Raymond Hill 261ef8c510
Add support for procedural :not to HTML filtering
Related issue: <https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3683>

Additionally, improve compile-time error reporting in the logger
2018-12-15 10:46:17 -05:00

2783 lines
82 KiB

uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2014-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
/* jshint bitwise: false */
/* global punycode, HNTrieContainer */
'use strict';
µBlock.staticNetFilteringEngine = (function(){
const µb = µBlock;
// fedcba9876543210
// | | |||
// | | |||
// | | |||
// | | |||
// | | ||+---- bit 0: [BlockAction | AllowAction]
// | | |+----- bit 1: `important`
// | | +------ bit 2- 3: party [0 - 3]
// | +-------- bit 4- 8: type [0 - 31]
// +------------- bit 9-15: unused
const BlockAction = 0 << 0;
const AllowAction = 1 << 0;
const Important = 1 << 1;
const AnyParty = 0 << 2;
const FirstParty = 1 << 2;
const ThirdParty = 2 << 2;
const AnyType = 0 << 4;
const typeNameToTypeValue = {
'no_type': 0 << 4,
'stylesheet': 1 << 4,
'image': 2 << 4,
'object': 3 << 4,
'object_subrequest': 3 << 4,
'script': 4 << 4,
'xmlhttprequest': 5 << 4,
'sub_frame': 6 << 4,
'font': 7 << 4,
'media': 8 << 4,
'websocket': 9 << 4,
'other': 10 << 4,
'popup': 11 << 4, // start of behavorial filtering
'popunder': 12 << 4,
'main_frame': 13 << 4, // start of 1st-party-only behavorial filtering
'generichide': 14 << 4,
'inline-font': 15 << 4,
'inline-script': 16 << 4,
'data': 17 << 4, // special: a generic data holder
'redirect': 18 << 4,
'webrtc': 19 << 4,
'unsupported': 20 << 4
const otherTypeBitValue = typeNameToTypeValue.other;
const typeValueToTypeName = {
1: 'stylesheet',
2: 'image',
3: 'object',
4: 'script',
5: 'xmlhttprequest',
6: 'subdocument',
7: 'font',
8: 'media',
9: 'websocket',
10: 'other',
11: 'popup',
12: 'popunder',
13: 'document',
14: 'generichide',
15: 'inline-font',
16: 'inline-script',
17: 'data',
18: 'redirect',
19: 'webrtc',
20: 'unsupported'
const BlockAnyTypeAnyParty = BlockAction | AnyType | AnyParty;
const BlockAnyType = BlockAction | AnyType;
const BlockAnyParty = BlockAction | AnyParty;
const AllowAnyTypeAnyParty = AllowAction | AnyType | AnyParty;
const AllowAnyType = AllowAction | AnyType;
const AllowAnyParty = AllowAction | AnyParty;
const genericHideException = AllowAction | AnyParty | typeNameToTypeValue.generichide,
genericHideImportant = BlockAction | AnyParty | typeNameToTypeValue.generichide | Important;
// ABP filters: https://adblockplus.org/en/filters
// regex tester: http://regex101.com/
// See the following as short-lived registers, used during evaluation. They are
// valid until the next evaluation.
let pageHostnameRegister = '',
requestHostnameRegister = '';
//var filterRegister = null;
//var categoryRegister = '';
// Local helpers
const normalizeRegexSource = function(s) {
try {
const re = new RegExp(s);
return re.source;
} catch (ex) {
normalizeRegexSource.message = ex.toString();
return '';
const rawToRegexStr = function(s, anchor) {
// https://www.loggly.com/blog/five-invaluable-techniques-to-improve-regex-performance/
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
// Also: remove leading/trailing wildcards -- there is no point.
let reStr = s.replace(rawToRegexStr.escape1, '\\$&')
.replace(rawToRegexStr.escape2, '(?:[^%.0-9a-z_-]|$)')
.replace(rawToRegexStr.escape3, '')
.replace(rawToRegexStr.escape4, '[^ ]*?');
if ( anchor & 0b100 ) {
reStr = (
reStr.startsWith('\\.') ?
rawToRegexStr.reTextHostnameAnchor2 :
) + reStr;
} else if ( anchor & 0b010 ) {
reStr = '^' + reStr;
if ( anchor & 0b001 ) {
reStr += '$';
return reStr;
rawToRegexStr.escape1 = /[.+?${}()|[\]\\]/g;
rawToRegexStr.escape2 = /\^/g;
rawToRegexStr.escape3 = /^\*|\*$/g;
rawToRegexStr.escape4 = /\*/g;
rawToRegexStr.reTextHostnameAnchor1 = '^[a-z-]+://(?:[^/?#]+\\.)?';
rawToRegexStr.reTextHostnameAnchor2 = '^[a-z-]+://(?:[^/?#]+)?';
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/4083#issuecomment-436914727
const rawToPlainStr = function(s, anchor) {
if (
anchor === 0 &&
s.charCodeAt(0) === 0x2F /* '/' */ &&
s.length > 2 &&
s.charCodeAt(s.length-1) === 0x2F /* '/' */
) {
s = s + '*';
return s;
const filterDataSerialize = µb.CompiledLineIO.serialize;
const toLogDataInternal = function(categoryBits, tokenHash, filter) {
if ( filter === null ) { return undefined; }
let logData = filter.logData();
logData.compiled = filterDataSerialize([
if ( categoryBits & 0x001 ) {
logData.raw = '@@' + logData.raw;
let opts = [];
if ( categoryBits & 0x002 ) {
if ( categoryBits & 0x008 ) {
} else if ( categoryBits & 0x004 ) {
let type = categoryBits & 0x1F0;
if ( type !== 0 && type !== typeNameToTypeValue.data ) {
opts.push(typeValueToTypeName[type >>> 4]);
if ( logData.opts !== undefined ) {
if ( opts.length !== 0 ) {
logData.raw += '$' + opts.join(',');
return logData;
// First character of match must be within the hostname part of the url.
const isHnAnchored = function(url, matchStart) {
var hnStart = url.indexOf('://');
if ( hnStart === -1 ) { return false; }
hnStart += 3;
if ( matchStart <= hnStart ) { return true; }
if ( reURLPostHostnameAnchors.test(url.slice(hnStart, matchStart)) ) {
return false;
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1929
// Match only hostname label boundaries.
return url.charCodeAt(matchStart - 1) === 0x2E;
const reURLPostHostnameAnchors = /[\/?#]/;
const arrayStrictEquals = function(a, b) {
var n = a.length;
if ( n !== b.length ) { return false; }
var isArray, x, y;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
x = a[i]; y = b[i];
isArray = Array.isArray(x);
if ( isArray !== Array.isArray(y) ) { return false; }
if ( isArray === true ) {
if ( arrayStrictEquals(x, y) === false ) { return false; }
} else {
if ( x !== y ) { return false; }
return true;
Each filter class will register itself in the map. A filter class
id MUST always stringify to ONE single character.
