Raymond Hill 28aee736a5
[mv3] Add support for removeparam= filter option
Consequently, AdGuard URL Tracking Protection (AUTP) has been
added to the set of available filter lists.

However, removeparam= equivalent DNR rules can only be enforced
when granting uBOL broad permissions. If broad permissions are
not granted, removeparam= equivalent DNR rules are ignored.

Exception removeparam= filters are not supported, and these are
present in AUTP and meant to unbreak some websites which are
known to break as a result of removing query parameters.

This is issue might be mitigated in the future by making the
conversion from filters to DNR rules more complicated but this
can never replace the accuracy of uBO's filtering engine being
able to fully enforce arbitrary exception removeparam= filters.

Also, it is not possible to translate regex-based removeparam=
values to DNR rules, so these are dropped at conversion time.

As with other filters to DNR rules conversion, the converter
coallesce many distinct removeparam= filters into fewer DNR
2022-09-29 19:51:33 -04:00

984 lines
33 KiB

uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2022-present Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
'use strict';
import fs from 'fs/promises';
import https from 'https';
import path from 'path';
import process from 'process';
import { createHash } from 'crypto';
import { dnrRulesetFromRawLists } from './js/static-dnr-filtering.js';
import { StaticFilteringParser } from './js/static-filtering-parser.js';
import { fnameFromFileId } from './js/utils.js';
const commandLineArgs = (( ) => {
const args = new Map();
let name, value;
for ( const arg of process.argv.slice(2) ) {
const pos = arg.indexOf('=');
if ( pos === -1 ) {
name = arg;
value = '';
} else {
name = arg.slice(0, pos);
value = arg.slice(pos+1);
args.set(name, value);
return args;
const outputDir = commandLineArgs.get('output') || '.';
const cacheDir = `${outputDir}/../mv3-data`;
const rulesetDir = `${outputDir}/rulesets`;
const scriptletDir = `${rulesetDir}/js`;
const env = [ 'chromium', 'ubol', 'native_css_has' ];
const jsonSetMapReplacer = (k, v) => {
if ( v instanceof Set || v instanceof Map ) {
if ( v.size === 0 ) { return; }
return Array.from(v);
return v;
const uidint32 = (s) => {
const h = createHash('sha256').update(s).digest('hex').slice(0,8);
return parseInt(h,16) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
const hnSort = (a, b) =>
const stdOutput = [];
const log = (text, silent = false) => {
if ( silent === false ) {
const urlToFileName = url => {
return url
.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
const fetchList = (url, cacheDir) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const fname = urlToFileName(url);
fs.readFile(`${cacheDir}/${fname}`, { encoding: 'utf8' }).then(content => {
log(`\tFetched local ${url}`);
resolve({ url, content });
}).catch(( ) => {
log(`\tFetching remote ${url}`);
https.get(url, response => {
const data = [];
response.on('data', chunk => {
response.on('end', ( ) => {
const content = data.join('');
try {
writeFile(`${cacheDir}/${fname}`, content);
} catch (ex) {
resolve({ url, content });
}).on('error', error => {
const writeFile = async (fname, data) => {
const dir = path.dirname(fname);
await fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true });
const promise = fs.writeFile(fname, data);
return promise;
const writeOps = [];
const ruleResources = [];
const rulesetDetails = [];
const scriptingDetails = new Map();
async function fetchAsset(assetDetails) {
// Remember fetched URLs
const fetchedURLs = new Set();
// Fetch list and expand `!#include` directives
let parts = assetDetails.urls.map(url => ({ url }));
