/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ // ***************************************************************************** // start of local namespace { // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/405 // Be more flexible with whitelist syntax // Any special regexp char will be escaped const whitelistDirectiveEscape = /[-\/\\^$+?.()|[\]{}]/g; // All `*` will be expanded into `.*` const whitelistDirectiveEscapeAsterisk = /\*/g; // Remember encountered regexps for reuse. const directiveToRegexpMap = new Map(); // Probably manually entered whitelist directive const isHandcraftedWhitelistDirective = function(directive) { return directive.startsWith('/') && directive.endsWith('/') || directive.indexOf('/') !== -1 && directive.indexOf('*') !== -1; }; const matchDirective = function(url, hostname, directive) { // Directive is a plain hostname. if ( directive.indexOf('/') === -1 ) { return hostname.endsWith(directive) && (hostname.length === directive.length || hostname.charAt(hostname.length - directive.length - 1) === '.'); } // Match URL exactly. if ( directive.startsWith('/') === false && directive.indexOf('*') === -1 ) { return url === directive; } // Transpose into a regular expression. let re = directiveToRegexpMap.get(directive); if ( re === undefined ) { let reStr; if ( directive.startsWith('/') && directive.endsWith('/') ) { reStr = directive.slice(1, -1); } else { reStr = directive.replace(whitelistDirectiveEscape, '\\$&') .replace(whitelistDirectiveEscapeAsterisk, '.*'); } re = new RegExp(reStr); directiveToRegexpMap.set(directive, re); } return re.test(url); }; const matchBucket = function(url, hostname, bucket, start) { if ( bucket ) { for ( let i = start || 0, n = bucket.length; i < n; i++ ) { if ( matchDirective(url, hostname, bucket[i]) ) { return i; } } } return -1; }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.getNetFilteringSwitch = function(url) { const hostname = this.URI.hostnameFromURI(url); let key = hostname; for (;;) { if ( matchBucket(url, hostname, this.netWhitelist.get(key)) !== -1 ) { return false; } const pos = key.indexOf('.'); if ( pos === -1 ) { break; } key = key.slice(pos + 1); } if ( matchBucket(url, hostname, this.netWhitelist.get('//')) !== -1 ) { return false; } return true; }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.toggleNetFilteringSwitch = function(url, scope, newState) { const currentState = this.getNetFilteringSwitch(url); if ( newState === undefined ) { newState = !currentState; } if ( newState === currentState ) { return currentState; } const netWhitelist = this.netWhitelist; const pos = url.indexOf('#'); let targetURL = pos !== -1 ? url.slice(0, pos) : url; const targetHostname = this.URI.hostnameFromURI(targetURL); let key = targetHostname; let directive = scope === 'page' ? targetURL : targetHostname; // Add to directive list if ( newState === false ) { let bucket = netWhitelist.get(key); if ( bucket === undefined ) { bucket = []; netWhitelist.set(key, bucket); } bucket.push(directive); this.saveWhitelist(); return true; } // Remove all directives which cause current URL to be whitelisted for (;;) { const bucket = netWhitelist.get(key); if ( bucket !== undefined ) { let i; for (;;) { i = matchBucket(targetURL, targetHostname, bucket, i); if ( i === -1 ) { break; } directive = bucket.splice(i, 1)[0]; if ( isHandcraftedWhitelistDirective(directive) ) { netWhitelist.get('#').push(`# ${directive}`); } } if ( bucket.length === 0 ) { netWhitelist.delete(key); } } const pos = key.indexOf('.'); if ( pos === -1 ) { break; } key = key.slice(pos + 1); } const bucket = netWhitelist.get('//'); if ( bucket !== undefined ) { let i; for (;;) { i = matchBucket(targetURL, targetHostname, bucket, i); if ( i === -1 ) { break; } directive = bucket.splice(i, 1)[0]; if ( isHandcraftedWhitelistDirective(directive) ) { netWhitelist.get('#').push(`# ${directive}`); } } if ( bucket.length === 0 ) { netWhitelist.delete('//'); } } this.saveWhitelist(); return true; }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.arrayFromWhitelist = function(whitelist) { const out = new Set(); for ( const bucket of whitelist.values() ) { for ( const directive of bucket ) { out.add(directive); } } return Array.from(out).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); }; µBlock.stringFromWhitelist = function(whitelist) { return this.arrayFromWhitelist(whitelist).join('\n'); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.whitelistFromArray = function(lines) { const whitelist = new Map(); // Comment bucket must always be ready to be used. whitelist.set('#', []); // New set of directives, scrap cached data. directiveToRegexpMap.clear(); for ( let line of lines ) { line = line.trim(); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/171 // Skip empty lines if ( line === '' ) { continue; } let key, directive; // Don't throw out commented out lines: user might want to fix them if ( line.startsWith('#') ) { key = '#'; directive = line; } // Plain hostname else if ( line.indexOf('/') === -1 ) { if ( this.reWhitelistBadHostname.test(line) ) { key = '#'; directive = '# ' + line; } else { key = directive = line; } } // Regex-based (ensure it is valid) else if ( line.length > 2 && line.startsWith('/') && line.endsWith('/') ) { key = '//'; directive = line; try { const re = new RegExp(directive.slice(1, -1)); directiveToRegexpMap.set(directive, re); } catch(ex) { key = '#'; directive = '# ' + line; } } // URL, possibly wildcarded: there MUST be at least one hostname // label (or else it would be just impossible to make an efficient // dict. else { const matches = this.reWhitelistHostnameExtractor.exec(line); if ( !matches || matches.length !