IMPORTANT: any change which modifies the mapping will have to be
reflected with µBlock.systemSettings.compiledMagic.
const filterClasses = [];
let filterClassIdGenerator = 0;
const registerFilterClass = function(ctor) {
let fid = filterClassIdGenerator++;
ctor.fid = ctor.prototype.fid = fid;
filterClasses[fid] = ctor;
const filterFromCompiledData = function(args) {
return filterClasses[args[0]].load(args);
const FilterTrue = function() {
FilterTrue.prototype.match = function() {
return true;
FilterTrue.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: '*',
regex: '^',
compiled: this.compile(),
FilterTrue.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid ];
FilterTrue.compile = function() {
return [ FilterTrue.fid ];
FilterTrue.load = function() {
return new FilterTrue();
const FilterPlain = function(s, tokenBeg) {
this.s = s;
this.tokenBeg = tokenBeg;
FilterPlain.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) {
return url.startsWith(this.s, tokenBeg - this.tokenBeg);
FilterPlain.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: rawToPlainStr(this.s, 0),
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s, 0),
compiled: this.compile()
FilterPlain.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s, this.tokenBeg ];
FilterPlain.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterPlain.fid, details.f, details.tokenBeg ];
FilterPlain.load = function(args) {
return new FilterPlain(args[1], args[2]);
const FilterPlainPrefix0 = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterPlainPrefix0.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) {
return url.startsWith(this.s, tokenBeg);
FilterPlainPrefix0.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: this.s,
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s, 0),
compiled: this.compile()
FilterPlainPrefix0.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterPlainPrefix0.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterPlainPrefix0.fid, details.f ];
FilterPlainPrefix0.load = function(args) {
return new FilterPlainPrefix0(args[1]);
const FilterPlainPrefix1 = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterPlainPrefix1.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) {
return url.startsWith(this.s, tokenBeg - 1);
FilterPlainPrefix1.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: rawToPlainStr(this.s, 0),
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s, 0),
compiled: this.compile()
FilterPlainPrefix1.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterPlainPrefix1.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterPlainPrefix1.fid, details.f ];
FilterPlainPrefix1.load = function(args) {
return new FilterPlainPrefix1(args[1]);
const FilterPlainHostname = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterPlainHostname.prototype.match = function() {
var haystack = requestHostnameRegister, needle = this.s;
if ( haystack.endsWith(needle) === false ) { return false; }
var offset = haystack.length - needle.length;
return offset === 0 || haystack.charCodeAt(offset - 1) === 0x2E /* '.' */;
FilterPlainHostname.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: '||' + this.s + '^',
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s + '^', 0),
compiled: this.compile()
FilterPlainHostname.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterPlainHostname.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterPlainHostname.fid, details.f ];
FilterPlainHostname.load = function(args) {
return new FilterPlainHostname(args[1]);
const FilterPlainLeftAnchored = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterPlainLeftAnchored.prototype.match = function(url) {
return url.startsWith(this.s);
FilterPlainLeftAnchored.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: '|' + this.s,
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s, 0b010),
compiled: this.compile()
FilterPlainLeftAnchored.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterPlainLeftAnchored.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterPlainLeftAnchored.fid, details.f ];
FilterPlainLeftAnchored.load = function(args) {
return new FilterPlainLeftAnchored(args[1]);
const FilterPlainRightAnchored = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterPlainRightAnchored.prototype.match = function(url) {
return url.endsWith(this.s);
FilterPlainRightAnchored.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: this.s + '|',
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s, 0b001),
compiled: this.compile()
FilterPlainRightAnchored.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterPlainRightAnchored.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterPlainRightAnchored.fid, details.f ];
FilterPlainRightAnchored.load = function(args) {
return new FilterPlainRightAnchored(args[1]);
const FilterExactMatch = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterExactMatch.prototype.match = function(url) {
return url === this.s;
FilterExactMatch.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: '|' + this.s + '|',
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s, 0b011),
compiled: this.compile()
FilterExactMatch.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterExactMatch.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterExactMatch.fid, details.f ];
FilterExactMatch.load = function(args) {
return new FilterExactMatch(args[1]);
const FilterPlainHnAnchored = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterPlainHnAnchored.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) {
return url.startsWith(this.s, tokenBeg) &&
isHnAnchored(url, tokenBeg);
FilterPlainHnAnchored.prototype.logData = function() {
return {
raw: '||' + this.s,
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s, 0),
compiled: this.compile()
FilterPlainHnAnchored.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterPlainHnAnchored.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterPlainHnAnchored.fid, details.f ];
FilterPlainHnAnchored.load = function(args) {
return new FilterPlainHnAnchored(args[1]);
const FilterGeneric = function(s, anchor) {
this.s = s;
this.anchor = anchor;
FilterGeneric.prototype.re = null;
FilterGeneric.prototype.match = function(url) {
if ( this.re === null ) {
this.re = new RegExp(rawToRegexStr(this.s, this.anchor));
return this.re.test(url);
FilterGeneric.prototype.logData = function() {
var out = {
raw: rawToPlainStr(this.s, this.anchor),
regex: this.re.source,
compiled: this.compile()
if ( this.anchor & 0x2 ) {
out.raw = '|' + out.raw;
if ( this.anchor & 0x1 ) {
out.raw += '|';
return out;
FilterGeneric.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s, this.anchor ];
FilterGeneric.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterGeneric.fid, details.f, details.anchor ];
FilterGeneric.load = function(args) {
return new FilterGeneric(args[1], args[2]);
const FilterGenericHnAnchored = function(s) {
this.s = s;
FilterGenericHnAnchored.prototype.re = null;
FilterGenericHnAnchored.prototype.anchor = 0x4;
FilterGenericHnAnchored.prototype.match = function(url) {
if ( this.re === null ) {
this.re = new RegExp(rawToRegexStr(this.s, this.anchor));
return this.re.test(url);
FilterGenericHnAnchored.prototype.logData = function() {
var out = {
raw: '||' + this.s,
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.s, this.anchor & 0b001),
compiled: this.compile()
return out;
FilterGenericHnAnchored.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterGenericHnAnchored.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterGenericHnAnchored.fid, details.f ];
FilterGenericHnAnchored.load = function(args) {
return new FilterGenericHnAnchored(args[1]);
const FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored = function(s) {
FilterGenericHnAnchored.call(this, s);
FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored.prototype = Object.create(
constructor: {
value: FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored
anchor: {
value: 0x5
logData: {
value: function() {
var out = FilterGenericHnAnchored.prototype.logData.call(this);
out.raw += '|';
return out;
compile: {
value: function() {
return [ this.fid, this.s ];
FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored.fid, details.f ];
FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored.load = function(args) {
return new FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored(args[1]);
const FilterRegex = function(s) {
this.re = s;
FilterRegex.prototype.match = function(url) {
if ( typeof this.re === 'string' ) {
this.re = new RegExp(this.re, 'i');
return this.re.test(url);
FilterRegex.prototype.logData = function() {
var s = typeof this.re === 'string' ? this.re : this.re.source;
return {
raw: '/' + s + '/',
regex: s,
compiled: this.compile()
FilterRegex.prototype.compile = function() {
return [
typeof this.re === 'string' ? this.re : this.re.source
FilterRegex.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterRegex.fid, details.f ];
FilterRegex.load = function(args) {
return new FilterRegex(args[1]);
// Filtering according to the origin.