while ( parts.every(v => typeof v === 'string') === false ) {
const newParts = [];
for ( const part of parts ) {
if ( typeof part === 'string' ) {
if ( fetchedURLs.has(part.url) ) {
fetchList(part.url, cacheDir).then(details => {
const { url } = details;
const content = details.content.trim();
if ( typeof content === 'string' && content !== '' ) {
if (
content.startsWith('<') === false ||
content.endsWith('>') === false
) {
return { url, content };
log(`No valid content for ${details.name}`);
return { url, content: '' };
parts = await Promise.all(newParts);
parts = StaticFilteringParser.utils.preparser.expandIncludes(parts, env);
const text = parts.join('\n');
if ( text === '' ) {
log('No filterset found');
return text;
const isUnsupported = rule =>
rule._error !== undefined;
const isRegex = rule =>
rule.condition !== undefined &&
rule.condition.regexFilter !== undefined;
const isRedirect = rule =>
rule.action !== undefined &&
rule.action.type === 'redirect' &&
rule.action.redirect.extensionPath !== undefined;
const isCsp = rule =>
rule.action !== undefined &&
rule.action.type === 'modifyHeaders';
const isRemoveparam = rule =>
rule.action !== undefined &&
rule.action.type === 'redirect' &&
rule.action.redirect.transform !== undefined;
const isGood = rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) === false &&
isRedirect(rule) === false &&
isCsp(rule) === false &&
isRemoveparam(rule) === false;
async function processNetworkFilters(assetDetails, network) {
const replacer = (k, v) => {
if ( k.startsWith('_') ) { return; }
if ( Array.isArray(v) ) {
return v.sort();
if ( v instanceof Object ) {
const sorted = {};
for ( const kk of Object.keys(v).sort() ) {
sorted[kk] = v[kk];
return sorted;
return v;
const { ruleset: rules } = network;
log(`Input filter count: ${network.filterCount}`);
log(`\tAccepted filter count: ${network.acceptedFilterCount}`);
log(`\tRejected filter count: ${network.rejectedFilterCount}`);
log(`Output rule count: ${rules.length}`);
const plainGood = rules.filter(rule => isGood(rule) && isRegex(rule) === false);
log(`\tPlain good: ${plainGood.length}`);
const regexes = rules.filter(rule => isGood(rule) && isRegex(rule));
log(`\tMaybe good (regexes): ${regexes.length}`);
const redirects = rules.filter(rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) === false &&
log(`\tredirect-rule= (discarded): ${redirects.length}`);
const headers = rules.filter(rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) === false &&
log(`\tcsp= (discarded): ${headers.length}`);
const removeparamsGood = rules.filter(rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) === false && isRemoveparam(rule)
const removeparamsBad = rules.filter(rule =>
isUnsupported(rule) && isRemoveparam(rule)
log(`\tremoveparams= (accepted/discarded): ${removeparamsGood.length}/${removeparamsBad.length}`);
const bad = rules.filter(rule =>
log(`\tUnsupported: ${bad.length}`);
log(bad.map(rule => rule._error.map(v => `\t\t${v}`)).join('\n'), true);
`${JSON.stringify(plainGood, replacer)}\n`
if ( regexes.length !== 0 ) {
`${JSON.stringify(regexes, replacer)}\n`
if ( removeparamsGood.length !== 0 ) {
`${JSON.stringify(removeparamsGood, replacer)}\n`
return {
total: rules.length,
plain: plainGood.length,
discarded: redirects.length + headers.length + removeparamsBad.length,
rejected: bad.length,
regexes: regexes.length,
removeparams: removeparamsGood.length,
// TODO: unify css/scriptlet processing code since now css styles are
// injected using scriptlet injection.
// Load all available scriptlets into a key-val map, where the key is the
// scriptlet token, and val is the whole content of the file.
