Added: - Myth: uBlock consumes several or several dozen GB of RAM

garry-ut99 2024-04-09 15:05:30 +00:00
parent 9e035b9eac
commit 417b8b8b6f

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
- [Counterpoint: Who cares about efficiency, I have 8 GB RAM and|or a quad core CPU](./Who-cares-about-efficiency,-I-have-8-GB-RAM-and%7Cor-a-quad-core-CPU)
- [Myth: uBlock consumes over 80MB](./Myth:-uBlock-consumes-over-80MB)
- [Myth: uBlock is just slightly less resource intensive than Adblock Plus](./Myth:-uBlock-is-just-slightly-less-resource-intensive-than-Adblock-Plus)
- [Myth: uBlock consumes several or several dozen GB of RAM](./Myth:uBlockconsumesseveralorseveraldozenGBofRAM)
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- [Contributed memory usage: benchmarks over time](./Contributed-memory-usage:-benchmarks-over-time)