/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global uDom */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var listDetails = {}, filteringSettingsHash = '', lastUpdateTemplateString = vAPI.i18n('3pLastUpdate'), reValidExternalList = /[a-z-]+:\/\/\S*\/\S+/, hideUnusedSet = new Set(); /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(msg) { switch ( msg.what ) { case 'assetUpdated': updateAssetStatus(msg); break; case 'assetsUpdated': document.body.classList.remove('updating'); renderWidgets(); break; case 'staticFilteringDataChanged': renderFilterLists(); break; default: break; } }; var messaging = vAPI.messaging; messaging.addChannelListener('dashboard', onMessage); /******************************************************************************/ var renderNumber = function(value) { return value.toLocaleString(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderFilterLists = function(soft) { var listGroupTemplate = uDom('#templates .groupEntry'), listEntryTemplate = uDom('#templates .listEntry'), listStatsTemplate = vAPI.i18n('3pListsOfBlockedHostsPerListStats'), renderElapsedTimeToString = vAPI.i18n.renderElapsedTimeToString, groupNames = new Map([ [ 'user', '' ] ]); // Assemble a pretty list name if possible var listNameFromListKey = function(listKey) { var list = listDetails.current[listKey] || listDetails.available[listKey]; var listTitle = list ? list.title : ''; if ( listTitle === '' ) { return listKey; } return listTitle; }; var liFromListEntry = function(listKey, li, hideUnused) { var entry = listDetails.available[listKey], elem; if ( !li ) { li = listEntryTemplate.clone().nodeAt(0); } var on = entry.off !== true; if ( li.getAttribute('data-listkey') !== listKey ) { li.setAttribute('data-listkey', listKey); elem = li.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]'); elem.checked = on; elem = li.querySelector('a:nth-of-type(1)'); elem.setAttribute('href', 'asset-viewer.html?url=' + encodeURI(listKey)); elem.setAttribute('type', 'text/html'); elem.textContent = listNameFromListKey(listKey); li.classList.remove('toRemove'); if ( entry.supportName ) { li.classList.add('support'); elem = li.querySelector('a.support'); elem.setAttribute('href', entry.supportURL); elem.setAttribute('title', entry.supportName); } else { li.classList.remove('support'); } if ( entry.external ) { li.classList.add('external'); } else { li.classList.remove('external'); } if ( entry.instructionURL ) { li.classList.add('mustread'); elem = li.querySelector('a.mustread'); elem.setAttribute('href', entry.instructionURL); } else { li.classList.remove('mustread'); } li.classList.toggle('unused', hideUnused && !on); } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1429 if ( !soft ) { li.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]').checked = on; } elem = li.querySelector('span.counts'); var text = ''; if ( !isNaN(+entry.entryUsedCount) && !isNaN(+entry.entryCount) ) { text = listStatsTemplate .replace('{{used}}', renderNumber(on ? entry.entryUsedCount : 0)) .replace('{{total}}', renderNumber(entry.entryCount)); } elem.textContent = text; // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/104 var asset = listDetails.cache[listKey] || {}; var remoteURL = asset.remoteURL; li.classList.toggle( 'unsecure', typeof remoteURL === 'string' && remoteURL.lastIndexOf('http:', 0) === 0 ); li.classList.toggle('failed', asset.error !== undefined); li.classList.toggle('obsolete', asset.obsolete === true); if ( asset.cached === true ) { li.classList.add('cached'); li.querySelector('.status.cache').setAttribute( 'title', lastUpdateTemplateString.replace( '{{ago}}', renderElapsedTimeToString(asset.writeTime) ) ); } else { li.classList.remove('cached'); } li.classList.remove('discard'); return li; }; var listEntryCountFromGroup = function(listKeys) { if ( Array.isArray(listKeys) === false ) { return ''; } var count = 0, total = 0; var i = listKeys.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( listDetails.available[listKeys[i]].off !== true ) { count += 1; } total += 1; } return total !== 0 ? '(' + count.toLocaleString() + '/' + total.toLocaleString() + ')' : ''; }; var liFromListGroup = function(groupKey, listKeys) { let liGroup = document.querySelector('#lists > .groupEntry[data-groupkey="' + groupKey + '"]'); if ( liGroup === null ) { liGroup = listGroupTemplate.clone().nodeAt(0); let groupName = groupNames.get(groupKey); if ( groupName === undefined ) { groupName = vAPI.i18n('3pGroup' + groupKey.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + groupKey.slice(1)); groupNames.set(groupKey, groupName); } if ( groupName !