mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 18:27:35 +01:00
622 lines
21 KiB
622 lines
21 KiB
"description":"extension name."
"message":"Endelig en effektiv blokkeringsutvidelse. Lavt CPU- og minnebruk.",
"description":"this will be in the chrome web store: must be 132 characters or less"
"message":"uBlock₀ — Dashbord",
"description":"English: uBlock₀ — Dashboard"
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Tredjeparts filtre",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Mine filtre",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Mine regler",
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"uBlock₀ — Nettverkforespørselslogg",
"description":"Title for the network request log window"
"description":"appears as tab name in dashboard"
"message":"Klikk: Deaktiver\/aktiver uBlock₀ for dette nettstedet.\n\nCtrl+klikk: Deaktiver uBlock₀ bare på denne siden.",
"description":"English: Click: disable\/enable uBlock₀ for this site.\n\nCtrl+click: disable uBlock₀ only on this page."
"message":"forespørsler blokkert",
"description":"English: requests blocked"
"message":"på denne siden",
"description":"English: on this page"
"message":"{{count}} eller {{percent}}%",
"description":"Example: 15 or 13%"
"message":"siden installering",
"description":"English: since install"
"description":"English: or"
"message":"Klikk for å åpne dashbordet",
"description":"English: Click to open the dashboard"
"message":"Åpne element-velgermodus",
"description":"English: Enter element picker mode"
"message":"Gå til forespørselslogg",
"description":"English: Go to request log"
"message":"Slå av\/på blokkering av alle oppspretts-vinduer for dette nettstedet",
"description":"English: Toggle the blocking of all popups for this site"
"message":"Slå av\/på streng blokkering for dette nettstedet",
"description":"English: Toggle strict blocking for this site"
"message":"Slå av\/på kosmetisk filtrering for dette nettstedet",
"description":"English: Toggle cosmetic filtering for this site"
"message":"Slå av\/på blokkering av eksterne skrifttyper for dette nettstedet",
"description":"English: Toggle the blocking of remote fonts for this site"
"message":"tredjeparts css\/bilder",
"message":"integrerte skript",
"message":"førsteparts skript",
"message":"tredjeparts skript",
"message":"tredjeparts rammer",
"message":"domener tilkoblet",
"description":"appears in popup"
"message":"{{count}} av {{total}}",
"description":"appears in popup"
"description":"English: Create"
"description":"English: Pick"
"description":"English: Quit"
"description":"English: Net filters"
"message":"Kosmetiske filtre",
"description":"English: Cosmetic filters"
"message":"Klikk, Ctrl-klikk",
"description":"English: Click, Ctrl-click"
"message":"Blokker element",
"description":"English: Block element"
"message":"Skjul blokkerte elementers plassholdere",
"description":"English: Hide placeholders of blocked elements"
"message":"Vis antall blokkerte forespørsler på ikonet",
"description":"English: Show the number of blocked requests on the icon"
"message":"Gjør bruk av høyreklikkmeny der det er hensiktsmessig",
"description":"English: Make use of context menu where appropriate"
"description":"English: Color-blind friendly"
"message":"Enable cloud storage support",
"message":"Jeg er en avansert bruker (<a href='https:\/\/github.com\/gorhill\/uBlock\/wiki\/Advanced-user-features'>Nødvendig lesning<\/a>)",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Deaktiver forhåndshenting (for å hindre enhver tilkobling for blokkerte nettverksforespørsler)",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Deaktiver lenkesporing\/sporingsbilde",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Hindre WebRTC i å lekke hjemme-IP-adresser",
"description":"English: "
"message":"Aktiver eksperimentelle funksjoner (<a href='https:\/\/github.com\/gorhill\/uBlock\/wiki\/Experimental-features'>Info<\/a>)",
"description":"English: Enable experimental features"
"message":"Brukt lagringsplass: {{value}} bytes",
"description":"English: Storage used: {{}} bytes"
"message":"Siste gjenoppretting:",
"description":"English: Last restore:"
"message":"Siste sikkerhetskopi:",
"description":"English: Last backup:"
"message":"{{netFilterCount}} nettverksfiltre + {{cosmeticFilterCount}} kosmetiske filtre fra:",
"description":"English: {{netFilterCount}} network filters + {{cosmeticFilterCount}} cosmetic filters from:"
"message":"{{used}} brukt av {{total}}",
"description":"English: {{used}} used out of {{total}}"
"message":"Automatisk oppdatering av filterlister.",
"description":"English: Auto-update filter lists."
