/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global chrome, µBlock, punycode, publicSuffixList */ /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.getBytesInUse = function() { var getBytesInUseHandler = function(bytesInUse) { µBlock.storageUsed = bytesInUse; }; chrome.storage.local.getBytesInUse(null, getBytesInUseHandler); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveLocalSettings = function() { chrome.storage.local.set(this.localSettings, function() { µBlock.getBytesInUse(); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.loadLocalSettings = function() { var settingsLoaded = function(store) { µBlock.localSettings = store; }; chrome.storage.local.get(this.localSettings, settingsLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Save local settings regularly. Not critical. µBlock.asyncJobs.add( 'autoSaveLocalSettings', null, µBlock.saveLocalSettings.bind(µBlock), 2 * 60 * 1000, true ); /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveUserSettings = function() { chrome.storage.local.set(this.userSettings, function() { µBlock.getBytesInUse(); }); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.loadUserSettings = function(callback) { var settingsLoaded = function(store) { µBlock.userSettings = store; if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }; chrome.storage.local.get(this.userSettings, settingsLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveWhitelist = function() { var bin = { 'netWhitelist': this.stringFromWhitelist(this.netWhitelist) }; chrome.storage.local.set(bin, function() { µBlock.getBytesInUse(); }); this.netWhitelistModifyTime = Date.now(); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.loadWhitelist = function(callback) { var onWhitelistLoaded = function(store) { var µb = µBlock; // Backward compatibility after fix to #5 // TODO: remove once all users are up to date with latest version. if ( store.netExceptionList ) { if ( store.netWhitelist === '' ) { store.netWhitelist = Object.keys(store.netExceptionList).join('\n'); if ( store.netWhitelist !== '' ) { chrome.storage.local.set({ 'netWhitelist': store.netWhitelist }); } } chrome.storage.local.remove('netExceptionList'); } µb.netWhitelist = µb.whitelistFromString(store.netWhitelist); µb.netWhitelistModifyTime = Date.now(); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }; var bin = { 'netWhitelist': '', 'netExceptionList': '' }; chrome.storage.local.get(bin, onWhitelistLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.saveUserFilters = function(content, callback) { return this.assets.put(this.userFiltersPath, content, callback); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.loadUserFilters = function(callback) { return this.assets.get(this.userFiltersPath, callback); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.appendUserFilters = function(content) { var µb = this; var onFiltersReady = function() { }; var onSaved = function(details) { if ( details.error ) { return; } µb.loadFilterLists(onFiltersReady); }; var onLoaded = function(details) { if ( details.error ) { return; } if ( details.content.indexOf(content.trim()) !== -1 ) { return; } µb.saveUserFilters(details.content + '\n' + content, onSaved); }; if ( content.length > 0 ) { this.loadUserFilters(onLoaded); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.getAvailableLists = function(callback) { var availableLists = {}; var redirections = {}; // selected lists var onSelectedListsLoaded = function(store) { var µb = µBlock; var lists = store.remoteBlacklists; var locations = Object.keys(lists); var oldLocation, newLocation; var availableEntry, storedEntry; while ( oldLocation = locations.pop() ) { newLocation = redirections[oldLocation] || oldLocation; availableEntry = availableLists[newLocation]; if ( availableEntry === undefined ) { continue; } storedEntry = lists[oldLocation]; availableEntry.off = storedEntry.off || false; µb.assets.setHomeURL(newLocation, availableEntry.homeURL); if ( storedEntry.entryCount !== undefined ) { availableEntry.entryCount = storedEntry.entryCount; } if ( storedEntry.entryUsedCount !== undefined ) { availableEntry.entryUsedCount = storedEntry.entryUsedCount; } } callback(availableLists); }; // built-in lists var onBuiltinListsLoaded = function(details) { var location, locations; try { locations = JSON.parse(details.content); } catch (e) { locations = {}; } var entry; for ( location in locations ) { if ( locations.hasOwnProperty(location) === false ) { continue; } entry = locations[location]; availableLists['assets/thirdparties/' + location] = entry; if ( entry.old !== undefined ) { redirections[entry.old] = location; delete entry.old; } } // Now get user's selection of lists chrome.storage.local.get( { 'remoteBlacklists': availableLists }, onSelectedListsLoaded ); }; // permanent lists var location; var lists = this.permanentLists; for ( location in lists ) { if ( lists.hasOwnProperty(location) === false ) { continue; } availableLists[location] = lists[location]; } // custom lists var c; var locations = this.userSettings.externalLists.split('\n'); for ( var i = 0; i < locations.length; i++ ) { location = locations[i].trim(); c = location.charAt(0); if ( location === '' || c === '!' || c === '#' ) { continue; } // Coarse validation if ( /[^0-9A-Za-z!*'();:@&=+$,\/?%#\[\]_.