Deathamns b4ea545412 Implement vAPI.insertHTML
The purpose of this API is basically to satisfy AMO reviewers in the
future, since the use of innerHTML with variables (i.e., not plain text) will
be rejected without any questions.

Since this is not a problem for browsers other than Firefox, they will
use simple innerHTML assignment, however safe-parsing could be implemented
for them too.
2015-01-13 07:30:07 +01:00

737 lines
20 KiB

µBlock - a Chromium browser extension to block requests.
Copyright (C) 2014 Raymond Hill
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock
/* exported uDom */
// It's just a silly, minimalist DOM framework: this allows me to not rely
// on jQuery. jQuery contains way too much stuff than I need, and as per
// Opera rules, I am not allowed to use a cut-down version of jQuery. So
// the code here does *only* what I need, and nothing more, and with a lot
// of assumption on passed parameters, etc. I grow it on a per-need-basis only.
var uDom = (function() {
'use strict';
var DOMList = function() {
this.nodes = [];
get: function() {
return this.nodes.length;
var DOMListFactory = function(selector, context) {
var r = new DOMList();
if ( typeof selector === 'string' ) {
selector = selector.trim();
if ( selector.charAt(0) === '<' ) {
return addHTMLToList(r, selector);
if ( selector !== '' ) {
return addSelectorToList(r, selector, context);
if ( selector instanceof Node ) {
return addNodeToList(r, selector);
if ( selector instanceof NodeList ) {
return addNodeListToList(r, selector);
if ( selector instanceof DOMList ) {
return addListToList(r, selector);
return r;
DOMListFactory.onLoad = function(callback) {
window.addEventListener('load', callback);
var addNodeToList = function(list, node) {
if ( node ) {
return list;
var addNodeListToList = function(list, nodelist) {
if ( nodelist ) {
var n = nodelist.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
return list;
var addListToList = function(list, other) {
list.nodes = list.nodes.concat(other.nodes);
return list;
var addSelectorToList = function(list, selector, context) {
var p = context || document;
var r = p.querySelectorAll(selector);
var n = r.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
return list;
var pTagOfChildTag = {
'tr': 'table',
'option': 'select'
// TODO: documentFragment
var addHTMLToList = function(list, html) {
var matches = html.match(/^<([a-z]+)/);
if ( !matches || matches.length !== 2 ) {
return this;
var cTag = matches[1];
var pTag = pTagOfChildTag[cTag] || 'div';
var p = document.createElement(pTag);
vAPI.insertHTML(p, html);
// Find real parent
var c = p.querySelector(cTag);
p = c.parentNode;
while ( p.firstChild ) {
return list;
var isChildOf = function(child, parent) {
return child !== null && parent !== null && child.parentNode === parent;
var isDescendantOf = function(descendant, ancestor) {
while ( descendant.parentNode !== null ) {
if ( descendant.parentNode === ancestor ) {
return true;
descendant = descendant.parentNode;
return false;
var nodeInNodeList = function(node, nodeList) {
var i = nodeList.length;
while ( i-- ) {
if ( nodeList[i] === node ) {
return true;
return false;
var doesMatchSelector = function(node, selector) {
if ( !node ) {
return false;
if ( node.nodeType !== 1 ) {
return false;
if ( selector === undefined ) {
return true;
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
if ( !parentNode || !parentNode.setAttribute ) {
return false;
var doesMatch = false;
parentNode.setAttribute('uDom-32kXc6xEZA7o73AMB8vLbLct1RZOkeoO', '');
var grandpaNode = parentNode.parentNode || document;
var nl = grandpaNode.querySelectorAll('[uDom-32kXc6xEZA7o73AMB8vLbLct1RZOkeoO] > ' + selector);
var i = nl.length;
while ( doesMatch === false && i-- ) {
doesMatch = nl[i] === node;
return doesMatch;
DOMList.prototype.nodeAt = function(i) {
return this.nodes[i];
DOMList.prototype.at = function(i) {
return addNodeToList(new DOMList(), this.nodes[i]);
DOMList.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this.nodes.slice();
DOMList.prototype.pop = function() {
return addNodeToList(new DOMList(), this.nodes.pop());
DOMList.prototype.forEach = function(fn) {
var n = this.nodes.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
fn(this.at(i), i);
return this;
DOMList.prototype.subset = function(i, l) {
var r = new DOMList();