== 2 ) { key = '#'; directive = '# ' + line; } else { key = matches[1]; directive = line; } } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/171 // Skip empty keys if ( key === '' ) { continue; } // Be sure this stays fixed: // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/185 let bucket = whitelist.get(key); if ( bucket === undefined ) { bucket = []; whitelist.set(key, bucket); } bucket.push(directive); } return whitelist; }; µBlock.whitelistFromString = function(s) { return this.whitelistFromArray(s.split('\n')); }; // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3717 µBlock.reWhitelistBadHostname = /[^a-z0-9.\-_\[\]:]/; µBlock.reWhitelistHostnameExtractor = /([a-z0-9.\-_\[\]]+)(?::[\d*]+)?\/(?:[^\x00-\x20\/]|$)[^\x00-\x20]*$/; // end of local namespace // ***************************************************************************** } /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.changeUserSettings = function(name, value) { let us = this.userSettings; // Return all settings if none specified. if ( name === undefined ) { us = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(us)); us.noCosmeticFiltering = this.sessionSwitches.evaluate('no-cosmetic-filtering', '*') === 1; us.noLargeMedia = this.sessionSwitches.evaluate('no-large-media', '*') === 1; us.noRemoteFonts = this.sessionSwitches.evaluate('no-remote-fonts', '*') === 1; us.noScripting = this.sessionSwitches.evaluate('no-scripting', '*') === 1; us.noCSPReports = this.sessionSwitches.evaluate('no-csp-reports', '*') === 1; return us; } if ( typeof name !== 'string' || name === '' ) { return; } if ( value === undefined ) { return us[name]; } // Pre-change switch ( name ) { case 'largeMediaSize': if ( typeof value !== 'number' ) { value = parseInt(value, 10) || 0; } value = Math.ceil(Math.max(value, 0)); break; default: break; } // Change -- but only if the user setting actually exists. let mustSave = us.hasOwnProperty(name) && value !== us[name]; if ( mustSave ) { us[name] = value; } // Post-change switch ( name ) { case 'advancedUserEnabled': if ( value === true ) { us.dynamicFilteringEnabled = true; } break; case 'autoUpdate': this.scheduleAssetUpdater(value ? 7 * 60 * 1000 : 0); break; case 'collapseBlocked': if ( value === false ) { this.cosmeticFilteringEngine.removeFromSelectorCache('*', 'net'); } break; case 'contextMenuEnabled': this.contextMenu.update(null); break; case 'hyperlinkAuditingDisabled': if ( this.privacySettingsSupported ) { vAPI.browserSettings.set({ 'hyperlinkAuditing': !value }); } break; case 'noCosmeticFiltering': case 'noLargeMedia': case 'noRemoteFonts': case 'noScripting': case 'noCSPReports': let switchName; switch ( name ) { case 'noCosmeticFiltering': switchName = 'no-cosmetic-filtering'; break; case 'noLargeMedia': switchName = 'no-large-media'; break; case 'noRemoteFonts': switchName = 'no-remote-fonts'; break; case 'noScripting': switchName = 'no-scripting'; break; case 'noCSPReports': switchName = 'no-csp-reports'; break; default: break; } if ( switchName === undefined ) { break; } let switchState = value ? 1 : 0; this.sessionSwitches.toggle(switchName, '*', switchState); if ( this.permanentSwitches.toggle(switchName, '*', switchState) ) { this.saveHostnameSwitches(); } break; case 'prefetchingDisabled': if ( this.privacySettingsSupported ) { vAPI.browserSettings.set({ 'prefetching': !value }); } break; case 'webrtcIPAddressHidden': if ( this.privacySettingsSupported ) { vAPI.browserSettings.set({ 'webrtcIPAddress': !value }); } break; default: break; } if ( mustSave ) { this.saveUserSettings(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/8524cf/my_custom_scriptlets_doesnt_work_what_am_i_doing/ µBlock.changeHiddenSettings = function(hs) { const mustReloadResources = hs.userResourcesLocation !== this.hiddenSettings.userResourcesLocation; this.hiddenSettings = hs; this.saveHiddenSettings(); if ( mustReloadResources ) { this.redirectEngine.invalidateResourcesSelfie(); this.loadRedirectResources(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.elementPickerExec = function(tabId, targetElement, zap) { if ( vAPI.isBehindTheSceneTabId(tabId) ) { return; } this.epickerTarget = targetElement || ''; this.epickerZap = zap || false; // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/40 // The element picker needs this library vAPI.tabs.injectScript( tabId, { file: '/lib/diff/swatinem_diff.js', runAt: 'document_end' } ); // https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/168 // Force activate the target tab once the element picker has been // injected. vAPI.tabs.injectScript( tabId, { file: '/js/scriptlets/element-picker.js', runAt: 'document_end' }, ( ) => { vAPI.tabs.select(tabId); } ); }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2033 // Always set own rules, trying to be fancy to avoid setting seemingly // (but not really) redundant rules led to this issue. µBlock.toggleFirewallRule = function(details) { let requestType = details.requestType; if ( details.action !