/******************************************************************************* µBlock - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ /* global vAPI, uDom */ /******************************************************************************/ (function() { 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ var userListName = vAPI.i18n('1pPageName'); var listDetails = {}; var cosmeticSwitch = true; var externalLists = ''; var cacheWasPurged = false; var needUpdate = false; var hasCachedContent = false; /******************************************************************************/ var onMessage = function(msg) { switch ( msg.what ) { case 'allFilterListsReloaded': renderFilterLists(); break; case 'forceUpdateAssetsProgress': renderBusyOverlay(true, msg.progress); if ( msg.done ) { messager.send({ what: 'reloadAllFilters' }); } break; default: break; } }; var messager = vAPI.messaging.channel('3p-filters.js', onMessage); /******************************************************************************/ var renderNumber = function(value) { return value.toLocaleString(); }; /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: get rid of background page dependencies var renderFilterLists = function() { var listGroupTemplate = uDom('#templates .groupEntry'); var listEntryTemplate = uDom('#templates .listEntry'); var listStatsTemplate = vAPI.i18n('3pListsOfBlockedHostsPerListStats'); var renderElapsedTimeToString = vAPI.i18n.renderElapsedTimeToString; var lastUpdateString = vAPI.i18n('3pLastUpdate'); // Assemble a pretty blacklist name if possible var listNameFromListKey = function(listKey) { if ( listKey === listDetails.userFiltersPath ) { return userListName; } var list = listDetails.current[listKey] || listDetails.available[listKey]; var listTitle = list ? list.title : ''; if ( listTitle === '' ) { return listKey; } return listTitle; }; var liFromListEntry = function(listKey) { var elem, text; var entry = listDetails.available[listKey]; var li = listEntryTemplate.clone(); if ( entry.off !== true ) { li.descendants('input').attr('checked', ''); } elem = li.descendants('a:nth-of-type(1)'); elem.attr('href', encodeURI(listKey)); elem.text(listNameFromListKey(listKey) + '\u200E'); elem = li.descendants('a:nth-of-type(2)'); if ( entry.homeDomain ) { elem.attr('href', 'http://' + encodeURI(entry.homeHostname)); elem.text('(' + entry.homeDomain + ')'); elem.css('display', ''); } elem = li.descendants('span:nth-of-type(1)'); text = listStatsTemplate .replace('{{used}}', renderNumber(!entry.off && !isNaN(+entry.entryUsedCount) ? entry.entryUsedCount : 0)) .replace('{{total}}', !isNaN(+entry.entryCount) ? renderNumber(entry.entryCount) : '?'); elem.text(text); // https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/104 var asset = listDetails.cache[listKey] || {}; // Update status if ( entry.off !== true ) { if ( asset.repoObsolete ) { li.descendants('span.status.new').css('display', ''); needUpdate = true; } else if ( asset.cacheObsolete ) { li.descendants('span.status.obsolete').css('display', ''); needUpdate = true; } else if ( entry.external && !asset.cached ) { li.descendants('span.status.obsolete').css('display', ''); needUpdate = true; } } // In cache if ( asset.cached ) { elem = li.descendants('span.status.purge'); elem.css('display', ''); elem.attr('title', lastUpdateString.replace('{{ago}}', renderElapsedTimeToString(asset.lastModified))); hasCachedContent = true; } return li; }; var liFromListGroup = function(groupKey, listKeys) { var liGroup = listGroupTemplate.clone(); liGroup.descendants('span').text(vAPI.i18n('3pGroup' + groupKey.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + groupKey.slice(1))); var ulGroup = liGroup.descendants('ul'); if ( !listKeys ) { return liGroup; } listKeys.sort(function(a, b) { return (listDetails.available[a].title || "").localeCompare(listDetails.available[b].title || ""); }); for ( var i = 0; i < listKeys.length; i++ ) { ulGroup.append(liFromListEntry(listKeys[i])); } return liGroup; }; // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unCVi4hYRlY#t=30m18s var groupsFromLists = function(lists) { var groups = {}; var listKeys = Object.keys(lists); var i = listKeys.length; var listKey, list, groupKey; while ( i-- ) { listKey = listKeys[i]; list = lists[listKey]; groupKey = list.group || 'nogroup'; if ( groups[groupKey] === undefined ) { groups[groupKey] = []; } groups[groupKey].push(listKey); } return groups; }; var onListsReceived = function(details) { // Before all, set context vars listDetails = details; cosmeticSwitch = details.cosmetic; needUpdate = false; hasCachedContent = false; // Visually split the filter lists in purpose-based groups var ulLists = uDom('#lists').empty(); var groups = groupsFromLists(details.available); var groupKey, i; var groupKeys = [ 'default', 'ads', 'privacy', 'malware', 'social', 'multipurpose', 'regions', 'custom' ]; for ( i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++ ) { groupKey = groupKeys[i]; ulLists.append(liFromListGroup(groupKey, groups[groupKey])); delete groups[groupKey]; } // For all groups not covered above (if any left) groupKeys = Object.keys(groups); for ( i = 0; i < groupKeys.length; i++ ) { groupKey = groupKeys[i]; ulLists.append(liFromListGroup(groupKey, groups[groupKey])); } uDom('#listsOfBlockedHostsPrompt').text( vAPI.i18n('3pListsOfBlockedHostsPrompt') .replace('{{netFilterCount}}', renderNumber(details.netFilterCount)) .replace('{{cosmeticFilterCount}}', renderNumber(details.cosmeticFilterCount)) ); uDom('#autoUpdate').prop('checked', listDetails.autoUpdate === true); uDom('#parseCosmeticFilters').prop('checked', listDetails.cosmetic === true); renderWidgets(); renderBusyOverlay(details.manualUpdate, details.manualUpdateProgress); }; messager.send({ what: 'getLists' }, onListsReceived); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Progress must be normalized to [0, 1], or can be undefined. var renderBusyOverlay = function(state, progress) { progress = progress || {}; var showProgress = typeof progress.value === 'number'; if ( showProgress ) { uDom('#busyOverlay > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:first-child').css( 'width', (progress.value * 100).toFixed(1) + '%' ); var text = progress.text || ''; if ( text !== '' ) { uDom('#busyOverlay > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:last-child').text(text); } } uDom('#busyOverlay > div:nth-of-type(2)').css('display', showProgress ? '' : 'none'); uDom('body').toggleClass('busy', !!state); }; /******************************************************************************/ // This is to give a visual hint that the selection of blacklists has changed. var renderWidgets = function() { uDom('#buttonApply').toggleClass('disabled', !listsSelectionChanged()); uDom('#buttonUpdate').toggleClass('disabled', !listsContentChanged()); uDom('#buttonPurgeAll').toggleClass('disabled', !hasCachedContent); }; /******************************************************************************/ // Return whether selection of lists changed. var listsSelectionChanged = function() { if ( listDetails.cosmetic !== cosmeticSwitch ) { return true; } if ( cacheWasPurged ) { return true; } var availableLists = listDetails.available; var currentLists = listDetails.current; var location, availableOff, currentOff; // This check existing entries for ( location in availableLists ) { if ( availableLists.hasOwnProperty(location) === false ) { continue; } availableOff = availableLists[location].off === true; currentOff = currentLists[location] === undefined || currentLists[location].off === true; if ( availableOff !== currentOff ) { return true; } } // This check removed entries for ( location in currentLists ) { if ( currentLists.hasOwnProperty(location) === false ) { continue; } currentOff = currentLists[location].off === true; availableOff = availableLists[location] === undefined || availableLists[location].off === true; if ( availableOff !== currentOff ) { return true; } } return false; }; /******************************************************************************/ // Return whether content need update. var listsContentChanged = function() { return needUpdate; }; /******************************************************************************/ var onListCheckboxChanged = function() { var href = uDom(this).parent().descendants('a').first().attr('href'); if ( typeof href !