var n = l !== undefined ? l : this.nodes.length;
var j = Math.min(i + n, this.nodes.length);
if ( i < j ) {
r.nodes = this.nodes.slice(i, j);
return r;
DOMList.prototype.first = function() {
return this.subset(0, 1);
DOMList.prototype.next = function(selector) {
var r = new DOMList();
var n = this.nodes.length;
var node;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
node = this.nodes[i];
while ( node.nextSibling !== null ) {
node = node.nextSibling;
if ( node.nodeType !== 1 ) {
if ( doesMatchSelector(node, selector) === false ) {
addNodeToList(r, node);
return r;
DOMList.prototype.parent = function() {
var r = new DOMList();
if ( this.nodes.length ) {
addNodeToList(r, this.nodes[0].parentNode);
return r;
DOMList.prototype.filter = function(filter) {
var r = new DOMList();
var filterFunc;
if ( typeof filter === 'string' ) {
filterFunc = function() {
return doesMatchSelector(this, filter);
} else if ( typeof filter === 'function' ) {
filterFunc = filter;
} else {
filterFunc = function(){
return true;
var n = this.nodes.length;
var node;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
node = this.nodes[i];
if ( filterFunc.apply(node) ) {
addNodeToList(r, node);
return r;
// TODO: Avoid possible duplicates
DOMList.prototype.ancestors = function(selector) {
var r = new DOMList();
var n = this.nodes.length;
var node;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
node = this.nodes[i].parentNode;
while ( node ) {
if ( doesMatchSelector(node, selector) ) {
addNodeToList(r, node);
node = node.parentNode;
return r;
DOMList.prototype.descendants = function(selector) {
var r = new DOMList();
var n = this.nodes.length;
var nl;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
nl = this.nodes[i].querySelectorAll(selector);
addNodeListToList(r, nl);
return r;
DOMList.prototype.contents = function() {
var r = new DOMList();
var cnodes, cn, ci;
var n = this.nodes.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
cnodes = this.nodes[i].childNodes;
cn = cnodes.length;
for ( ci = 0; ci < cn; ci++ ) {
addNodeToList(r, cnodes.item(ci));
return r;
DOMList.prototype.remove = function() {
var cn, p;
var i = this.nodes.length;
while ( i-- ) {
cn = this.nodes[i];
if ( p = cn.parentNode ) {
return this;
DOMList.prototype.detach = DOMList.prototype.remove;
DOMList.prototype.empty = function() {
var node;
var i = this.nodes.length;
while ( i-- ) {
node = this.nodes[i];
while ( node.firstChild ) {
return this;
DOMList.prototype.append = function(selector, context) {
var p = this.nodes[0];
if ( p ) {
var c = DOMListFactory(selector, context);
var n = c.nodes.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
return this;
DOMList.prototype.prepend = function(selector, context) {
var p = this.nodes[0];
if ( p ) {
var c = DOMListFactory(selector, context);
var i = c.nodes.length;
while ( i-- ) {
p.insertBefore(c.nodes[i], p.firstChild);
return this;
DOMList.prototype.appendTo = function(selector, context) {
var p = selector instanceof DOMListFactory ? selector : DOMListFactory(selector, context);
var n = p.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
return this;
DOMList.prototype.insertAfter = function(selector, context) {
if ( this.nodes.length === 0 ) {
return this;
var p = this.nodes[0].parentNode;
if ( !p ) {
return this;
var c = DOMListFactory(selector, context);
var n = c.nodes.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
return this;
DOMList.prototype.insertBefore = function(selector, context) {
if ( this.nodes.length === 0 ) {
return this;
var referenceNodes = DOMListFactory(selector, context);
if ( referenceNodes.nodes.length === 0 ) {
return this;
var referenceNode = referenceNodes.nodes[0];
var parentNode = referenceNode.parentNode;
if ( !parentNode ) {
return this;
var n = this.nodes.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
parentNode.insertBefore(this.nodes[i], referenceNode);
return this;
DOMList.prototype.clone = function(notDeep) {
var r = new DOMList();
var n = this.nodes.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
addNodeToList(r, this.nodes[i].cloneNode(!notDeep));
return r;
DOMList.prototype.attr = function(attr, value) {
var i = this.nodes.length;
if ( value === undefined && typeof attr !== 'object' ) {
return i ? this.nodes[0].getAttribute(attr) : undefined;