const scriptletDealiasingMap = new Map();
let scriptletsMapPromise;
function loadAllSourceScriptlets() {
if ( scriptletsMapPromise !== undefined ) {
return scriptletsMapPromise;
scriptletsMapPromise = fs.readdir('./scriptlets').then(files => {
const reScriptletNameOrAlias = /^\/\/\/\s+(?:name|alias)\s+(\S+)/gm;
const readPromises = [];
for ( const file of files ) {
fs.readFile(`./scriptlets/${file}`, { encoding: 'utf8' })
return Promise.all(readPromises).then(results => {
const originalScriptletMap = new Map();
for ( const text of results ) {
const aliasSet = new Set();
for (;;) {
const match = reScriptletNameOrAlias.exec(text);
if ( match === null ) { break; }
if ( aliasSet.size === 0 ) { continue; }
const aliases = Array.from(aliasSet);
originalScriptletMap.set(aliases[0], text);
for ( let i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++ ) {
scriptletDealiasingMap.set(aliases[i], aliases[0]);
return originalScriptletMap;
return scriptletsMapPromise;
const globalPatchedScriptletsSet = new Set();
function addScriptingAPIResources(id, hostnames, fid) {
if ( hostnames === undefined ) { return; }
for ( const hn of hostnames ) {
let hostnamesToFidMap = scriptingDetails.get(id);
if ( hostnamesToFidMap === undefined ) {
hostnamesToFidMap = new Map();
scriptingDetails.set(id, hostnamesToFidMap);
let fids = hostnamesToFidMap.get(hn);
if ( fids === undefined ) {
hostnamesToFidMap.set(hn, fid);
} else if ( fids instanceof Set ) {
} else if ( fid !== fids ) {
fids = new Set([ fids, fid ]);
hostnamesToFidMap.set(hn, fids);
const toCSSFileId = s => (uidint32(s) & ~0b11) | 0b00;
const toJSFileId = s => (uidint32(s) & ~0b11) | 0b01;
const toProceduralFileId = s => (uidint32(s) & ~0b11) | 0b10;
const pathFromFileName = fname => `${scriptletDir}/${fname.slice(0,2)}/${fname.slice(2)}.js`;
// This merges selectors which are used by the same hostnames
function groupCosmeticByHostnames(mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return []; }
const merged = new Map();
for ( const [ selector, details ] of mapin ) {
const json = JSON.stringify(details);
let entries = merged.get(json);
if ( entries === undefined ) {
entries = new Set();
merged.set(json, entries);
const out = [];
for ( const [ json, entries ] of merged ) {
const details = JSON.parse(json);
details.selectors = Array.from(entries).sort();
return out;
// This merges hostnames which have the same set of selectors.
// Also, we sort the hostnames to increase likelihood that selector with
// same hostnames will end up in same generated scriptlet.
function groupCosmeticBySelectors(arrayin) {
const contentMap = new Map();
for ( const entry of arrayin ) {
const id = uidint32(JSON.stringify(entry.selectors));
let details = contentMap.get(id);
if ( details === undefined ) {
details = { a: entry.selectors };
contentMap.set(id, details);
if ( entry.matches !== undefined ) {
if ( details.y === undefined ) {
details.y = new Set();
for ( const hn of entry.matches ) {
if ( entry.excludeMatches !== undefined ) {
if ( details.n === undefined ) {
details.n = new Set();
for ( const hn of entry.excludeMatches ) {
const out = Array.from(contentMap).map(a => [
a[0], {
a: a[1].a,
y: a[1].y ? Array.from(a[1].y).sort(hnSort) : undefined,
n: a[1].n ? Array.from(a[1].n) : undefined,
]).sort((a, b) => {
const ha = Array.isArray(a[1].y) ? a[1].y[0] : '*';
const hb = Array.isArray(b[1].y) ? b[1].y[0] : '*';
return hnSort(ha, hb);
return out;
const scriptletHostnameToIdMap = (hostnames, id, map) => {
for ( const hn of hostnames ) {
const existing = map.get(hn);
if ( existing === undefined ) {
map.set(hn, id);
} else if ( Array.isArray(existing) ) {
} else {
map.set(hn, [ existing, id ]);
const scriptletJsonReplacer = (k, v) => {
if ( k === 'n' ) {
if ( v === undefined || v.size === 0 ) { return; }
return Array.from(v);
if ( v instanceof Set || v instanceof Map ) {
if ( v.size === 0 ) { return; }
return Array.from(v);
return v;
async function processCosmeticFilters(assetDetails, mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return 0; }
const contentArray = groupCosmeticBySelectors(
const contentPerFile =
Math.ceil(contentArray.length / COSMETIC_FILES_PER_RULESET);
// We do not want more than n CSS files per subscription, so we will
// group multiple unrelated selectors in the same file, and distinct
// css declarations will be injected programmatically according to the
// hostname of the current document.