== 'string' ) { return; } if ( listDetails.available[href] === undefined ) { return; } listDetails.available[href].off = !this.checked; renderWidgets(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onListLinkClicked = function(ev) { messager.send({ what: 'gotoURL', details: { url: 'asset-viewer.html?url=' + uDom(this).attr('href'), select: true, index: -1 } }); ev.preventDefault(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var onPurgeClicked = function() { var button = uDom(this); var li = button.parent(); var href = li.descendants('a').first().attr('href'); if ( !href ) { return; } messager.send({ what: 'purgeCache', path: href }); button.remove(); if ( li.descendants('input').first().prop('checked') ) { cacheWasPurged = true; renderWidgets(); } }; /******************************************************************************/ var selectFilterLists = function(callback) { // Cosmetic filtering switch messager.send({ what: 'userSettings', name: 'parseAllABPHideFilters', value: listDetails.cosmetic }); // Filter lists var switches = []; var lis = uDom('#lists .listEntry'), li; var i = lis.length; while ( i-- ) { li = lis.at(i); switches.push({ location: li.descendants('a').attr('href'), off: li.descendants('input').prop('checked') === false }); } messager.send({ what: 'selectFilterLists', switches: switches }, callback); }; /******************************************************************************/ var buttonApplyHandler = function() { renderBusyOverlay(true); var onReloadDone = function() { messager.send({ what: 'reloadAllFilters' }); }; var onSelectionDone = function() { messager.send({ what: 'reloadAllFilters' }, onReloadDone); }; selectFilterLists(onSelectionDone); cacheWasPurged = false; uDom('#buttonApply').toggleClass('enabled', false); }; /******************************************************************************/ var buttonUpdateHandler = function() { if ( needUpdate ) { renderBusyOverlay(true); var onSelectionDone = function() { messager.send({ what: 'forceUpdateAssets' }); }; selectFilterLists(onSelectionDone); cacheWasPurged = false; } uDom('#buttonPurgeAll').toggleClass('enabled', false); }; /******************************************************************************/ var buttonPurgeAllHandler = function() { var onCompleted = function() { cacheWasPurged = true; renderFilterLists(); }; messager.send({ what: 'purgeAllCaches' }, onCompleted); }; /******************************************************************************/ var autoUpdateCheckboxChanged = function() { messager.send({ what: 'userSettings', name: 'autoUpdate', value: this.checked }); }; /******************************************************************************/ var cosmeticSwitchChanged = function() { listDetails.cosmetic = this.checked; renderWidgets(); }; /******************************************************************************/ var renderExternalLists = function() { var onReceived = function(details) { uDom('#externalLists').val(details); externalLists = details; }; messager.send({ what: 'userSettings', name: 'externalLists' }, onReceived); }; /******************************************************************************/ var externalListsChangeHandler = function() { uDom('#externalListsApply').prop( 'disabled', this.value.trim() === externalLists ); }; /******************************************************************************/ var externalListsApplyHandler = function() { externalLists = uDom('#externalLists').val(); messager.send({ what: 'userSettings', name: 'externalLists', value: externalLists }); renderFilterLists(); uDom('#externalListsApply').prop('disabled', true); }; /******************************************************************************/ uDom.onLoad(function() { uDom('#autoUpdate').on('change', autoUpdateCheckboxChanged); uDom('#parseCosmeticFilters').on('change', cosmeticSwitchChanged); uDom('#buttonApply').on('click', buttonApplyHandler); uDom('#buttonUpdate').on('click', buttonUpdateHandler); uDom('#buttonPurgeAll').on('click', buttonPurgeAllHandler); uDom('#lists').on('change', '.listEntry > input', onListCheckboxChanged); uDom('#lists').on('click', '.listEntry > a:nth-of-type(1)', onListLinkClicked); uDom('#lists').on('click', 'span.purge', onPurgeClicked); uDom('#externalLists').on('input', externalListsChangeHandler); uDom('#externalListsApply').on('click', externalListsApplyHandler); renderFilterLists(); renderExternalLists(); }); /******************************************************************************/ })();