== 0 ) { this.sessionFirewall.setCell(details.srcHostname, details.desHostname, requestType, details.action); } else { this.sessionFirewall.unsetCell(details.srcHostname, details.desHostname, requestType); } // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/731#issuecomment-73937469 if ( details.persist ) { if ( details.action !== 0 ) { this.permanentFirewall.setCell(details.srcHostname, details.desHostname, requestType, details.action); } else { this.permanentFirewall.unsetCell(details.srcHostname, details.desHostname, requestType, details.action); } this.savePermanentFirewallRules(); } // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1662 // Flush all cached `net` cosmetic filters if we are dealing with a // collapsible type: any of the cached entries could be a resource on the // target page. let srcHostname = details.srcHostname; if ( (srcHostname !== '*') && (requestType === '*' || requestType === 'image' || requestType === '3p' || requestType === '3p-frame') ) { srcHostname = '*'; } // https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/420 this.cosmeticFilteringEngine.removeFromSelectorCache(srcHostname, 'net'); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.toggleURLFilteringRule = function(details) { let changed = this.sessionURLFiltering.setRule( details.context, details.url, details.type, details.action ); if ( changed === false ) { return; } this.cosmeticFilteringEngine.removeFromSelectorCache(details.context, 'net'); if ( details.persist !== true ) { return; } changed = this.permanentURLFiltering.setRule( details.context, details.url, details.type, details.action ); if ( changed ) { this.savePermanentFirewallRules(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.toggleHostnameSwitch = function(details) { let changed = this.sessionSwitches.toggleZ( details.name, details.hostname, !!details.deep, details.state ); if ( changed === false ) { return; } // Take action if needed switch ( details.name ) { case 'no-cosmetic-filtering': this.scriptlets.injectDeep( details.tabId, details.state ? 'cosmetic-off' : 'cosmetic-on' ); break; case 'no-large-media': const pageStore = this.pageStoreFromTabId(details.tabId); if ( pageStore !== null ) { pageStore.temporarilyAllowLargeMediaElements(!details.state); } break; } if ( details.persist !== true ) { return; } changed = this.permanentSwitches.toggleZ( details.name, details.hostname, !!details.deep, details.state ); if ( changed ) { this.saveHostnameSwitches(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ // https://github.com/NanoMeow/QuickReports/issues/6#issuecomment-414516623 // Inject as early as possible to make the cosmetic logger code less // sensitive to the removal of DOM nodes which may match injected // cosmetic filters. µBlock.logCosmeticFilters = function(tabId, frameId) { vAPI.tabs.injectScript(tabId, { file: '/js/scriptlets/cosmetic-logger.js', frameId: frameId, runAt: 'document_start' }); }; /******************************************************************************/ µBlock.scriptlets = (function() { const pendingEntries = new Map(); const Entry = class { constructor(tabId, scriptlet, callback) { this.tabId = tabId; this.scriptlet = scriptlet; this.callback = callback; this.timer = vAPI.setTimeout(this.service.bind(this), 1000); } service(response) { if ( this.timer !== null ) { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; } pendingEntries.delete(makeKey(this.tabId, this.scriptlet)); this.callback(response); } }; const makeKey = function(tabId, scriptlet) { return tabId + ' ' + scriptlet; }; const report = function(tabId, scriptlet, response) { const key = makeKey(tabId, scriptlet); const entry = pendingEntries.get(key); if ( entry === undefined ) { return; } entry.service(response); }; const inject = function(tabId, scriptlet, callback) { if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { if ( vAPI.isBehindTheSceneTabId(tabId) ) { callback(); return; } const key = makeKey(tabId, scriptlet); const entry = pendingEntries.get(key); if ( entry !== undefined ) { if ( callback !== entry.callback ) { callback(); } return; } pendingEntries.set(key, new Entry(tabId, scriptlet, callback)); } vAPI.tabs.injectScript(tabId, { file: '/js/scriptlets/' + scriptlet + '.js' }); }; // TODO: think about a callback mechanism. const injectDeep = function(tabId, scriptlet) { vAPI.tabs.injectScript(tabId, { file: '/js/scriptlets/' + scriptlet + '.js', allFrames: true }); }; return { inject: inject, injectDeep: injectDeep, report: report }; })();