// The cosmetic filters will be injected programmatically as content
// script and the decisions to activate the cosmetic filters will be
// done at injection time according to the document's hostname.
const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets();
const generatedFiles = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < contentArray.length; i += contentPerFile ) {
const slice = contentArray.slice(i, i + contentPerFile);
const argsMap = slice.map(entry => [
a: entry[1].a ? entry[1].a.join(',\n') : undefined,
n: entry[1].n
const hostnamesMap = new Map();
for ( const [ id, details ] of slice ) {
if ( details.y === undefined ) { continue; }
scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, id, hostnamesMap);
const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-specific')
`${JSON.stringify(argsMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
`${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
const fid = toCSSFileId(patchedScriptlet);
if ( globalPatchedScriptletsSet.has(fid) === false ) {
const fname = fnameFromFileId(fid);
writeFile(pathFromFileName(fname), patchedScriptlet, {});
for ( const entry of slice ) {
addScriptingAPIResources(assetDetails.id, entry[1].y, fid);
if ( generatedFiles.length !== 0 ) {
log(`CSS-related distinct filters: ${contentArray.length} distinct combined selectors`);
log(`CSS-related injectable files: ${generatedFiles.length}`);
log(`\t${generatedFiles.join(', ')}`);
return contentArray.length;
async function processProceduralCosmeticFilters(assetDetails, mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return 0; }
const contentArray = groupCosmeticBySelectors(
const contentPerFile =
Math.ceil(contentArray.length / PROCEDURAL_FILES_PER_RULESET);
// We do not want more than n CSS files per subscription, so we will
// group multiple unrelated selectors in the same file, and distinct
// css declarations will be injected programmatically according to the
// hostname of the current document.
// The cosmetic filters will be injected programmatically as content
// script and the decisions to activate the cosmetic filters will be
// done at injection time according to the document's hostname.
const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets();
const generatedFiles = [];
for ( let i = 0; i < contentArray.length; i += contentPerFile ) {
const slice = contentArray.slice(i, i + contentPerFile);
const argsMap = slice.map(entry => [
a: entry[1].a ? entry[1].a.map(v => JSON.parse(v)) : undefined,
n: entry[1].n
const hostnamesMap = new Map();
for ( const [ id, details ] of slice ) {
if ( details.y === undefined ) { continue; }
scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, id, hostnamesMap);
const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get('css-specific-procedural')
`${JSON.stringify(argsMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
`${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
const fid = toProceduralFileId(patchedScriptlet);
if ( globalPatchedScriptletsSet.has(fid) === false ) {
const fname = fnameFromFileId(fid);
writeFile(pathFromFileName(fname), patchedScriptlet, {});
for ( const entry of slice ) {
addScriptingAPIResources(assetDetails.id, entry[1].y, fid);
if ( generatedFiles.length !== 0 ) {
log(`Procedural-related distinct filters: ${contentArray.length} distinct combined selectors`);
log(`Procedural-related injectable files: ${generatedFiles.length}`);
log(`\t${generatedFiles.join(', ')}`);
return contentArray.length;
async function processScriptletFilters(assetDetails, mapin) {
if ( mapin === undefined ) { return 0; }
// Load all available scriptlets into a key-val map, where the key is the
// scriptlet token, and val is the whole content of the file.
const originalScriptletMap = await loadAllSourceScriptlets();
const parseArguments = (raw) => {
const out = [];
let s = raw;
let len = s.length;
let beg = 0, pos = 0;
let i = 1;
while ( beg < len ) {
pos = s.indexOf(',', pos);
// Escaped comma? If so, skip.