== '' ) { liGroup.querySelector('.geName').textContent = groupName; } } if ( liGroup.querySelector('.geName:empty') === null ) { liGroup.querySelector('.geCount').textContent = listEntryCountFromGroup(listKeys); } let hideUnused = mustHideUnusedLists(groupKey); liGroup.classList.toggle('hideUnused', hideUnused); let ulGroup = liGroup.querySelector('.listEntries'); if ( !listKeys ) { return liGroup; } listKeys.sort(function(a, b) { return (listDetails.available[a].title || '').localeCompare(listDetails.available[b].title || ''); }); for ( let i = 0; i < listKeys.length; i++ ) { let liEntry = liFromListEntry( listKeys[i], ulGroup.children[i], hideUnused ); if ( liEntry.parentElement === null ) { ulGroup.appendChild(liEntry); } } return liGroup; }; var groupsFromLists = function(lists) { let groups = new Map(); let listKeys = Object.keys(lists); for ( let listKey of listKeys ) { let list = lists[listKey]; let groupKey = list.group || 'nogroup'; if ( groupKey === 'social' ) { groupKey = 'annoyances'; } let memberKeys = groups.get(groupKey); if ( memberKeys === undefined ) { groups.set(groupKey, (memberKeys = [])); } memberKeys.push(listKey); } return groups; }; var onListsReceived = function(details) { // Before all, set context vars listDetails = details; // "My filters" will now sit in its own group. The following code // ensures smooth transition. listDetails.available['user-filters'].group = 'user'; // Incremental rendering: this will allow us to easily discard unused // DOM list entries. uDom('#lists .listEntries .listEntry[data-listkey]').addClass('discard'); // Remove import widget while we recreate list of lists. var importWidget = uDom('.listEntry.toImport').detach(); // Visually split the filter lists in purpose-based groups var ulLists = document.querySelector('#lists'), groups = groupsFromLists(details.available), groupKeys = [ 'user', 'default', 'ads', 'privacy', 'malware', 'annoyances', 'multipurpose', 'regions', 'custom' ]; document.body.classList.toggle('hideUnused', mustHideUnusedLists('*')); for ( let i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++ ) { let groupKey = groupKeys[i]; let liGroup = liFromListGroup(groupKey, groups.get(groupKey)); liGroup.setAttribute('data-groupkey', groupKey); liGroup.classList.toggle( 'collapsed', vAPI.localStorage.getItem('collapseGroup' + (i + 1)) === 'y' ); if ( liGroup.parentElement === null ) { ulLists.appendChild(liGroup); } groups.delete(groupKey); } // For all groups not covered above (if any left) groupKeys = Object.keys(groups); for ( let groupKey of groupKeys.keys() ) { ulLists.appendChild(liFromListGroup(groupKey, groupKey)); } uDom('#lists .listEntries .listEntry.discard').remove(); // Re-insert import widget. uDom('[data-groupkey="custom"] .listEntries').append(importWidget); uDom.nodeFromId('autoUpdate').checked = listDetails.autoUpdate === true; uDom.nodeFromId('listsOfBlockedHostsPrompt').textContent = vAPI.i18n('3pListsOfBlockedHostsPrompt') .replace( '{{netFilterCount}}', renderNumber(details.netFilterCount) ) .replace( '{{cosmeticFilterCount}}', renderNumber(details.cosmeticFilterCount) ); uDom.nodeFromId('parseCosmeticFilters').checked = listDetails.parseCosmeticFilters === true; uDom.nodeFromId('ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters').checked = listDetails.ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters === true; // Compute a hash of the settings so that we can keep track of changes // affecting the loading of filter lists. if ( !soft ) { filteringSettingsHash = hashFromCurrentFromSettings(); } renderWidgets(); }; messaging.send('dashboard', { what: 'getLists' }, onListsReceived); }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderWidgets = function() { uDom('#buttonApply').toggleClass( 'disabled', filteringSettingsHash === hashFromCurrentFromSettings() ); uDom('#buttonPurgeAll').toggleClass( 'disabled', document.querySelector('#lists .listEntry.cached:not(.obsolete)') === null ); uDom('#buttonUpdate').toggleClass( 'disabled', document.querySelector('body:not(.updating) #lists .listEntry.obsolete > input[type="checkbox"]:checked') === null ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var updateAssetStatus = function(details) { var li = document.querySelector('#lists .listEntry[data-listkey="' + details.key + '"]'); if ( li === null ) { return; } li.classList.toggle('failed', !!details.failed); li.classList.toggle('obsolete', !details.cached); li.classList.toggle('cached', !!details.cached); if ( details.cached ) { li.querySelector('.status.cache').setAttribute( 'title', lastUpdateTemplateString.replace( '{{ago}}', vAPI.i18n.renderElapsedTimeToString(Date.now()) ) ); } renderWidgets(); }; /******************************************************************************* Compute a hash from all the settings affecting how filter lists are loaded in memory. **/ var hashFromCurrentFromSettings = function() { var hash = [ uDom.nodeFromId('parseCosmeticFilters').checked, uDom.nodeFromId('ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters').checked ]; var listHash = [], listEntries = document.querySelectorAll('#lists .listEntry[data-listkey]:not(.toRemove)'), liEntry, i = listEntries.length; while ( i-- ) { liEntry = listEntries[i]; if ( liEntry.