{ "extName": { "message": "µBlock", "description": "extension name." }, "extShortDesc": { "message": "Finally, an efficient blocker for Chromium-based browsers. Easy on CPU and memory.", "description": "this will be in the chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less" }, "settingsPageName": { "message": "设置", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "3pPageName" : { "message": "Third-party filters", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "1pPageName" : { "message": "Your filters", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "statsPageName" : { "message": "Statistics", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "aboutPageName": { "message": "关于", "description": "appears as tab name in dashboard." }, "popupPowerSwitchInfo": { "message": "click the power button to
permanently disable or enable
µBlock for the current site", "description": "English (mind the horizontal extent): click the power button to
permanently disable or enable
µBlock for the current site" }, "popupBlockedRequestPrompt": { "message": "requests blocked", "description": "English: requests blocked" }, "popupBlockedOnThisPagePrompt": { "message": "on this page", "description": "English: on this page" }, "popupBlockedSinceInstallPrompt": { "message": "since install", "description": "English: since install" }, "settingsCollapseBlockedPrompt" : { "message": "Hide placeholders of blocked elements", "description": "English: Hide placeholders of blocked elements" }, "settingsIconBadgePrompt" : { "message": "Show the number of blocked requests on the icon", "description": "English: Show the number of blocked requests on the icon" }, "3pListsOfBlockedHostsPrompt" : { "message": "共{{ubiquitousBlacklistCount}}个不同的屏蔽站点名,来自:", "description": "English: {{ubiquitousBlacklistCount}} distinct blocked hostnames from:" }, "3pListsOfBlockedHostsPerListStats" : { "message": "{{total}}中使用{{used}}", "description": "English: {{used}} used out of {{total}}" }, "3pParseAllABPHideFiltersPrompt1" : { "message": "解析并应用Adblock+元素隐藏过滤规则。", "description": "English: Parse and enforce Adblock+ element hiding filters." }, "3pParseAllABPHideFiltersPrompt2" : { "message": "{{abpHideFilterCount}}条元素隐藏过滤规则被使用。", "description": "English: {{abpHideFilterCount}} element hiding filters used." }, "3pParseAllABPHideFiltersInfo" : { "message": "

这项选项启用了对Adblock Plus相兼容的“元素隐藏”过滤规则。这些过滤规则本质上只是装饰,它们被用于隐藏一个网页上被认为碍眼的元素,并且这些元素不能被矩阵过滤或ABP过滤引擎所屏蔽。


", "description": "English: see English messages.json" }, "3pListsOfBlockedHostsHeader" : { "message": "被屏蔽站点列表", "description": "English: Lists of blocked hosts" }, "3pApplyChanges" : { "message": "应用变更", "description": "English: Apply changes" }, "1pFormatHint" : { "message": "每行一条规则。一条规则可以是一个平凡的站点名或者是一条Adblock Plus的兼容过滤规则。以“!”开头的行将被忽略。", "description": "English: One filter per line. A filter can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible filter. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored." }, "1pImport" : { "message": "导入并附加规则", "description": "English: Import and append" }, "1pExport" : { "message": "导出规则", "description": "English: Export" }, "1pApplyChanges" : { "message": "应用变更", "description": "English: Apply changes" }, "logBlockedRequestsPrompt" : { "message": "Enable the logging of blocked requests", "description": "English: Enable the logging of blocked requests" }, "logBlockedRequestsHelp" : { "message": "You can inspect the details of blocked requests if you wish by enabling this option. The logging of blocked requests increases the memory footprint of µBlock. Since many users will never use this feature, it is disabled by default.", "description": "English: see _locales/en/messages.log" }, "logBlockedRequestsEmpty" : { "message": "No blocked requests logged for this page", "description": "English: No blocked requests logged for this page" }, "aboutChangelog" : { "message": "变更日志", "description": "English: Change log" }, "aboutCode" : { "message": "源代码 (GPLv3)", "description": "English: Source code (GPLv3)" }, "aboutExtensionDataHeader" : { "message": "扩展数据", "description": "English: Extension data" }, "aboutAssetsUpdatePrompt" : { "message": "µBlock使用的资源可以在这里进行升级,而不必等到扩展的下一个发行版。这些资源是拉取自本项目的Github代码托管库。", "description": "Short descriptive text of the update feature" }, "aboutAssetsUpdateColPath" : { "message": "路径", "description": "Path column header" }, "aboutAssetsUpdateColStatus" : { "message": "状态", "description": "Status column header" }, "aboutAssetsUpdateGetListError" : { "message": "有一个错误发生。raw2.github.comXHR是否被屏蔽?", "description": "Successful outcome of clicking 'update' button" }, "aboutAssetsUpdateStatusAdded" : { "message": "将被添加", "description": "Displayed in the status column for each entry" }, "aboutAssetsUpdateStatusChanged" : { "message": "有新版本", "description": "Displayed in the status column for each entry" }, "aboutAssetsUpdateStatusUnchanged" : { "message": "已是最新", "description": "Displayed in the status column for each entry" }, "aboutAssetsUpdateStatusRemoved" : { "message": "将被移除", "description": "Displayed in the status column for each entry" }, "aboutAssetsUpdateButton" : { "message": "马上更新", "description": "Update button" }, "aboutAssetsUpdatingButton" : { "message": "正在更新...", "description": "Updating..." }, "dummy": { "message": "This entry must be the last one", "description": "so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry" } }