~-]/.test(location) ) { continue; } availableLists[location] = { title: '', group: 'custom', external: true }; } // get built-in block lists. this.assets.get('assets/ublock/filter-lists.json', onBuiltinListsLoaded); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.loadFilterLists = function(callback) { var µb = this; var blacklistLoadCount; if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var loadBlacklistsEnd = function() { µb.netFilteringEngine.freeze(); µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine.freeze(); chrome.storage.local.set({ 'remoteBlacklists': µb.remoteBlacklists }); µb.messaging.announce({ what: 'loadUbiquitousBlacklistCompleted' }); µb.toSelfieAsync(); callback(); }; var mergeBlacklist = function(details) { µb.mergeUbiquitousBlacklist(details); blacklistLoadCount -= 1; if ( blacklistLoadCount === 0 ) { loadBlacklistsEnd(); } }; var loadBlacklistsStart = function(lists) { µb.remoteBlacklists = lists; µb.netFilteringEngine.reset(); µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine.reset(); µb.destroySelfie(); var locations = Object.keys(lists); blacklistLoadCount = locations.length; if ( blacklistLoadCount === 0 ) { loadBlacklistsEnd(); return; } // Load each preset blacklist which is not disabled. var location; while ( location = locations.pop() ) { // rhill 2013-12-09: // Ignore list if disabled // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/78 if ( lists[location].off ) { blacklistLoadCount -= 1; continue; } µb.assets.get(location, mergeBlacklist); } }; this.getAvailableLists(loadBlacklistsStart); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.mergeUbiquitousBlacklist = function(details) { // console.log('µBlock > mergeUbiquitousBlacklist from "%s": "%s..."', details.path, details.content.slice(0, 40)); var rawText = details.content; var rawEnd = rawText.length; // rhill 2013-10-21: No need to prefix with '* ', the hostname is just what // we need for preset blacklists. The prefix '* ' is ONLY needed when // used as a filter in temporary blacklist. // rhill 2014-01-22: Transpose possible Adblock Plus-filter syntax // into a plain hostname if possible. // Useful references: // https://adblockplus.org/en/filter-cheatsheet // https://adblockplus.org/en/filters var netFilteringEngine = this.netFilteringEngine; var cosmeticFilteringEngine = this.cosmeticFilteringEngine; var parseCosmeticFilters = this.userSettings.parseAllABPHideFilters; var duplicateCount = netFilteringEngine.duplicateCount + cosmeticFilteringEngine.duplicateCount; var acceptedCount = netFilteringEngine.acceptedCount + cosmeticFilteringEngine.acceptedCount; var reLocalhost = /(^|\s)(localhost\.localdomain|localhost|local|broadcasthost|0\.0\.0\.0|127\.0\.0\.1|::1|fe80::1%lo0)(?=\s|$)/g; var reAdblockFilter = /^[^a-z0-9:]|[^a-z0-9]$|[^a-z0-9_:.-]/; var reAdblockHostFilter = /^\|\|([a-z0-9.-]+[a-z0-9])\^?$/; var reAsciiSegment = /^[\x21-\x7e]+$/; var matches; var lineBeg = 0, lineEnd, currentLineBeg; var line, c; while ( lineBeg < rawEnd ) { lineEnd = rawText.indexOf('\n', lineBeg); if ( lineEnd < 0 ) { lineEnd = rawText.indexOf('\r', lineBeg); if ( lineEnd < 0 ) { lineEnd = rawEnd; } } // rhill 2014-04-18: The trim is important here, as without it there // could be a lingering `\r` which would cause problems in the // following parsing code. line = rawText.slice(lineBeg, lineEnd).trim(); currentLineBeg = lineBeg; lineBeg = lineEnd + 1; // Strip comments c = line.charAt(0); if ( c === '!' || c === '[' ) { continue; } // 2014-05-18: ABP element hide filters are allowed to contain space // characters if ( parseCosmeticFilters ) { if ( cosmeticFilteringEngine.add(line) ) { continue; } } if ( c === '#' ) { continue; } // https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/issues/15 // Ensure localhost et al. don't end up in the ubiquitous blacklist. line = line .replace(/\s+#.*$/, '') .toLowerCase() .replace(reLocalhost, '') .trim(); // The filter is whatever sequence of printable ascii character without // whitespaces matches = reAsciiSegment.exec(line); if ( !matches || matches.length === 0 ) { continue; } // Bypass anomalies // For example, when a filter contains whitespace characters, or // whatever else outside the range of printable ascii characters. if ( matches[0] !== line ) { // console.error('"%s": "%s" !== "%s"', details.path, matches[0], line); continue; } line = matches[0]; // Likely an ABP net filter? if ( reAdblockFilter.test(line) ) { if ( netFilteringEngine.add(line) ) { continue; } // rhill 2014-01-22: Transpose possible Adblock Plus-filter syntax // into a plain hostname if possible. matches = reAdblockHostFilter.exec(line); if ( !matches || matches.length < 2 ) { continue; } line = matches[1]; } if ( line === '' ) { continue; } netFilteringEngine.addAnyPartyHostname(line); } // For convenience, store the number of entries for this // blacklist, user might be happy to know this information. duplicateCount = netFilteringEngine.duplicateCount + cosmeticFilteringEngine.duplicateCount - duplicateCount; acceptedCount = netFilteringEngine.acceptedCount + cosmeticFilteringEngine.acceptedCount - acceptedCount; this.remoteBlacklists[details.path].entryCount = acceptedCount + duplicateCount; this.remoteBlacklists[details.path].entryUsedCount = acceptedCount; }; /******************************************************************************/ // `switches` contains the preset blacklists for which the switch must be // revisited. µBlock.reloadPresetBlacklists = function(switches, update) { var presetBlacklists = this.remoteBlacklists; // Toggle switches, if any if ( switches !