"message":"Oppdater nå",
"description":"English: Update now"
"message":"Tøm alle hurtigbuffere",
"description":"English: Purge all caches"
"message":"Analyser og bruk kosmetiske filtre.",
"description":"English: Parse and enforce Adblock+ element hiding filters."
"message":"<p>Dette alternativet aktiverer analyseringen og bruken av <a href=\"https:\/\/adblockplus.org\/en\/faq_internal#elemhide\">Adblock Plus-kompatible filtre for “elementskjuling”<\/a>. Disse filtrene er i hovedsak kosmetiske, de tjener den hensikt å skjule elementer i en nettside som anses for å være en visuell ulempe, og som ikke blokkeres av den nettforespørselsbaserte filtreringsmotoren.<\/p><p>Aktivering av denne funksjonen øker minnebruken til <i>uBlock₀<\/i>.<\/p>",
"description":"English: see English messages.json"
"message":"Lister over blokkerte verter",
"description":"English: Lists of blocked hosts"
"message":"Bruk endringer",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"description":"English: Ads"
"description":"English: Privacy"
"message":"Domener med skadelig programvare",
"description":"English: Malware domains"
"message":"Sosiale nettverk",
"description":"English: Social"
"description":"English: Multipurpose"
"message":"Regioner, språk",
"description":"English: Regions, languages"
"description":"English: Custom"
"message":"En nettadresse per linje. Linjer med prefikset ‘!’ vil bli ignorert. Ugyldige nettadresser ignoreres stille.",
"description":"English: One URL per line. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored. Invalid URLs will be silently ignored."
"description":"English: Parse"
"message":"rens buffer",
"description":"English: purge cache"
"message":"ny versjon tilgjengelig",
"description":"English: new version available"
"description":"English: outdated"
"message":"Siste oppdatering: {{ago}}",
"description":"English: Last update: {{ago}}, where 'ago' will be replaced with something like '2 days ago'"
"message":"Ett filter per linje. Et filter kan være et vanlig vertsnavn eller et Adblock Plus-kompatibelt filter. Linjer med prefikset ‘!’ vil bli ignorert.",
"description":"English: One filter per line. A filter can be a plain hostname, or an Adblock Plus-compatible filter. Lines prefixed with ‘!’ will be ignored."
"message":"Importer og legg til",
"description":"English: Import and append"
"description":"English: Export"
"description":"English: my-ublock-static-filters_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Bruk endringer",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"message":"Permanente regler",
"message":"Midlertidige regler",
"description":"This will remove all temporary rules"
"description":"This will persist temporary rules"
"description":"Will enable manual-edit mode (textarea)"
"description":"Will save manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"description":"Will discard manually-edited content and exit manual-edit mode"
"message":"Importer fra fil",
"message":"Eksporter til fil",
"description":"default file name to use"
"message":"Liste over dine dynamiske filtreringsregler.",
"description":"English: List of your dynamic filtering rules."
"message":"Regelsyntaks: <code>kilde destinasjon type handling<\/code> (<a href='https:\/\/github.com\/gorhill\/uBlock\/wiki\/Dynamic-filtering:-rule-syntax'>full dokumentasjon<\/a>).",
"description":"English: dynamic rule syntax and full documentation."
"message":"Din liste over vertsnavn hvor uBlock₀ blir deaktivert. Én oppføring per linje. Ugyldige vertsnavn blir stille ignorert.",
"description":"English: Your list of host names for which uBlock₀ will be disabled. One host name per line. Invalid host names will be silently ignored."
