/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2015 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global µBlock */ /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.redirectEngine = (function(){ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ var toBroaderHostname = function(hostname) { var pos = hostname.indexOf('.'); if ( pos !== -1 ) { return hostname.slice(pos + 1); } return hostname !== '*' && hostname !== '' ? '*' : ''; }; /******************************************************************************/ var RedirectEngine = function() { this.resources = Object.create(null); this.reset(); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.reset = function() { this.rules = Object.create(null); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.freeze = function() { }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.lookup = function(context) { var typeEntry = this.rules[context.requestType]; if ( typeEntry === undefined ) { return; } var src, des = context.requestHostname, srcHostname = context.pageHostname, reqURL = context.requestURL, desEntry, entries, i, entry; for (;;) { desEntry = typeEntry[des]; if ( desEntry !== undefined ) { src = srcHostname; for (;;) { entries = desEntry[src]; if ( entries !== undefined ) { i = entries.length; while ( i-- ) { entry = entries[i]; if ( entry.c.test(reqURL) ) { return this.resources[entry.r]; } } } src = toBroaderHostname(src); if ( src === '' ) { break; } } } des = toBroaderHostname(des); if ( des === '' ) { break; } } }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.addRule = function(src, des, type, pattern, redirect) { var typeEntry = this.rules[type]; if ( typeEntry === undefined ) { typeEntry = this.rules[type] = Object.create(null); } var desEntry = typeEntry[des]; if ( desEntry === undefined ) { desEntry = typeEntry[des] = Object.create(null); } var ruleEntries = desEntry[src]; if ( ruleEntries === undefined ) { ruleEntries = desEntry[src] = []; } ruleEntries.push({ c: new RegExp(pattern), r: redirect }); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.fromCompiledRule = function(line) { var fields = line.split('\t'); if ( fields.length !== 5 ) { return; } this.addRule(fields[0], fields[1], fields[2], fields[3], fields[4]); }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.compileRuleFromStaticFilter = function(line) { var matches = this.reFilterParser.exec(line); if ( matches === null || matches.length !== 4 ) { return; } var pattern = (matches[1] + matches[2]).replace(/[.+?{}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') .replace(/\^/g, '[^\\w\\d%-]') .replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); var des = matches[1]; var type; var redirect = ''; var srcs = []; var options = matches[3].split(','), option; while ( (option = options.pop()) ) { if ( option.lastIndexOf('redirect=', 0) === 0 ) { redirect = option.slice(9); continue; } if ( option.lastIndexOf('domain=', 0) === 0 ) { srcs = option.slice(7).split('|'); continue; } // One and only one type must be specified. if ( option in this.supportedTypes ) { if ( type !== undefined ) { return; } type = this.supportedTypes[option]; continue; } } // Need a resource token. if ( redirect === '' ) { return; } // Need one single type -- not negated. if ( type === undefined || type.charAt(0) === '~' ) { return; } if ( des === '' ) { des = '*'; } if ( srcs.length === 0 ) { srcs.push('*'); } var out = []; var i = srcs.length, src; while ( i-- ) { src = srcs[i]; if ( src === '' ) { continue; } if ( src.charAt(0) === '~' ) { continue; } // Need at least one specific src or des. if ( src === '*' && des === '*' ) { continue; } out.push(src + '\t' + des + '\t' + type + '\t' + pattern + '\t' + redirect); } return out; }; /******************************************************************************/ RedirectEngine.prototype.reFilterParser = /^\|\|([^\/?#^*]+)([^$]+)\$([^$]+)$/; RedirectEngine.prototype.supportedTypes = (function() { var types = Object.create(null); types.stylesheet = 'stylesheet'; types.image = 'image'; types.object = 'object'; types.script = 'script'; types.xmlhttprequest = 'xmlhttprequest'; types.subdocument = 'sub_frame'; types.font = 'font'; return types; })(); /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: combine same key-redirect pairs into a single regex. RedirectEngine.prototype.resourcesFromString = function(text) { var textEnd = text.length; var lineBeg = 0, lineEnd; var line, fields, encoded; var reNonEmptyLine = /\S/; var resourceFromFields = function(fields, encoded) { var data = fields.slice(2).join(encoded ? '' : '\n'); this.resources[fields[0]] = 'data:' + fields[1] + (encoded ? '' : ';base64') + ',' + (encoded ? data : btoa(data)); }.bind(this); this.resources = Object.create(null); while ( lineBeg < textEnd ) { lineEnd = text.indexOf('\n', lineBeg); if ( lineEnd < 0 ) { lineEnd = text.indexOf('\r', lineBeg); if ( lineEnd < 0 ) { lineEnd = textEnd; } } line = text.slice(lineBeg, lineEnd); lineBeg = lineEnd + 1; if ( line.charAt(0) === '#' ) { continue; } if ( fields === undefined ) { fields = line.trim().split(/\s+/); if ( fields.length === 2 ) { encoded = fields[1].indexOf(';') !== -1; } else { fields = undefined; } continue; } if ( reNonEmptyLine.test(line) ) { fields.push(encoded ? line.trim() : line); continue; } // No more data, add the resource. resourceFromFields(fields, encoded); fields = undefined; } // Process pending resource data. if ( fields !== undefined ) { resourceFromFields(fields, encoded); } }; /******************************************************************************/ return new RedirectEngine(); /******************************************************************************/ })();