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]:checked') !== null ) { listHash.push(liEntry.getAttribute('data-listkey')); } } hash.push( listHash.sort().join(), uDom.nodeFromId('importLists').checked && reValidExternalList.test(uDom.nodeFromId('externalLists').value), document.querySelector('#lists .listEntry.toRemove') !== null ); return hash.join(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onFilteringSettingsChanged = function() { renderWidgets(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onRemoveExternalList = function(ev) { var liEntry = uDom(this).ancestors('[data-listkey]'), listKey = liEntry.attr('data-listkey'); if ( listKey ) { liEntry.toggleClass('toRemove'); renderWidgets(); } ev.preventDefault(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onPurgeClicked = function() { var button = uDom(this), liEntry = button.ancestors('[data-listkey]'), listKey = liEntry.attr('data-listkey'); if ( !listKey ) { return; } messaging.send('dashboard', { what: 'purgeCache', assetKey: listKey }); // If the cached version is purged, the installed version must be assumed // to be obsolete. // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1733 // An external filter list must not be marked as obsolete, they will // always be fetched anyways if there is no cached copy. liEntry.addClass('obsolete'); liEntry.removeClass('cached'); if ( liEntry.descendants('input').first().prop('checked') ) { renderWidgets(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var selectFilterLists = function(callback) { // Cosmetic filtering switch messaging.send('dashboard', { what: 'userSettings', name: 'parseAllABPHideFilters', value: document.getElementById('parseCosmeticFilters').checked }); messaging.send('dashboard', { what: 'userSettings', name: 'ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters', value: document.getElementById('ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters').checked }); // Filter lists to select var toSelect = [], liEntries = document.querySelectorAll('#lists .listEntry[data-listkey]:not(.toRemove)'), i = liEntries.length, liEntry; while ( i-- ) { liEntry = liEntries[i]; if ( liEntry.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]:checked') !== null ) { toSelect.push(liEntry.getAttribute('data-listkey')); } } // External filter lists to remove var toRemove = []; liEntries = document.querySelectorAll('#lists .listEntry.toRemove[data-listkey]'); i = liEntries.length; while ( i-- ) { toRemove.push(liEntries[i].getAttribute('data-listkey')); } // External filter lists to import var externalListsElem = document.getElementById('externalLists'), toImport = externalListsElem.value.trim(); externalListsElem.value = ''; uDom.nodeFromId('importLists').checked = false; messaging.send( 'dashboard', { what: 'applyFilterListSelection', toSelect: toSelect, toImport: toImport, toRemove: toRemove }, callback ); filteringSettingsHash = hashFromCurrentFromSettings(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var buttonApplyHandler = function() { uDom('#buttonApply').removeClass('enabled'); var onSelectionDone = function() { messaging.send('dashboard', { what: 'reloadAllFilters' }); }; selectFilterLists(onSelectionDone); renderWidgets(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var buttonUpdateHandler = function() { var onSelectionDone = function() { document.body.classList.add('updating'); messaging.send('dashboard', { what: 'forceUpdateAssets' }); renderWidgets(); }; selectFilterLists(onSelectionDone); renderWidgets(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var buttonPurgeAllHandler = function(ev) { uDom('#buttonPurgeAll').removeClass('enabled'); messaging.send( 'dashboard', { what: 'purgeAllCaches', hard: ev.ctrlKey && ev.shiftKey }, function() { renderFilterLists(true); } ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var autoUpdateCheckboxChanged = function() { messaging.send( 'dashboard', { what: 'userSettings', name: 'autoUpdate', value: this.checked } ); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Collapsing of unused lists. var mustHideUnusedLists = function(which) { var hideAll = hideUnusedSet.has('*'); if ( which === '*' ) { return hideAll; } return hideUnusedSet.has(which) !