xsltproc = xsltproc --nonet \ --param section.autolabel 0 \ --param section.label.includes.component.label 0 \ --param chapter.autolabel 0 \ --param chapter.label.includes.component.label 0 \ --param appendix.autolabel 0 \ --param appendix.label.includes.component.label 0 \ --param generate.toc "'book toc,title chapter nop section nop sect1 nop sect2 nop sect3 nop sect4 nop sect5 nop'" \ --param html.stylesheet \'style.css\' \ --param xref.with.number.and.title 0 \ --param toc.section.depth 3 \ --param admon.style \'\' \ --param callout.graphics.extension \'.gif\' \ --param contrib.inline.enabled 0 docbookxsl = http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current all: manual.html manual.html: manual.xml options-composition.xml $(xsltproc) --xinclude --stringparam profile.condition manual \ $(docbookxsl)/profiling/profile.xsl manual.xml | \ $(xsltproc) --output manual.html $(docbookxsl)/xhtml/docbook.xsl - # -e 's_<book lang="en">__' -e 's_</book>__' %.xml: %.asciidoc asciidoctor --backend docbook45 --doctype article $< sed -e 's/<!DOCTYPE.*//' -e 's/<?asciidoc-[a-z]*?>//' -i $@ options-composition.xml: echo "options-composition.xml should be written by the derivation. Are you running in 'nix-shell -A manual'?"; exit 1; fi install: all mkdir -p $(docdir) cp manual.html style.css $(docdir)