if ( pos > 0 && s.charCodeAt(pos - 1) === 0x5C /* '\\' */ ) {
s = s.slice(0, pos - 1) + s.slice(pos);
len -= 1;
if ( pos === -1 ) { pos = len; }
out.push(s.slice(beg, pos).trim());
beg = pos = pos + 1;
return out;
const parseFilter = (raw) => {
const filter = raw.slice(4, -1);
const end = filter.length;
let pos = filter.indexOf(',');
if ( pos === -1 ) { pos = end; }
const parts = filter.trim().split(',').map(s => s.trim());
const token = scriptletDealiasingMap.get(parts[0]) || '';
if ( token !== '' && originalScriptletMap.has(token) ) {
return {
args: parseArguments(parts.slice(1).join(',').trim()),
// For each instance of distinct scriptlet, we will collect distinct
// instances of arguments, and for each distinct set of argument, we
// will collect the set of hostnames for which the scriptlet/args is meant
// to execute. This will allow us a single content script file and the
// scriptlets execution will depend on hostname testing against the
// URL of the document at scriptlet execution time. In the end, we
// should have no more generated content script per subscription than the
// number of distinct source scriptlets.
const scriptletDetails = new Map();
for ( const [ rawFilter, entry ] of mapin ) {
const normalized = parseFilter(rawFilter);
if ( normalized === undefined ) { continue; }
let argsDetails = scriptletDetails.get(normalized.token);
if ( argsDetails === undefined ) {
argsDetails = new Map();
scriptletDetails.set(normalized.token, argsDetails);
const argsHash = JSON.stringify(normalized.args);
let hostnamesDetails = argsDetails.get(argsHash);
if ( hostnamesDetails === undefined ) {
hostnamesDetails = {
a: normalized.args,
y: new Set(),
n: new Set(),
argsDetails.set(argsHash, hostnamesDetails);
if ( entry.matches ) {
for ( const hn of entry.matches ) {
if ( entry.excludeMatches ) {
for ( const hn of entry.excludeMatches ) {
const generatedFiles = [];
for ( const [ token, argsDetails ] of scriptletDetails ) {
const argsMap = Array.from(argsDetails).map(entry => [
{ a: entry[1].a, n: entry[1].n }
const hostnamesMap = new Map();
for ( const [ argsHash, details ] of argsDetails ) {
scriptletHostnameToIdMap(details.y, uidint32(argsHash), hostnamesMap);
const patchedScriptlet = originalScriptletMap.get(token)
`${JSON.stringify(argsMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
`${JSON.stringify(hostnamesMap, scriptletJsonReplacer)}`
// ends-with 1 = scriptlet resource
const fid = toJSFileId(patchedScriptlet);
if ( globalPatchedScriptletsSet.has(fid) === false ) {
const fname = fnameFromFileId(fid);
writeFile(pathFromFileName(fname), patchedScriptlet, {});
for ( const details of argsDetails.values() ) {
addScriptingAPIResources(assetDetails.id, details.y, fid);
if ( generatedFiles.length !== 0 ) {
const scriptletFilterCount = Array.from(scriptletDetails.values())
.reduce((a, b) => a + b.size, 0);
log(`Scriptlet-related distinct filters: ${scriptletFilterCount}`);
log(`Scriptlet-related injectable files: ${generatedFiles.length}`);
log(`\t${generatedFiles.join(', ')}`);
return generatedFiles.length;
const rulesetFromURLS = async function(assetDetails) {
log(`Listset for '${assetDetails.id}':`);
const text = await fetchAsset(assetDetails);
if ( text === '' ) { return; }
const results = await dnrRulesetFromRawLists(
[ { name: assetDetails.id, text } ],
{ env }
const netStats = await processNetworkFilters(
// Split cosmetic filters into two groups: declarative and procedural
const declarativeCosmetic = new Map();
const proceduralCosmetic = new Map();
const rejectedCosmetic = [];
if ( results.cosmetic ) {
for ( const [ selector, details ] of results.cosmetic ) {
if ( details.rejected ) {
if ( selector.startsWith('{') === false ) {
declarativeCosmetic.set(selector, details);
const parsed = JSON.parse(selector);
parsed.raw = undefined;
proceduralCosmetic.set(JSON.stringify(parsed), details);
const cosmeticStats = await processCosmeticFilters(
const proceduralStats = await processProceduralCosmeticFilters(
if ( rejectedCosmetic.length !== 0 ) {
