Deathamns 0886f7e886 Add .jshintrc, and use the "use strict" directive
.jshintrc's otion-set is a personal choice, merely a suggestion.
Beside that, it includes some common globals for specific browsers, so
there's no need to set the globals in every .js file.

In order to force strict coding, "use strict" directive was added into
every .js file.
2014-11-09 17:39:17 +01:00

344 lines
10 KiB

µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
/* global µBlock, vAPI */
'use strict';
// Start isolation from global scope
µBlock.webRequest = (function() {
// Intercept and filter web requests.
var onBeforeRequest = function(details) {
//console.debug('onBeforeRequest()> "%s": %o', details.url, details);
// Do not block behind the scene requests.
var tabId = details.tabId;
if ( tabId < 0 ) {
var µb = µBlock;
var requestURL = details.url;
var requestType = details.type;
// Special handling for root document.
if ( requestType === 'main_frame' && details.parentFrameId === -1 ) {
µb.bindTabToPageStats(tabId, requestURL, 'beforeRequest');
// Commented out until (and if ever) there is a fix for:
// https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410382
// Try to transpose generic `other` category into something more meaningful.
if ( requestType === 'other' ) {
requestType = µb.transposeType('other', µb.URI.set(requestURL).path);
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/206
// https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=410382
// Work around the issue of Chromium not properly setting the type for
// `object` requests. Unclear whether this issue will be fixed, hence
// this workaround to prevent torch-and-pitchfork mobs because ads are
// no longer blocked in videos.
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/281
// Looks like Chrome 38 (but not 39) doesn't provide the expected request
// header `X-Requested-With`. Sigh.
if ( requestType === 'other' ) {
requestType = 'object';
// Lookup the page store associated with this tab id.
var pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId);
if ( !pageStore ) {
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/114
var requestContext = pageStore;
var frameStore;
var frameId = details.frameId;
if ( frameId > 0 ) {
if ( frameStore = pageStore.getFrame(frameId) ) {
requestContext = frameStore;
var result = pageStore.filterRequest(requestContext, requestType, requestURL);
// Not blocked
if ( pageStore.boolFromResult(result) === false ) {
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/114
if ( frameId > 0 && frameStore === undefined ) {
pageStore.addFrame(frameId, requestURL);
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/351
// Bypass experimental features when disabled for a site
if ( µb.userSettings.experimentalEnabled && pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch() ) {
// https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=387198
// Not all redirects will succeed, until bug above is fixed.
var redirectURL = µb.mirrors.toURL(requestURL, true);
if ( redirectURL !== '' ) {
pageStore.setRequestFlags(requestURL, 0x01, 0x01);
//console.debug('"%s" redirected to "%s..."', requestURL.slice(0, 50), redirectURL.slice(0, 50));
return { redirectUrl: redirectURL };
//console.debug('µBlock> onBeforeRequest()> ALLOW "%s" (%o)', details.url, details);
// Blocked
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/18
// Do not use redirection, we need to block outright to be sure the request
// will not be made. There can be no such guarantee with redirection.
// console.debug('µBlock> onBeforeRequest()> BLOCK "%s" (%o) because "%s"', details.url, details, result);
return { 'cancel': true };
// Intercept root frame requests. This is where we identify and block popups.
var onBeforeSendHeaders = function(details) {
// TODO: I vaguely remember reading that when pre-fetch is enabled,
// the tab id could be -1, despite the request not really being a
// behind-the-scene request. If true, the test below would prevent
// the popup blocker from working. Need to check this.
// Do not block behind the scene requests.
var tabId = details.tabId;
if ( tabId < 0 ) {
// Only root document.
if ( details.parentFrameId !== -1 ) {
var µb = µBlock;
var requestURL = details.url;
// Lookup the page store associated with this tab id.
var pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId);
if ( !pageStore ) {
// This happens under normal circumstances in Opera.
// Heuristic to determine whether we are dealing with a popup:
// - the page store is new (it's not a reused one)
// - the referrer is not nil
// Can't be a popup, the tab was in use previously.
if ( pageStore.previousPageURL !== '' ) {
var referrer = headerValue(details.requestHeaders, 'referer');
if ( referrer === '' ) {
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/323
if ( pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch() === false ) {
// TODO: I think I should test the switch of the referrer instead, not the
// switch of the popup. If so, that would require being able to lookup
// a page store from a URL. Have to keep in mind the same URL can appear
// in multiple tabs.
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/67
// We need to pass the details of the page which opened this popup,
// so that the `third-party` option works.
// Create a synthetic context based on the referrer.
var µburi = µb.URI;
var referrerHostname = µburi.hostnameFromURI(referrer);
var pageDetails = {
pageHostname: referrerHostname,
pageDomain: µburi.domainFromHostname(referrerHostname),
pageDetails.rootHostname = pageDetails.pageHostname;
pageDetails.rootDomain = pageDetails.pageDomain;
//console.debug('Referrer="%s"', referrer);
var result = µb.netFilteringEngine.matchStringExactType(pageDetails, requestURL, 'popup');
// Not blocked?
if ( result === '' || result.slice(0, 2) === '@@' ) {
// It is a popup, block and remove the tab.
return { 'cancel': true };
// To handle `inline-script`.
var onHeadersReceived = function(details) {
// Only root document.
if ( details.parentFrameId !== -1 ) {
// Do not interfere with behind-the-scene requests.
var tabId = details.tabId;
if ( tabId < 0 ) {
// Lookup the page store associated with this tab id.
var µb = µBlock;
var pageStore = µb.pageStoreFromTabId(tabId);
if ( !pageStore ) {
var result = '';
if ( pageStore.getNetFilteringSwitch() ) {
result = µb.netFilteringEngine.matchStringExactType(pageStore, details.url, 'inline-script');
// Not blocked?
if ( result === '' || result.slice(0, 2) === '@@' ) {
// Record request
if ( result !== '' ) {
pageStore.recordResult('script', details.url, result);
// Blocked
'name': 'Content-Security-Policy',
'value': "script-src 'unsafe-eval' *"
return { 'responseHeaders': details.responseHeaders };
var headerValue = function(headers, name) {
var i = headers.length;
while ( i-- ) {
if ( headers[i].name.toLowerCase() === name ) {
return headers[i].value;
return '';
vAPI.net.onBeforeRequest = {
urls: [
types: [
extra: [ 'blocking' ],
callback: onBeforeRequest
//function(details) {
// quickProfiler.start('onBeforeRequest');
// var r = onBeforeRequest(details);
// quickProfiler.stop();
// return r;
vAPI.net.onBeforeSendHeaders = {
urls: [
types: [
extra: [ 'blocking', 'requestHeaders' ],
callback: onBeforeSendHeaders
//function(details) {
// quickProfiler.start('onBeforeSendHeaders');
// var r = onBeforeSendHeaders(details);
// quickProfiler.stop();
// return r;
vAPI.net.onHeadersReceived = {
urls: [
types: [
extra: [ 'blocking', 'responseHeaders' ],
callback: onHeadersReceived
console.log('µBlock> Beginning to intercept net requests at %s', (new Date()).toISOString());