = /^(?:\|\|([^\/:?#^]+)|\*)([^$]+)?\$([^$]+)$/; RedirectEngine.prototype.supportedTypes = new Map([ [ 'css', 'stylesheet' ], [ 'font', 'font' ], [ 'image', 'image' ], [ 'media', 'media' ], [ 'object', 'object' ], [ 'script', 'script' ], [ 'stylesheet', 'stylesheet' ], [ 'frame', 'sub_frame' ], [ 'subdocument', 'sub_frame' ], [ 'xhr', 'xmlhttprequest' ], [ 'xmlhttprequest', 'xmlhttprequest' ], ]); /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.toSelfie = function(path) { // Because rules may contains RegExp instances, we need to manually // convert it to a serializable format. The serialized format must be // suitable to be used as an argument to the Map() constructor. const rules = []; for ( const item of this.rules ) { const rule = [ item[0], [] ]; const entries = item[1]; let i = entries.length; while ( i-- ) { const entry = entries[i]; rule[1].push({ tok: entry.tok, pat: entry.pat instanceof RegExp ? entry.pat.source : entry.pat }); } rules.push(rule); } return µBlock.assets.put( `${path}/main`, JSON.stringify({ rules: rules, ruleTypes: Array.from(this.ruleTypes), ruleSources: Array.from(this.ruleSources), ruleDestinations: Array.from(this.ruleDestinations) }) ); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.fromSelfie = function(path) { return µBlock.assets.get(`${path}/main`).then(details => { let selfie; try { selfie = JSON.parse(details.content); } catch (ex) { } if ( selfie instanceof Object === false ) { return false; } this.rules = new Map(selfie.rules); this.ruleTypes = new Set(selfie.ruleTypes); this.ruleSources = new Set(selfie.ruleSources); this.ruleDestinations = new Set(selfie.ruleDestinations); this.modifyTime = Date.now(); return true; }); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.resourceContentFromName = function(name, mime) { const entry = this.resources.get(this.aliases.get(name) || name); if ( entry === undefined ) { return; } if ( mime === undefined || entry.mime.startsWith(mime) ) { return entry.toContent(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: combine same key-redirect pairs into a single regex. // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/commit/deefe875551197d655f79cb540e62dfc17c95f42 // Consider 'none' a reserved keyword, to be used to disable redirection. RedirectEngine.prototype.resourcesFromString = function(text) { const lineIter = new µBlock.LineIterator(removeTopCommentBlock(text)); const reNonEmptyLine = /\S/; let fields, encoded, details; while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { let line = lineIter.next(); if ( line.startsWith('#') ) { continue; } if ( line.startsWith('// ') ) { continue; } if ( fields === undefined ) { if ( line === '' ) { continue; } // Modern parser if ( line.startsWith('/// ') ) { const name = line.slice(4).trim(); fields = [ name, mimeFromName(name) ]; continue; } // Legacy parser const head = line.trim().split(/\s+/); if ( head.length !== 2 ) { continue; } if ( head[0] === 'none' ) { continue; } let pos = head[1].indexOf(';'); if ( pos === -1 ) { pos = head[1].length; } if ( validMimes.has(head[1].slice(0, pos)) === false ) { continue; } encoded = head[1].indexOf(';') !== -1; fields = head; continue; } if ( line.startsWith('/// ') ) { if ( details === undefined ) { details = {}; } const [ prop, value ] = line.slice(4).trim().split(/\s+/); if ( value !== undefined ) { details[prop] = value; } continue; } if ( reNonEmptyLine.test(line) ) { fields.push(encoded ? line.trim() : line); continue; } const name = this.aliases.get(fields[0]) || fields[0]; const mime = fields[1]; const content = µBlock.orphanizeString( fields.slice(2).join(encoded ? '' : '\n') ); // No more data, add the resource. this.resources.set( name, RedirectEntry.fromContent(mime, content) ); if ( details instanceof Object && details.alias ) { this.aliases.set(details.alias, name); } fields = undefined; details = undefined; } // Process pending resource data. if ( fields !== undefined ) { const name = fields[0]; const mime = fields[1]; const content = µBlock.orphanizeString( fields.slice(2).join(encoded ? '' : '\n') ); this.resources.set( name, RedirectEntry.fromContent(mime, content) ); if ( details instanceof Object && details.alias ) { this.aliases.set(details.alias, name); } } this.modifyTime = Date.now(); }; const removeTopCommentBlock = function(text) { return text.replace(/^\/\*[\S\s]+?\n\*\/\s*/, ''); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.loadBuiltinResources = function() { // TODO: remove once usage of uBO 1.20.4 is widespread. µBlock.assets.remove('ublock-resources'); this.resources = new Map(); this.aliases = new Map(); const fetches = [ µBlock.assets.fetchText( '/assets/resources/scriptlets.js' ).then(result => { const content = result.content; if ( typeof content === 'string' && content.length !== 0 ) { this.resourcesFromString(content); } }), ]; const store = (name, data = undefined) => { const details = redirectableResources.get(name); const entry = RedirectEntry.fromSelfie({ mime: mimeFromName(name), data, warURL: vAPI.getURL(`/web_accessible_resources/${name}`), }); this.resources.set(name, entry); if ( details.alias !== undefined ) { this.aliases.set(details.alias, name); } }; const processBlob = (name, blob) => { return new Promise(resolve => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = ( ) => { store(name, reader.result); resolve(); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); }; const processText = (name, text) => { store(name, removeTopCommentBlock(text)); }; const process = result => { const match = /^\/web_accessible_resources\/([^?]+)/.exec(result.url); if ( match === null ) { return; } const name = match[1]; return result.content instanceof Blob ? processBlob(name, result.content) : processText(name, result.content); }; for ( const [ name, details ] of redirectableResources ) { if ( typeof details.data !== 'string' ) { store(name); continue; } fetches.push( µBlock.assets.fetch( `/web_accessible_resources/${name}${vAPI.warSecret()}`, { responseType: details.data } ).then( result => process(result) ) ); } return Promise.all(fetches); }; /******************************************************************************/ const resourcesSelfieVersion = 5; RedirectEngine.prototype.selfieFromResources = function() { µBlock.assets.put( 'compiled/redirectEngine/resources', JSON.stringify({ version: resourcesSelfieVersion, aliases: Array.from(this.aliases), resources: Array.from(this.resources), }) ); }; RedirectEngine.prototype.resourcesFromSelfie = function() { return µBlock.assets.get( 'compiled/redirectEngine/resources' ).then(details => { let selfie; try { selfie = JSON.parse(details.content); } catch(ex) { } if ( selfie instanceof Object === false || selfie.version !== resourcesSelfieVersion || Array.isArray(selfie.resources) === false ) { return false; } this.aliases = new Map(selfie.aliases); this.resources = new Map(); for ( const [ token, entry ] of selfie.resources ) { this.resources.set(token, RedirectEntry.fromSelfie(entry)); } return true; }); }; RedirectEngine.prototype.invalidateResourcesSelfie = function() { µBlock.assets.remove('compiled/redirectEngine/resources'); // TODO: obsolete, remove eventually µBlock.cacheStorage.remove('resourcesSelfie'); }; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ return new RedirectEngine(); /******************************************************************************/ })();