"description":"extension name."
"description":"this will be in the chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less"
"message":" 設定",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard."
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard."
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard."
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard."
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard."
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard."
"description":"English (mind the horizontal extent): click the power button to
permanently disable or enable
µBlock for the current site"
"description":"English: requests blocked"
"description":"English: on this page"
"description":"English: since install"
"description":"English: or"
"description":"English: Create"
"description":"English: Pick"
"description":"English: Quit"
"description":"English: Net filters"
"description":"English: Cosmetic filters"
"description":"English: Hide placeholders of blocked elements"
"description":"English: Show the number of blocked requests on the icon"
"description":"English: {{netFilterCount}} network filters + {{cosmeticFilterCount}} cosmetic filters from:"
"description":"English: {{used}} used out of {{total}}"
"description":"English: Parse and enforce Adblock+ element hiding filters."
"description":"English: {{abpHideFilterCount}} element hiding filters used."
This option enables the parsing and enforcing of Adblock Plus-compatible “element hiding” filters<\/a>. These filters are essentially cosmetic, they serve to hide elements in a web page which are deemed to be a visual nuisance, and which can't be blocked by the net request-based filtering engine.<\/p> Enabling this feature increases µBlock<\/i>'s memory footprint.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"description":"English: Lists of blocked hosts"
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"description":"English: Ads"
"description":"English: Privacy"
"description":"English: Malware domains"
"description":"English: Social"
"description":"English: Multipurpose"
"description":"English: Regions, languages"
"description":"English: Custom"
"message":"One URL per line. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored.",
"description":"English: One URL per line. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored."
"description":"English: Apply"
"message":"purge cache",
"description":"English: purge cache"
"message":"One filter per line. A filter can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible filter. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored.",
"description":"English: One filter per line. A filter can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible filter. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored."
"description":"English: Import and append"
"description":"English: Export"
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"message":"このエクステンションホスト名のリストは無効になります。1 行につき 1 つのエントリ。無効なホスト名はサイレント モードで無視されます。",
"description":"English: Your list of host names for which µBlock will be disabled. One host name per line. Invalid host names will be silently ignored."
"description":"English: Import and append"
"description":"English: Export"
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"description":"English: Enable the logging of blocked requests"
"message":"このオプションを有効にしたい場合非ブロック要求の詳細を調べることができます。非ブロック要求のログはこのエクステンションのメモリ フット プリントが増加します。以来、多くのユーザーは決してこの機能を使用するのは示唆されていません。",
"description":"English: see _locales\/en\/messages.log"
"description":"English: Enable the logging of non-blocked requests"
"message":"このオプションを有効にしたい場合非ブロック要求の詳細を調べることができます。非ブロック要求のログはこのエクステンションのメモリ フット プリントが増加します。以来、多くのユーザーは決してこの機能を使用するのは示唆されていません。",
"description":"English: see _locales\/en\/messages.log"
"description":"English: Blocked requests"
"description":"English: Allowed requests"
"description":"English: Type"
"description":"English: Domain"
"description":"English: URL"
"description":"English: Filter"
"description":"English: No blocked requests logged for this page"
"description":"English: No non-blocked requests logged for this page"
"description":"English: Change log<\/a>"
"description":"English: Source code (GPLv3)<\/a>"
"description":"English: Extension data"
"description":"Short descriptive text of the update feature"
"description":"Path column header"
"description":"Status column header"
"description":"Successful outcome of clicking 'update' button"
"description":"Displayed in the status column for each entry"
"description":"Displayed in the status column for each entry"
"description":"Displayed in the status column for each entry"
"description":"Displayed in the status column for each entry"
"description":"Update button"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"