const FilterOrigin = function() {
FilterOrigin.prototype = {
wrapped: {
compile: function() {
return '';
logData: function() {
return {
compiled: ''
match: function() {
return true;
matchOrigin: function() {
return true;
match: function(url, tokenBeg) {
return this.matchOrigin() && this.wrapped.match(url, tokenBeg);
logData: function() {
const out = this.wrapped.logData();
const domainOpt = this.toDomainOpt();
out.compiled = [ this.fid, domainOpt, out.compiled ];
if ( out.opts === undefined ) {
out.opts = 'domain=' + domainOpt;
} else {
out.opts += ',domain=' + domainOpt;
return out;
compile: function() {
return [ this.fid, this.toDomainOpt(), this.wrapped.compile() ];
// *** start of specialized origin matchers
const FilterOriginHit = function(domainOpt) {
this.hostname = domainOpt;
FilterOriginHit.prototype = Object.create(FilterOrigin.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: FilterOriginHit
toDomainOpt: {
value: function() {
return this.hostname;
matchOrigin: {
value: function() {
var needle = this.hostname, haystack = pageHostnameRegister;
if ( haystack.endsWith(needle) === false ) { return false; }
var offset = haystack.length - needle.length;
return offset === 0 || haystack.charCodeAt(offset - 1) === 0x2E /* '.' */;
const FilterOriginMiss = function(domainOpt) {
this.hostname = domainOpt.slice(1);
FilterOriginMiss.prototype = Object.create(FilterOrigin.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: FilterOriginMiss
toDomainOpt: {
value: function() {
return '~' + this.hostname;
matchOrigin: {
value: function() {
var needle = this.hostname, haystack = pageHostnameRegister;
if ( haystack.endsWith(needle) === false ) { return true; }
var offset = haystack.length - needle.length;
return offset !== 0 &&
haystack.charCodeAt(offset - 1) !== 0x2E /* '.' */;
const FilterOriginHitSet = function(domainOpt) {
this.domainOpt = domainOpt.length < 128
? domainOpt
: µb.stringDeduplicater.lookup(domainOpt);
FilterOriginHitSet.prototype = Object.create(FilterOrigin.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: FilterOriginHitSet
oneOf: {
value: null,
writable: true
toDomainOpt: {
value: function() {
return this.domainOpt;
matchOrigin: {
value: function() {
if ( this.oneOf === null ) {
this.oneOf = FilterOrigin.trieContainer.fromIterable(
return this.oneOf.matches(pageHostnameRegister) !== -1;
const FilterOriginMissSet = function(domainOpt) {
this.domainOpt = domainOpt.length < 128
? domainOpt
: µb.stringDeduplicater.lookup(domainOpt);
FilterOriginMissSet.prototype = Object.create(FilterOrigin.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: FilterOriginMissSet
noneOf: {
value: null,
writable: true
toDomainOpt: {
value: function() {
return this.domainOpt;
matchOrigin: {
value: function() {
if ( this.noneOf === null ) {
this.noneOf = FilterOrigin.trieContainer.fromIterable(
this.domainOpt.replace(/~/g, '').split('|')
return this.noneOf.matches(pageHostnameRegister) === -1;
const FilterOriginMixedSet = function(domainOpt) {
this.domainOpt = domainOpt.length < 128
? domainOpt
: µb.stringDeduplicater.lookup(domainOpt);
FilterOriginMixedSet.prototype = Object.create(FilterOrigin.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: FilterOriginMixedSet
oneOf: {
value: null,
writable: true
noneOf: {
value: null,
writable: true
init: {
value: function() {
let oneOf = [], noneOf = [];
for ( let hostname of this.domainOpt.split('|') ) {
if ( hostname.charCodeAt(0) === 0x7E /* '~' */ ) {
} else {
this.oneOf = FilterOrigin.trieContainer.fromIterable(oneOf);
this.noneOf = FilterOrigin.trieContainer.fromIterable(noneOf);
toDomainOpt: {
value: function() {
return this.domainOpt;
matchOrigin: {
value: function() {
if ( this.oneOf === null ) { this.init(); }
let needle = pageHostnameRegister;
return this.oneOf.matches(needle) !== -1 &&
this.noneOf.matches(needle) === -1;
// *** end of specialized origin matchers
// The optimal test function is picked according to the content of the
// `domain=` filter option.
// Re-factored in light of:
// - https://gorhill.github.io/obj-vs-set-vs-map/set-vs-regexp.html
// The re-factoring made possible to reuse instances of a matcher. As of
// writing, I observed that just with EasyList, there were ~1,200 reused
// instances out of ~2,800.
FilterOrigin.matcherFactory = function(domainOpt) {
// One hostname
if ( domainOpt.indexOf('|') === -1 ) {
if ( domainOpt.charCodeAt(0) === 0x7E /* '~' */ ) {
return new FilterOriginMiss(domainOpt);
return new FilterOriginHit(domainOpt);
// Many hostnames.
// Must be in set (none negated).
if ( domainOpt.indexOf('~') === -1 ) {
return new FilterOriginHitSet(domainOpt);
// Must not be in set (all negated).
if ( FilterOrigin.reAllNegated.test(domainOpt) ) {
return new FilterOriginMissSet(domainOpt);
// Must be in one set, but not in the other.
return new FilterOriginMixedSet(domainOpt);
FilterOrigin.reAllNegated = /^~(?:[^|~]+\|~)+[^|~]+$/;
FilterOrigin.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterOrigin.fid, details.domainOpt ];
FilterOrigin.load = function(args) {
var f = FilterOrigin.matcherFactory(args[1]);
f.wrapped = filterFromCompiledData(args[2]);
return f;
FilterOrigin.trieContainer = (function() {
let trieDetails;
try {
trieDetails = JSON.parse(
} catch(ex) {
return new HNTrieContainer(trieDetails);
FilterOrigin.readyToUse = function() {
return FilterOrigin.trieContainer.readyToUse();
FilterOrigin.reset = function() {
return FilterOrigin.trieContainer.reset();
FilterOrigin.optimize = function() {
const trieDetails = FilterOrigin.trieContainer.optimize();
const FilterDataHolder = function(dataType, dataStr) {
this.dataType = dataType;
this.dataStr = dataStr;
this.wrapped = undefined;
FilterDataHolder.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) {
return this.wrapped.match(url, tokenBeg);
FilterDataHolder.prototype.logData = function() {
var out = this.wrapped.logData();
out.compiled = [ this.fid, this.dataType, this.dataStr, out.compiled ];
var opt = this.dataType;
if ( this.dataStr !== '' ) {
opt += '=' + this.dataStr;
if ( out.opts === undefined ) {
out.opts = opt;
} else {
out.opts = opt + ',' + out.opts;
return out;
FilterDataHolder.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.dataType, this.dataStr, this.wrapped.compile() ];
FilterDataHolder.compile = function(details) {
return [ FilterDataHolder.fid, details.dataType, details.dataStr ];
FilterDataHolder.load = function(args) {
var f = new FilterDataHolder(args[1], args[2]);
f.wrapped = filterFromCompiledData(args[3]);
return f;
// Helper class for storing instances of FilterDataHolder.
const FilterDataHolderEntry = function(categoryBits, tokenHash, fdata) {
this.categoryBits = categoryBits;
this.tokenHash = tokenHash;
this.filter = filterFromCompiledData(fdata);
this.next = undefined;
FilterDataHolderEntry.prototype.logData = function() {
return toLogDataInternal(this.categoryBits, this.tokenHash, this.filter);
FilterDataHolderEntry.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.categoryBits, this.tokenHash, this.filter.compile() ];
FilterDataHolderEntry.load = function(data) {
return new FilterDataHolderEntry(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
// Dictionary of hostnames
const FilterHostnameDict = function(args) {
this.h = ''; // short-lived register
this.dict = FilterHostnameDict.trieContainer.createOne(args);
FilterHostnameDict.prototype = {
get size() {
return this.dict.size;
add: function(hn) {
return this.dict.add(hn);
match: function() {
const pos = this.dict.matches(requestHostnameRegister);
if ( pos === -1 ) { return false; }
this.h = requestHostnameRegister.slice(pos);
return true;
logData: function() {
return {
raw: '||' + this.h + '^',
regex: rawToRegexStr(this.h, 0) + '(?:[^%.0-9a-z_-]|$)',
compiled: this.h
compile: function() {
return [ this.fid, FilterHostnameDict.trieContainer.compileOne(this.dict) ];
FilterHostnameDict.trieContainer = (function() {
let trieDetails;
try {
trieDetails = JSON.parse(
} catch(ex) {
return new HNTrieContainer(trieDetails);
FilterHostnameDict.readyToUse = function() {
return FilterHostnameDict.trieContainer.readyToUse();
FilterHostnameDict.reset = function() {
return FilterHostnameDict.trieContainer.reset();
FilterHostnameDict.optimize = function() {
const trieDetails = FilterHostnameDict.trieContainer.optimize();
FilterHostnameDict.load = function(args) {
return new FilterHostnameDict(args[1]);
// Some buckets can grow quite large, and finding a hit in these buckets
// may end up being expensive. After considering various solutions, the one
// retained is to promote hit filters to a smaller index, so that next time
// they can be looked-up faster.
