Steps, roughly: Capture Task Manager using SimpleScreenRecorder Launch reference benchmark Stop and save capture once reference benchmark completes Extract/crop/scale area to OCR (the CPU figures) avconv -i ublock-cpu.webm -r 4 -vsync 1 -vf "[in] crop=40:86:310:100 [T1], [T1] scale=160:360 [out]" -t 2400 img/img-%04d.png Execute tesseract custom script: ./tessall Then cat out.txt | perl -p -000 -e 's/(\d)\n/\1,/g' | perl -p -e 's/,\n$//' tessal script: #!/bin/sh rm all.txt echo for i in img/img*.png; do echo -ne '\r' $i b=`basename $i .png` tesseract $i out -psm 6 digits 1>/dev/null 2>&1 cat out.txt | perl -p -000 -e 's/(\d+)\s+/\1,/g' | perl -pe 's/,$/\n/' >> all.txt done