log(`Rejected cosmetic filters: ${rejectedCosmetic.length}`);
log(rejectedCosmetic.map(line => `\t${line}`).join('\n'));
const scriptletStats = await processScriptletFilters(
id: assetDetails.id,
name: assetDetails.name,
enabled: assetDetails.enabled,
lang: assetDetails.lang,
homeURL: assetDetails.homeURL,
filters: {
total: results.network.filterCount,
accepted: results.network.acceptedFilterCount,
rejected: results.network.rejectedFilterCount,
rules: {
total: netStats.total,
plain: netStats.plain,
regexes: netStats.regexes,
removeparams: netStats.removeparams,
discarded: netStats.discarded,
rejected: netStats.rejected,
css: {
specific: cosmeticStats,
procedural: proceduralStats,
scriptlets: {
total: scriptletStats,
id: assetDetails.id,
enabled: assetDetails.enabled,
path: `/rulesets/${assetDetails.id}.json`
async function main() {
// Get manifest content
const manifest = await fs.readFile(
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
).then(text =>
// Create unique version number according to build time
let version = manifest.version;
const now = new Date();
const yearPart = now.getUTCFullYear() - 2000;
const monthPart = (now.getUTCMonth() + 1) * 1000;
const dayPart = now.getUTCDate() * 10;
const hourPart = Math.floor(now.getUTCHours() / 3) + 1;
version += `.${yearPart}.${monthPart + dayPart + hourPart}`;
log(`Version: ${version}`);
// Get assets.json content
const assets = await fs.readFile(
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
).then(text =>
// Assemble all default lists as the default ruleset
const contentURLs = [
await rulesetFromURLS({
id: 'default',
name: 'Ads, trackers, miners, and more' ,
enabled: true,
urls: contentURLs,
homeURL: 'https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets',
// Regional rulesets
const excludedLists = [
for ( const [ id, asset ] of Object.entries(assets) ) {
if ( asset.content !== 'filters' ) { continue; }
if ( asset.off !== true ) { continue; }
if ( typeof asset.lang !== 'string' ) { continue; }
if ( excludedLists.includes(id) ) { continue; }
const contentURL = Array.isArray(asset.contentURL)
? asset.contentURL[0]
: asset.contentURL;
await rulesetFromURLS({
id: id.toLowerCase(),
lang: asset.lang,
name: asset.title,
enabled: false,
urls: [ contentURL ],
homeURL: asset.supportURL,
// Handpicked rulesets from assets.json
const handpicked = [ 'block-lan', 'dpollock-0', 'adguard-spyware-url' ];
for ( const id of handpicked ) {
const asset = assets[id];
if ( asset.content !== 'filters' ) { continue; }
const contentURL = Array.isArray(asset.contentURL)
? asset.contentURL[0]
: asset.contentURL;
await rulesetFromURLS({
id: id.toLowerCase(),
name: asset.title,
enabled: false,
urls: [ contentURL ],
homeURL: asset.supportURL,
// Handpicked rulesets from abroad
await rulesetFromURLS({
id: 'stevenblack-hosts',
name: 'Steven Black\'s hosts file',
enabled: false,
urls: [ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts' ],
homeURL: 'https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts#readme',
`${JSON.stringify(rulesetDetails, null, 1)}\n`
// We sort the hostnames for convenience/performance in the extension's
// script manager -- the scripting API does a sort() internally.
for ( const [ rulesetId, hostnamesToFidsMap ] of scriptingDetails ) {
`${JSON.stringify(scriptingDetails, jsonSetMapReplacer)}\n`
await Promise.all(writeOps);
// Patch manifest
manifest.declarative_net_request = { rule_resources: ruleResources };
const now = new Date();
const yearPart = now.getUTCFullYear() - 2000;
const monthPart = (now.getUTCMonth() + 1) * 1000;
const dayPart = now.getUTCDate() * 10;
const hourPart = Math.floor(now.getUTCHours() / 3) + 1;
manifest.version = manifest.version + `.${yearPart}.${monthPart + dayPart + hourPart}`;
await fs.writeFile(
JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2) + '\n'
// Log results
const logContent = stdOutput.join('\n') + '\n';
await fs.writeFile(`${outputDir}/log.txt`, logContent);
await fs.writeFile(`${cacheDir}/log.txt`, logContent);