== undefined ) { var i = switches.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( !presetBlacklists[switches[i].location] ) { continue; } presetBlacklists[switches[i].location].off = !!switches[i].off; } // Save switch states chrome.storage.local.set({ 'remoteBlacklists': presetBlacklists }, function() { µBlock.getBytesInUse(); }); } // Now force reload this.loadUpdatableAssets({ update: update, psl: update }); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.loadPublicSuffixList = function(callback) { if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var applyPublicSuffixList = function(details) { // TODO: Not getting proper suffix list is a bit serious, I think // the extension should be force-restarted if it occurs.. if ( !details.error ) { publicSuffixList.parse(details.content, punycode.toASCII); } callback(); }; this.assets.get(this.pslPath, applyPublicSuffixList); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Load updatable assets µBlock.loadUpdatableAssets = function(details) { var µb = this; details = details || {}; var update = details.update !== false; this.assets.autoUpdate = update || this.userSettings.autoUpdate; this.assets.autoUpdateDelay = this.updateAssetsEvery; var onFiltersReady = function() { if ( update ) { µb.updater.restart(); } }; var onPSLReady = function() { µb.loadFilterLists(onFiltersReady); }; if ( details.psl !== false ) { this.loadPublicSuffixList(onPSLReady); } else { this.loadFilterLists(onFiltersReady); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.toSelfie = function() { var selfie = { magic: this.selfieMagic, publicSuffixList: publicSuffixList.toSelfie(), filterLists: this.remoteBlacklists, netFilteringEngine: this.netFilteringEngine.toSelfie(), cosmeticFilteringEngine: this.cosmeticFilteringEngine.toSelfie(), }; chrome.storage.local.set({ selfie: selfie }); // console.log('µBlock.toSelfie> made a selfie!'); }; // This is to be sure the selfie is generated in a sane manner: the selfie will // be generated if the user doesn't change his filter lists selection for // some set time. µBlock.toSelfieAsync = function(after) { if ( typeof after !== 'number' ) { after = this.selfieAfter; } this.asyncJobs.add( 'toSelfie', null, this.toSelfie.bind(this), after, false ); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.fromSelfie = function(callback) { var µb = this; if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { callback = this.noopFunc; } var onSelfieReady = function(store) { var selfie = store.selfie; if ( typeof selfie !== 'object' || selfie.magic !== µb.selfieMagic ) { callback(false); return; } if ( publicSuffixList.fromSelfie(selfie.publicSuffixList) !== true ) { callback(false); return; } // console.log('µBlock.fromSelfie> selfie looks good'); µb.remoteBlacklists = selfie.filterLists; µb.netFilteringEngine.fromSelfie(selfie.netFilteringEngine); µb.cosmeticFilteringEngine.fromSelfie(selfie.cosmeticFilteringEngine); callback(true); }; chrome.storage.local.get('selfie', onSelfieReady); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.destroySelfie = function() { chrome.storage.local.remove('selfie'); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Load all µBlock.load = function() { var µb = this; // Final initialization steps after all needed assets are in memory var onAllDone = function(wasAutoUpdated) { // Initialize internal state with maybe already existing tabs var bindToTabs = function(tabs) { var scriptStart = function(tabId) { var scriptEnd = function() { chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { file: 'js/contentscript-end.js', allFrames: true, runAt: 'document_idle' }); }; chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { file: 'js/contentscript-start.js', allFrames: true, runAt: 'document_idle' }, scriptEnd); }; var i = tabs.length, tab; while ( i-- ) { tab = tabs[i]; µb.bindTabToPageStats(tab.id, tab.url); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/129 scriptStart(tab.id); } }; chrome.tabs.query({ url: 'http://*/*' }, bindToTabs); chrome.tabs.query({ url: 'https://*/*' }, bindToTabs); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/184 // If we restored a selfie, check for updates not too far // in the future. µb.updater.restart(wasAutoUpdated ? µb.nextUpdateAfter : µb.firstUpdateAfter); }; // Filters are in memory var onFiltersReady = function() { onAllDone(µb.userSettings.autoUpdate); }; // Load order because dependencies: // User settings -> PSL -> [filter lists, user whitelist] var onPSLReady = function() { µb.loadWhitelist(); µb.loadFilterLists(onFiltersReady); }; // If no selfie available, take the long way, i.e. load and parse // raw data. var onSelfieReady = function(success) { if ( success === true ) { onAllDone(false); return; } µb.assets.autoUpdate = µb.userSettings.autoUpdate; µb.loadPublicSuffixList(onPSLReady); }; // User settings are in memory var onUserSettingsReady = function() { µb.fromSelfie(onSelfieReady); }; this.loadUserSettings(onUserSettingsReady); this.loadLocalSettings(); this.getBytesInUse(); };