// key= 10000 ad count=660
// key= 10000 ads count=433
// key= 10001 google count=277
// key=1000000 2mdn count=267
// key= 10000 social count=240
// key= 10001 pagead2 count=166
// key= 10000 twitter count=122
// key= 10000 doubleclick count=118
// key= 10000 facebook count=114
// key= 10000 share count=113
// key= 10000 google count=106
// key= 10001 code count=103
// key= 11000 doubleclick count=100
// key=1010001 g count=100
// key= 10001 js count= 89
// key= 10000 adv count= 88
// key= 10000 youtube count= 61
// key= 10000 plugins count= 60
// key= 10001 partner count= 59
// key= 10000 ico count= 57
// key= 110001 ssl count= 57
// key= 10000 banner count= 53
// key= 10000 footer count= 51
// key= 10000 rss count= 51
const FilterPair = function(a, b) {
this.f1 = a;
this.f2 = b;
this.f = null;
Object.defineProperty(FilterPair.prototype, 'size', {
get: function() {
if ( this.f1 === undefined && this.f2 === undefined ) { return 0; }
if ( this.f1 === undefined || this.f2 === undefined ) { return 1; }
return 2;
FilterPair.prototype.remove = function(fdata) {
if ( arrayStrictEquals(this.f2.compile(), fdata) === true ) {
this.f2 = undefined;
if ( arrayStrictEquals(this.f1.compile(), fdata) === true ) {
this.f1 = this.f2;
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues/issues/84
if ( this.f1 === undefined ) {
FilterPair.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) {
if ( this.f1.match(url, tokenBeg) === true ) {
this.f = this.f1;
return true;
if ( this.f2.match(url, tokenBeg) === true ) {
this.f = this.f2;
return true;
return false;
FilterPair.prototype.logData = function() {
return this.f.logData();
FilterPair.prototype.compile = function() {
return [ this.fid, this.f1.compile(), this.f2.compile() ];
FilterPair.prototype.upgrade = function(a) {
var bucket = new FilterBucket(this.f1, this.f2, a);
this.f1 = this.f2 = undefined;
this.f = null;
FilterPair.available = this;
return bucket;
FilterPair.prototype.downgrade = function() {
if ( this.f2 !== undefined ) { return this; }
if ( this.f1 !== undefined ) { return this.f1; }
FilterPair.load = function(args) {
var f1 = filterFromCompiledData(args[1]),
f2 = filterFromCompiledData(args[2]),
pair = FilterPair.available;
if ( pair === null ) {
return new FilterPair(f1, f2);
FilterPair.available = null;
pair.f1 = f1;
pair.f2 = f2;
return pair;
FilterPair.available = null;
const FilterBucket = function(a, b, c) {
this.filters = [];
this.f = null;
if ( a !== undefined ) {
this.filters[0] = a;
this.filters[1] = b;
this.filters[2] = c;
Object.defineProperty(FilterBucket.prototype, 'size', {
get: function() {
return this.filters.length;
FilterBucket.prototype.promoted = 0;
FilterBucket.prototype.add = function(fdata) {
this.filters[this.filters.length] = filterFromCompiledData(fdata);
FilterBucket.prototype.remove = function(fdata) {
var i = this.filters.length,
while ( i-- ) {
filter = this.filters[i];
if ( arrayStrictEquals(filter.compile(), fdata) === true ) {
this.filters.splice(i, 1);
// Promote hit filters so they can be found faster next time.
FilterBucket.prototype.promote = function(i) {
var filters = this.filters,
pivot = filters.length >>> 1;
while ( i < pivot ) {
pivot >>>= 1;
if ( pivot < 16 ) { break; }
if ( i <= pivot ) { return; }
var j = this.promoted % pivot;
//console.debug('FilterBucket.promote(): promoted %d to %d', i, j);
var f = filters[j];
filters[j] = filters[i];
filters[i] = f;
this.promoted += 1;
FilterBucket.prototype.match = function(url, tokenBeg) {
var filters = this.filters;
for ( var i = 0, n = filters.length; i < n; i++ ) {
if ( filters[i].match(url, tokenBeg) === true ) {
this.f = filters[i];
if ( i >= 16 ) { this.promote(i); }
return true;
return false;
FilterBucket.prototype.logData = function() {
return this.f.logData();
FilterBucket.prototype.compile = function() {
var compiled = [],
filters = this.filters;
for ( var i = 0, n = filters.length; i < n; i++ ) {
compiled[i] = filters[i].compile();
return [ this.fid, compiled ];
FilterBucket.prototype.downgrade = function() {
if ( this.filters.length > 2 ) { return this; }
if ( this.filters.length === 2 ) {
return new FilterPair(this.filters[0], this.filters[1]);
if ( this.filters.length === 1 ) { return this.filters[0]; }
FilterBucket.load = function(args) {
var bucket = new FilterBucket(),
compiledFilters = args[1],
filters = bucket.filters;
for ( var i = 0, n = compiledFilters.length; i < n; i++ ) {
filters[i] = filterFromCompiledData(compiledFilters[i]);
return bucket;
const FilterParser = function() {
this.cantWebsocket = vAPI.cantWebsocket;
this.reBadDomainOptChars = /[*+?^${}()[\]\\]/;
this.reHostnameRule1 = /^[0-9a-z][0-9a-z.-]*[0-9a-z]$/i;
this.reHostnameRule2 = /^[0-9a-z][0-9a-z.-]*[0-9a-z]\^?$/i;
this.reCleanupHostnameRule2 = /\^$/g;
this.reCanTrimCarets1 = /^[^*]*$/;
this.reCanTrimCarets2 = /^\^?[^^]+[^^][^^]+\^?$/;
this.reHasUppercase = /[A-Z]/;
this.reIsolateHostname = /^(\*?\.)?([^\x00-\x24\x26-\x2C\x2F\x3A-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7F]+)(.*)/;
this.reHasUnicode = /[^\x00-\x7F]/;
this.reWebsocketAny = /^ws[s*]?(?::\/?\/?)?\*?$/;
this.reBadCSP = /(?:^|;)\s*report-(?:to|uri)\b/;
this.domainOpt = '';
this.noTokenHash = µb.urlTokenizer.tokenHashFromString('*');
this.unsupportedTypeBit = this.bitFromType('unsupported');
// All network request types to bitmap
// bring origin to 0 (from 4 -- see typeNameToTypeValue)
// left-shift 1 by the above-calculated value
// subtract 1 to set all type bits
this.allNetRequestTypeBits = (1 << (otherTypeBitValue >>> 4)) - 1;
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1493
// Transpose `ping` into `other` for now.