"message":"Importer og legg til",
"description":"English: Import and append"
"description":"English: Export"
"description":"English: my-ublock-whitelist_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Bruk endringer",
"description":"English: Apply changes"
"description":"English: Type"
"description":"English: Domain"
"description":"English: URL"
"description":"English: Filter"
"description":"Appears in the logger's tab selector"
"message":"Bak kulissene",
"description":"Pretty name for behind-the-scene network requests"
"message":"filtrer loggoppføringer",
"description":"English: filter log entries"
"message":"Maksimum antall loggoppføringer",
"description":"Tooltip informaing that the input field is to set the maximum number of entries in the log"
"description":"Label for the context selector"
"description":"Label for the type selector"
"message":"Dynamisk adressefiltrering",
"description":"Small header to identify the dynamic URL filtering section"
"message":"Statisk filtrering",
"description":"Small header to identify the static filtering section"
"message":"{{action}} nettverksforespørsler av {{type}} {{br}}som matcher nettadressen {{url}} {{br}}og som stammer {{origin}},{{br}}{{importance}} det er et matchende unntaksfilter.",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"type “{{type}}”",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"enhver type",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"fra “{{origin}}”",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"fra hvor som helst",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"unntatt når",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"selv om",
"description":"Used in the static filtering wizard"
"message":"Statisk filter {{filter}} funnet i:",
"description":"Below this sentence, the filter lists in which the filter was found"
"description":"English: Change log"
"description":"English: project' wiki on Github"
"message":"Kildekode (GPLv3)",
"description":"English: Source code (GPLv3)"
"description":"English: Contributors"
"message":"Sikkerhetskopier til fil",
"description":"English: Backup to file"
"description":"English: my-ublock-backup_{{datetime}}.txt"
"message":"Gjenopprett fra fil",
"description":"English: Restore from file..."
"message":"Tilbakestill til standardinnstillinger",
"description":"English: Reset to default settings..."
"message":"Alle dine innstillinger vil bli overskrevet med data sikkerhetskopiert {{time}}, og uBlock₀ vil starte på nytt.\n\nOverskrive alle eksisterende innstillinger med sikkerhetskopierte data?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm restore"
"message":"Dataene kunne ikke leses eller er ugyldige",
"description":"Message to display when an error occurred during restore"
"message":"Alle dine innstillinger blir fjernet, og uBlock₀ vil starte på nytt.\n\nTilbakestille uBlock₀ til opprinnelige innstillinger?",
"description":"Message asking user to confirm reset"
"message":"Kan ikke koble til {{url}}",
"description":"English: Network error: unable to connect to {{url}}"
"message":"uBlock₀: Legge til følgende nettadresse i din egendefinerte filterliste?\n\nTittel: \"{{title}}\"\nNettadresse: {{url}}",
"description":"English: The message seen by the user to confirm subscription to a ABP filter list"
"message":"et minutt siden",
"description":"English: a minute ago"
"message":"{{value}} minutter siden",
"description":"English: {{value}} minutes ago"
"message":"en time siden",
"description":"English: an hour ago"
"message":"{{value}} timer siden",
"description":"English: {{value}} hours ago"
"message":"en dag siden",
"description":"English: a day ago"
"message":"{{value}} dager siden",
"description":"English: {{value}} days ago"
"message":"Vis dashbord",
"description":"Firefox\/Fennec-specific: Show Dashboard"
"message":"Vis loggeren",
"description":"Firefox\/Fennec-specific: Show Logger"
"description":"Firefox-specific: appears as 'uBlock₀ (off)'"
"message":"uBlock Origin har forhindret lasting av følgende side:",
"description":"English: uBlock₀ has prevented the following page from loading:"
"message":"På grunn av følgende filter:",
"description":"English: Because of the following filter"
"message":"Funnet i:",
"description":"English: List of filter list names follows"
"message":"Gå tilbake",
"description":"English: Go back"
"message":"Lukk dette vinduet",
"description":"English: Close this window"
"message":"Slå av streng (fullstendig) blokkering for {{hostname}}",
"description":"English: Disable strict blocking for {{hostname}} ..."
"description":"English: Temporarily"
"description":"English: Permanently"
"message":"Export to cloud storage",
"message":"Import from cloud storage",
"message":"This device name:",
"description":"used as a prompt for the user to provide a custom device name"
"description":"for generic 'submit' buttons"
"message":"This entry must be the last one",
"description":"so we dont need to deal with comma for last entry"
} |