== hideAll; }; var toggleHideUnusedLists = function(which) { var groupSelector, doesHideAll = hideUnusedSet.has('*'), mustHide; if ( which === '*' ) { mustHide = doesHideAll === false; groupSelector = ''; hideUnusedSet.clear(); if ( mustHide ) { hideUnusedSet.add(which); } document.body.classList.toggle('hideUnused', mustHide); uDom('.groupEntry[data-groupkey]').toggleClass('hideUnused', mustHide); } else { var doesHide = hideUnusedSet.has(which); if ( doesHide ) { hideUnusedSet.delete(which); } else { hideUnusedSet.add(which); } mustHide = doesHide === doesHideAll; groupSelector = '.groupEntry[data-groupkey="' + which + '"] '; uDom(groupSelector).toggleClass('hideUnused', mustHide); } uDom(groupSelector + '.listEntry > input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked)') .ancestors('.listEntry[data-listkey]') .toggleClass('unused', mustHide); vAPI.localStorage.setItem( 'hideUnusedFilterLists', JSON.stringify(Array.from(hideUnusedSet)) ); }; var revealHiddenUsedLists = function() { uDom('#lists .listEntry.unused > input[type="checkbox"]:checked') .ancestors('.listEntry[data-listkey]') .removeClass('unused'); }; uDom('#listsOfBlockedHostsPrompt').on('click', function() { toggleHideUnusedLists('*'); }); uDom('#lists').on('click', '.groupEntry[data-groupkey] > .geDetails', function(ev) { toggleHideUnusedLists( uDom(ev.target) .ancestors('.groupEntry[data-groupkey]') .attr('data-groupkey') ); }); (function() { var aa; try { var json = vAPI.localStorage.getItem('hideUnusedFilterLists'); if ( json !== null ) { aa = JSON.parse(json); } } catch (ex) { } if ( Array.isArray(aa) === false ) { aa = [ '*' ]; } hideUnusedSet = new Set(aa); })(); /******************************************************************************/ // Cloud-related. var toCloudData = function() { var bin = { parseCosmeticFilters: uDom.nodeFromId('parseCosmeticFilters').checked, ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters: uDom.nodeFromId('ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters').checked, selectedLists: [] }; var liEntries = uDom('#lists .listEntry'), liEntry; var i = liEntries.length; while ( i-- ) { liEntry = liEntries.at(i); if ( liEntry.descendants('input').prop('checked') ) { bin.selectedLists.push(liEntry.attr('data-listkey')); } } return bin; }; var fromCloudData = function(data, append) { if ( typeof data !== 'object' || data === null ) { return; } var elem, checked; elem = uDom.nodeFromId('parseCosmeticFilters'); checked = data.parseCosmeticFilters === true || append && elem.checked; elem.checked = listDetails.parseCosmeticFilters = checked; elem = uDom.nodeFromId('ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters'); checked = data.ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters === true || append && elem.checked; elem.checked = listDetails.ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters = checked; var selectedSet = new Set(data.selectedLists), listEntries = uDom('#lists .listEntry'), listEntry, listKey; for ( var i = 0, n = listEntries.length; i < n; i++ ) { listEntry = listEntries.at(i); listKey = listEntry.attr('data-listkey'); var hasListKey = selectedSet.has(listKey); selectedSet.delete(listKey); var input = listEntry.descendants('input').first(); if ( append && input.prop('checked') ) { continue; } input.prop('checked', hasListKey); } // If there are URL-like list keys left in the selected set, import them. for ( listKey of selectedSet ) { if ( reValidExternalList.test(listKey) === false ) { selectedSet.delete(listKey); } } if ( selectedSet.size !== 0 ) { elem = uDom.nodeFromId('externalLists'); if ( append ) { if ( elem.value.trim() !== '' ) { elem.value += '\n'; } } else { elem.value = ''; } elem.value += Array.from(selectedSet).join('\n'); uDom.nodeFromId('importLists').checked = true; } revealHiddenUsedLists(); renderWidgets(); }; self.cloud.onPush = toCloudData; self.cloud.onPull = fromCloudData; /******************************************************************************/ uDom('#autoUpdate').on('change', autoUpdateCheckboxChanged); uDom('#parseCosmeticFilters').on('change', onFilteringSettingsChanged); uDom('#ignoreGenericCosmeticFilters').on('change', onFilteringSettingsChanged); uDom('#buttonApply').on('click', buttonApplyHandler); uDom('#buttonUpdate').on('click', buttonUpdateHandler); uDom('#buttonPurgeAll').on('click', buttonPurgeAllHandler); uDom('#lists').on('change', '.listEntry > input', onFilteringSettingsChanged); uDom('#lists').on('click', '.listEntry > a.remove', onRemoveExternalList); uDom('#lists').on('click', 'span.cache', onPurgeClicked); uDom('#externalLists').on('input', onFilteringSettingsChanged); /******************************************************************************/ renderFilterLists(); /******************************************************************************/ })();