FilterParser.prototype.toNormalizedType = {
'beacon': 'other',
'css': 'stylesheet',
'data': 'data',
'document': 'main_frame',
'elemhide': 'generichide',
'font': 'font',
'frame': 'sub_frame',
'genericblock': 'unsupported',
'generichide': 'generichide',
'image': 'image',
'inline-font': 'inline-font',
'inline-script': 'inline-script',
'media': 'media',
'object': 'object',
'object-subrequest': 'object',
'other': 'other',
'ping': 'other',
'popunder': 'popunder',
'popup': 'popup',
'script': 'script',
'stylesheet': 'stylesheet',
'subdocument': 'sub_frame',
'xhr': 'xmlhttprequest',
'xmlhttprequest': 'xmlhttprequest',
'webrtc': 'unsupported',
'websocket': 'websocket'
FilterParser.prototype.reset = function() {
this.action = BlockAction;
this.anchor = 0;
this.badFilter = false;
this.dataType = undefined;
this.dataStr = undefined;
this.elemHiding = false;
this.f = '';
this.firstParty = false;
this.thirdParty = false;
this.party = AnyParty;
this.fopts = '';
this.hostnamePure = false;
this.domainOpt = '';
this.isRegex = false;
this.raw = '';
this.redirect = false;
this.token = '*';
this.tokenHash = this.noTokenHash;
this.tokenBeg = 0;
this.types = 0;
this.important = 0;
this.unsupported = false;
return this;
FilterParser.prototype.bitFromType = function(type) {
return 1 << ((typeNameToTypeValue[type] >>> 4) - 1);
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/589
// Be ready to handle multiple negated types
FilterParser.prototype.parseTypeOption = function(raw, not) {
var typeBit = this.bitFromType(this.toNormalizedType[raw]);
if ( !not ) {
this.types |= typeBit;
// Non-discrete network types can't be negated.
if ( (typeBit & this.allNetRequestTypeBits) === 0 ) {
// Negated type: set all valid network request type bits to 1
if (
(typeBit & this.allNetRequestTypeBits) !== 0 &&
(this.types & this.allNetRequestTypeBits) === 0
) {
this.types |= this.allNetRequestTypeBits;
this.types &= ~typeBit;
FilterParser.prototype.parsePartyOption = function(firstParty, not) {
if ( firstParty ) {
not = !not;
if ( not ) {
this.firstParty = true;
this.party = this.thirdParty ? AnyParty : FirstParty;
} else {
this.thirdParty = true;
this.party = this.firstParty ? AnyParty : ThirdParty;
FilterParser.prototype.parseDomainOption = function(s) {
if ( this.reHasUnicode.test(s) ) {
var hostnames = s.split('|'),
i = hostnames.length;
while ( i-- ) {
if ( this.reHasUnicode.test(hostnames[i]) ) {
hostnames[i] = punycode.toASCII(hostnames[i]);
s = hostnames.join('|');
if ( this.reBadDomainOptChars.test(s) ) {
return '';
return s;
FilterParser.prototype.parseOptions = function(s) {
this.fopts = s;
var opts = s.split(',');
var opt, not;
for ( var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++ ) {
opt = opts[i];
not = opt.startsWith('~');
if ( not ) {
opt = opt.slice(1);
if ( opt === 'third-party' || opt === '3p' ) {
this.parsePartyOption(false, not);
// https://issues.adblockplus.org/ticket/616
// `generichide` concept already supported, just a matter of
// adding support for the new keyword.
if ( opt === 'elemhide' || opt === 'generichide' ) {
if ( not === false ) {
this.parseTypeOption('generichide', false);
this.unsupported = true;
// Test before handling all other types.
if ( opt.startsWith('redirect=') ) {
if ( this.action === BlockAction ) {
this.redirect = true;
this.unsupported = true;
if ( this.toNormalizedType.hasOwnProperty(opt) ) {
this.parseTypeOption(opt, not);
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2294
// Detect and discard filter if domain option contains nonsensical
// characters.
if ( opt.startsWith('domain=') ) {
this.domainOpt = this.parseDomainOption(opt.slice(7));
if ( this.domainOpt === '' ) {
this.unsupported = true;
if ( opt === 'important' ) {
this.important = Important;
if ( opt === 'first-party' || opt === '1p' ) {
this.parsePartyOption(true, not);
if ( opt.startsWith('csp=') ) {
if ( opt.length > 4 && this.reBadCSP.test(opt) === false ) {
this.parseTypeOption('data', not);
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = opt.slice(4).trim();
if ( opt === 'csp' && this.action === AllowAction ) {
this.parseTypeOption('data', not);
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = '';
// Used by Adguard, purpose is unclear -- just ignore for now.
if ( opt === 'empty' ) {
// https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/192
if ( opt === 'badfilter' ) {
this.badFilter = true;
// Unrecognized filter option: ignore whole filter.
this.unsupported = true;
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1943#issuecomment-243188946
// Convert websocket-related filter where possible to a format which
// can be handled using CSP injection.
FilterParser.prototype.translate = function() {
var dataTypeBit = this.bitFromType('data');
if ( this.cantWebsocket && this.reWebsocketAny.test(this.f) ) {
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "connect-src https: http:";
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=669086
// TODO: remove when most users are beyond Chromium v56
if (
vAPI.webextFlavor.soup.has('chromium') &&
vAPI.webextFlavor.major < 57
) {
this.dataStr += '; frame-src *';
// Broad |data:-based filters.
if ( this.f === 'data:' ) {
switch ( this.types ) {
case 0:
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "default-src 'self' * blob: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'";
case this.bitFromType('script'):
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "script-src 'self' * blob: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'";
case this.bitFromType('sub_frame'):
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "frame-src 'self' * blob:";
case this.bitFromType('script') | this.bitFromType('sub_frame'):
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "frame-src 'self' * blob:; script-src 'self' * blob: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';";
// Broad |blob:-based filters.
if ( this.f === 'blob:' ) {
switch ( this.types ) {
case 0:
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "default-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'";
case this.bitFromType('script'):
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "script-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'";
case this.bitFromType('sub_frame'):
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "frame-src 'self' * data:";
case this.bitFromType('script') | this.bitFromType('sub_frame'):
this.f = '*';
this.types = dataTypeBit;
this.dataType = 'csp';
this.dataStr = "frame-src 'self' * data:; script-src 'self' * data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';";
anchor: bit vector
0000 (0x0): no anchoring
0001 (0x1): anchored to the end of the URL.
0010 (0x2): anchored to the start of the URL.
0011 (0x3): anchored to the start and end of the URL.
0100 (0x4): anchored to the hostname of the URL.
0101 (0x5): anchored to the hostname and end of the URL.
FilterParser.prototype.parse = function(raw) {
// important!
var s = this.raw = raw;
// plain hostname? (from HOSTS file)
if ( this.reHostnameRule1.test(s) ) {
this.f = s;
this.hostnamePure = true;
this.anchor |= 0x4;
return this;
// element hiding filter?
var pos = s.indexOf('#');
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
var c = s.charAt(pos + 1);
if ( c === '#' || c === '@' ) {
console.error('static-net-filtering.js > unexpected cosmetic filters');
this.elemHiding = true;
return this;
// block or allow filter?
// Important: this must be executed before parsing options
if ( s.startsWith('@@') ) {
this.action = AllowAction;
s = s.slice(2);
// options
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/842
// - ensure sure we are not dealing with a regex-based filter.
