/******************************************************************************* sessbench - a Chromium browser extension to benchmark browser session. Copyright (C) 2013 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/sessbench TODO: cleanup/refactor */ /* global vAPI, uDom */ /******************************************************************************/ (function() { /******************************************************************************/ var messager = vAPI.messaging.channel('devtool-log.js'); var inspectedTabId = ''; var doc = document; var body = doc.body; var tbody = doc.querySelector('#content tbody'); var rowJunkyard = []; /******************************************************************************/ var renderURL = function(url, filter) { if ( filter.charAt(0) !== 's' ) { return url; } // make a regex out of the filter var reText = filter.slice(3); var pos = reText.indexOf('$'); if ( pos > 0 ) { reText = reText.slice(0, pos); } if ( reText === '*' ) { reText = '\\*'; } else { reText = reText .replace(/\./g, '\\.') .replace(/\?/g, '\\?') .replace('||', '') .replace(/\^/g, '.') .replace(/\*/g, '.*') ; } var re = new RegExp(reText, 'gi'); var matches = re.exec(url); var renderedURL = url; if ( matches && matches[0].length ) { renderedURL = url.slice(0, matches.index) + '' + url.slice(matches.index, re.lastIndex) + '' + url.slice(re.lastIndex); } return renderedURL; }; /******************************************************************************/ var createRow = function() { var tr = rowJunkyard.pop(); if ( tr ) { tr.className = ''; return tr; } tr = doc.createElement('tr'); tr.appendChild(doc.createElement('td')); tr.appendChild(doc.createElement('td')); tr.appendChild(doc.createElement('td')); return tr; }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderLogEntry = function(entry) { var tr = createRow(); if ( entry.result.charAt(1) === 'b' ) { tr.classList.add('blocked'); } else if ( entry.result.charAt(1) === 'a' ) { tr.classList.add('allowed'); if ( entry.result.charAt(0) === 'm' ) { tr.classList.add('mirrored'); } } if ( entry.type === 'main_frame' ) { tr.classList.add('maindoc'); } tr.cells[0].textContent = entry.result.slice(3); tr.cells[1].textContent = entry.type; vAPI.insertHTML(tr.cells[2], renderURL(entry.url, entry.result)); tbody.insertBefore(tr, tbody.firstChild); }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderLogBuffer = function(buffer) { // Preserve scroll position var height = tbody.offsetHeight; var n = buffer.length; for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { renderLogEntry(buffer[i]); } if ( body.scrollTop !== 0 ) { body.scrollTop += tbody.offsetHeight - height; } }; /******************************************************************************/ var onBufferRead = function(buffer) { if ( Array.isArray(buffer) ) { renderLogBuffer(buffer); } setTimeout(readLogBuffer, 1000); }; /******************************************************************************/ // This can be called only once, at init time. After that, this will be called // automatically. If called after init time, this will be messy, and this would // require a bit more code to ensure no multi time out events. var readLogBuffer = function() { messager.send({ what: 'readLogBuffer', tabId: inspectedTabId }, onBufferRead); }; /******************************************************************************/ var clearBuffer = function() { while ( tbody.firstChild !== null ) { rowJunkyard.push(tbody.removeChild(tbody.firstChild)); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var reloadTab = function() { messager.send({ what: 'reloadTab', tabId: inspectedTabId }); }; /******************************************************************************/ uDom.onLoad(function() { // Extract the tab id of the page we need to pull the log var matches = window.location.search.match(/[\?&]tabId=([^&]+)/); if ( matches && matches.length === 2 ) { inspectedTabId = matches[1]; } readLogBuffer(); uDom('#reload').on('click', reloadTab); uDom('#clear').on('click', clearBuffer); }); /******************************************************************************/ })();