if ( typeof attr === 'object' ) {
var attrNames = Object.keys(attr);
var node, j, attrName;
while ( i-- ) {
node = this.nodes[i];
j = attrNames.length;
while ( j-- ) {
attrName = attrNames[j];
node.setAttribute(attrName, attr[attrName]);
} else {
while ( i-- ) {
this.nodes[i].setAttribute(attr, value);
return this;
DOMList.prototype.prop = function(prop, value) {
var i = this.nodes.length;
if ( value === undefined ) {
return i !== 0 ? this.nodes[0][prop] : undefined;
while ( i-- ) {
this.nodes[i][prop] = value;
return this;
DOMList.prototype.css = function(prop, value) {
var i = this.nodes.length;
if ( value === undefined ) {
return i ? this.nodes[0].style[prop] : undefined;
while ( i-- ) {
this.nodes[i].style[prop] = value;
return this;
DOMList.prototype.val = function(value) {
return this.prop('value', value);
DOMList.prototype.html = function(html) {
var i = this.nodes.length;
if ( html === undefined ) {
return i ? this.nodes[0].innerHTML : '';
while ( i-- ) {
vAPI.insertHTML(this.nodes[i], html);
return this;
DOMList.prototype.text = function(text) {
var i = this.nodes.length;
if ( text === undefined ) {
return i ? this.nodes[0].textContent : '';
while ( i-- ) {
this.nodes[i].textContent = text;
return this;
var toggleClass = function(node, className, targetState) {
var tokenList = node.classList;
if ( tokenList instanceof DOMTokenList === false ) {
var currentState = tokenList.contains(className);
var newState = targetState;
if ( newState === undefined ) {
newState = !currentState;
if ( newState === currentState ) {
tokenList.toggle(className, newState);
DOMList.prototype.hasClass = function(className) {
if ( !this.nodes.length ) {
return false;
var tokenList = this.nodes[0].classList;
return tokenList instanceof DOMTokenList &&
DOMList.prototype.hasClassName = DOMList.prototype.hasClass;
DOMList.prototype.addClass = function(className) {
return this.toggleClass(className, true);
DOMList.prototype.removeClass = function(className) {
if ( className !== undefined ) {
return this.toggleClass(className, false);
var i = this.nodes.length;
while ( i-- ) {
this.nodes[i].className = '';
return this;
DOMList.prototype.toggleClass = function(className, targetState) {
if ( className.indexOf(' ') !== -1 ) {
return this.toggleClasses(className, targetState);
var i = this.nodes.length;
while ( i-- ) {
toggleClass(this.nodes[i], className, targetState);
return this;
DOMList.prototype.toggleClasses = function(classNames, targetState) {
var tokens = classNames.split(/\s+/);
var i = this.nodes.length;
var node, j;
while ( i-- ) {
node = this.nodes[i];
j = tokens.length;
while ( j-- ) {
toggleClass(node, tokens[j], targetState);
return this;
var listenerEntries = [];
var ListenerEntry = function(target, type, capture, callback) {
this.target = target;
this.type = type;
this.capture = capture;
this.callback = callback;
target.addEventListener(type, callback, capture);
ListenerEntry.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.target.removeEventListener(this.type, this.callback, this.capture);
this.target = null;
this.callback = null;
var makeEventHandler = function(selector, callback) {
return function(event) {
var dispatcher = event.currentTarget;
if ( !dispatcher || typeof dispatcher.querySelectorAll !== 'function' ) {
var receiver = event.target;
if ( nodeInNodeList(receiver, dispatcher.querySelectorAll(selector)) ) {
callback.call(receiver, event);
DOMList.prototype.on = function(etype, selector, callback) {
if ( typeof selector === 'function' ) {
callback = selector;
selector = undefined;
} else {
callback = makeEventHandler(selector, callback);
var i = this.nodes.length;
while ( i-- ) {
listenerEntries.push(new ListenerEntry(this.nodes[i], etype, selector !== undefined, callback));
return this;
// TODO: Won't work for delegated handlers. Need to figure
// what needs to be done.
DOMList.prototype.off = function(evtype, callback) {
var i = this.nodes.length;
while ( i-- ) {
this.nodes[i].removeEventListener(evtype, callback);
return this;
DOMList.prototype.trigger = function(etype) {
var ev = new CustomEvent(etype);
var i = this.nodes.length;
while ( i-- ) {
return this;
// Cleanup
var onBeforeUnload = function() {
var entry;
while ( entry = listenerEntries.pop() ) {
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload);
return DOMListFactory;