// - lookup the last occurrence of `$`.
if ( s.startsWith('/') === false || s.endsWith('/') === false ) {
pos = s.lastIndexOf('$');
if ( pos !== -1 ) {
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/952
// Discard Adguard-specific `$$` filters.
if ( s.indexOf('$$') !== -1 ) {
this.unsupported = true;
return this;
this.parseOptions(s.slice(pos + 1));
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2283
// Abort if type is only for unsupported types, otherwise
// toggle off `unsupported` bit.
if ( this.types & this.unsupportedTypeBit ) {
this.types &= ~this.unsupportedTypeBit;
if ( this.types === 0 ) {
this.unsupported = true;
return this;
s = s.slice(0, pos);
// regex?
if ( s.startsWith('/') && s.endsWith('/') && s.length > 2 ) {
this.isRegex = true;
this.f = s.slice(1, -1);
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1246
// If the filter is valid, use the corrected version of the source
// string -- this ensure reverse-lookup will work fine.
this.f = normalizeRegexSource(this.f);
if ( this.f === '' ) {
"uBlock Origin> discarding bad regular expression-based network filter '%s': '%s'",
this.unsupported = true;
return this;
// hostname-anchored
if ( s.startsWith('||') ) {
this.anchor |= 0x4;
s = s.slice(2);
// convert hostname to punycode if needed
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2599
if ( this.reHasUnicode.test(s) ) {
var matches = this.reIsolateHostname.exec(s);
if ( matches ) {
s = (matches[1] !== undefined ? matches[1] : '') +
punycode.toASCII(matches[2]) +
//console.debug('µBlock.staticNetFilteringEngine/FilterParser.parse():', raw, '=', s);
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1096
if ( s.startsWith('^') ) {
this.unsupported = true;
return this;
// plain hostname? (from ABP filter list)
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1757
// A filter can't be a pure-hostname one if there is a domain or csp
// option present.
if ( this.reHostnameRule2.test(s) ) {
this.f = s.replace(this.reCleanupHostnameRule2, '');
this.hostnamePure = true;
return this;
// left-anchored
else if ( s.startsWith('|') ) {
this.anchor |= 0x2;
s = s.slice(1);
// right-anchored
if ( s.endsWith('|') ) {
this.anchor |= 0x1;
s = s.slice(0, -1);
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1669#issuecomment-224822448
// remove pointless leading *.
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3034
// - We can remove anchoring if we need to match all at the start.
if ( s.startsWith('*') ) {
s = s.replace(/^\*+([^%0-9a-z])/i, '$1');
this.anchor &= ~0x6;
// remove pointless trailing *
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/3034
// - We can remove anchoring if we need to match all at the end.
if ( s.endsWith('*') ) {
s = s.replace(/([^%0-9a-z])\*+$/i, '$1');
this.anchor &= ~0x1;
// nothing left?
if ( s === '' ) {
s = '*';
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1047
// Hostname-anchored makes no sense if matching all requests.
if ( s === '*' ) {
this.anchor = 0;
// This might look weird but we gain memory footprint by not going through
// toLowerCase(), at least on Chromium. Because copy-on-write?
this.f = this.reHasUppercase.test(s) ? s.toLowerCase() : s;
// Convenience:
// Convert special broad filters for non-webRequest aware types into
// `csp` filters wherever possible.
if ( this.anchor & 0x2 && this.party === 0 ) {
return this;
// Given a string, find a good token. Tokens which are too generic, i.e. very
// common with a high probability of ending up as a miss, are not
// good. Avoid if possible. This has a *significant* positive impact on
// performance.
// These "bad tokens" are collated manually.
// Hostname-anchored with no wildcard always have a token index of 0.
var reHostnameToken = /^[0-9a-z]+/;
var reGoodToken = /[%0-9a-z]{2,}/g;
var reRegexToken = /[%0-9A-Za-z]{2,}/g;
var reRegexTokenAbort = /[([]/;
var reRegexBadPrefix = /(^|[^\\]\.|[*?{}\\])$/;
var reRegexBadSuffix = /^([^\\]\.|\\[dw]|[([{}?*]|$)/;
var badTokens = new Set([
FilterParser.prototype.findFirstGoodToken = function() {
reGoodToken.lastIndex = 0;
var s = this.f,
matches, lpos,
badTokenMatch = null;
while ( (matches = reGoodToken.exec(s)) !== null ) {
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/997
// Ignore token if preceded by wildcard.
lpos = matches.index;
if ( lpos !== 0 && s.charCodeAt(lpos - 1) === 0x2A /* '*' */ ) {
if ( s.charCodeAt(reGoodToken.lastIndex) === 0x2A /* '*' */ ) {
if ( badTokens.has(matches[0]) ) {
if ( badTokenMatch === null ) {
badTokenMatch = matches;
return matches;
return badTokenMatch;
FilterParser.prototype.extractTokenFromRegex = function() {
reRegexToken.lastIndex = 0;
var s = this.f,
matches, prefix;
while ( (matches = reRegexToken.exec(s)) !== null ) {
prefix = s.slice(0, matches.index);
if ( reRegexTokenAbort.test(prefix) ) { return; }
if (
reRegexBadPrefix.test(prefix) ||
) {
this.token = matches[0].toLowerCase();
this.tokenHash = µb.urlTokenizer.tokenHashFromString(this.token);
this.tokenBeg = matches.index;
if ( badTokens.has(this.token) === false ) { break; }
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/1038
// Single asterisk will match any URL.
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2781
// For efficiency purpose, try to extract a token from a regex-based filter.
FilterParser.prototype.makeToken = function() {
if ( this.isRegex ) {
if ( this.f === '*' ) { return; }
var matches = null;
if ( (this.anchor & 0x4) !== 0 && this.f.indexOf('*') === -1 ) {
matches = reHostnameToken.exec(this.f);
if ( matches === null ) {
matches = this.findFirstGoodToken();
if ( matches !== null ) {
this.token = matches[0];
this.tokenHash = µb.urlTokenizer.tokenHashFromString(this.token);
this.tokenBeg = matches.index;
const FilterContainer = function() {
this.reIsGeneric = /[\^\*]/;
this.filterParser = new FilterParser();
this.urlTokenizer = µb.urlTokenizer;
this.noTokenHash = this.urlTokenizer.tokenHashFromString('*');
this.dotTokenHash = this.urlTokenizer.tokenHashFromString('.');
// Reset all, thus reducing to a minimum memory footprint of the context.
FilterContainer.prototype.reset = function() {
this.frozen = false;
this.processedFilterCount = 0;
this.acceptedCount = 0;
this.rejectedCount = 0;
this.allowFilterCount = 0;
this.blockFilterCount = 0;
this.discardedCount = 0;
this.goodFilters = new Set();
this.badFilters = new Set();
this.categories = new Map();
this.dataFilters = new Map();
// This will invalidate all hn tries throughout uBO:
// Runtime registers
this.cbRegister = undefined;
this.thRegister = undefined;
this.fRegister = null;
FilterContainer.prototype.freeze = function() {
const filterPairId = FilterPair.fid,
filterBucketId = FilterBucket.fid,
filterDataHolderId = FilterDataHolder.fid,
redirectTypeValue = typeNameToTypeValue.redirect,
unserialize = µb.CompiledLineIO.unserialize;
for ( const line of this.goodFilters ) {
if ( this.badFilters.has(line) ) {
this.discardedCount += 1;
const args = unserialize(line);
const bits = args[0];
// Special cases: delegate to more specialized engines.
// Redirect engine.
if ( (bits & 0x1F0) === redirectTypeValue ) {
// Plain static filters.
const tokenHash = args[1];
const fdata = args[2];
// Special treatment: data-holding filters are stored separately
// because they require special matching algorithm (unlike other
// filters, ALL hits must be reported).
if ( fdata[0] === filterDataHolderId ) {
let entry = new FilterDataHolderEntry(bits, tokenHash, fdata);
let bucket = this.dataFilters.get(tokenHash);
if ( bucket !== undefined ) {
entry.next = bucket;
this.dataFilters.set(tokenHash, entry);
let bucket = this.categories.get(bits);
if ( bucket === undefined ) {
bucket = new Map();
this.categories.set(bits, bucket);
let entry = bucket.get(tokenHash);
if ( tokenHash === this.dotTokenHash ) {
if ( entry === undefined ) {
entry = new FilterHostnameDict();
bucket.set(this.dotTokenHash, entry);
if ( entry === undefined ) {
bucket.set(tokenHash, filterFromCompiledData(fdata));
if ( entry.fid === filterBucketId ) {
if ( entry.fid === filterPairId ) {
new FilterPair(entry, filterFromCompiledData(fdata))
this.goodFilters = new Set();
this.frozen = true;
// This is necessary for when the filtering engine readiness will depend
// on asynchronous operations (ex.: when loading a wasm module).
FilterContainer.prototype.readyToUse = function() {
return Promise.resolve();
FilterContainer.prototype.toSelfie = function() {
let categoriesToSelfie = function(categoryMap) {
let selfie = [];
for ( let categoryEntry of categoryMap ) {
let tokenEntries = [];
for ( let tokenEntry of categoryEntry[1] ) {
tokenEntries.push([ tokenEntry[0], tokenEntry[1].compile() ]);
selfie.push([ categoryEntry[0], tokenEntries ]);
return selfie;
let dataFiltersToSelfie = function(dataFilters) {
let selfie = [];
for ( let entry of dataFilters.values() ) {
do {
entry = entry.next;
} while ( entry !== undefined );
return selfie;
return {
processedFilterCount: this.processedFilterCount,
acceptedCount: this.acceptedCount,
rejectedCount: this.rejectedCount,
allowFilterCount: this.allowFilterCount,
blockFilterCount: this.blockFilterCount,
discardedCount: this.discardedCount,
trieContainer: FilterHostnameDict.trieContainer.serialize(),
categories: categoriesToSelfie(this.categories),
dataFilters: dataFiltersToSelfie(this.dataFilters)
FilterContainer.prototype.fromSelfie = function(selfie) {
this.frozen = true;
this.processedFilterCount = selfie.processedFilterCount;
this.acceptedCount = selfie.acceptedCount;
this.rejectedCount = selfie.rejectedCount;
this.allowFilterCount = selfie.allowFilterCount;
this.blockFilterCount = selfie.blockFilterCount;
this.discardedCount = selfie.discardedCount;
for ( let categoryEntry of selfie.categories ) {
let tokenMap = new Map();
for ( let tokenEntry of categoryEntry[1] ) {
tokenMap.set(tokenEntry[0], filterFromCompiledData(tokenEntry[1]));
this.categories.set(categoryEntry[0], tokenMap);
for ( let dataEntry of selfie.dataFilters ) {
let entry = FilterDataHolderEntry.load(dataEntry);
let bucket = this.dataFilters.get(entry.tokenHash);
if ( bucket !== undefined ) {
entry.next = bucket;
this.dataFilters.set(entry.tokenHash, entry);
FilterContainer.prototype.compile = function(raw, writer) {
// Ignore empty lines
const s = raw.trim();
if ( s.length === 0 ) { return false; }
const parsed = this.filterParser.parse(s);
// Ignore element-hiding filters
if ( parsed.elemHiding ) {
return false;
// Ignore filters with unsupported options
if ( parsed.unsupported ) {
const who = writer.properties.get('assetKey') || '?';
error: `Invalid network filter in ${who}: ${raw}`
return false;
// Pure hostnames, use more efficient dictionary lookup
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/665
// Create a dict keyed on request type etc.
if (
parsed.hostnamePure &&
parsed.domainOpt === '' &&
parsed.dataType === undefined
) {
parsed.tokenHash = this.dotTokenHash;
this.compileToAtomicFilter(parsed, parsed.f, writer);
return true;
let fdata;
if ( parsed.isRegex ) {
fdata = FilterRegex.compile(parsed);
} else if ( parsed.hostnamePure ) {
fdata = FilterPlainHostname.compile(parsed);
} else if ( parsed.f === '*' ) {
fdata = FilterTrue.compile();
} else if ( parsed.anchor === 0x5 ) {
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1669
fdata = FilterGenericHnAndRightAnchored.compile(parsed);
} else if ( parsed.anchor === 0x4 ) {
if (
this.reIsGeneric.test(parsed.f) === false &&
parsed.tokenHash !== parsed.noTokenHash &&
parsed.tokenBeg === 0
) {
fdata = FilterPlainHnAnchored.compile(parsed);
} else {
fdata = FilterGenericHnAnchored.compile(parsed);
} else if (
this.reIsGeneric.test(parsed.f) ||
parsed.tokenHash === parsed.noTokenHash
) {
fdata = FilterGeneric.compile(parsed);
} else if ( parsed.anchor === 0x2 ) {
fdata = FilterPlainLeftAnchored.compile(parsed);
} else if ( parsed.anchor === 0x1 ) {
fdata = FilterPlainRightAnchored.compile(parsed);
} else if ( parsed.anchor === 0x3 ) {
fdata = FilterExactMatch.compile(parsed);
} else if ( parsed.tokenBeg === 0 ) {
fdata = FilterPlainPrefix0.compile(parsed);
} else if ( parsed.tokenBeg === 1 ) {
fdata = FilterPlainPrefix1.compile(parsed);
} else {
fdata = FilterPlain.compile(parsed);
let fwrapped;
if ( parsed.domainOpt !== '' ) {
fwrapped = fdata;
fdata = FilterOrigin.compile(parsed);
if ( parsed.dataType !== undefined ) {
fwrapped = fdata;
fdata = FilterDataHolder.compile(parsed);
this.compileToAtomicFilter(parsed, fdata, writer);
return true;
FilterContainer.prototype.compileToAtomicFilter = function(
) {
// 0 = network filters
// 1 = network filters: bad filters
if ( parsed.badFilter ) {
} else {
let descBits = parsed.action | parsed.important | parsed.party;
let type = parsed.types;
// Typeless
if ( type === 0 ) {
writer.push([ descBits, parsed.tokenHash, fdata ]);
// Specific type(s)
let bitOffset = 1;
do {
if ( type & 1 ) {
writer.push([ descBits | (bitOffset << 4), parsed.tokenHash, fdata ]);
bitOffset += 1;
type >>>= 1;
} while ( type !== 0 );
// Only static filter with an explicit type can be redirected. If we reach
// this point, it's because there is one or more explicit type.
if ( parsed.redirect ) {
let redirects = µb.redirectEngine.compileRuleFromStaticFilter(parsed.raw);
if ( Array.isArray(redirects) ) {
for ( let redirect of redirects ) {
writer.push([ typeNameToTypeValue.redirect, redirect ]);
FilterContainer.prototype.fromCompiledContent = function(reader) {
// 0 = network filters
while ( reader.next() ) {
this.acceptedCount += 1;
if ( this.goodFilters.has(reader.line) ) {
this.discardedCount += 1;
} else {
// 1 = network filters: bad filter directives
// Since we are going to keep bad filter fingerprints around, we ensure
// they are "detached" from the parent string from which they are sliced.
// We keep bad filter fingerprints around to use them when user
// incrementally add filters (through "Block element" for example).
while ( reader.next() ) {
if ( this.badFilters.has(reader.line) === false ) {
FilterContainer.prototype.matchAndFetchData = function(dataType, requestURL, out, outlog) {
if ( this.dataFilters.length === 0 ) { return; }
let url = this.urlTokenizer.setURL(requestURL);
pageHostnameRegister = requestHostnameRegister = µb.URI.hostnameFromURI(url);
// We need to visit ALL the matching filters.
let toAddImportant = new Map(),
toAdd = new Map(),
toRemove = new Map();
let tokenHashes = this.urlTokenizer.getTokens(),
i = 0;
while ( i < 32 ) {
let tokenHash = tokenHashes[i++];
if ( tokenHash === 0 ) { break; }
let tokenOffset = tokenHashes[i++];
let entry = this.dataFilters.get(tokenHash);
while ( entry !== undefined ) {
let f = entry.filter;
if ( f.match(url, tokenOffset) === true ) {
if ( entry.categoryBits & 0x001 ) {
toRemove.set(f.dataStr, entry);
} else if ( entry.categoryBits & 0x002 ) {
toAddImportant.set(f.dataStr, entry);
} else {
toAdd.set(f.dataStr, entry);
entry = entry.next;
let entry = this.dataFilters.get(this.noTokenHash);
while ( entry !== undefined ) {
let f = entry.filter;
if ( f.match(url) === true ) {
if ( entry.categoryBits & 0x001 ) {
toRemove.set(f.dataStr, entry);
} else if ( entry.categoryBits & 0x002 ) {
toAddImportant.set(f.dataStr, entry);
} else {
toAdd.set(f.dataStr, entry);
entry = entry.next;
if ( toAddImportant.size === 0 && toAdd.size === 0 ) { return; }
// Remove entries overriden by other filters.
for ( let key of toAddImportant.keys() ) {
for ( let key of toRemove.keys() ) {
if ( key === '' ) {
for ( let entry of toAddImportant ) {
if ( outlog === undefined ) { continue; }
let logData = entry[1].logData();
logData.source = 'static';
logData.result = 1;
for ( let entry of toAdd ) {
if ( outlog === undefined ) { continue; }
let logData = entry[1].logData();
logData.source = 'static';
logData.result = 1;
if ( outlog !== undefined ) {
for ( let entry of toRemove.values()) {
let logData = entry.logData();
logData.source = 'static';
logData.result = 2;
// bucket: Map
// url: string
FilterContainer.prototype.matchTokens = function(bucket, url) {
// Hostname-only filters
let f = bucket.get(this.dotTokenHash);
if ( f !== undefined && f.match() === true ) {
this.thRegister = this.dotTokenHash;
this.fRegister = f;
return true;
let tokenHashes = this.urlTokenizer.getTokens(),
i = 0;
for (;;) {
let tokenHash = tokenHashes[i++];
if ( tokenHash === 0 ) { break; }
let tokenOffset = tokenHashes[i++];
f = bucket.get(tokenHash);
if ( f !== undefined && f.match(url, tokenOffset) === true ) {
this.thRegister = tokenHash;
this.fRegister = f;
return true;
// Untokenizable filters
f = bucket.get(this.noTokenHash);
if ( f !== undefined && f.match(url) === true ) {
this.thRegister = this.noTokenHash;
this.fRegister = f;
return true;
return false;
// Specialized handlers
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/1477
// Special case: blocking-generichide filter ALWAYS exists, it is implicit --
// thus we always first check for exception filters, then for important block
// filter if and only if there was a hit on an exception filter.
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2103
// User may want to override `generichide` exception filters.
FilterContainer.prototype.matchStringGenericHide = function(requestURL) {
let url = this.urlTokenizer.setURL(requestURL);
// https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2225
// Important:
// - `pageHostnameRegister` is used by FilterOrigin.matchOrigin().
// - `requestHostnameRegister` is used by FilterHostnameDict.match().
pageHostnameRegister = requestHostnameRegister = µb.URI.hostnameFromURI(url);
let bucket = this.categories.get(genericHideException);
if ( !bucket || this.matchTokens(bucket, url) === false ) {
this.fRegister = null;
return 0;
bucket = this.categories.get(genericHideImportant);
if ( bucket && this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = genericHideImportant;
return 1;
this.cbRegister = genericHideException;
return 2;
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/116
// Some type of requests are exceptional, they need custom handling,
// not the generic handling.
FilterContainer.prototype.matchStringExactType = function(fctxt, requestType) {
// Special cases.
if ( requestType === 'generichide' ) {
return this.matchStringGenericHide(fctxt.url);
let type = typeNameToTypeValue[requestType];
if ( type === undefined ) { return 0; }
// Prime tokenizer: we get a normalized URL in return.
let url = this.urlTokenizer.setURL(fctxt.url);
// These registers will be used by various filters
pageHostnameRegister = fctxt.getDocHostname();
requestHostnameRegister = fctxt.getHostname();
let party = fctxt.is3rdPartyToDoc() ? ThirdParty : FirstParty;
let categories = this.categories,
catBits, bucket;
this.fRegister = null;
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/139
// Test against important block filters
catBits = BlockAnyParty | Important | type;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 1;
catBits = BlockAction | Important | type | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 1;
// Test against block filters
catBits = BlockAnyParty | type;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
if ( this.fRegister === null ) {
catBits = BlockAction | type | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
// If there is no block filter, no need to test against allow filters
if ( this.fRegister === null ) {
return 0;
// Test against allow filters
catBits = AllowAnyParty | type;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 2;
catBits = AllowAction | type | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 2;
return 1;
FilterContainer.prototype.matchString = function(fctxt) {
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/519
// Use exact type match for anything beyond `other`
// Also, be prepared to support unknown types
let type = typeNameToTypeValue[fctxt.type];
if ( type === undefined ) {
type = otherTypeBitValue;
} else if ( type === 0 || type > otherTypeBitValue ) {
return this.matchStringExactType(fctxt, fctxt.type);
// The logic here is simple:
// block = !whitelisted && blacklisted
// or equivalent
// allow = whitelisted || !blacklisted
// Statistically, hits on a URL in order of likelihood:
// 1. No hit
// 2. Hit on a block filter
// 3. Hit on an allow filter
// High likelihood of "no hit" means to optimize we need to reduce as much
// as possible the number of filters to test.
// Then, because of the order of probabilities, we should test only
// block filters first, and test allow filters if and only if there is a
// hit on a block filter. Since there is a high likelihood of no hit,
// testing allow filter by default is likely wasted work, hence allow
// filters are tested *only* if there is a (unlikely) hit on a block
// filter.
// Prime tokenizer: we get a normalized URL in return.
let url = this.urlTokenizer.setURL(fctxt.url);
// These registers will be used by various filters
pageHostnameRegister = fctxt.getDocHostname();
requestHostnameRegister = fctxt.getHostname();
this.fRegister = null;
let party = fctxt.is3rdPartyToDoc()
? ThirdParty
: FirstParty;
let categories = this.categories,
catBits, bucket;
// https://github.com/chrisaljoudi/uBlock/issues/139
// Test against important block filters.
// The purpose of the `important` option is to reverse the order of
// evaluation. Normally, it is "evaluate block then evaluate allow", with
// the `important` property it is "evaluate allow then evaluate block".
catBits = BlockAnyTypeAnyParty | Important;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 1;
catBits = BlockAnyType | Important | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 1;
catBits = BlockAnyParty | Important | type;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 1;
catBits = BlockAction | Important | type | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 1;
// Test against block filters
catBits = BlockAnyTypeAnyParty;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
if ( this.fRegister === null ) {
catBits = BlockAnyType | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
if ( this.fRegister === null ) {
catBits = BlockAnyParty | type;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
if ( this.fRegister === null ) {
catBits = BlockAction | type | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
// If there is no block filter, no need to test against allow filters
if ( this.fRegister === null ) {
return 0;
// Test against allow filters
catBits = AllowAnyTypeAnyParty;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 2;
catBits = AllowAnyType | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 2;
catBits = AllowAnyParty | type;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 2;
catBits = AllowAction | type | party;
if ( (bucket = categories.get(catBits)) ) {
if ( this.matchTokens(bucket, url) ) {
this.cbRegister = catBits;
return 2;
return 1;
FilterContainer.prototype.toLogData = function() {
if ( this.fRegister === null ) { return; }
var logData = toLogDataInternal(this.cbRegister, this.thRegister, this.fRegister);
logData.source = 'static';
logData.tokenHash = this.thRegister;
logData.result = this.fRegister === null ? 0 : (this.cbRegister & 1 ? 2 : 1);
return logData;
FilterContainer.prototype.getFilterCount = function() {
return this.acceptedCount - this.discardedCount;
FilterContainer.prototype.benchmark = function(contexts) {
const t0 = performance.now();
const results = [];
for ( const context of contexts ) {
const t1 = performance.now();
return { t0, t1, duration: t1 - t0, results };
return new FilterContainer();